Director's growth history

3081.1827. Who is really in a state of desperation?

Fang Yuan actually wanted to make a call to Miao Dongshun to find out about the situation.But from the time Sun Hongjun left to the last time he went to bed, he was so busy that he forgot to make this call.After Song Ping knocked on the door at 6 o'clock in the morning, Fang Yuan washed up hurriedly, ate breakfast hurriedly, and got on the car to Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province in a hurry.Because they have to be responsible for almost all the affairs of the tour group, Song Ping and the tour guide of the China Youth Society closely surround Fangyuan, one thing on the left and one thing on the right, so that Fangyuan has no space and time of his own at all. The idea of ​​calling Miao Dongshun also faded a lot.Taking overall responsibility and being a spectator are really different.Song Ping was very interesting, she didn't ask for instructions on everything, if the tour guide had any suggestions or requests, Song Ping would always reply: "Please report to Director Fang."Fortunately, the scenery of Wuyuan and the beauty of Sanqing Mountain allow Fangyuan to appreciate the Chinese "dream hometown" in his spare time.

Of course, Fangyuan's heart has always been in Dongzhou.When the Dongzhou Educational Tour Group got on the train back to Dongzhou at 11:[-] in the middle of the night, lying in the soft sleeper compartment enjoyed by the deputy department, Fangyuan tossed and turned, making it difficult to fall asleep.In the past two days, Fang Yuan has fulfilled his duties as the head of the Dongzhou Educational Model Worker Tour Group, allowing all the teachers to have a good time and safely bring them on the train.Now, a heart should be let go, but Fang Yuan couldn't fall asleep no matter what.As Sun Hongjun said, Zhang Huijuan really shouldn't seduce her superiors, but her work ability and achievements must be fully affirmed.It would be a great sin if this talented young female teacher could no longer gain a foothold in the Eastern State education system because she said a mosquito metaphor.If Zhang Huijuan really wants to resign, she is the culprit!However, in Zhang Huijuan's current situation, people have been criticizing her all the time, and I am afraid that it is really difficult to continue working in education.This matter, we must find a way to solve it, and retain a talented young man for Dongzhou Education.

Luo Dagan's beating incident, why did I always feel that it was related to Miao Dongshun?Of course, maybe he really has a third party outside, it's no wonder.As for that post, I also used my time at the hotel at night to read it carefully. It is true that only education insiders can write such a post, because the content in the post also includes the fact that Luo Dagan was the deputy director of the city's admissions office. Sometimes there are some romantic affairs, how can outsiders know?Even Miao Dongshun, how could he know so many things about Luo Dagan in just a few days?Perhaps, Luo Dagan was beaten this time because he really deserved it!For Luo Dagan, Fang Yuan had a feeling of gloating: Let Luo Da willing to look bad again and want to frame me!The wicked will be rewarded with evil, it’s not that they will not be rewarded, the time is not yet!Last time, if Zhang Yuanqing hadn't been caught in the trap, learned a lot of wisdom, and reported Luo Dagan's thoughts in time, he might really have been slapped by Luo Dagan.As for the negative impact of the Luo Dagan incident on Dongzhou education, Fang Yuan has not thought further.Perhaps, the concept of the overall situation, from the appearance to the essence, and from the essence to the appearance, in this respect, Fangyuan is not a little worse than Zhai Xinwen.Of course, at this time, Zhai Xinwen was also devastated.

This weekend, the bureau leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau did not rest.On Friday night, the Disciplinary Committee and Ma Qin talked until 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and even Ma Qin's husband waited in the office of the Education Bureau for several hours.The post was posted by Ma Qin. It is too easy for the staff of the Disciplinary Committee to find out the truth of the problem. Even those experienced leaders can ask, let alone someone like Ma Qin who has not experienced much "severe" test" lesbians.The reason has also been clarified. Ma Qin has always been unhappy because Luo Dagan is the head of the higher education department. He thinks that Luo Dagan has no ability and does not understand higher education. As the section chief, she, Ma Qin, was not at all unconvinced!This time, it was true that Luo Dagan kissed someone else's girlfriend at the gate of the Education Bureau; after being beaten up, the post he posted was only a statement of the fact!As for Luo Dagan's romantic affairs in the Admissions Office, many people in the overall situation knew about it.Ma Qin questioned: How can such a person with a problematic life style be promoted to be the deputy director of the admissions office and the head of the senior teacher's department?

After the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection introduced the relevant situation to Zhai Xinwen, Zhai Xinwen was so angry that he was so angry!This time, both Luo Dagan and Ma Qin lost face in the Education Bureau.Although it was late at night, Niu Decao, the executive deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, seemed to be in high spirits. He smiled and said to Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, and Wang Xingbang: "Secretary Zhai, there is a new problem now. The injured Luo Dagan , It seems that there is a problem of promotion with a disease! Ma Qin posted, this is definitely a manifestation of disorganization and lack of discipline, and it is also damaging the reputation and image of the party and the government. This should be dealt with seriously or should be dealt with seriously; but The problem Ma Qin reflected is worthy of our deep thinking: Why are some people with serious life style problems being promoted again and again? Where does this problem come from? The Party Committee of the Education Bureau, in the selection and appointment In terms of cadres, have you really promoted comrades with both ability and political integrity to important positions, instead of promoting people who have a problematic life style, only flattering, and only take the upper-level route?"

