Director's growth history

3205.1929, Thoughts on the Great Battle

Fang Yuan now doesn't hate Zhang Yitong in general, but very much.Doesn't this ignorant woman know that Fang Yuan wants to keep a low profile?Is a comrade who has worked in the officialdom for so many years still gossiping like this?

However, Fang Yuan's face was as heavy as water, and he said easily: "Minister Dou informed me that I was selected as the torchbearer for the Dongzhou Olympic Torch Relay, and the meeting will be held at the Municipal Party Committee Building at 3 p.m.." Zhang Yitong was surprised: "Wow, it's amazing. Are you the only torchbearer among our classmates! Director Fang, I have to invite a guest to celebrate.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you. It’s not about celebrating, but about the friendship between classmates.”

Fang Yuan lowered her head, concentrated on eating, and said nothing more.The crowded dining table fell silent.

At 2:50 in the afternoon, Fang Yuan drove to the Municipal Party Committee.After showing his work pass, he easily entered the building. The 209 meeting has been in and out of Fangyuan's participation in the city's party congress and the political association, so he is naturally familiar with the location.At the door of the meeting room, there are already quite a few staff members busy with signing in and other matters.Fang Yuan stepped forward: "Hello, I am Fang Yuan, the torchbearer, what procedures do I need to go through?"

The female staff at the reception said, "Please show your ID card." Fang Yuan took out her ID card and handed it over.The staff quickly found Fang Yuan's name, and said in surprise, "You are Fang Yuan?" , Director Fang." Fang Yuan was a little puzzled.Fang Yuan didn't know that this female staff member was from the Office of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. When the torchbearer was notified today, Minister Dou Shengzhong personally went to the office and said that the torchbearer Fangyuan would be notified by him personally, and everyone should not repeat the notification.All six people in the office were stunned.Because all other torchbearers are notified by the Office of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department.

Fang Yuan signed, and the female staff handed over a document bag to Fang Yuan, saying: "The relevant requirements and precautions are all in the document bag. There is a torchbearer's badge inside, so you must not lose it." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, thank you." The female staff member asked, "What is the height of Director Fang?" Fang Yuan said, "180." The female staff member searched for the number in the pile of clothes behind her, found a sweatshirt, and said, Here is a pair of sports shorts and a T-shirt for the Olympic torch relay. You must wear it during the simulation drills and the official Olympic torch relay." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Fang Yuan entered the meeting room, heh, there are more people than the party congress!The seat in the middle is the torchbearer seat, the left is the municipal department area, and the right is the district and city area. Because the time is coming, there are so many people.Fang Yuan suddenly saw an acquaintance, his college classmate Pu Yongjun.He was helping an older comrade move things.Fang Yuan really wanted to go over to say hello, but when Pu Yongjun saw Fang Yuan, he turned his eyes away and pretended not to see him. Fang Yuan sighed inwardly and found a seat in the torchbearer area.

Open the file bag and take out the files inside.I found the list of torchbearers, oh, there are 208 people!Torchbearer No.1 is Dongzhou City's first world champion and former table tennis world champion Cao Xinghong [book friend cxhzhy], and the second place is Fangyuan.This really made Fang Yuan never expect that he could be ranked second.Looking at the list all the way, his father-in-law Kong Zitian is impressively listed, Dongsheng Group chairman An Dongsheng is impressively listed, and people who are familiar with him include Huang Run, head of the frontier defense regiment, Ma Lianghe, chairman of the City Federation of Trade Unions, and Fang Yuan who is very unwilling The name I saw: Yan Song, chairman of Regal Real Estate.

Seeing Yan Song's name, Fang Yuan thought of Su Ruihan and Su Ruihan's child who should not have been born but was actually born.A wave of sympathy for Su Ruihan and hatred for Yan Song suddenly rose in Fangyuan's heart.

Soon, the leaders stepped out from the right side of the rostrum. Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng, Shi Mingxiang, Dou Shengzhong, Gao Shengqiang, Deng Yuncong, Bi Quanli, Ming Yuyun, etc. sat down on the rostrum.Oh, what a big battle!There are so many members of the Standing Committee!

