Director's growth history

3158.1889. Vivid Lesson 1

Fang Yuan praised the deputy, Bei Zhenlong nodded.Fang Yuan said: "This team has outstanding abilities and each has its own strengths. I think the progress of the fifth middle school this year is not only due to ability, but the most important thing is unity. No. 5 Middle School is developing well. Maybe sometimes there will be some different views on understanding, but as long as the final opinion is formed, as long as it is beneficial to the development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, every member of the team will go all out. "Bei Zhenlong said: "Unity produces cadres, unity produces achievements! Xiao Fang, principal, I have learned a vivid lesson." Wang Guodong said: "In any place, in any unit, I am afraid of internal friction. Xiao Fang Principal, it's not easy for you, the head of No. 5 High School!"

Wang Guodong's words were also full of profound meaning, both Song Yunsheng and Sheng Zhiren could understand.Wang Guodong really admired Fangyuan's management methods. It is not easy to manage and use these deputies well.

Fang Yuan said: "Minister, Secretary, the formation of today's united situation is also inseparable from the support of the leadership of the Education Bureau. Last semester, we transferred two vice principals, Principal Qiu, Principal Huang, and Principal Ruan. The young and middle-level cadres in this school are selected and promoted." Bei Zhenlong also had a deep meaning: "If you don't do well, if you don't do well, replace it! It seems that the effect of the replacement in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is still very good." Fang Yuan Said: "Yes, Minister. I only served as the principal of the No. 5 Middle School this semester, and I can be regarded as newly promoted. The newly promoted comrades, what they think in their hearts is how to do their jobs well, how to make achievements, and live up to their superiors. In terms of goals, everyone is on the same page." Bei Zhenlong nodded thoughtfully.

Fang Yuan said: "The results of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School this year are the result of the united efforts of the team. In the near future, I believe that these deputy colleagues of mine will definitely be promoted to principals or more important leadership positions and take charge of their own. If they may leave, I will It is also possible to leave, but the good development of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School cannot be abandoned because of people. Therefore, the school has decided to increase the training of reserve cadres. This work has been assigned to Secretary Dai. My requirements for Secretary Dai are: Select those young and middle-aged excellent teachers with good moral character, high prestige, strong ability, desire to do things, and capable of doing things to form a talent pool. This pool is going to be established in this summer vacation. Put on burdens, add tasks, and examine their character, dedication, and ability in actual work. I hope that in the near future, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School will be able to form a complete echelon, and whoever is transferred will be replaced by suitable comrades."

This point was something that Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng did not hear when they came to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School yesterday, and it was also something that Fang Yuan had thought deeply about yesterday afternoon.Fang Yuan consulted the previous article on cadre team building and knew that reserve cadre team building is an important part of cadre team building.Fang Yuan also wanted to leave an unforgettable impression on Bei Zhenlong. When he reached the departmental level, it would be impossible not to think about the departmental level.Fangyuan hoped that this thought of hers could touch Bei Zhenlong's heart.

Sure enough, Bei Zhenlong was moved.Bei Zhenlong looked at Wang Guodong, at Song Yunsheng, then at Sheng Zhiren, and said, "What do you think of Principal Xiaofang's approach to building a reserve cadre team?" Wang Guodong said, "Minister, Principal Xiaofang is indeed A rare talent, very comprehensive." Song Yunsheng said: "The construction of the party's cadre team is very important, and Comrade Fangyuan has done a good job. If the city's education system can also establish a reserve cadre training system, Dongzhou's education will definitely have successors and burst forth. Come alive."

Hao Ding's face turned ashen for a moment.The cadres of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School looked at Fangyuan, and their hearts were filled with awe.Bei Zhenlong said: "If you can't do it well, replace it with others. In the same way, to care for outstanding young cadres, you should not only consider whether to burden them, but also not to encourage them. It is not easy for the party to train a good cadre, and to encourage them is not to love Instead, it harms cadres." Wang Guodong said: "The minister is right." Bei Zhenlong said: "Principal Xiaofang, I support your idea of ​​building a reserve cadre echelon. You continue to report."

Fang Yuan also introduced how the school optimizes teachers' teaching methods and guides students on how to master scientific learning methods, which is the third aspect of the school's success in the college entrance examination.The fourth aspect of Fang Yuan's summary is to strengthen the moral education of students, which greatly exceeded Wang Guodong and others' expectations, and also made Bei Zhenlong more interested.Fangyuan said: "Moral education includes a wide range of content. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School focuses on patriotic education and inspirational education. During the Lhasa rebellion incident, Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School carried out education in a timely manner, leading students to correctly analyze the nature of the Tibetan incident and understand the nature of the incident. Clear up the ugly face of hostile forces such as the United States and other forces such as the Communist Party of China, and recognize that the Western news media that flaunts fairness has shown its hypocrisy and false and fair nature with a large number of fabricated press releases, and its news media are also Those who serve their politics can also fake news to attack China; this year, the Beijing Olympic Games will be held. This is the first time that the Olympic Games will be held on Chinese soil. So far, they are relatively powerful countries. We lead students to be proud of the motherland for the Olympic Games, and lead students to do something useful for the Olympic Games; on May 5, the Wenchuan earthquake, the school has not been mobilized, The students in No. 12 Middle School have already taken action, donating money and materials to the earthquake-stricken areas, picking up useful recyclable waste on the street and selling them to the disaster-stricken areas, and actively matching and helping children in the disaster-stricken areas. It should be said that the students in No. 5 Middle School generally have a strong sense of responsibility. patriotic thought. Patriotic education and inspirational education are inseparable. Because everyone is patriotic, inspirational education is easier to carry out. To do more for the great motherland and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, you must master With more knowledge and skills, only by learning better can we better serve our motherland. Therefore, students in No. 5 middle school do not need to be urged to study hard, because students all expect to be admitted to a good university and master better skills. To contribute to the motherland with more skills. Combined with the scientific method advocated by the school, students can get twice the result with half the effort in learning efficiency, which has also become an important reason for the excellent results in this year's college entrance examination."

Bei Zhenlong took the lead in applauding, and everyone applauded Fang Yuan.Sheng Zhiren suddenly felt how pale the report he had prepared for Wang Guodong was!

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the kindness of the leaders. In my opinion, good college entrance examination results are just immediate results. More importantly, students have mastered scientific learning methods, which will benefit them throughout their lives. No matter what they study or do in the future , can be guided by scientific methods, and the contribution they can make will be even greater; the students have established a strong patriotic thought, and at any time, they will become firm supporters of the complete reunification of the motherland, and become the foundation for the construction and development of the motherland. qualified workers."

Bei Zhenlong's usually calm heart was also a little excited.It seems that Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee's instructions were not aimless.Perhaps Secretary Zhao had already seen this rare party reserve cadre when he inspected Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School in March. This time, he specially asked me, Tian Guohua, and Qu Bitong to take another look, and let the Provincial Department of Education take another look. look.This trip back to Dongzhou was worthwhile.Bei Zhenlong said emotionally: "Comrades, Principal Xiao Fang taught me a vivid lesson today!"

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