Zhai Xinwen was speechless!But Niu Decao's next sentence made Zhai Xinwen feel distressed: "Secretary Zhai, I will truthfully report the situation of this post to Secretary Huang. From what I know now, tomorrow, I think the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection must Talk to Luo Dagan. The secretary of the Red Army rushed back overnight, and tomorrow he will accompany the comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission to the hospital to talk to Luo Dagan." How dare Sun Hongjun say "no"?He quickly agreed: "Okay, Secretary Niu."

After sending Niu Decao and others away, Zhai Xinwen held an enlarged meeting of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau overnight. All members of the Party Committee at home attended the meeting, and all the section chiefs of the Education Bureau attended.Several decisions were made at the meeting: [-]. Everyone must strictly abide by the party's discipline, and must earnestly conduct self-examination and self-correction. The position of the head of the Fan Section of the Higher Teachers.After further understanding of the situation, other punishments will be given; [-]. Regarding Ma Qin, a serious warning within the party will be given, and he will be demoted administratively to a section member. Other punishments will be studied separately depending on the progress of the case; As the only department that answers questions from the outside world, no one else is allowed to explain to the outside world in any name; [-]. If the posting incident occurs again, not only the person concerned, but also the section chief of the relevant department must be punished.

Zhang Yuanqing really wanted to report the grievances between Luo Dagan and Fangyuan to Zhai Xinwen, but after much deliberation, he gave up.

Zhai Xinwen didn't sleep all night, and at dawn, he continued to work.Sun Hongjun took a nap in the office in the morning, and then accompanied the comrades from the Commission for Discipline Inspection to the hospital.Niu Decao did not come. He was the director of the Law Enforcement Supervision Office and a comrade with considerable experience.In a single temporary ward, Luo Dagan was lying there, pained, depressed, annoyed, and angrily accepted the interrogation by the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Sun Hongjun quickly heard that Luo Dagan's beating was obviously a conspiracy. The woman was someone Luo Dagan met by chance when he was playing billiards with his friends in the billiard hall.At that time, she was sitting alone on the steps and crying, which moved Luo Dagan's heart.After asking the reason, it turned out that 1000 yuan was urgently needed to see a doctor for the elderly.Luo Dagan saw a beautiful woman and wanted to be a good person, so he took out 1000 yuan and gave it to the girl.The girl left her name and phone number, as well as Luo Dagan's phone number, saying that she must repay her kindly.A few days later, the girl came to deliver the money.As for the kiss, Luo Dagan didn't think about it either; and the subsequent beating made Luo Dagan realize that this was indeed a trap.

Sun Hongjun didn't know why, and vaguely suspected that this incident had something to do with Fangyuan.But the director of the Law Enforcement Office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection seems to be more concerned about whether Luo Dagan had the romantic affairs that Ma Qin mentioned before.Facing strong psychological pressure, Luo Dagan had to admit that he had sexual intercourse with a married female clerk in the admissions office, and that he had more experience than a colleague relationship with the comrades in the admissions office of the county or district below.This time, Sun Hongjun almost dropped his glasses to the ground.

After the conversation, the director of the Law Enforcement Office said to Sun Hongjun: "I will truthfully report the situation to Secretary Huang and Secretary Niu. Secretary Sun, judging from the current situation, even the kiss at the gate of the Education Bureau just happened, it cannot be denied. It has a similar reason to what happened in the recruitment office before." Sun Hongjun knew that Luo Dagan was finished.

Sun Hongjun reported to Zhai Xinwen the results of the interrogation by the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection; Zhai Xinwen did not dare to neglect, and quickly reported the relevant situation to Song Yunsheng.After listening to the report, Song Yunsheng patted the table: "Xinwen, just such a cadre, you still want to be promoted and reused? You really let me down!" Zhai Xinwen said in a low voice: "It's hard to know the heart when you know the face. I will review it with the mayor. , I really didn’t expect such a thing to happen.” Song Yunsheng said: “Tell me, can this case continue to be investigated? One Luo Dagan has ruined several families! Xinwen, let me ask you, Apart from the comrades of the Disciplinary Committee, who else knows that Luo Dagan is related to the female subordinates of the Recruitment Office?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Only Sun Hongjun, the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of our Bureau, and Cao Bensong, the Chief of the Political Work Section." Song Yunsheng said, "We can't investigate further. If you keep checking, even I can't keep you! I believe you should know what to do."