The meeting was chaired by Propaganda Minister Dou Shengzhong.Dou Shengzhong said loudly: "Comrades, the meeting starts now. The leaders attending today's meeting include Comrade Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Song Yunsheng, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Comrade Shi Mingxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC, Comrade Shi Mingxiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Political and Legal Committee Comrade Gao Shengqiang, Secretary, Comrade Dou Dangji, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee, Comrade Deng Yuncong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, Comrade Bi Quanli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, Comrade Ming Yuyun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. Let us use enthusiasm The applause welcomes the city leaders to attend this meeting."

Fang Yuan was taken aback: Ming Yuyun was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee!It seems that the political landscape in the city has been quietly changing.Organization Minister Sheng Zhiren was not present, Disciplinary Committee Secretary Huang Jie was not present, neither was Political Commissar Wan Quanquan who was recuperating in Nanjing, and there was another member of the Standing Committee, who should be Minister of Political Affairs Chang Youqiang.Oh, this meeting, 9 members of the Standing Committee came all at once, amazing!

Dou Shengzhong said: "The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is the first Olympic Games held in China in the history of the Olympic Games. , and will be officially delivered to Beijing on August 8. In three days, the Olympic torch will be delivered in Dongzhou, a famous cultural city with a long history. This is Dongzhou's honor and the central and provincial trust in Dongzhou We have the determination and the ability to make this torch relay a success. It must be both exciting and complete. For this reason, the Municipal Party Committee decided to hold this mobilization meeting and go all out to run the Olympic Torch Relay Ceremony. First of all, please Comrade Song Yunsheng, deputy secretary and mayor, announced the list of Dongzhou City participating in the Olympic torch relay ceremony."

Song Yunsheng did his part and read the 208 names one by one.The process of producing the list was introduced to all participants.To be able to become a torchbearer, except for the 10 people recommended by the citizens, the remaining 198 people are all outstanding representatives from all walks of life, and Fangyuan, as an outstanding representative of the primary and secondary schools, has become the representative of education.

Dou Shengzhong said: "Now, Comrade Bi Quanli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, please make arrangements for the simulated ceremony and the official ceremony of the torch relay."

Bi Quanli is the youngest one on the rostrum, but he still looks very calm.The long-term training in the officialdom has trained Bi Quanli from a vigorous young man to an old-fashioned young man.The environment makes people, this is the truth.

It turns out that whether it is a simulated torch relay ceremony or a formal ceremony, it takes a whole day.From 8:18 in the morning to the first torch relay, to the end of the torch relay ceremony at 30:[-] in the evening, there will be cultural performances and mass celebrations. To really complete the whole process of the torch relay, I am afraid that it will be early in the morning.Fangyuan thought of the cities that had been passed on and were being passed on. All the cities were very grand, and they were all regarded as the most important political tasks to be completed.This is really one of the things with the most Chinese characteristics. The central government’s decree can effectively extend to every city and every corner of China. Not only does it not discount it, it even produces open and secret struggles between cities: If you do it enthusiastically, I will do it more enthusiastically than you; if you do it grandly, I will do it more grandly than you.Is this really necessary?Fang Yuan began to think.Perhaps, in the future, Fang Yuan will think more and more like this, and the more he thinks, the more confused he will be; when the confusion accumulates to a certain level, and one day he sees everything through, Fang Yuan will be able to truly mature.

