Director's growth history

3082.1828 Earthquake

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the train bound for Dongzhou from Shangrao arrived at Dongzhou Railway Station.The bus of CYTS Dongzhou Branch came to pick up the station.I don't know who notified it, but Fangyuan's driver, Zhang Guoliang, also drove over in an Audi.Fangyuan thought for a while, and said to Xie Bingguo: "Thank you for your help, these model workers are handed over to you. Chairman Song and I should rush back to the Education Bureau. In the past two days, many things have happened in Dongzhou Education We must rush back as soon as possible." Xie Bingguo said: "Please rest assured, I promise to take everyone well."

Fang Yuan and Song Ping rushed to the Municipal Education Bureau, came to Zhai Xinwen's office, and saw a haggard face: the beard hadn't been shaved for two days, the hair was messy, the eyes were bloodshot, and the expression on the face was serious. It turned out that Zhai Xinwen, who was in high spirits, seemed to have aged ten years in just three days!Seeing Fang Yuan and Song Ping, Zhai Xinwen forced a smile: "You are back! How is it?" Fang Yuan said, "There are quite a few of them, and they were all brought back safely." Zhai Xinwen nodded: "That's good, if nothing happens, you'll be fine." Okay!" Fang Yuan said, "I don't know what I can do for the director." Zhai Xinwen sighed: "Some things are beyond my control. I have done what I should do, and what can be remedied. Yes. The impact of the Luo Dagan incident and the Ma Qin incident are no longer within the scope of the Education Bureau. This morning, the party committee will definitely start. The two of you go to have some food and then rest in the office. If there is something to do, we will Informing you."

Fang Yuan and Song Ping withdrew from the director's office.Song Ping said, "Fang Ju, shall we have breakfast outside together?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm going to see Secretary Sun. Chairman Song, you go first." Fang Yuan came to Sun Hongjun's office, and it was obvious that Sun Hongjun was Just took a nap.Seeing Fang Yuan, Sun Hongjun said, "Have you all returned safely?" Fang Yuan said, "You have not failed Secretary Sun's entrustment, and you have all returned safely." Sun Hongjun nodded: "It's good to be safe. The Education Bureau can no longer stand the trouble Lah." Fang Yuan said, "Is the matter serious?" Sun Hongjun said, "It was originally a small matter within the education system, but because of Ma Qin's post, it alarmed all the leaders in the city. At present, Luo Dagan, Ma Qin The punishment has already been imposed, and the follow-up impact is still unknown; but I feel that the Municipal Education Bureau may have a personnel earthquake, and the extent of the shock is still unclear. From the attitude of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the key What was investigated was not Luo Dagan's beating at the door, but Luo Dagan's previous adultery with other women; Ma Qin was asked to be dealt with by the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau. The city leaders also seemed to want to calm down! Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't you want to investigate why Luo Dagan was beaten?" Sun Hongjun said: "At least on the surface, I don't investigate. As for whether I will investigate secretly, I don't know." It's tight again.Sun Hongjun looked at Fangyuan, wondering why Fangyuan would ask this question, but he just kept his thoughts in his heart and didn't reveal half of it.Fang Yuan said, "Have Secretary Sun had breakfast? Let's go out to have breakfast together." Sun Hongjun said, "I'm just hungry, let's go."

The regular meeting of the section chief on Monday was unexpectedly canceled.The reason for the cancellation, the office did not say.Fang Yuan's stay at the Education Bureau was uncomfortable, so she returned to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.After sitting down in the principal's office, Ruan Shaoxiu came in.Ruan Shaoxiu asked, "Principal, have you enjoyed your trip these three days?" Fang Yuan said, "It's okay." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "I heard that Secretary Sun and Director Wang returned two days early." Fang Yuan said, "Well , There are some urgent matters to be dealt with in the bureau." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "The official document for punishing Luo Dagan and Ma Qin has been sent to the school through the education office. Principal, shall we also hold a meeting to calm down the school officials and teachers What about emotions?"

A word to wake up the dreamer.Fang Yuan said: "Okay, call the middle-level and above cadres of the school immediately, and hold a school affairs meeting; then at noon or afternoon, hold a teacher's meeting." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Okay, I will let Chen Qiuping inform right away."

