Director's growth history

3014.1772. Who should sit on the rostrum?

On the afternoon of April 4th, the office meeting of the Director of the Education Bureau was held on time at 14:14 in the small meeting room of the Municipal Education Bureau. Director Zhai Xinwen presided over the meeting.

In front of Fangyuan, there was an agenda prepared by the office. Fangyuan looked at it, mainly including: 1. Listen to the work reports of the office and the Policy and Regulations Section, and study the holding of Dongzhou City’s commendation meeting for the rule of law in education; 2. Listen to experience Health and Art Department work report, research and deployment of Dongzhou education system to prevent spring campus infectious diseases, research related issues of Dongzhou elementary and middle school students' track and field games; 3. Listen to the report of the teaching and research section on the work of provincial high-quality class competitions, and study provincial high-quality class competitions 4. Listen to the labor union's report on the recommendation of labor models at the two levels of Qingjiang Province and Dongzhou City, and the work report on the selection of city-level labor models in the education system; graduate employment. 5. Listen to the work report of the supervision office, study and deploy the 6 education supervision work for 9 districts and counties and relevant functional departments. 2007. Listen to the report of the Personnel Department on the 7 Teacher Qualification Examination for Social Personnel.

After reading the agenda, Fang Yuan sighed: I promised to take the trial Chinese class tomorrow morning. With so many topics, what time will the bureau chief's office meeting be held this afternoon?After sorting it out, at least item 1, item 3, and item 6 are directly related to me, and item 2 is related to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Fangyuan made up his mind: Try not to have conflicts of opinions with Zhai Xinwen, and respect the head of the Education Bureau; for work directly related to him, he should express his opinion, and for work that has nothing to do with him, he should not express his opinion.

The chief inspector, Zou Zhigang, appeared at the office meeting today, which made Fang Yuan a little surprised, but he immediately felt relieved: Heh, if he came to supervise the education work, then he would be relieved.I'm really too busy. Although the supervisory work has been contracted by Deputy Director Chen Qizhi, isn't he required to supervise at least two districts and counties?In fact, it is also necessary for me to participate. After all, if you want to fully understand the work of the Education Bureau, you must participate in every aspect of the education work.Today, there are many jobs that I was not familiar with and understood before, such as recommending model workers, such as the employment of vocational high school graduates.If you want to be a good deputy leader of the Education Bureau, you can't say that you are proficient in everything, but you also need to know a little bit about everything.

Zhai Xinwen said: "There are quite a lot of agendas today. When the heads of various departments report, they should be concise and can speak clearly in one sentence, not two sentences. Okay, don't talk nonsense, and now study the first task."

Policies and regulations Cotten Feiyue reported the preparations for the preliminary meeting; Wang Xingbang from the office reported the arrival of the city leaders and other relevant leaders.What surprised Fang Yuan was that Bi Quanli, the mayor in charge, Shi Laiyun, the deputy director of the National People's Congress, Kong Xiuyun, the vice chairman of the CPPCC, and Song Yunsheng were going to attend.Hey, the specs of this meeting were taken up a notch immediately.More importantly, leaders of departments that I didn't know before were also present, including Zhang Yatao, Director of the Legislative Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, Xiao Jianyang, Director of the Municipal Justice Bureau, and Yang Fei, Director of the Office of the Municipal Legal Popularization Leading Group.Teng Feiyue never mentioned this situation to himself.It seems that my business is still unskilled!Speaking of it, the work of governing education according to the law is indeed closely related to the work of the legal system, and it is reasonable for the leaders of these three departments to attend.Whether this reason was due to Song Yunsheng's attendance or other reasons, Fang Yuan did not know. (Zhang Yatao, Xiao Jianyang, and Yang Fei are all VIP book friends of Century Literature)

During the report, Fangyuan knew that this commendation meeting was presided over by Bi Quanquan; Zhai Xinwen was the one who reported to the conference on the city's education system actively promoting the work of governing education according to the law; Experience report; Longwan District Experimental Primary School, as a representative of the 6 provincial law-based education demonstration schools, made an experience introduction.On the rostrum, apart from the four city-level leaders and the top leaders of three other departments, Zhai Xinwen will be the only one sitting on the rostrum, which makes Fang Yuan feel a little uncomfortable: how can he be the leader who is also in charge of this work!

