Director's growth history

3204.1928. Confusion

When Fang Yuan left the meeting room (classroom), he did not forget to say to Lei Xianhong: "Principal Lei, please continue the discussion." Lei Xianhong didn't know why, but she stood up and said, "Director Fang, go Busy." The students present were stunned.

Fang Yuan couldn't care less about the gazes of these people.It is impossible for Dou Shengzhong to wait too long for the call from Dou Shengzhong.Fang Yuan rushed out a few steps, and connected the phone: "Mr. Dou, hello." Dou Shengzhong's friendly voice came from the microphone: "Xiao Fang, did you go to the party school to study today?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, today the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang taught us the first lesson." Dou Shengzhong said: "Secretary Wang is very concerned about this party school training class! Xiao Fang, you must not disappoint Secretary Wang." Fang Yuan said: "Please rest assured, Minister Dou, I will not Let Secretary Wang down. I will definitely follow Secretary Wang's request, stand firm, discern the direction, study hard, and grow up." Dou Shengzhong said: "You remember the sixteen words of Secretary Wang very firmly! Xiao Fang, This is very good. I want to tell you something." Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Dou, please tell me." Dou Shengzhong said: "After research and decision by the Municipal Party Committee, you will be the torchbearer of the Beijing Olympic torch relay in Dongzhou. Today at 3 o'clock in the afternoon , In Conference Room 209 of the Municipal Party Committee Building, a torchbearer mobilization meeting will be held, and you must participate." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Minister Dou for your kindness. I am very honored to be the Olympic torchbearer. However, Minister Dou, I am studying at the Party School. I will not ask for a day off. The disciplinary regulations say that in principle, it is not allowed to ask for leave.” Dou Shengzhong laughed: “You want to ask for leave with Lei Xianhong, right? Just say that this meeting is very political. , The whole people welcome the Olympics, and everything must be subject to this great event. It is the most important political task at present to mobilize the power of the whole people to host the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. If Lei Xianhong does not allow leave, you can say that I, Dou Shengzhong, let you Join this meeting." Fang Yuan had a headache: Can I say that?Fang Yuan said: "Please rest assured Minister Dou, I will definitely attend the meeting on time." Dou Shengzhong said: "Okay."

Back in the conference room, Lei Xianhong was already summing up.Fang Yuan quietly walked to the back row and sat down, not sitting next to Lei Xianhong.Lei Xianhong nodded and continued with his summary.It should be said that Lei Xianhong's level is still high. Standing at the height of a party educator, he fully affirmed the significance and practical role of Wang Guodong's party history class. He hopes that every student will remember the teachings of Secretary Wang. The sacred mission of a party member and cadre is to make his greatest contribution to the revitalization of China, the development of Dongzhou, and the benefit of the people.We must strictly demand ourselves, make good use of the power endowed by the party and the people, serve the public wholeheartedly, do not seek personal gain, and never follow the old path of those gangsters.

What Lei Xianhong said was righteous and strict, but after listening to it, Fang Yuan did not arouse deep thinking like Wang Guodong's lecture, let alone received a deep education.Fang Yuan thought of Lei Xianhong asking him to enroll his son in No. 5 Middle School half an hour ago.If he wasn't the executive vice principal of the party school, if he wasn't the head teacher of his own party school, would he have done this for him?Does Lei Xianhong use power for personal gain?

Fang Yuan felt that her outlook on life and the world were really a little confused.Right and wrong, right and wrong, justice and ugliness, sometimes the distinction is not so clear.With such confusion, Fang Yuan dismissed the class.

Fang Yuan stood up, and immediately smelled the fragrance of a woman's perfume.Looking back, it was Zhang Yitong.Fang Yuan clearly remembered that Zhang Yitong was one of the people who put him on the fire at the impromptu meeting of the class cadres.Fang Yuan glanced at Zhang Yitong, did not speak, and shouted to Huang Feng who was walking silently ahead: "Chief Huang, wait for me." Huang Feng turned his head and smiled: "Director Fang, did you call me?" Fang Yuan said "Section Chief Huang, what's the matter?" Huang Feng said, "It's okay, I'm going to the cafeteria for dinner!" Fang Yuan said, "I'm not familiar with the party school at all, and I want to go with Section Chief Huang." Huang Feng looked at Fangyuan , waited for a while, and said: "Okay, let's go. However, let's put the things back in the dormitory first." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