At the school affairs meeting, Fang Yuan saw two documents drawn up by the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, one was a document on the punishment of Luo Dagan and Ma Qin, and the other was a document on the additional punishment of Luo Dagan.Seeing that Luo Dagan was the chief of the section a few days ago, and then stayed in the party for probation a few days later, Fang Yuan couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Luo Dagan.Even if this matter has nothing to do with me, Fangyuan, this punishment is a little heavier!Fang Yuan really wanted to call Miao Dongshun, but she held back.

Fang Yuan said: "Everyone must know what happened in education in the past two days. Luo Dagan was expelled from the party because of an extramarital affair and stayed in the party for a year for probation; Discipline, not paying attention to maintaining the image of the party and the government, and giving demerits and demotions. I think these two things must be taken as a warning for all of us here. Do not work with people of the opposite sex outside of marriage, especially colleagues of the opposite sex , Abnormal relationships between subordinates of the opposite sex, this is the bottom line that every leading cadre must abide by!"

Na Hong thought of her abnormal relationship with Ma Shuntian and remained silent.Chen Qiuping looked at Fangyuan, was meeting Fangyuan's gaze, and felt strange in her heart: Is there really no possibility between Fangyuan and Fangyuan?

Fang Yuan said: "On this issue, please supervise me. As long as you find any signs or possibilities, comrades must remind me! The lesson from the past is not far! And it is not an example. Let me always keep in mind: you cannot Make similar mistakes. Of course, I will also supervise everyone here, and you must not make the mistakes of Luo Dagan or a former leader of Dongzhou 5. As a female cadre, you must prove yourself through work ability and work performance. Instead of using that method to seek progress. I am afraid that there will be a lot of regrets in my heart for the progress achieved by this method!"

No one spoke.No one wants to talk too much in such a grim moment.A careless sentence, who knows what will happen.It's nothing to do with oneself, but Liu Ming, the former principal, and Luo Dagan, the current head of the teacher's department, have taught us a vivid lesson.

Fang Yuan said: "The mistake about Ma Qin is to create and spread rumors, to vent personal anger out of thin air, or wanton fabrications, which seriously damage the image of the party and the government, and damage the image of Dongzhou Education. Its nature is also bad."

Na Hong interjected: "Xiao Fang, what Ma Qin said is not entirely a rumor. Isn't it based on the fact that Luo Dagan committed adultery with a female subordinate? Ma Qin is right!" Fang Yuan at this time He slammed the table, and Fang Yuan shouted: "Then Hong, shut up! Ma Qin has an opinion on the section chief, and she can report it to the leader through normal channels; Ma Qin understands that the section chief has such a situation Or that kind of situation can also be reported through the Disciplinary Committee of the Education Bureau! What did Ma Qin do? Directly expose the matter to the public, turning a problem that can be solved within the education system into a public issue! Dong The state education has achieved a lot in the first half of the year, the provincial quality education will be successful on the spot, and the provincial high-quality class competitions are blooming everywhere. With just such a problem, ordinary people completely forget the achievements and progress of Dongzhou education, and think of the existence of Dongzhou education. The problem! Isn't the mistake big enough?"

Fang Yuan had never spoken in such a stern voice, and the blushing face who was a little dissatisfied at first was also a little scared in her heart, and she no longer dared to refute.Fang Yuan said: "Whether each comrade has a vision of the overall situation and a sense of collective honor will determine whether this person can take up a higher leadership position. I want to say that no one, at any time, must not corrupt Dongzhou. The reputation of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School must not damage the reputation of Dongzhou Education! If anyone dares to be disorganized, undisciplined, and not through organizational channels, release words and deeds that damage the image of Dongzhou Education and the reputation of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, including publishing Post, I will definitely deal with it seriously, and I will never be soft! No matter who he is, no matter what position he is in, he will be dealt with seriously! If I can't deal with it, I will actively seek the support of my superiors, but I still have to deal with it resolutely. My opinion ,have you understood?"

Fang Yuan looked over one by one, and saw everyone express their opinions.A strong pressure rushed to the face, and everyone felt a sense of oppression in their hearts.The young Fangyuan is more and more like Liu Ming's style at that time!Domineering, strict, and eloquent!