Zhai Xinwen was sweating!In Dongzhou in May, the weather itself was already very hot, but now Zhai Xinwen was sweating cold.Zhai Xinwen suddenly felt that the situation was moving in a direction that he could not grasp, and no one could stop this progress.Zhai Xinwen quickly asked Sun Hongjun and Cao Bensong to ensure that the content of the conversation with Luo Dagan was not leaked.

The matter was not over.Bi Quanli called and asked about Luo Dagan's case and about the post.At this moment, how could Zhai Xinwen be sloppy?As a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Bi Quanli must have a channel for him to obtain information. For the first time, Zhai Xinwen softened his posture in front of Bi Quanli and said, "Mayor Bi, do you have time now? I will report to you in person."

Zhai Xinwen rushed to Bi Quanli's office and reported to Bi Quanli about the Luo Dagan case and Ma Qin's posting incident.Zhai Xinwen said: "The punishment for Luo Dagan and Ma Qin has already been taken. If Mayor Bi thinks our punishment is still too light, I think we can study it further and add punishment. But if this matter continues to be investigated, it is very difficult It may become the biggest scandal in Dongzhou Education, and I am afraid that Mayor Bi will not have any glory on your face!"

Seeing Zhai Xinwen's humble appearance, Bi Quanli felt unprecedented joy in his heart!Bi Quanli knew that this time he finally overwhelmed Zhai Xinwen for the first time in momentum.Bi Quanli decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and he had already made up his mind.But at this moment, Bi Quanli also knew that Dongzhou Education really couldn't continue to toss about any longer. This would affect the overall image of Dongzhou Education. Dongzhou Education had no reputation. Could it be that he, the mayor in charge, had a reputation?Things can be covered up like this and slowly lower the temperature, but if Zhai Xinwen is let go so easily, how can I find a more suitable opportunity for education in Dongzhou in the future?Bi Quanli said: "You go back, Director Zhai. I will discuss this matter with Secretary Wang of the municipal party committee and Mayor Song of the government for a better solution."

With just one sentence, Zhai Xinwen was sent away.Zhai Xinwen felt resentment in his heart, but he had to bow his head: "Thank you, Mayor Bi, for your concern." Bi Quanli said: "In charge of education, my heart will also be directed towards education."

Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng were constantly receiving information from various sources, including the briefings from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Bi Quanli's oral and face-to-face reports.A matter that was not considered a big deal, because of the hype of a post, it rose to the level of the highest chief of Dongzhou City, and even affected Qingjiang Province to a certain extent.The Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee even called the office of Dou Shengzhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, to inquire about the situation.Listening to Dou Shengzhong's report, Wang Guodong said: "At any time, we must pay attention to party building. Ignoring party building and blindly focusing on development and projects can achieve some results, but it is often easy to deviate from the purpose and go wrong. Direction, buried many hidden dangers that are invisible on the surface." Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes! The Luo Dagan incident and the Ma Qin incident have exposed many problems. A small department-level cadre, even in the relationship between men and women There are so many problems in this aspect; a deputy chief staff member, in order to vent his personal anger, even used the method of posting to attack the section chief, which completely violated the party's organizational discipline, which fully shows that the party's education is not enough!" Wang Guodong said : "Comrade Quanli recommended Hao Ding, the deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee, as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau to improve the leadership of the party. What do you think?" Comrade Hao Dingyi, who has worked in the Communist Youth League Committee for many years, should also solve the problem. This comrade may not be very capable, but he has strong party spirit and strong organizational discipline. I think it is more appropriate." Wang Guodong said: "Yes. Vice Chairman Xi has repeatedly emphasized that both ability and political integrity should be put first. Party spirit and morality are very important, more important than ability. The Education Bureau also really needs to strengthen party building. Wherever you say it Problems are prone to occur, and the party and government like Comrade Xinwen are more likely to lead to talk. Comrade Xinwen has still made good achievements in education and administration work, so he will continue to use his expertise. Party affairs work should indeed find A suitable comrade will be in charge. I think we will hold a standing committee of the municipal party committee on Monday. Comrade Yun Sheng and Comrade Zhiren and I will communicate in advance to try to make an early decision.” Dou Shengzhong said: “Secretary Wang, don’t worry, I will definitely support it with all my strength. Your work." Wang Guodong said: "As for the matter of posting, I think that the Propaganda Department has done a lot of work. Sometimes, it is too strong, and then it will attract more attention; handle it appropriately and let this matter Cool down slowly." Dou Shengzhong said: "Yes, I understand what Secretary Wang means."

On Sunday, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection withdrew from the Education Bureau.The Party Committee of the Education Bureau made additional punishments on Luo Dagan: "dismissed from public office, retained for one year on probation; expelled from the party." This is the most severe punishment since he was shuanggui and sentenced in recent years!After Zhang Yuanqing knew the result of the punishment of Luo Dagan by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, he knew that Luo Dagan was completely dead.If this matter is really related to Fang Yuan, then Fang Yuan is really terrible!Fortunately, I didn't say a word on this matter, and I didn't know anything when I asked.From now on, Fang Yuan can no longer be provoked!

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