Director's growth history

3206.1930. Skip class

After the mobilization meeting for the Olympic Torch Relay Ceremony was held in Conference Room 209 of the Municipal Party Committee Building, Fang Yuan rushed back to the Municipal Party School.When Fang Yuan returned to the classroom, the afternoon class had come to an end.The main content of the study was "The Proposal and Significance of the Theory of Scientific Outlook on Development", but Fang Yuan didn't hear anything.Ending the day's class with regret, Fang Yuan felt a little depressed.Chen Jian came over: "Director Fang, congratulations on being elected as the torchbearer!" Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Everyone is studying here, but I went to the meeting." Chen Jian said: "Even if we wanted to go to the meeting, we didn't have such an opportunity. "It seems like a relaxed ridicule, but if you savor it carefully, it also has a little sour taste.

Fang Yuan didn't want to explain further, so she smiled lightly and said nothing.But Chen Jian had something to say: "Director Fang, let's go to the restaurant for dinner." Fang Yuan couldn't refuse this request.In fact, Fang Yuan still wanted to have dinner with Huang Feng in his heart, so he shouted: "Section Chief Huang, are you going back to the dormitory? If not, let's go to the restaurant to have dinner together." Huang Feng said: "Okay, let's go together."

Chen Jian looked very happy, and walked out of the classroom with Fang Yuan side by side.Fang Yuan noticed that Yan Zhaodong, who was standing aside, had his eyes fixed on himself and Chen Jian.Fang Yuan felt a little irritated: at any time and at any place, he couldn't get rid of the problem of striking a balance between the first and second in command.Now that he is nominally the third in command of the training class of the party school, he has naturally become the target of both Chen Jian and Yan Zhaodong.In Fangyuan's heart, he was more inclined to be with Yan Zhaodong, because when Zhuo Fan said sarcastically that he wanted to marry a high-ranking official's wife, Yan Zhaodong spoke up, told Fangyuan's achievements at work, and restored Fangyuan's reputation. Blocked the mouths of some uneasy and well-meaning people.

But now, he can only walk with Chen Jian.A few more students gathered together, including Wan Liangjun, Wang Song, Shang Qianjin, Lian Hengbo and so on.Mo Xiaohan, Zhang Yitong and others also came over to say hello.Suddenly, a small group of people formed.Chen Jian was talking and laughing, looking very happy, and showed a cordial and friendly attitude with several students, as if they were a family.After Fang Yuan finished greeting, he stopped talking.Fang Yuan didn't know what to say, but Fang Yuan knew that it would be wrong to say too many words, so she kept her mouth shut.The one who behaved like him was Huang Feng.

At this table in the evening, Fang Yuan has no chance to sit with Yan Zhaodong.Chen Jian beckoned Fang Yuan to sit beside him, and beckoned Huang Feng to sit on the other side.Zhang Yitong said: "It is said that women come first. When Secretary Chen saw two handsome young men, Director Fang and Section Chief Huang, he forgot about senior beauties like me and Xiao Han, right?" It’s easy to make mistakes, sitting across from you, you’re all in sight.” Mo Xiaohan smiled: “Secretary Chen, have you cheated many women’s hearts with such humor?” Lian Hengbo said: “Cheat the heart It's not scary, what's scary is that Secretary Chen is handsome, witty, deceiving and deceiving!"

Everyone at this table laughed.Chen Jian didn't mind, and said to Lian Hengbo: "Director Lian needs to be literate, professional, competent, capable, and a department-level leader. This is extremely attractive. I can't, at most There is evil heart but no courage. Director Lian combines theory with practice, firmly grasps the purpose of 'practice is the only criterion for testing truth' taught by the teacher in today's party class, and has achieved fruitful results while exploring and practicing."

Even a fool could hear what Chen Jian meant.Lian Hengbo didn't care: "People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. In the field of planning, I still attach great importance to combining theory with practice. Theory serves practice, but it cannot override practice, otherwise it is easy to commit the 'two whatevers'. 'The mistake is dogmatism. Without the guidance of scientific planning, the city will inevitably be a mess; but the planning cannot be divorced from the actual level of urban development. It is the most reasonable planning to be combined with the actual level of urban development. .”

Hey, what Chen Jian was talking about was a woman, and Lian Hengbo actually transferred to the planning major, which is also "connecting theory with practice". Isn't this a bit too clever to divert attention from this embarrassment?Fang Yuan sighed: Even Heng Bo is not a simple person!However, Lian Hengbo must have played with many women.In fact, some things can be understood after thinking about it. Flies don’t bite seamless eggs. Those real estate developers have a special preference in this area. They send money and beautiful women to lure Lian Hengbo to revise. To benefit the real estate developers' planning, Lian Hengbo must have combined the reality of the city—no, to be precise, he has violated the principles of scientific planning time and time again, and revised the real estate development plan so that Real estate developers paid a pretty woman who was not worth a few dollars, and got tens of millions of new profit growth.Alas, it's a pity that Lian Hengbo's planning expertise is gone.A planning expert who has published dozens of professional books, even patronized the heaven and earth in Beijing and Nanjing, is enough to show that he has fallen.