Fang Yuan said: "With regard to the Luo Dagan incident and the Ma Qin incident, I would like to make a few requests: [-]. No one will talk about it anymore, and they will always respond with ignorance when asked. Second, do not communicate and spread these two incidents with family members. The third is that you don’t follow, comment, or support posts with similar content on the Internet. Ma Qin’s posts can be found out by the relevant departments. I believe that if anyone makes irresponsible remarks, the above will check , and it will definitely be found out. At that time, no one can save anyone."

Low air pressure hangs over the small conference room.

Fangyuan said: "Work with peace of mind, concentrate all your energy on the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, and concentrate on education and teaching. Doing the things in the 5th middle school well and doing the things you are in charge of are more important than anything else! My Fangyuan He is a person who does practical things. He can forget to eat and sleep for his work. Whether it is the provincial quality education on-site meeting, the provincial high-quality class competition, or the provincial law-based education demonstration county, he will go all out. The thing I hate the most is myself If you don’t do anything, you just keep your mouth open every day, and the boss’s family is short. I want to say that there will be no market for such a person in Dongzhou 5! If you want to improve, improve, and develop, do the work you are in charge of. Well, when I make achievements, I will naturally see them, and I will also actively recommend them to my superiors! Just relying on speaking beautiful words and flattering people will not be reused in Dongzhou 5. Like Principal Qiu and Principal Huang , These are comrades who work hard, and I appreciate and value them very much. If anyone thinks they can’t do it, they will know what they should do after seeing how Principal Qiu and Principal Huang work.”

Fangyuan's words were very serious, but many people felt relieved, and felt that their hearts were very open.In fact, most people hope that the leader is a practical leader, and that the working atmosphere is a practical atmosphere.Fangyuan set the tone for Dongzhou No. 5 High School, and naturally complied with public opinion.It's just that Na Hong and Ruan Shaoxiu didn't hear the praise, and they felt a little uncomfortable. They both felt that they had done a lot of work, and they were very practical!

Before the meeting was over, Fangyuan received a call from Wang Xingbang: "Director Fang, please return to the bureau immediately. There are important personnel appointments in the bureau. Minister Sheng of the Organization Department and Mayor Bi in charge will announce the appointment and dismissal decisions on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government Ask the leaders of the party and government of each bureau and unit to hold an emergency meeting at the Municipal Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "Who will come from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School?" Wang Xingbang said: "You are the leader of the bureau, let the deputy secretary and executive vice principal come. "Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Putting down the phone, Fang Yuan said: "I just received a notice that the Municipal Education Bureau will have important personnel appointments. Secretary Dai and Principal Qiu, you two represent Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to attend the meeting. Afternoon Maybe I don’t have time to attend the all-teacher meeting. Does Principal Qiu already understand what I mean? Let me convey the meaning of today’s school affairs meeting.” Qiu Zhengxuan said, “Okay, Principal.” Fang Yuan waved his hand: “The meeting is over. "The commanding spirit made the cadres who participated in the school affairs meeting think of the former principal Liu Ming again.

Fang Yuan rushed back to the Municipal Education Bureau.On the first floor, I was told by the office staff that the city leaders had arrived, and the bureau leaders were all accompanying me in the reception room.Fang Yuan came to the reception room and gently opened the door. Fang Yuan saw that all the members of the bureau's party committee who were supposed to come had arrived, including Han Suzhen.Sheng Zhiren and Bi Quanli sat in the main leadership positions. Next to Sheng Zhiren was Zhai Xinwen, and next to Bi Quanli was Hao Dingyi!Fang Yuan was taken aback: Why did Hao Dingyi come here?

Seeing Fang Yuan coming in, Sheng Zhiren, Bi Quanli and Hao Dingyi all stood up.Hao Ding couldn't help but walked over a few steps, and shook hands with Fang Yuan warmly: "We just met, it's only been a few days, and we meet again! What a fate!"

is not that right? On May 5th, Fangyuan hosted a banquet for the committee members and leaders of the Youth Federation, and Hao Dingyi was the vice guest at that time.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Hao, hello." Hao Ding put his mouth close to Fang Yuan's ear and whispered, "Fang Yuan, we will fight in the same trench again!" Fang Yuan was even more surprised.Fang Yuan didn't speak, but shook Hao Dingyi's hand vigorously, and walked over to shake hands with Sheng Zhiren and Bi Quanli who were standing still.

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