Director's growth history

3160.1991. Are you convinced?

Na Hong really didn't expect that Fang Yuan would appear behind her at this time, and suddenly felt her blood pressure rise and she felt dizzy.Qiu Zhengxuan hurriedly said hello: "Hi, principal. If there is nothing else to do, I'll go back to the office to prepare a plan." Fang Yuan nodded.Qiu Zhengxuan ran away immediately, such a matter had nothing to do with him, it was best to run away quickly.Of course, this time someone finally wants to repair the red, which is really a joyful thing!Qiu Zhengxuan was expecting that this woman with long hair and short knowledge who only stared at bonuses and only knew how to show off would be fined by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan's face was calm, looking at Na Hong, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.That Hong is really scared now, she can't help but gently support the wall with one hand, not caring whether the white surface on the wall will stain her clothes.Fang Yuan said: "Na Hong, I have always valued you very much. But now I am very disappointed!" Na Hong murmured: "Principal, I... I was wrong." Fang Yuan said: "I have always valued ability. If I have the ability, no one greets me, and I will use you as much as I do. Similarly, I have high requirements for my ability. If I have no ability at all, I will not achieve results in each job; As a result, Nahong, tell me, will the secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and the head of the organization of the provincial party committee come to Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School?" Na Hong was timid and timid: "No." Fang Yuan said, "Because I didn't get Before I won the first prize in the Qingjiang Provincial Chinese Quality Class Competition, who else paid attention to me? I think that the change in my life has a lot to do with the saving of the quality class competition. With that first prize class, the Bureau The leaders paid attention to it; later, the first prize in the national class, which was the first first prize in the national class in Dongzhou City, attracted the attention of the city leaders. So Hong, let me ask you, before I did not fight for the provincial class, the national class Before I won the first prize in the class, why didn't the provincial and municipal leaders pay attention to me?"

Fang Yuan spoke with confidence, and Na Hong dared not contradict him even more.Fang Yuan said, "Na Hong, that's how you looked at me before, thinking that I got to where I am today because of the attention of the provincial and municipal leaders. Do you think your opinion is in line with the actual situation?" The voice of Hong was too low. Lower down: "Not conforming." Fang Yuan said: "Not conforming is to fabricate facts, spread rumors and slander? I have repeatedly emphasized that put your mind on work, do a good job, and everything will be fine. What about your popularity? Have you put all your mind into work? Fortunately, I was still with the provincial and municipal leaders and said so many good things about you! Do you think you are worthy of me? Do you think you are worthy of your own conscience? Do you think you are still a qualified Party members and leading cadres?"

Fang Yuan's voice echoed in the corridor, and many people in the office could hear it clearly.

Na Hong was even more at a loss, and could only repeat the words "I was wrong", tears streaming down her face.

"If there is no factual basis, you can't speak indiscriminately; even if there is a factual basis, some words should be said on a case-by-case basis. Like you, when there is no factual basis, relying on your own guesses, imaginations, and perhaps some jealousy , Just talking nonsense, where is the organizational discipline? Where is the moral character?"

Na Hong couldn't support her body any longer, and suddenly sat down on the ground, weeping.

"Do you want to transfer from No. 5 High School?" Fang Yuan asked.

"No!" The red head rattled like a drum, she never wanted to leave No. 5 Middle School. The glory of No. 5 and the future development prospects of No. 5 made Na Hong very fond of it.

Fang Yuan said: "We need to get rid of the problem of talking with a big mouth! Do you know that you are wrong?" Na Hong nodded desperately: "I was wrong, principal, I was really wrong." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I I will give you another chance. You go back and write a deep self-criticism, carefully analyze your mistakes, analyze the world view, analyze the depths of your soul, analyze the cause and effect, and write down in the self-criticism what you plan to do in the future .The next time you hold a school meeting, read this review publicly in front of all comrades!"

This is an outright conspiracy!In the corridor, publicly criticize Na Hong; let Na Hong publicly preach and criticize at the school affairs meeting~~ Fang Yuan really hates gossip and gossip!And this red is precisely an important birthplace of school gossip!It's too bad not to cure her!Even if you want to transfer Nahong, let Nahong speak out before leaving, educate the cadres and teachers of the whole school, don't say things that are imaginary, don't say things that are not based on facts, don't create and spread gossip, and use your thoughts To work, use the development in 5.Na Hong lost face, and she inevitably felt resentment in her heart, but in the face of the facts, what could she do?If you don't kill her chicken, it will be difficult to create a new work-oriented atmosphere in the whole school, and it will be difficult to educate others!What's wrong with being stronger?When necessary, the strong must be strong!

