Director's growth history

3159.1990, impression

Bei Zhenlong changed his solemn expression, and left Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School with a smile on his face.Before getting into the car, Bei Zhenlong held Fang Yuan's hand and patted the back of Fang Yuan's hand lightly: "Work hard, keep working hard."

The appreciation and encouragement are clearly expressed in this short sentence.Both Wang Guodong and Sheng Zhiren felt the heavy pressure: Fangyuan won the big prize this time, and it left a deep impression on the mind of the head of the organization department of the Provincial Party Committee, and he might often talk about it.How to arrange Fangyuan in the next step is not only a practical problem before us, but also a difficult one.The promotion from the vice-principal to the secretary of the party branch and the principal is an exceptional promotion by the Education Bureau; from the principal to the deputy director of school supervision, it is studied by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and is also an exceptional promotion.Could it be that after just a few months, there is still an exception for promotion?Hao Dingyi must be leaving education, can he promote Fangyuan to be the secretary of the party committee?Or let Zhai Xinwen be the secretary of the party committee and promote Fang Yuan to be the director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau?Leading a school is not the same as leading thousands of schools in the city!

Seeing off Bei Zhenlong and his party, Qiu Zhengxuan took the lead and held Fang Yuan's hand with both hands: "Principal, congratulations!" Fang Yuan smiled: "I'm afraid there will be more inspections by the leaders in the future. Zhengxuan, you have to bear more of the reception What about the task!" Qiu Zhengxuan said, "Thank you, the principal, for affirming me from the provincial and municipal leaders. From now on, I will only follow the lead of the principal!" Qiu Zhengxuan did not shy away from saying such embarrassing words in front of Dai Lianghua and others.Fang Yuan said: "Zhengxuan, you can't say that. Every comrade performs his duties. If I take on more work in the Education Bureau, everyone will have to take on more school work. Of course, if the Bureau The party committee research decided to promote everyone to take charge of their own duties, so I definitely agree with it. Although the 5th Middle School is becoming more and more famous now, in the 5th Middle School, after all, it is a deputy. In other middle schools, it may be a full-time job. What the Minister said just now, everyone, work hard and keep working hard!"

Back in the small conference room, all the cadres of the No. 5 Middle School, including the school's middle management, held another school affairs meeting.Fangyuan briefed the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Organization Minister Bei Zhenlong on his inspection of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School.Fang Yuan said: "Everyone puts all their minds into their work and how to create new achievements in their work. I really dislike some people who just think about people and play tricks. If you put all these thoughts and energy into In terms of work, you will definitely be able to create more achievements in your work. Today I will put my words here: who I reuse and who I promote depends on your work attitude and your work achievements. As long as you work If you have made remarkable achievements, you should be rewarded heavily. If you have the opportunity to be promoted, you must actively recommend it. After all, I am a member of the party committee of the bureau and have the right to speak at the party committee meeting of the bureau. If you put your mind on intrigue, give it to others Make a rumor, spread a word, then I want to say, as long as I have a grasp of the situation, even when you left No. 5 Middle School, there have been such examples before!" Fang Yuan glanced at everyone's eyes face, everyone looked terrified, and everyone couldn't help but think of Yang Yingxian.Fang Yuan stared at Na Hong for a long time, staring at Na Hong feeling guilty, muttering: "I have been working hard all the time!" But his eyes never dared to look at Fang Yuan again, and his heart could not be more empty.Chen Qiuping watched Fang Yuan staring at the red from a distance, and felt relieved: If her husband could hold up a blue sky for her like Fang Yuan, and she would be a gentle little woman under the blue sky, how wonderful it would be ah!Thoughtful and emotional, Chen Qiuping looked at Fangyuan with gentler eyes.

Fangyuan's tone became calm again: "As for rewards, it is impossible to be 5% fair. My basic principle is: Whoever really contributes a lot will be rewarded! For example, in the rewards after the provincial quality education on-site meeting, the vice principal Hong got The first reward. This time the college entrance examination, the ones who deserve the most rewards are Principal Huang and Principal Yang, because they have made the greatest contribution to the breakthrough of the college entrance examination results. Even if some comrades want to fight, if you can stand up for it If you have any reason, then you can convince me! As long as you are reasonable, I will definitely accept it! If you just hold the selfish idea of ​​getting more bonuses for yourself, then you should shut your mouth, don’t provoke discord, don’t make random comments, there are I can tell the truth to my face. If anyone is making a fuss behind my back and telling right and wrong, then it’s still the same sentence, this comrade doesn’t want to continue working in [-], and I can also tell you clearly: you The road to progress was also blocked before, because your performance was not enough to make the superiors think that you should be promoted and reused, did everyone understand?"

