Director's growth history

3016.1774. Education is really complicated

Today's director's office meeting made Fang Yuan truly feel that being the director of the education bureau is really complicated and not easy.Liu Liang, head of the Vocational Education Department, reported the employment situation analysis of graduates of vocational high schools and vocational technical secondary schools in 2008, and let Fangyuan know that the director of the Education Bureau is not only in charge of teaching and education management, but also in line with society and employment .The employment of vocational high school graduates and vocational technical secondary school graduates is mainly the blue-collar job market. This market has several characteristics: it basically belongs to positions that do not require much education, such as salespersons, tour guides, marketing agents, car maintenance, freight forwarders, and customs declarations. And other lower-end jobs that fill the entire Chinese job market.Most of the students who are employed are in the stage of junior high school and senior high school. They are eliminated because of poor academic performance and poor cultural background. At the same time, many vocational high school and vocational secondary school students are not focused on studying, but on playing. In puppy love, in the bar.Many of these students are people who want to sleep after reading a book. If they graduate from junior high school and are released into the society, some of them may be employed, while others may become destructive factors in society and cause hidden dangers to social stability.Putting these children who don't like learning and love playing into vocational high schools or vocational technical secondary schools, and train them for another 2 years or 3+2 years, it is no longer a requirement for cultural courses. The important thing is to train them to be able to master a skill.This skill is the key to survival and development in the highly competitive social job market.

It's a pity that during the teenage period, the rebellious psychology is too strong, and the teachers' earnest efforts often make it difficult for these students to understand how important it is for the future to master a skill without mastering knowledge and culture, so they are still obsessed with puppy love and obsessed with Games are obsessed with playing. Some vocational high school students even take the illegal path of blackmailing and threatening junior high school and elementary school students because they want to raise money for playing games, eating and drinking for puppy love, and going out for fun.This is a common problem across the country. In many cities, a large number of vocational high school students have been imprisoned for robbery, extortion or other illegal and criminal acts, becoming juvenile delinquents.Due to the bad example of vocational high school students or the robbing and blackmailing of vocational high school students, some students who did not study well in junior high school, including female students, also went to blackmail and threaten junior high school students or junior high school students who were younger than him or her The illegal road where elementary school students pay money, the age of juvenile offenders shows a trend of younger age and violence.

It is this group of students that is managed by the Vocational Education Section of the Dongzhou Education Bureau.The best of them have already stood out in the labor skills competition in Qingjiang Province or Dongzhou City and become golden blue-collar talents.There are not many such students, and they are often hired by relevant enterprises or companies with high salaries before graduation.However, accounting for the vast majority of vocational high school and vocational school graduates has become a key and difficult point of employment.For many vocational high school or vocational school graduates, due to 3 years or 3+2 years of vocational study, they have not really mastered a skill with their heart, so they have become a disadvantaged group among competitors in the job market. Graduates from vocational high schools or vocational schools really want to do it, but they can’t do it because of insufficient knowledge or skills; in the job market, there is a need for a group of vocational high school or vocational school graduates, but because of low salary and tiring work, these cities are not allowed to do so. Grown-up children look down on it, and they can't bear such hardship.This has become the difficulty of employment!

Zhai Xinwen listened to Liu Liang's report almost frowning. In 2008, it seemed that the domestic economic situation was still very good, but as an export-oriented city, Dongzhou had already felt the vicissitudes of the international economic and trade situation.US President Bush announced at the end of March that the subprime mortgage crisis in the US was spreading, and the economic situation in the US was getting worse.This does not bode well for Dongzhou, a city where private companies count the United States as an important export market.Many enterprises have begun to smell the smell of financial crisis or economic crisis, and have become more cautious in whether to expand the economic scale and expand the recruitment of labor force.It is precisely because of this prudence that not only the employment market for college students in Dongzhou has become severe, but the employment situation of vocational high schools and vocational schools in Dongzhou has also become more delicate.

