Director's growth history

3123.1861. I want to escape, but there is no way

Fangyuan is still busy and has no free time.He handed over the donation to the earthquake-stricken area to Dai Lianghua, Qiu Zhengxuan and Huang Jiawei for the school's college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, Chen Qiuping for Chinese teaching, and Ruan Shaoxiu for receiving the teachers and researchers who came to No. 5 Middle School to guide the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. , I started to inspect the city's four districts, five counties and municipal schools.Accompanied by Xie Bingguo and Li Guoqiang, assistants to the director and directors of the teaching and research section, they first inspected and surveyed the counties with high schools, and then inspected the schools directly under the bureau.Shu Han, who had just been transferred to Dongzhou No. 5 High School, took up the post of Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee without Fang Yuan even explaining anything.Fangyuan gave instructions to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School that only the extremely poor teachers faced family difficulties after donating money: in the name of the trade union or the Women’s Federation, subsidize the extremely poor teachers. The subsidies are not in cash, but in kind such as peanut oil, rice, flour, etc. Instead, the value is equivalent to the amount of money donated by extremely poor teachers.Although some people criticized Fang Yuan's instruction, most of the teachers still felt Fang Yuan's concern for the frontline teachers.Especially after learning that Fangyuan has personally donated more than 7000 yuan, some people's unbalanced psychology has actually been basically digested.

Along the way, Fangyuan listened carefully to the reports, went to high schools to understand the preparations for the college entrance examination, and earnestly fulfilled the duties of a deputy director in charge of teaching.Similarly, the daily banquet is also indispensable.Although the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have expressly stipulated that eating and drinking is not allowed, and the money saved is used to support the earthquake-stricken areas, but the dignified deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, the teaching and research staff in charge of the city's teaching work, and the top leaders of the party and government came from the city. Which districts and counties and which schools don't pay attention to the leaders from all over the world?This trip lasted more than ten days, and Fangyuan went home every day, basically accompanied by Li Guoqiang and Zhang Guoliang.Most of the time, Fang Yuan can still maintain a sober state, but every time he drinks a lot of wine.Although Fang Yuan is a leader, if the other party toasts a full glass, Fang Yuan can drink less, but those who toast Fang Yuan are basically top leaders of the party and government at the same level or at grassroots districts, counties, and bureau-affiliated schools. Fang Yuan still put herself in the position of a leader and a young man, and gave the other party more respect.

Because Fangyuan went to the grassroots every day, he was basically not involved in the affairs of the Education Bureau.But not being involved doesn't mean they don't understand. Lu Zhenghong has already reported the situation of the Education Bureau to Fangyuan immediately: the Education Bureau's donation to the earthquake-stricken area has won No. 1 among all departments directly under the city, but it has not been praised by the city; Party Secretary Hao Dingyi had a lot of opinions in the Education Bureau and grassroots schools because of the donation. Everyone was very angry and scolded Hao Dingyi behind his back. , donated 2000 yuan; at the same time, several thousand yuan was also donated through channels such as party representatives and people's congress representatives.Fangyuan had an intuition: Hao Dingyi was finished.Although I thought that if Hao Dingyi came to the Education Bureau, if he wanted to fight Zhai Xinwen, he would definitely not be able to fight Zhai Xinwen, but what he didn't expect was: Hao Dingyi lost his prestige so quickly, let alone the capital to fight against Zhai Xinwen.Even though Bi Quanli was behind Hao Dingyi's back, it seemed that Bi Quanli's ability to control the overall situation was not very high.This made Fang Yuan suspicious of the regiment cadres: did they rely on hard work?Are they competent for specific jobs?Should cadres who are really doing things be like themselves, step by step, relying on solid achievements to strive for the greatest progress.The first prize of the provincial class, the first prize of the national class, successfully hosted the Qingjiang Provincial Quality Education On-site Meeting, and led the participating teachers to win 11 first prizes in the provincial quality class competition.Everything is done, not fought.Of course, there is also fighting. The principle of fighting is to eliminate factors that are not conducive to doing a good job.

Fang Yuan sympathizes with Hao Dingyi, although Fang Yuan can't understand Hao Dingyi's behavior.Fang Yuan felt that if he was in Zhai Xinwen's seat, he would treat Hao Dingyi in the same way.In the conversation with him, Zhai Xinwen hoped that Fangyuan would concentrate on doing a good job in this year's college entrance examination. This was the real purpose, and Fangyuan also heard the implication: I just hope that Fangyuan will not get involved.Considering that Zhai Xinwen used Shu Han's affairs as bait, although Fang Yuan was not happy, but for Fang Yuan who valued the results, it is actually very good not to intervene, at least neither side will be offended.Of course, this is just Fang Yuan's own thoughts, in fact, Fang Yuan has offended Hao Dingyi and Bi Quanquan invisibly.