Fang Yuan once again scanned the audience, staring at Na Hong for the longest time.That Hong is really honest this time, Fang Yuan's eyes can kill people!

Fang Yuan stared at Na Hong and said, "Don't think that every time you get the bonus, you should get the most! When you get the bonus, think about how much contribution you have made in this matter? The cadres have contributed a lot. When it comes to rewards for a certain event, where is your contribution? Every comrade must reflect! This time the senior high school entrance examination, the first reward is Principal Qiu, and the second reward is Secretary Dai and the teaching director of the third grade. This time For the college entrance examination, the first bonus is headmaster Huang, and the second bonus is Director Yang who is in charge of senior three. The focus of the bonus is the first-line teachers in the third and third grades of junior high school. This is a basic principle! Still the same sentence, you If you are not convinced, if you have a valid and tenable reason, then you can bring it up to me and convince me first. If there is no fair and just reason, then if someone is muttering behind your back, everyone here Comrades can supervise each other and report to me as soon as possible, and I will deal with it seriously and will not be soft!"

Fangyuan is rarely so strict!A 28-year-old young man, when he is strict, is even more majestic than a middle-aged man in his 40s, which makes these deputies and middle-level people in their 40s and 30s feel anxious and uneasy.Whether this is the confidence brought by the Provincial Party Committee Organization Minister's inspection 5, or whether Fang Yuan is really upright, no one can figure it out.But everyone knows that this time the head of the Provincial Committee of the Organization came to inspect the No. 5 Middle School in person and gave Fang Yuan great encouragement. Fang Yuan will be able to walk sideways in the Education Bureau or the school in the future.Anyone who dares to provoke Fang Yuan is simply seeking his own death!Judging from the wishes of the provincial and municipal leaders, it seems that Hao Ding, the party secretary of the Education Bureau, is short-lived. Is Fang Yuan going to be promoted to become the party secretary of the Education Bureau?If you really become the secretary of the party committee, according to the principle of party management of cadres, all department and deputy department-level cadres in the Dongzhou education system are within the authority of Fangyuan, and if the middle-level director wants to be promoted to a vice-principal, it will be a huge discourse right!

More importantly, this "mutual supervision" method is really powerful!Who can guarantee that after you mutter, which one around you will not report to Fangyuan?After the report, it's not like everyone has seen Fang Yuan's methods before. When it's time to be cruel, it's definitely not polite.Yang Yingxian, who once flattered Fangyuan so much, immediately became the vice chairman of the trade union of other schools and enjoyed vice-principal treatment because he spread the rumors about Fangyuan; Fang Yuan ruined his chances of being promoted to Deputy Division.

The meeting was very dull, basically talking about everything.But no one will come to question, why should Fang Yuan speak.Perhaps at this time, everyone felt that Fang Yuan was indeed the absolute leader of Dongzhou No. 5, and no one would dare to question the leader who dared to supervise.

At the end of the meeting, Ruan Shaoxiu stayed behind: "Principal, I have something to ask for instructions." Fang Yuan said, "Let's talk." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "This morning, the principal reported to Minister Bei of the Provincial Party Committee. It was very exciting. I want to tell the principal Let’s tidy up the content, okay?”

What a sensible person!Fangyuan said: "Okay, let's tidy it up. I don't know when the same content will be reported; I don't know when which leader will ask for this material. Take the material that you and Jiawei sorted out last time, and then put it together." To put it together, one article focuses on the development and work ideas of the school; one article focuses on the construction of the cadre team. Regarding the moral education of students, a separate article can be formed." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Understood." Fang Yuan said: "This time The school issued bonuses, your rewards are probably much lower than Huang Jiawei's, you don't have any objections in your heart?" Ruan Shaoxiu said: "No. Principal Huang worked hard. He has done a lot and has good grades, so he deserves these bonuses "Fang Yuan said: "Don't worry. You have paid a lot. In terms of bonuses for the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, it is indeed inconvenient for me to make major adjustments, but in other aspects, I will not treat hard-working comrades badly. Go and call Qiu Zhengxuan over now, I have something to tell him." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Okay."

Qiu Zhengxuan came here at a trot.Standing in front of Fang Yuan, behaved well, holding a notebook, and the pen was also set up.Fang Yuan said: "Sit down, Zhengxuan!" After Qiu Zhengxuan sat down, Fang Yuan said: "Zhengxuan, after this summer vacation, you have to be ready for promotion and reuse." Qiu Zhengxuan was pleasantly surprised and then flustered.Fang Yuan said: "In the past six months, you have presided over the school's routine work. I am very satisfied. I am going to recommend you to the party committee of the bureau and reuse you." Qiu Zhengxuan burst into tears, and he didn't know how to express the emotion in his heart.Fang Yuan said: "Because your tenure as vice-principal is less than one year, it is basically impossible to be promoted to full-principal. This is a special case for me, and generally there will not be a second job. However, I am going to recommend you to another school. The school will preside over the work, and after serving as the vice principal for another year, you will be promoted to the principal. In the process of presiding over the work, your authority is no different from that of the principal." Although Qiu Zhengxuan was delighted, he was also a little disappointed: it turned out that he was not promoted in the 5th!

