Director's growth history

3015.1773 It's Difficult to Keep a Low Profile

Zou Zhigang was in a bad mood, he didn't like Fangyuan, and he didn't like Zhai Xinwen either.Zou Zhigang thought that Zhai Xinwen praised Fangyuan so much because Fangyuan was Confucius Tian's son-in-law. Fangyuan was loved by the provincial and municipal leaders, and he followed in the footsteps of the leaders.How did Zou Zhigang know Zhai Xinwen's inner torment and unspeakable difficulties? Looking at Fangyuan's prosperous development, Zhai Xinwen already felt a strong threat, an invisible crisis began to envelope him, and Zhai Xinwen, who had always been full of himself in the Education Bureau, also began to I doubt whether I can control the situation of Dongzhou education.

The director's office meeting will continue.Zhang Yuanqing reported on the spring infectious disease inspections of schools and kindergartens in the city last week. With the mobilization meeting in the city and this round of inspections, the nine districts and counties, schools, and kindergartens in the city generally attach great importance to infectious diseases. Currently, the prevention and control of infectious diseases in schools in Dongzhou is relatively good, and there are no cases or schools of major infectious diseases.In the next stage, the Department of Sports, Health and Art of the Municipal Bureau will continue to intensify efforts to resolutely implement the daily epidemic reporting system to ensure timely grasp of the epidemic situation of infectious diseases in the city's education system, so that the Municipal Education Bureau can firmly grasp the initiative. In the event of an epidemic, emergency response can be made in the first time. "

Zhai Xinwen is still very satisfied with Zhang Yuanqing's solid and meticulous work: "Yuanqing's work is very meticulous. Last week, all the bureau leaders also worked hard. They are very concerned about the prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease and other infectious diseases in all districts, counties and schools in the city. Inspections have been carried out to ensure that the city's education system attaches great importance to this work. I want to emphasize that the situation in Fuyang, Anhui must not occur in Dongzhou, and the situation in Heze, Shandong must not occur in Dongzhou. Comrade Heping It is the specific leader in charge of this work and must shoulder this responsibility."

Peace is such a headache.In this matter, even Fang Yuan put himself on the top of his head.Looking at Fangyuan peacefully, Fangyuan lowered his head and fiddled with the signature pen in his hand.Fang Yuan made up his mind that today he would not express his opinion on anything that had nothing to do with the work he was in charge of.I can feel some of Zhai Xinwen's thoughts, and it is not what I hope to have a conflict with Zou Zhigang.However, in the face of principles and the bottom line, we can no longer retreat.Outside of principles and the bottom line, if you shouldn't take care of yourself, don't take care of it.

Heping said: "I will definitely do my best. This requires the cooperation of comrades in the Department of Physical, Health and Art." Zhai Xinwen said: "The chief of Yuanqing will definitely do his job carefully and meticulously. He and the chief of the bureau still have to conduct open and secret investigations. Rely on you, the deputy director! Yuan Qing is the official department, and I’m afraid it’s not strong enough to go to the county to make unannounced visits or open investigations!” He Heping said: “With the support of the Department of Health and Art, I will go to open and unannounced investigations.”

Zhai Xinwen said: "Yuanqing, please tell me about the city's primary and secondary school track and field games." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes, Director. The city's primary and secondary school track and field games are initially scheduled for three days on April 4, 22, and 23." This sports meeting is held once a year, so it can be regarded as a regular job. This year’s track and field sports meeting for primary and middle school students is still jointly organized with the Municipal Sports Bureau, but an important theme has been added, which is to welcome the Beijing Olympic Games. The Beijing Olympic Games has added glory. Therefore, before the official start of the competition, I would like to arrange a few reports and performances for the school Sunshine Sports. In addition, this year, I am also preparing to actively seek the support of the Municipal Sports Bureau. In addition to ranking rewards, students who meet the standards of level 24 and level [-] athletes are also prepared to be directly awarded level [-], level [-], and level [-] athlete certificates. Middle school student athletes who have reached the master level will actively contact and participate in competitions or special tests organized by the Provincial Sports Bureau. At the same time , The Department of Sports, Health and Art will actively contact colleges and universities across the country. For middle school students who have the qualifications of masters, first-level athletes, and second-level athletes, they will recommend them to various sports colleges, colleges or departments of physical education, and improve the first and second grades of the city's college entrance examination. Bunda line rate."

Zhang Yuanqing was indeed the head of the education section, and he was very good at education.Even if it is engaged in sports, art and health work, this innovative idea still exists, and it closely meets the development needs of Dongzhou education.Fang Yuan nodded appreciatively, Zhang Yuanqing saw all this.