Lu Zhenghong also reported a situation that attracted Fang Yuan's attention: Lu Zhenghong said that she heard rumors that Fang Yuan transferred Shu Han to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School because Shu Han was having an affair with Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan couldn't help but laugh: I am now inseparable from this scandal.Thinking that Luo Dagan's reputation has been ruined, Fang Yuan really doesn't know why some people want to charge forward against the wind, aren't they afraid of death?

Fang Yuan expressed his gratitude to Lu Zhenghong.Finally had time to go back to school. After Fangyuan signed a lot of expense reimbursement forms, he had a private conversation with Ruan Shaoxiu: "Shaoxiu, I heard that there is an affair between me and Shu Han in school?" Ruan Shaoxiu was a little embarrassed, and for a while I can't figure out what Fangyuan means.Fang Yuan said: "Let's tell the truth. I want to listen to the truth." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "There are indeed such rumors, but we all believe that this is someone with ulterior motives to discredit the principal. Neither Principal Qiu nor I believe it." Fang Yuan Said: "I found out that I've been involved in scandals now. Today's rumors and tomorrow's rumors made Fang Yuan look like a big bad wolf." Fang Yuan said with a smile, but Ruan Shaoxiu didn't dare to laugh.Fang Yuan said: "Shaoxiu, what else have you heard about my scandal? Tell me all about it today, so I know it." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Principal, there are actually a lot of rumors about you, Shu Han is a protagonist, and Teacher Zhou Yujie, there are similar rumors, saying that you transferred Zhou Yujie to the Policy and Regulations Division of the Education Bureau, and it was still under your nose, and it was more convenient to do something without anyone knowing; there are also rumors Said that Lu Zhenghong was able to be promoted to section chief because of your relationship with you... something with you."

"What's the matter, did you say you went to bed?" Fang Yuan was still smiling, but his eyes were already burning.Ruan Shaoxiu was quite afraid of Fang Yuan, and he didn't dare to look at Fang Yuan with his eyes.Fang Yuan asked, "What other rumors are there?" Ruan Shaoxiu said, "It's still Chen Qiuping, who has also been included in the rumors. In recent months, Chen Qiuping has become more fashionable in dressing, and some people say that it is because of your rain and dew." pass."

"It's pure fart! Damn, these people are so full and have nothing to do! Shaoxiu, do you think these rumors are credible?" Ruan Shaoxiu shook his head like a wave drum: "I absolutely don't believe it. I'm busy with work, how can I still have time to do these things?" Fang Yuan said, "Shu Han is indeed my classmate. I can't remember how many months it has been since our last classmate reunion. It was at that classmate At the party, she proposed to come to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. At that time, Chen Qiuping was still the secretary of the Youth League Committee, and then Zhou Yujie was replaced. I also did not arrange for her to come. This time, Zhou Yujie left, and I did not find a suitable one in the school for a while After all, she was a league cadre in college and became a league cadre after becoming a teacher. She still has experience. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is so big that it needs an experienced league cadre to be the secretary of the league committee. "Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Oh." Fang Yuan said: "You know Zhou Yujie's situation very well. How old is Lu Zhenghong? Can I still find a mother?" More or less ashamed.Fang Yuan said: "Chen Qiuping, I didn't want to use it at first. The male teacher I wanted to use didn't live up to expectations, so I had to use Chen Qiuping. It turned out that Chen Qiuping did a very good job. She is a very competent and excellent office director. Such a good job Okay, can I get Chen Qiuping off?"

Ruan Shaoxiu said with emotion: "It's not easy being a principal!" Fang Yuan said: "You are the person I trust the most, and you can explain some things to me. I will pay more attention in the future. Necessary distance. These are all things that have no shadow, but they are spread so well that I really admire these people." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "I don't know if this is considered Chinese characteristics?" Fang Yuan said: "Not necessarily. Foreign countries have come to Congress During elections and presidential elections, promiscuous relationships between men and women are often used to talk about things and become an important weapon of attack. I am an aboveboard person, and I don’t like to engage in these conspiracies. I will find an appropriate occasion to talk about these things matter."