Fang Yuan ate in silence, but his heart was full of thoughts.Chen Jian said: "The party committee, the mobilization meeting this afternoon, isn't there a big plan?" Fang Yuan said: "The number of participants was four to five hundred, and the city leaders came more." Chen Jian said: "I also received a call from Director Ruan. They said they were going to mobilize municipal state-owned or state-owned enterprises under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission to send personnel to welcome the Olympic torch." Zhang Yitong asked: "Which city leaders are present today?" Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Song , Chairman Shi, all attended, as well as other leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, a total of 500 Standing Committee members sat on the rostrum." Chen Jian nodded: "This is a political task. Other cities have done a good job, and Dongzhou City can't do it either. Let other cities compare, only if they are more grand, lively, and successful than other cities." Fang Yuan couldn't help but say: "Secretary Gao Shengqiang made careful arrangements for maintaining stability." Chen Jian said: " It is very necessary. Judging from the current situation in China and Dongzhou, the general situation is still good, but there are more or less problems in some parts and aspects, which have caused unstable factors. As far as the committee is concerned, the restructuring of some state-owned enterprises did not take into account the interests of every old employee of state-owned enterprises due to the imperfect laws and regulations at the time, which led to some unemployed old employees of state-owned enterprises constantly petitioning. Internationally blatantly selling their country, coupled with the fact that some countries headed by the United States are afraid that China will become stronger and affect their hegemony and Western monopoly rights, and some countries are stumbling, and some Western media are fabricating fake news under the banner of justice and justice. Synthesizing fake photos is a great pressure for our country. Whether we can hold a successful Beijing Olympic Games has already raised doubts in the world. The more we are at this time, the more we want to run the Olympic Games well and better than Any session in history has been successful! This torch relay, of course, can only succeed, not fail! We cannot allow the Communist Party and the Communist forces to make trouble at the site of the relay, and we cannot allow those petitioners to make trouble at this time! It is time to be strict It must be strict, this cannot be ambiguous."

From Chen Jian's body, Fang Yuan vaguely saw the shadow of Song Yunsheng: decisive, aggressive, domineering, and resolute.However, as a comprehensive leader, some qualities in Chen Jian are also necessary, and Fang Yuan feels that he is still lacking.At this afternoon's meeting, Fang Yuan felt emotional: As an educational cadre, he was really too one-sided, and he was not good enough to take on a more comprehensive job.Looking at Chen Jian now, Fang Yuan felt that the gap between him was indeed not small.In Fangyuan's heart, for the first time, he had the urge to go to another system or to be devolved to a district or county as a deputy county magistrate to undertake full-scale work.

However, whether Chen Jian was really pretending to be ordinary people also made Fang Yuan suspicious.From the perspective of the overall situation, what Chen Jian said is not wrong; but for civilian cadres like Fang Yuan who came from grassroots and peasant backgrounds, Chen Jian despised ordinary people who petitioned, and described it as "disturbing", which made Fang Yuan feel uncomfortable. Not very comfortable.But whether there is a balance between order and efficiency, chaos and violence, Fang Yuan's heart is chaotic and confused.Fang Yuan felt that he could not find his way.

Zhang Yitong said: "Secretary Chen is indeed a great general. For the torch relay, Secretary Chen should be the commander-in-chief." Chen Jian said, "Zhang Yitong, aren't you hurting me? The commander-in-chief must be Secretary Wang of the municipal party committee. I will do my part. However, if I am asked to be the person in charge of a specific office or secretariat, I am still very confident. I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. No, Ruan Xiaofeng called me and asked me to organize the SASAC system The personnel and composition of the torch. After dinner tonight, I will return to the committee to make arrangements. Tomorrow, I am afraid I will skip class." Zhang Yitong said: "Yes, the secretary of the party branch skipped class first, how can he set an example for us?" Wang Song said: "I'm afraid I will skip class tomorrow. Director Zhang Jun of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Office called. Tonight, the Public Security Bureau will hold a meeting of the middle-level managers of the various departments of the Municipal Bureau, the directors of the district bureaus, and the political commissar. The director, Mayor Lei, and the political commissar Secretary Liu and Executive Director Wang will be present. Tomorrow is a simulated drill, and the day after tomorrow will be a simulated drill, and the day after tomorrow will officially welcome the torch. I am under a lot of pressure now!" Zhang Yitong said: "Yes, another skipping class. Does anyone care? Wow, in our party school class, on the second day of class, someone skipped class, and it wasn't just one person, it was the secretary of the party branch, or the director of the Public Security Bureau!"

Fang Yuan felt that talking about his request for leave at this time was considered a strike while the iron was hot.Fang Yuan said: "I'm about to report to Secretary Chen Yan after the meal. In the next three days, as a torchbearer, I will also participate in simulation drills and formal relay activities. So, I'm afraid I won't be able to come. Chen Secretary, in our situation, how can we ask for leave from the organization?"

Zhang Yitong said: "Oh my God, the deputy monitor is also skipping class! There are so many class leaders, how can you organize and carry out class activities? Xiao Han, you have been thinking a lot these days. Now, Secretary Chen and Deputy monitor Fang are both skipping classes." Now, who do you report your ideas to?" Mo Xiaohan shrugged gracefully: "It seems that I can only report to Squad Leader Yan. Squad Leader Yan just wants to take the party class in a well-regulated manner. Ideas are hard to get support for.”

Chen Jian's complexion changed, and he said, "Xiaomo, you can tell me, you can talk now. As long as it is beneficial to our class and our students, as time permits, I will fully support you. "

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