After listening to Liu Liang's report, Zhai Xinwen was straightforward: "Director Geng, you are the director in charge, please share your views." Geng Qing said: "To solve the severe challenges of vocational high school and vocational school employment is the duty of our Municipal Education Bureau. Responsibilities. Of course, the principals and teachers of vocational high schools and vocational technical secondary schools should also show their talents, think of their own ways and find ways. However, if we cannot solve the employment problem of students in vocational high schools and vocational secondary schools in 2008, we will The enrollment of vocational high schools and vocational schools in the summer of 2008 had an important negative impact. Some schools with poor employment prospects will face the pressure of survival, and teachers will face the pressure of unemployment or waiting for work. This is related to the stability of Dongzhou society. The stability of the education system has to be considered!"

Another heavy topic.Zhai Xinwen said: "Let's discuss, is there any way to make these vocational high school graduates find more jobs?"

Fang Yuan really doesn't know how to open up the job market, but he also knows that as the director of education, he has to consider this practical issue.If graduates have no jobs, vocational education will face the problem of recruiting students; if vocational schools cannot recruit students, there will be a large number of teachers waiting for their posts; if a large number of teachers are waiting for posts, it means that some people may have to petition; if there is a collective visit , it is estimated that Zhai Xinwen's seat will be in crisis.It's all a chain reaction!In the past, when you were the principal or vice-principal of a formal junior high school or high school, you would not have such pressure; when you were the principal of a regular junior high school or high school, the pressure would be on the enrollment rate, and on the grades in the senior high school entrance examination or college entrance examination.Fang Yuan decided to study hard like a student, how to deal with all aspects of education.In the process of learning, improve your own level and improve your ability to deal with complex situations.

As the deputy director in charge, Geng Qing thought of some ways: contact the Municipal Economic Commission to seek support, invite industrial enterprises in Dongzhou to hold job fairs; contact the Municipal Economic and Trade Commission to seek support, and invite commercial enterprises or companies in Dongzhou to hold job fairs. Recruitment fairs; contact the Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprises, a secondary bureau under the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, to invite private enterprises to hold job fairs; contact the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau, and ask the Labor Bureau to fully consider Dongzhou City's situation when arranging employment supply and demand meetings. Vocational high school graduates and vocational school graduates will be able to notify the Education Bureau of all employment supply and demand in a timely manner; all schools are required to be self-reliant and seek employment opportunities. For example, the traffic vocational secondary school can cooperate with Dongzhou's automobile marketing 4S shop and automobile maintenance Contact the company and maintenance point to arrange employment matters.

These methods have also been done in previous years, and there is nothing innovative about them.Perhaps normal years can solve the employment problem of vocational high school and vocational school graduates, but this year's situation is precisely related to the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. From the information we know, all companies have no intention of expanding recruitment positions.There are some positions that are in short supply, but the positions that are currently assigned to migrant workers can be vacated, such as sanitation, sewers, etc., but I am afraid that these vocational high school graduates in the city will not let go of the airs of urban people to clean the streets, clean the sewers, etc. Let's work.

Discussions come and go, and there is no way to break through the difficulties.Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Geng, Liu Liang, according to the thinking of previous years, you should do all aspects of work, and you should contact the employment supply and demand meetings. You should still contact them. Participate in employment supply and demand meetings, and there will always be some graduates. Those who can find a job. In addition, prepare for the employment mobilization meeting for graduates of vocational high schools and vocational technical secondary schools, and call the principals of various vocational schools to participate. I will attend. I think it is mainly up to them to find their own way and be self-reliant. The Education Bureau can help them Create employment conditions, but not everything. At this meeting, my speech must include the following points: [-]. Enrollment must revolve around the market, what kind of graduates the market needs, and what kind of graduates are paid well by the market , do whatever major you want. Majors that are not suitable for market demand should be cut off. Second, we must strive to improve the quality of vocational education and cultivate vocational high school graduates with one specialty and multiple abilities. If we can train more labor skills competitions Do you still need to worry about the employment problem? Third, we must do a good job of stabilizing the minds of teachers who plan to cut off their majors, so as to ensure that there are no things that affect the harmony and stability of Dongzhou education when they are waiting for a job. Teachers should find ways to get them to work, such as teaching new majors. Fourth, each school must study the current job market situation in depth, and scientifically judge whether to expand or reduce the scale of enrollment. Cause passivity, cause passivity to the Education Bureau."

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