That night, Fang Yuan returned home without drinking, and saw Kong Shuanghua who was sobbing.Fang Yuan was very strange: "Shuanghua, what's wrong with you?" As he said, he gently supported Kong Shuanghua's shoulder.Kong Shuanghua shook his shoulders: "Don't touch me." Fang Yuan was surprised: "What's wrong with you, Shuanghua?" Kong Shufang said: "Xiao Fang, Shuanghua has heard a lot of rumors about you. Tell me, why are you so upset? How about cherishing Shuanghua? Shuanghua loves you wholeheartedly!"

Fang Yuan said, "Is there some scandal about me?" Kong Shufang said, "Yes. Shuanghua's classmates told Shuanghua, how come there are so many gossips about you in the recent stage?" Fangyuan said, "I I know what happened. Shuanghua, look at me." Kong Shuanghua looked at Fangyuan with red eyes.Fang Yuan said: "I also heard these rumors today. One is about me and Shu Han. It is true that Shu Han is my classmate, but Shu Han and I haven't seen each other since the last class reunion. I met once after a recent job transfer. One was about me and Zhou Yujie. Zhou Yujie is the daughter of Zhou Pengyou’s deputy mayor. I dare not touch her even if I have the guts! One is about Lu Zhenghong. Do you know how old Lu Zhenghong is? I can't find a mother for myself, right? One is about Chen Qiuping. Chen Qiuping is the director of the school's office. Actually, I didn't want to promote her, but the male director I wanted to promote didn't live up to expectations. I have no way to promote her, and it turns out that Chen Qiuping is quite competent as the director of the office. Shuanghua, let me tell you, these four people have nothing to do with me, if I lie, I will be struck by lightning!"

Kong Shuanghua wiped away tears: "Don't say such a heavy word, I believe you." Kong Shuanghua thought of that long hair, and the shadow in his heart was hard to dissipate.But Kong Shuanghua is not going to make a scene like his mother, nor like before.Kong Shuanghua said: "Fang Yuan, I basically don't interfere with what you do in other areas; it's just in this area that I feel uncomfortable." Fang Yuan hugged Kong Shuanghua in his arms and said: "Shuanghua, don't worry, I will love our family well. In the future, I will pay more attention to the relationship between men and women. If I did nothing, someone will spread rumors; if I really did, then I should be ruined. This matter , just like the previous scandals, they were all caused by people who hate me. This time, I am going to deal with this matter openly. If it was before, maybe I would have to track down who did it , but the result of doing so is to kill the previous ones, and there will be more ones who will continue. This time, I will find a way to completely eliminate the rumors about my Fangyuan created and spread by the Eastern State education system. Rumors are flying all over the sky, I How do you go to work?" Fang Yuan was really angry.

Fang Yuan has been deliberating for several days, but has remained silent.Rumors about Fang Yuan and Zhou Yujie, Shu Han, Chen Qiuping, and Lu Zhenghong seemed to be rampant.Finally, the Party Committee of the Education Bureau held another meeting of the Party Committee around the earthquake relief activities.In the meeting, after discussing all the business matters, Fang Yuan raised his hand: "Secretary Hao, Director Zhai, I request the organization to investigate me!" Hao Ding was taken aback: "Director Fang, what are you investigating?" Fang Yuan said: "Recently , There have been rumors about me and other lesbians in the education system. This is not the first time, and the people who made and spread the rumors in the past few times have been punished as they should. This time, I request the organization to investigate I, investigate whether there is an improper male-female relationship between Comrade Zhou Yujie, Comrade Lu Zhenghong, Comrade Chen Qiuping and Comrade Shu Han in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. If there is no such thing, please organize Fangyuan to return my innocence; at the same time , I request the organization to investigate who made and spread these rumors, and how to punish them. I ask the party committee of the bureau to study the punishment. I think that this kind of crooked trend can no longer be allowed to be arrogant. If it happens once and for all, It is unavoidable, but since I got the qualification for the Qingjiang Provincial Chinese Quality Class Competition, from No. 68 Middle School to No. 5 Middle School, to the Education Bureau, rumors have continued along the way, and every rumor is about the relationship between men and women. I really I feel that some comrades have a bad conscience and have forgotten the cultivation of party spirit. I really don’t want the Education Bureau to be surrounded by all kinds of rumors. If we want to run a Dongzhou education that the people are satisfied with, it is necessary to support the Dongzhou education system. Everyone in the company can create a good atmosphere for starting a business, instead of being surrounded by gossip all day long!"

Hao Dingyi was troubled by many problems. Hearing Fangyuan's impassioned speech, Hao Dingyi had a headache: This Fangyuan, why did he add to the chaos? Are you having a good time?

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