Fang Yuan said: "In No. 5 Middle School, I plan to stay for at least two more years and finish the reincarnation of a third year of high school. In the next two years, you will be able to exercise your ability to be independent in other schools outside." At this time, Qiu Zhengxuan, Inside is the real surprise: it turned out to be so.

Fangyuan said: "I hope that Zhengxuan will actively spread the good experience, good practices, and good ideas of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School to other schools. It is certainly a pleasure to run a good school; but if every school in the city, If it can be run as well as No. 5 Middle School, then the people of the city must be more satisfied with Dongzhou education!" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "I will definitely keep the principal's instructions in mind and spread the experience of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. The principal said well, there must be This is what I lack, and I will look at issues from an overall perspective in the future.” Fang Yuan said, “That’s right. Only by looking at issues from a more overall perspective can I assume more important responsibilities in the future .” Qiu Zhengxuan’s heart became even more excited.Of course he understood that Fang Yuan was implying that if he did a good job, he would have a place in the Education Bureau in the future.Of course, Fangyuan keeps improving, so he always has to use his own people!Whoever supports him and who can do a good job will naturally be promoted and reused.Qiu Zhengxuan felt that the future was bright!

Fang Yuan said: "Zhengxuan, I haven't considered the issue of bonus distribution very thoroughly. Some teachers of other subjects, some comrades in general affairs and logistics, if they follow the standard I just mentioned, they probably won't get a penny of bonus. They have also made great contributions to the development of the school." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "The principal is right." In his heart, he thought that it was Ruan Shaoxiu who sued Fangyuan like this.Fang Yuan said: "I came up with another method, that is, part of the bonus will be distributed relatively evenly by the whole school according to their positions; and then the remaining part will be rewarded mainly for teachers in the third and third grades of junior high school. Every teacher in State No. 5 can get a huge bonus." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "This method is more scientific than the original method." Fang Yuan said: "Do this thing well. We can't do good things. It has become a thing that makes the common people scold their mothers! Giving bonuses is a good thing in itself, and more than 90% of the teachers must feel that the school is good and the school's treatment is good." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "We must also let them feel that the principal is good." Fang Yuan Said: "It would be great if I could suffer less scolding." Qiu Zhengxuan said: "No. I will refine it repeatedly with Secretary Dai, Principal Huang, and Principal Ruan, and strive to satisfy most teachers and satisfy most teachers. Most teachers are grateful to Principal Fang."

Fang Yuan nodded: "This matter must be done carefully and well." Qiu Zhengxuan knew what he said, said it to Fang Yuan's heart, and left happily.When I returned to the office, I couldn't help humming a little song softly.Suddenly someone behind him sneered: "Principal Qiu, you are proud of the spring breeze! The bonus is so high that you don't pay attention to the suffering of us poor people!"

Qiu Zhengxuan looked back and saw that it was the vice principal Na Hong.Qiu Zhengxuan reminded himself: we should consider the problem from the standpoint of the overall situation.He smiled and said: "The principal seems very dissatisfied!" Na Hong said: "I dare not be dissatisfied! Who wants to be Yang Yingxian's second!" Qiu Zhengxuan said: "Before the final plan is released, please ask Don’t be impatient with the principal. I believe that the principal will have the most careful consideration and satisfy more than 90% of the cadres and teachers! However, the principal said that when looking at the problem, we must look at the overall situation and take a long-term view. Just focus on the three centimeters in front of you. It is definitely a short-sighted behavior." The red face blushed, and said: "My woman has long hair and short knowledge, okay? Why do you speak with pricks?" Qiu Zhengxuan opened his eyes wide: "I have never spoken without pricks. The principal, if you are really dissatisfied, then report to Principal Fang." Na Hong said: "Forget it, a small arm can't twist a thigh. Even the secretary of the provincial party committee and the head of the organization of the provincial party committee came to support me. I think it's the municipal party committee. Secretary Wang and Mayor Song of the municipal government don't dare to do anything to our Principal Fang! I want to live for two more years!"

"Then principal, is that how you look at me?" A calm voice sounded from behind, and the red heart suddenly rose to the throat.My god, how can I say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is really here!

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