Zhai Xinwen did not hesitate to praise Zhang Yuanqing: "I think that Comrade Yuanqing has a stronger sense of innovation and more enthusiasm for work after he joined the Department of Sports, Health and Art. This must be fully affirmed. The few things you mentioned just now I support all of these ideas. Education is to serve the people, and education is to strive to satisfy the people. If primary and secondary school students are awarded the first-level and second-level athlete certificates, they can enter the sports majors of colleges and universities to improve the college entrance examination in our city. The admission rate of the first and second books, I believe that the general public will support it, and the majority of students with sports expertise will support it. I support this creative work of the Department of Sports, Health and Art. If all departments can carry out their work pioneeringly, I believe that, Educational work will definitely blossom and bear fruit in an all-round way.”

Xie Bingguo immediately felt heavy pressure when he heard Zhai Xinwen's words.It seems that Zhang Yuanqing still has a lot of ideas!His competitors have never been reduced.Judging from this sign, Zhang Yuanqingxuan's breakthrough point is really standing on a more prominent position on the starting line of the competition.

What surprised Xie Bingguo was that none of the deputy directors expressed their support for Zhai Xinwen or Zhang Yuanqing.At this time, everyone remained silent.Fangyuan, who was the most popular in the Dongzhou Education Bureau, lowered his head and played with the pen in his hand, silently; Sun Hongjun, who was ranked second in the Education Bureau, also did not speak; The office meeting seemed to turn a deaf ear to it; Heping was not interested in Zhang Yuanqing in the first place, but was angry at Zhang Yuanqing's obedience and injustice, and was angry at Zhang Yuanqing's failure to say hello to himself and report in advance. Zhang Yuanqing didn't mention anything about it before!Geng Qing usually seldom speaks at the director's office meeting, except for a few recent remarks related to Fang Yuan, the silence at this time is also reasonable; In addition, there is a very important reason, that Kong Lili is very jealous of Zhang Yuanqing staring at other people's heels and making pornographic news. After all, she and Zhai Xinwen also have an affair. Have such rumors been spread in secret?Since Chen Qizhi served as the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, life has not been easy, and he has been squeezed out by Zhai Xinwen. Although he has Bi's full support, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. It is beneficial to the development of Dongzhou education to agree with Zhang Yuanqing's practices, but how can he support it at this time?What's more, the entire system knows about Zhang Yuanqing's scandalous news about Fangyuan. Can he support a person who offended Fangyuan in public?Others didn't jump out to support, do I want to be this stupid guy?

Chen Qizhi looked at Fangyuan, who was still playing with the pen in his hand.Chen Qizhi sighed: This young man is tough when he should be tough, soft when he should be soft, and silent when he should be silent. He is a powerful character!

Every time Song Ping saw that the directors and deputy directors were silent, she felt like she wanted to urinate.Last time, at the on-site meeting of quality education, Song Ping had incontinence of urination, which planted the root cause of this disease. When encountering such an occasion, she felt nervous and couldn't help urinating.There was still important work today, and Song Ping had to report on the recommendation of model workers. Song Ping couldn't leave, so she just sat there without breathing.

As a newly promoted deputy researcher, Wang Xingbang naturally wouldn't express his opinion on such matters.What's more, before the promotion, people like Zhang Yuanqing and Xie Bingguo were his competitors.Wang Xingbang would not like to see Zhang Yuanqing promoted to deputy director.What's more, Zhang Yuanqing's character is well known in the Education Bureau because of the rumors he made and spread. It is estimated that many people have opinions on Zhang Yuanqing.There is no need for me to offend more people by flattering Zhang Yuanqing.I also want to change from deputy investigator to deputy director.

Zhai Xinwen was also depressed when he saw that he praised Zhang Yuanqing with great fanfare, but there was no one to support him.It seems that the last time Zhang Yuanqing made a romantic lace news, the impact was very bad!It is indeed difficult to change this impression.

Zhai Xinwen had no choice but to move on to the next project: "Bingguo, please report on the preparations for the Provincial Quality Class Competition." Xie Bingguo cheered up and said, "Okay, Director, I will report to the leaders on the preparations for the Provincial Quality Class Competition. "