The two walked towards the dormitory area together.Fang Yuan and Huang Feng are not in the same dormitory, but on the first floor.When Fang Yuan opened the door of the room, a man in his early thirties stood up inside and said, "Hello, Director Fang." Fang Yuan knew that this was his roommate, his partner who would live together for the next month and a half, and Chen Jianfeng from the municipal government research office. Book Friends: The Lin of Quicksand].Fang Yuan said: "Hello, Section Chief Chen." Fang Yuan noticed that Chen Jianfeng put down the book in his hand. The title of the book was "Chinese Peasant Problems". Said it, but didn't watch it.

Fangyuan put down her pen, notebook, and water cup.Sitting on his bed, Chen Jianfeng read his "Chinese Peasant Problems" again.Fangyuan had nothing to say: "Chief Chen, don't you want to go to the cafeteria to eat?" Chen Jianfeng put down the book and said, "Eat, there is still time. We have dinner here at 11:45, which is the same time as the city hall cafeteria. Now it's not time, I will I don't want to go early either." Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

The two of them had no common language, which made Fang Yuan feel a little lonely.In fact, Fang Yuan is also a person who likes to be quiet, but for some reason, the hustle and bustle is less, and he feels a little lonely in his heart.After sitting for a while, Fang Yuan became more and more bored. Thinking that he hadn't asked for leave yet, he stood up and said, "Section Chief Chen, I'm going out to do something." Chen Jianfeng put down his book again, looked at Fang Yuan, and said, "Okay, Fang Yuan Director. Director Fang can do things if he has something to do, so you don’t need to greet me.” Fang Yuan nodded and left the dormitory silently, sighing in her heart: Chen Jianfeng is really a bookish person, can such a person stay in the city hall?

After leaving the dormitory, Fang Yuan called Huang Feng: "Section Chief Huang, I want to find Principal Lei. I have something to tell Principal Lei. Are you waiting for me in the dormitory and we have dinner together, or shall we meet in the cafeteria?" Huang Feng said: "Let's meet in the cafeteria." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan went to Lei Xianhong's office with ease.But the door of the executive vice principal's office was locked, and Lei Xianhong was not inside.Fangyuan found out his phone, but found that he hadn't entered Lei Xianhong's phone number.While he was wandering, he heard someone shouting: "Director Fang, hello." Turning around, it was Xiao Zheng, a teacher from the party school.Xiao Zheng was about the same age as Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan stepped forward, "Mr. Xiao, hello." Xiao Zheng said, "Director Fang, what do you do?" Fang Yuan said, "I want to see Principal Lei." Xiao Zheng said: "Principal Lei is in the cafeteria now! Today is the first day. Principal Lei takes food very seriously, and he must let the students in our class eat well."

Fang Yuan's impression of Lei Xianhong immediately improved a lot.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Lei is very dedicated!" Xiao Zheng said: "Yes! Principal Lei is very concerned about the food of the students, and he hopes that every student studying in the party school can eat well." Fang Yuan asked: "Our food Is the food good?" Xiao Zheng said: "Very good. The food standard for a day is 100 yuan for a student, 10 yuan for breakfast, 40 yuan for lunch, and 50 yuan for dinner. It is in the form of a buffet to ensure that you eat well and are full. Weekly On the night of Friday, each student can drink a little wine." Fang Yuan immediately felt: As a reserve cadre of the party, there is really nothing to say about the treatment, such as food, drink, lodging, and a whole set of problems. Don't think about anything.Under such conditions, if you don't study hard, can you be worthy of the organization?

After thinking about it, the business still needs to be done.Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Xiao, do you have Principal Lei's cell phone number here?" Xiao Zheng said: "Yes, Director Fang." Fang Yuan wrote down Lei Xianhong's number and called Lei Xianhong: "Principal Lei, Hello. It's lunch break, and you are still working hard for our students, which is really admirable." Lei Xianhong said: "Go to the cafeteria and have a look. I hope the food is more delicious, and the students like it." Fang Yuan said: "You Doing so will definitely win the love of the vast majority of students including me." Lei Xianhong said: "It is my duty to serve everyone well. Secretary Wang just took a party history class. Teacher, you must resolutely follow through to the end." Fang Yuan felt that he had nothing to say.After thinking about it, Fang Yuan said, "Principal Lei, I'm going to ask for leave this afternoon. After the first class, I'm going to leave the party school for a while." Lei Xianhong said, "Okay, go get busy."

