Director's growth history

3122.1860, Good and Bad

Three days later, with a transfer order, Shu Han was transferred to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.

For the Dongzhou Education Bureau, mobilizing a teacher is a big deal.Zhai Xinwen, the director, Kong Lili, the deputy director in charge of personnel, and Fang Yuan, the deputy director and the principal of No. 5 Middle School, all called the principal of No. 31 High School in person, to save face. .

For Shu Han, the significance is extraordinary.Working in a school like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School has always been Shu Han's ideal workplace; being able to work beside Fang Yuan and show Fang Yuan his ability to work is a good thing for a comrade like Shu Han who is motivated and has a certain ability to work In other words, the meaning is not ordinary.No matter how well he did in the past, the headmaster was the biggest official, and the biggest reward he could get, judging from his current age, was to continue working as a middle-level member of the school; Fangyuan's approval, it is possible to be promoted to the vice-principal rank in a relatively short period of time.Fang Yuan, as his classmate, definitely needs to be taken care of.This transfer speaks for itself.What's more, Shu Han also heard about Fang Yuan's "heroic deeds" of "taking care" of the department he was in charge of.Shu Han also has the determination to not let Fang Yuan down in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and to make some achievements.Of course, from the mouth of the principal of No. 31 High School, Shu Han also knew that this transfer was due to the face of a bureau chief and two deputy bureau chiefs, and he also realized in his heart: now, at least three bureau leaders know about her. Daming, this is another surprise.

But Shu Han thought too simply.Ideals are beautiful, but reality is often unsatisfactory.Not long after Shu Han came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, he felt the strong xenophobic psychology among the teachers of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. He thought that Shu Han, as the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of a junior high school, was not qualified to be a teacher in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the most famous school.Moreover, a new rumor began to spread on a large scale: Shu Han was having an affair with Fang Yuan, that's why Fang Yuan transferred Shu Han to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to work.This rumor quickly reached Kong Shuanghua's ears through a very special channel... Fang Yuan was still busy and didn't have any free time.He handed over the donation to the earthquake-stricken area to Dai Lianghua, Qiu Zhengxuan and Huang Jiawei for the school's college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, Chen Qiuping for Chinese teaching, and Ruan Shaoxiu for receiving the teachers and researchers who came to No. 5 Middle School to guide the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. , I started to inspect the city's four districts, five counties and municipal schools.Accompanied by Xie Bingguo and Li Guoqiang, assistants to the director and directors of the teaching and research section, they first inspected and surveyed the counties with high schools, and then inspected the schools directly under the bureau.Shu Han, who had just been transferred to Dongzhou No. 5 High School, took up the post of Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee without Fang Yuan even explaining anything.Fangyuan gave instructions to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School that only the extremely poor teachers faced family difficulties after donating money: in the name of the trade union or the Women’s Federation, subsidize the extremely poor teachers. The subsidies are not in cash, but in kind such as peanut oil, rice, flour, etc. Instead, the value is equivalent to the amount of money donated by extremely poor teachers.Although some people criticized Fang Yuan's instruction, most of the teachers still felt Fang Yuan's concern for the frontline teachers.Especially after learning that Fangyuan has personally donated more than 7000 yuan, some people's unbalanced psychology has actually been basically digested.

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