Xie Bingguo didn't want to exaggerate anything, because he knew that Zhai Xinwen seemed to be a bit jealous of Fang Yuan, but even if he spoke truthfully and objectively, Xie Bingguo couldn't help but mention Fang Yuan, because Fang Yuan had listened to all the trial lectures currently being held, and some even listened to the first lecture. The second round; Fangyuan is going to listen to all the trial lectures that are about to be heard, and some of them will also listen to them again; Fangyuan went to the provincial teaching and research section, had a good communication with the leaders of the provincial teaching and research section, and met the deputy director of the provincial education department Changliu Jun.Xie Bingguo tried his best to narrate and report first and second, but everyone could tell that Fang Yuan was really doing his best in charge of the provincial high-quality class competition.What kind of work spirit is this?Compared with peacefully avoiding difficulties, this is the gap in professionalism and the gap in personality!Of course, everyone could tell that the communication with the provincial teaching and research office this time should be said to have had relatively good results, among which Fangyuan was the one who made the most of the contribution.Xie Bingguo finally said: "Now, some discipline competitions have already started, and more disciplines will participate in the competition. The teaching and research section will strive to win the provincial high-quality course competition under the correct leadership of the Municipal Bureau and the specific leadership of the Fang Bureau. To achieve better results."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Okay. I regard the provincial high-quality course competition as an important task in 2008, and specially invite Comrade Fangyuan to take charge of this work. I hope that through the provincial high-quality course competition, the entire province's education colleagues can re-think Dongfang State education, I also hope that on the basis of the success of the provincial quality education scene, the second shot will be launched." Xie Bingguo said: "I will work hard." Zhai Xinwen looked at Fangyuan: "Fangyuan, can you tell me something?" Fang Yuan said: "I have nothing to say. I must follow Director Zhai's instructions and do my best to get good grades without giving up on every subject." Zhai Xinwen blurted out: "If you get very good grades, come back to the Municipal Education Bureau Congratulations to the teaching and research department!" After finishing speaking, I regretted it, and congratulating the teaching and research department, the credit of this radius is indispensable!This is putting gold on Fang Yuan's face again.

Song Ping reported the relevant work of provincial model workers and Dongzhou model workers to the office meeting of the director.Provincial-level model workers are awarded by wearing a hat, and the awarder is Fangyuan; municipal-level model workers are selected and recommended by the Municipal Education Bureau in the city's education system, reviewed and confirmed by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and reported to the Mayor's Office Meeting of the Municipal Government for research and approval.At the same time, 50 labor models will also be selected in the city's education system, and will be commended on the eve of May Day.Song Ping said that Ma Lianghe, chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, had a private conversation with her about this, emphasizing that this is the first provincial model worker in the Dongzhou education system, and it must be highly valued and publicized vigorously.After the May Day Celebration and Commendation Conference is held in the province, the City Federation of Trade Unions will invite Comrade Fang Yuan to give a report to the city's worker representatives. [Ma Lianghe, the director's VIP book friend. ]

Except for Zhai Xinwen, no one else in the Education Bureau knew about this matter.Song Ping only reported to Zhai Xinwen in advance.Provincial model worker, such a distant title, many people dare not even think about it, and now it will be owned by Fangyuan soon.Fangyuan is going to create the first Dongzhou education again~~The first provincial model worker!

Fang Yuan was also extremely shocked and surprised.Fang Yuan had no concept of the title of model worker, only that it was an honor.Looking at everyone's jealous and envious eyes, Fang Yuan spoke first after Song Ping finished reporting, "Chairman Song, can I not be awarded the title of model worker in this province? I think that in Dongzhou's education system, it is better I have good leaders and comrades, many. I am far from qualified."

Fang Yuan really didn't want it, but Song Ping's words immediately made Fang Yuan shut up: "Director Fang, your title came directly from the city." Zhai Xinwen had a good smile on his face: "Fang Yuan, this is a no-brainer. It is an honor to be a provincial model worker! The provincial labor model is selected once every five years. This is not only an honorary title, but also represents the full recognition of your work ability, dedication, achievements and achievements. This is a good thing, and I am happy for you. Chairman Ma of the Federation of Trade Unions will arrange a report, and I think this is also a good opportunity for publicity and education. When the time comes, the Education Bureau will also hold such a report, so you should be prepared!"

Zhai Xinwen's attitude surprised Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan said: "Director, I think I haven't done enough." Zou Zhigang couldn't bear it anymore: "Director Xiao Fang, do you know what it means to wear a cap? Such a title cannot be shirked. If you do this, let the I think you are hypocritical!"

The strong sour taste is overwhelming.In fact, Zou Zhigang's words did not represent the aspirations of many people: Damn, why are all good things so round?But in this case, no one else dared or was willing to say it.There are also some people who strongly feel Fang Yuan's flourishing status in Dongzhou education, and worry about how to handle the relationship between Zhai Xinwen and Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sighed: Actually, I really want to keep a low profile, but why is it so difficult to keep a low profile!I don't want to be a provincial model worker. What I want is: to be able to actually do some educational work and to be able to make achievements in responsible work.Now, I only think about two things: do a good job in the college entrance examination of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and get good results in the provincial high-quality class competition.Why, the higher-ups must award me the honor of a model worker in this province?Isn't this a shot at the head?

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