Fang Yuan was taken aback. Why, Lei Xianhong didn't even ask why?What Fang Yuan wanted to say later, he couldn't catch a word.Fang Yuan had no choice but to say: "Thank you, Principal Lei." He hung up the phone hastily.Didn't you say that the discipline of the party school is very strict?Why don't you even ask why you ask for leave?Fang Yuan really couldn't figure it out.After thinking for a long time, I decided to send Lei Xianhong a text message: "Principal Lei: Director Dou of the Propaganda Department informed me that I was selected as the Olympic torchbearer, and a mobilization meeting will be held in the municipal party committee room 3 at 209 p.m.." Lei Xianhong quickly So he replied: "This is a major event, and it is also work. Your absence and leave will not be counted as your full attendance." Fang Yuan couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

The canteen of the party school is very good.The buffet is also great, Fangyuan and most of the students are very satisfied.Fang Yuan and Huang Feng walked into the cafeteria together, and many students had already rushed over.Lei Xianhong stood there, looking at the students with a smile.Fangyuan greeted: "Principal Lei, you have worked hard." Lei Xianhong said: "You should." Huang Feng said: "If the principals of every party school can be like you, then studying in the party school must be a very happy thing. It's something." Lei Xianhong smiled brightly: "Thank you, Section Chief Huang. Only when everyone eats well can they study better and complete the tasks of training and exercise."

No more words.Choose your favorite meal and sit at the same table with Huang Feng.Soon, several students sat at this relatively remote table, Li Xiaoliang, Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Yan Zhaodong, Deputy Director of Oujiang District, Zhang Yitong, Director of the Municipal Government Reception Office, Wan Liangjun, Budget Section of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Mo Xiaohan, Department of Radio, Television and Film of the Bureau, and Shang Jinjin, Organization Director of the Youth League Committee.The small dining table suddenly became crowded.Hey, that's interesting.

More interesting things are coming soon. 8 people ate at a dining table, everyone was burying their heads in eating, and no one spoke.After eating for a long time, Li Xiaoliang said: "Today's lunch is really delicious! If I'm not full, I would like to bring a plate."

This sentence is the key to unlock the lock, and the topic naturally opens.Yan Zhaodong said: "The food at the party school is much better than what I ate in the office canteen in Oujiang District." Wan Liangjun said: "It must be different. Mayor Yan, in the office canteen, the standard for civil servants in Dongzhou is 13 yuan Lunch is 2 yuan for individuals and 11 yuan for financial subsidies. In our party school, the standard breakfast is 10 yuan, lunch 40 yuan, and dinner 50 yuan. There is no alcohol, 40 yuan per person, and there are all kinds of tricks to eat?" Li Xiaoliang said: " It seems that the city leaders are really trying to relieve our worries, and let us study at the party school with peace of mind! I don’t know if we can publicize the matter of eating well?” Mo Xiaohan said: “Director Li, you have never forgotten You are the propaganda committee member of the temporary party branch, aren’t you? Our meal costs 40 yuan. If the publicity goes out, the party school will not be scolded to death in online forums? Are the students trained like us not scolded to death? The leaders of the municipal party committee have good intentions, In a blink of an eye, it will become synonymous with sex." Li Xiaoliang shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, it seems that we can only eat prawns and pig's trotters in silence."

Everyone at the table laughed, with a hint of tacit understanding.Fang Yuan thought for a while, hey, if this matter is really brought up, scolding will definitely be inevitable.Raising his head, he found that Zhang Yitong was sitting directly opposite to him, with burning eyes.Fang Yuan hated this woman very much now, touching her in the morning was disgusting; during the class meeting, she pushed herself to the fire, her mentality was not right.It's better for such a woman to hide away.I have experienced a few women. Although Zhang Yitong has a little charm, how can he compare to Song Sisi, and even Chi Liping can't compare.Seeing such a woman, how could he still be hard?The more Fang Yuan thought about it, the more sick he became, and he didn't even want to eat this delicious lunch.

At this time, Zhang Yitong suddenly said: "Director Fang, Dou Shengzhong from the Propaganda Department called you. If there is something good, please tell everyone."

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