Soon, Fang Yuan taught Na Hong a lesson, and the news that Na Hong collapsed to the ground quickly spread throughout the school.This time, there wasn't much negative impact, the main thing was that the facts were clear, that Hong spoke ill of Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan listened to it.The news that Hong wrote the review and was going to read it publicly shocked everyone; Fangyuan valued work, and the concept of employing people who worked hard would be reused, which also touched a lot of heartstrings.The psychology of Dongzhou cadres and teachers is undergoing more or less profound changes. A strong Fangyuan is changing Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, changing the work and psychological state of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School people.

In the central conference room of the Municipal Party Committee, Bei Zhenlong sat behind the table with the word "Chief" written on the standing sign and listened carefully to the report made by Wang Guodong on behalf of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.Song Yunsheng, Shi Mingxiang, Sheng Zhiren and other members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee sat opposite Bei Zhenlong; in the back row, there were also the Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress, the Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, the Vice Chairman of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference, and the Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee Ming Yuyun.According to Bei Zhenlong's original intention, it is enough to have a discussion with the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee; All deputy municipalities can come to this symposium.Apart from Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Feng Feng, the Minister of Organization, Bei Zhenlong, was probably the leader of the Provincial Party Committee who received the most attention from the prefecture and city officials.Of course Bei Zhenlong can understand everyone's feelings.

Wang Guodong briefly reported on the economic and social development of Dongzhou in the first half of 2008.From the perspective of the Municipal Party Committee, he focused on social harmony and stability, people's livelihood assistance, Olympic promotion, donations to earthquake-stricken areas, etc., and also introduced the progress of major projects in Dongzhou City.When introducing economic affairs, Wang Guodong also frankly introduced the current difficulties Dongzhou is facing to Bei Zhenlong: After the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, Dongzhou, which relies on the export economy as the support for economic development, has experienced some problems in the export processing industry. Difficulties that are difficult to overcome by self-reliance, some export processing enterprises have closed down, and some foreign trade companies have suffered serious losses, making it difficult to maintain.It should be said that Wang Guodong not only affirmed the achievements, but also pointed out the shortcomings, and reported to Bei Zhenlong in a more objective and pragmatic manner.Bei Zhenlong had a good impression of Wang Guodong. He only knew how to say good things, cover up problems with numbers, and falsely report his achievements. For Bei Zhenlong, a provincial-level senior official in charge of cadres, he was very disgusted.Wang Guodong reported to him the difficulties and problems in Dongzhou's economic operation with a calm attitude, which in itself proved that the secretary of the municipal party committee was serious, rigorous, and responsible.Only cadres who don't care about the life and death of the people will only report exaggerated achievements without conscience, as if a city is perfect.

But what Wang Guodong said, in Song Yunsheng's view, was simply a criticism of the government's lack of work.Economic development is the responsibility of the government. Indeed, due to the economic crisis in the United States, Dongzhou’s export companies and foreign trade companies have encountered some difficulties, but this is not a unique phenomenon in Dongzhou. Shanghai, Qingjiang Province, Fujian Province, and Guangdong Province , These southeast coastal provinces and regions have all experienced a wave of closures of export-oriented enterprises.Besides, the city government is also trying to find a way, and Zhou Pengyou has been ordered to come up with a work plan to reverse this unfavorable situation.The government is not inactive. Some export-oriented enterprises have gained vitality by developing new markets and reducing their dependence on the US market; they have gained vitality by moving to the domestic market; they have gained vitality by switching to other products. Dacheng Group is a good example.

Song Yunsheng knew that at this time, Wang Guodong's report could not be interrupted, because Wang Guodong's report focused on the study of the scientific development concept and the construction of the cadre team.

Sure enough, after reporting on the economic and social development, Wang Guodong began to report on the study and implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development.Wang Guodong introduced Dongzhou's practices in terms of mobilization and deployment, organizational learning, front-line supervision, and feedback effects.Wang Guodong believes that the scientific outlook on development is the guiding ideology of development that every party member and cadre must firmly establish. Only scientific development can lead to better and faster development, harmonious development, and sustainable development.To avoid low-level redundant construction, to avoid short-term and fast performance projects, to avoid the settlement of high-energy-consuming and high-pollution projects in Dongzhou, and strive to build Dongzhou into an environmentally friendly and resource-saving modern international city.In the report on the construction of the cadre team, Wang Guodong emphasized that the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee firmly grasped the main line of scientific development, and trained, selected and appointed cadres in accordance with the requirements of "both morality and ability, with morality first".Through several years of hard work, a large number of comrades with excellent style and strong ability have taken leadership positions at all levels, laying an important talent foundation for the development of Dongzhou City.The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to the deliberation of the National People's Congress. The appointment of all department-level cadres in the government sequence must be deliberated and approved by the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee before being appointed.Those who have not passed the deliberation of the National People's Congress will not be appointed.In the past two years, two cadres have failed to pass the vote of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and have not been promoted.Wang Guodong emphasized that the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee attaches great importance to the cultivation of young reserve cadres. Through the key training of the Party School, the public selection within a certain range, and the exceptional promotion of special contributors, a large number of young and promising comrades with outstanding work achievements have taken up leadership positions. At present, there is 2 department-level cadre under the age of 35, and 1 department-level cadres under the age of 30. Fangyuan from Dongzhou No. 11 Middle School is a representative of young reserve cadres.In the future, under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the guidance and help of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee will further strengthen the mechanism construction, supervision and management of the cadre team, further increase the training of young reserve cadres, and strive to build a Young cadres with culture, ability, integrity, and dedication take up leadership positions to ensure that the party's cause will be followed by successors and talents will emerge in large numbers.Finally, Wang Guodong sincerely asked Minister Bei Zhenlong to give more valuable opinions on various aspects of Dongzhou City's work.