After listening to Teng Feiyue and Wang Xingbang's report, Zhai Xinwen said: "This time, Mayor Song attended in person, which greatly improved the standard of our commendation meeting. The leaders of several departments related to the legal work all attended. Like the legal system Director Yatao of the Office, Director Xiao of the Judicial Bureau, and Director Yang of the Law Popularization Office rarely came to participate in educational activities. Because of the work of governing education according to the law, our Education Bureau is closely linked with these departments. This is very good Well! There needs to be more contact and communication between departments in order to better support the support of other departments. This kind of support is also very important for doing a good job in education. Tell me, the meeting will be held at 2 pm on Wednesday. How about holding it in the central meeting room of the City Education Hotel?"

Geng Qing said: "The standard of this commendation meeting for governing education according to the law is indeed relatively high. Mayor Song attended in person, and I think it is inappropriate to arrange it in the Education Hotel. I don't know if the Municipal People's Hall can be used, which can better reflect the education of the Municipal Education Bureau. How much do you attach importance to this work, and to the leaders attending the meeting?" Zhai Xinwen nodded: "Director Wang, Director Geng's opinion is very good, please contact the Municipal People's Hall immediately after the meeting." Wang Xingbang said: "Okay." Geng Qing said : "I have one more suggestion." Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Geng, please tell me." Geng Qing said: "Director Fang is the deputy leader in charge of law-based education work. Isn't it more appropriate for Director Fang to report on work experience?" Zhai Xinwen's face was a bit ugly: "What does Director Geng mean?" Geng Qing said: "My starting point is for work. I think that Director Zhai will also speak at the meeting, but the focus of the speech is not to introduce experience, but to inform the next generation. In the first stage or in the future, the education system will carry out comprehensive mobilization and deployment on how to promote the work of governing education according to the law. Since it is a commendation meeting, it is also necessary to encourage thousands of schools in the nine districts and counties of the city to take active actions and strive to be the first to create excellence. Governing education according to the law covers all aspects of school education work.”

Zhai Xinwen's expression softened: "Director Geng's opinion is correct. Deploy the next stage of law-based education work, mobilize all departments and schools to pass this commendation meeting, and establish awareness and enthusiasm for striving for excellence in various fields. It’s what I, the bureau chief, should do. What do you think?”

Chen Qizhi said: "I agree with Director Zhai and Director Geng." He Heping said: "I agree." Zhai Xinwen glanced at Geng Qing, Chen Qizhi, and He Heping, and wondered: Did these three people form an alliance of interests with Fang Yuan?Zhai Xinwen said calmly, "What about the opinions of other comrades?" No one objected.Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay, the Law Division will prepare the materials for my speech today, deploy the next stage of law-based education work, and mobilize all departments, districts, counties, and schools to strive for excellence. Comrade Fang Yuan will sum up the work." Teng Feiyue said: "Okay, director." Zhai Xinwen said: "Do you have any questions?" Zhai Xinwen looked at Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan said: "I obey the arrangements of the director's office meeting Zhai Xinwen didn't want to make Fang Yuan more comfortable, so he said, "This is a commendation meeting for the work of governing education according to the law. Comrade Fang Yuan is the leader in charge, so please invite Fang Yuan to sit on the rostrum. Director Wang, please rearrange the seats."

Zou Zhigang said: "Fang Yuan is the deputy director supervisor, and everyone else sits off the stage. It is inappropriate for him to sit on the rostrum." Everyone's eyes stayed on Zou Zhigang. Seeing Zou Zhigang say such a sentence, some people also wanted to say it in their hearts. But on such an occasion, I dare not and cannot say anything at all.Fangyuan's ranking in the Education Bureau is only ahead of the two deputy investigators Song Ping and Wang Xingbang. If he sits on the rostrum, what will happen to Sun Hongjun, Zou Zhigang, Heping, Geng Qing, Kong Lili, and Chen Qizhi who are ahead of him?