Bi Lili made careful arrangements for the whole process of the event. Every torchbearer present understood his mission, and the leading units of the torch relay also received their missions.Among them, the task led by the Municipal Education Bureau is to organize 3000 teachers and 2 middle school students to stand on the sidewalk beside the road and cheer for the torch relay.Fortunately, it’s already summer vacation. If during the normal semester time, the students are pulled out twice for a day in imitation drills and formal ceremonies, won’t the parents scold the buddies and the government?Even so, it is estimated that scolding is indispensable.In hot weather, preventing teachers and middle school students from heatstroke will become an important task.Fangyuan immediately thought of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School and Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School. These two schools have many students and many teachers!There are nearly 5 students in Dongzhou No. 4000 Middle School, and it can solve one-fifth of the task of standing on the side of the road as spectators at once, and the Education Bureau must pay attention to it.At this time, Fangyuan really saw Zhai Xinwen and Hao Dingyi in the functional department area.The two leaders of the Education Bureau rushed over for a meeting.The tasks of the colleges and universities in Dongzhou are not light. The students and teachers staying at the school must form a large cheering group; the Dongzhou Health Bureau will organize 3000 medical staff in the city to participate in the cheering and cheering. God, will the hospital give it back? The patient sees a doctor?Will there be enough medical staff left in the hospital?All districts and counties are also required to arrange audiences ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands.Party and government leaders in various districts and counties are under tremendous pressure.Several large state-owned enterprises were also required to send a large number of spectators. Will this affect the normal production and operation of the enterprises?

Fangyuan will think about it.Fang Yuan was complaining in his heart about Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng's face-saving disregard for reality, when he suddenly changed his position: If I were Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng, what should I do.Fang Yuan felt clearly and deeply: I am afraid that he has to do the same in the position of Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng.If you don't do this, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the black hat on your head tomorrow.This is against the order of the central government!

Fang Yuan felt deeply helpless: It is estimated that Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng must be under a lot of pressure now.Fang Yuan admired Wang Guodong a little bit. Under such great pressure, Wang Guodong even attended the opening ceremony of the party school training class in the morning and taught the class in person. He didn't see the huge pressure he faced during the mobilization meeting.This is also a kind of state, a state where one can practice without being surprised after being an official for a long time.Fang Yuan felt that the gap between himself and herself was too great.

After Bi tried his best to make arrangements, Dou Shengzhong said: "Mayor Bi has made careful arrangements for the specific arrangements for the activities. All departments directly under the city, all districts and counties, and large enterprises under the city must follow the unified deployment of the city and organize their personnel well. Do a good job in ideological work, and at the same time ensure personal safety. Comrades, during the global relay of the Olympic torch, terrorists, with the instigation and support of hostile forces and certain countries, harassed the torch relay many times. To ensure the safety of the torch relay, we now ask the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee to make arrangements for the security work of the Olympic torch relay."

This was the first time Fang Yuan heard Gao Shengqiang speak.The previous contact with the political and legal system basically started with Wang Chuyin and ended with Wang Chuyin.Through Gao Shengqiang's work deployment, Fangyuan became more clear about the nature of the work of the Political and Legal Committee. It is a comprehensive coordination department established on top of the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Court, the National Security Bureau, and the 610 Office. It is said to be coordination, but it is actually a leader.And through Gao Shengqiang's speech, Fangyuan also became more aware of how much pressure to maintain stability this time the Olympic torch relay in Dongzhou is facing.The stability maintenance arrangement this time, in addition to these judicial departments, actually imposed on the Dongzhou Garrison District, Dongzhou Armed Police Detachment, Public Security Fire Armed Police Detachment, Dongzhou Water Transport Brigade of the Donghai Fleet, Dongzhou Reserve Antiaircraft Artillery Division, and Dongzhou Citizens’ Militia. There are work assignments.The leading department for all stability maintenance work is still the Political and Legal Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.

Listening to Gao Shengqiang's words, Fang Yuan deeply felt: education is too small.From an ordinary teacher to the post of principal, I thought this was the world; from the post of principal to the Municipal Education Bureau, I thought this was the world; Now, what is the matter in education?Just look at how many districts and counties are involved, how many departments are involved, how much manpower and material resources are involved, and how much financial resources are involved in the Olympic torch relay event?Knowing the autumn by a leaf, knowing the leopard by looking at the spots, a large-scale mobilization meeting of the torch relay ceremony, let Fangyuan further appreciate the complexity of society: it is really not easy to be a comprehensive chief official, like the secretary of the municipal party committee or county party committee!

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