Bei Zhenlong nodded.This time, it was routine to come to Dongzhou to listen to the report of the municipal party committee.What he saw and heard in Dongzhou 5 made Bei Zhenlong feel that the trip was worthwhile.Of course, taking this opportunity to learn about the situation of the cadres in Dongzhou is also the responsibility of the organization minister.After most of the day's trip, Bei Zhenlong had a good impression of Wang Guodong and Shi Mingxiang, but a very average impression of Song Yunsheng.

Bei Zhenlong said: "Other comrades can also combine their work and talk about it." This is Bei Zhenlong's sincere words.Bei Zhenlong wanted to get a preliminary understanding of each cadre by observing their speeches.

Song Yunsheng said: "Minister, let me say a few words." Bei Zhenlong nodded calmly.Song Yunsheng said: "In his position, he seeks his own government. Only by doing something can he be worthy of the trust of the leaders and the expectations of the people. Dongzhou City Government has firmly established the concept that development is the last word in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. Go all out to promote the economic and social development of Dongzhou City. I believe that only development can enable the government to have more sufficient financial resources and solve more people's livelihood problems; only development can make many contradictions and hidden dangers in economic progress Naturally eliminated. Similarly, the development of education is inseparable from the investment of financial resources. If you want to get more financial resources, you must go all out to develop the economy. Most people in the city government take development as the goal and look at it from the perspective of development. The problem is to use the development project as the driving force, and do everything possible to develop. In the past two years, although the development of Dongzhou has been affected by the crisis in the international financial market, because everyone has firmly established the concept of scientific development, Dongzhou The city’s economy has not only not regressed, but has even gone upstream and made new progress.” Song Yunsheng gave a brief and concise introduction from several aspects such as project construction, infrastructure construction, port construction, tourism development, foreign trade import and export mode adjustment, and old city renovation. A comprehensive report on the progress of Dongzhou City in the past two years.Song Yunsheng said: "Minister, it is precisely because of the growing financial resources of the government that Dongzhou City will have stronger support for people's livelihood work, such as Dongzhou City's improvement of the urban minimum living standard, and this time rewarding Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School The 80 yuan is inseparable from the growth of financial resources. Minister, I personally think that if people’s livelihood is only improved for the sake of improving people’s livelihood, it will not be able to improve people’s livelihood; if we strive to develop the economy for the sake of improving people’s livelihood, the economy will be better. , many livelihood problems will be solved or improved. Regarding the difficulties encountered by foreign trade and export enterprises in Dongzhou City, the municipal government has also thought of many solutions, and the initial results have been achieved. I suggest that Zhou Pengyou, the deputy mayor Introduce to the minister some of the work that Dongzhou has done to overcome difficulties and prevent enterprises from going bankrupt."

Bei Zhenlong nodded: "Okay, Comrade Pengyou, please introduce the situation." Zhou Pengyou, who was sitting in the second row, stood up, bowed to Bei Zhenlong, and said, "Thank you, Minister." Zhou Pengyou Briefly report on the countermeasures taken by the municipal government to deal with export difficulties and business operation difficulties caused by the financial crisis.It should be said that Zhou Peng has a lot of ideas, although they are only Zhou Peng's ideas, but speaking here represents the Dongzhou Municipal Government and Song Yunsheng.Some practices are indeed pragmatic and effective, and Bei Zhenlong nodded frequently.Judging from the reports made by Song Yunsheng and Zhou Peng, Dongzhou City still has two hands in terms of economic development and coping with the financial crisis. It is understandable that some views of the mayor Song Yunsheng should be placed in the position of the mayor.

Looking at Wang Guodong and then Song Yunsheng, Bei Zhenlong suddenly felt: it is necessary to take a closer look at Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng.When evaluating a cadre, you should never listen to hearsay, and you must experience it yourself at all times, so that you can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of a cadre, and you can arrange the most suitable person to the most suitable position when making personnel arrangements.

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