This is exactly what Zhai Xinwen wanted.Unexpectedly, Zou Zhigang "the sword is not old", "ginger is still old and spicy"!At critical moments, you still dare to speak, dare to say what I, Zhai Xinwen, want.With Zou Zhigang's "just right place", you don't have to worry about everyone not thinking about Fang Yuan. Everyone who ranks above Fang Yuan must have more or less, including Fang Yuan's hard-core peace.

Zhai Xinwen decided to add fuel to the flames: "Old Zou, this meeting is a commendation meeting for governing education according to the law. It is reasonable and reasonable for Comrade Fang Yuan to be in charge of education and legal work." It's also exclusion and slander. When he and Zhai Xinwen jointly dealt with Han Suzhen, it was also because he felt that Han Suzhen didn't respect him enough.Recently, I have been angry with Fang Yuan several times in a row, thinking that I have been educated in Dongzhou for 30 years, and no one has dared to treat him like this. Zou Zhigang feels that his qualifications are old enough, and after more than a year, he will retire to the second line Naturally, he is also fearless: "Director Zhai, no matter where you go, you must follow the rules, and there must be a ranking. If someone with the lowest ranking sits on the rostrum today, what does it mean? It means that other than Zhai Director, he is the second in command of the Education Bureau. Let me ask, do you agree with the Red Army that he is the second in command? Director Geng, do you approve? Director Kong, do you approve?"

Fang Yuan looked coldly at this elder who was originally highly respected in his heart, Zou Zhigang had once been kind to him!In the provincial class and national class competitions, Zou Zhigang also put in a lot of hard work.But if he is old and disrespectful, it will naturally be difficult to win the respect of others.Fang Yuan remembered how anxious she was about Ding Chunxiao just now, and how much it had affected the school. She knew that her every word and deed would affect everyone around her, affecting the stability and harmony of the situation.Do you want to make the mistake you just made again?Absolutely not!Thinking of rushing out of school from No. 5 just now, Fang Yuan couldn't help showing a little smile on his face: Oh, I'm still young.This time, I must hold my breath and not express my inner thoughts.

Everyone noticed Fang Yuan's calm state, and even saw the smile on the corner of Fang Yuan's mouth.In the eyes of others including Zhai Xinwen, and in the eyes of the section chiefs present, the depth of the surrounding city makes people feel unfathomable and a little scary.

Zhai Xinwen was very displeased with Fang Yuan's confident appearance, so he decided to get angry: "Xiao Fang, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Fang Yuan said, "I obey the decision of the bureau chief's office meeting, and I obey the bureau chief's arrangement. It doesn't matter where you sit." It is not important. What is important is whether our Dongzhou education can make new progress and achieve new achievements. What is important is whether we can stimulate the strong desire of all departments, districts, counties, and schools of the entire education system to strive for excellence through this commendation meeting. , work enthusiasm to strive for the upper reaches. The work of governing education according to the law is only a small part of the entire education work. The important goal of the commendation meeting. As for who will read this work summary, Secretary Sun can do it, and of course Director Zou can do it, and the leaders of other bureaus can do it, and it’s all the same for anyone who reads it. Even if I sit on the rostrum once, I also know that I am ranked 9th in the party committee team of the Dongzhou Education Bureau. I will not have other ideas just because I sat on the rostrum. If some people are suspicious, then it is not up to me to decide What do you think, Director?"

Neither arrogant nor humble, justifiable, with a public stand, without selfishness, this state, compared with Zou Zhigang's personality and state, on the contrary brings out Zou Zhigang's narrow-minded, low-sighted, and selfish characteristics.Sun Hongjun lamented: Fangyuan's composure is even worse than his own!Geng Qing looked at Fang Yuan, and really wondered if Fang Yuan was 28 years old this year, how could he look like 82 years old!

Zou Zhigang was speechless, and Zhai Xinwen was full of disappointment.The set up this time not only did not become a trap to trap Fang Yuan, but it really had to let Fang Yuan go to the rostrum.Zhai Xinwen said: "Comrade Fang Yuan is in charge of governing education according to the law and is most familiar with the work situation. Comrade Fang Yuan will read the work summary. Do you have any comments?"

There are no further comments.Zhai Xinwen said: "Then let's be sure, Comrade Fang Yuan sits on the rostrum."

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