Director's growth history

3242.1960 Subtle differences

Ma Jun never imagined that Fu Fengde, as a veteran party worker, would have his psychological defense collapsed in just one afternoon and half a night of inquiry by the joint investigation team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Department of Education.Fu Fengde not only confessed in detail to the joint investigation team headed by Mi Zhengguang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Provincial Department of Education, that in the past few years, he coerced many female faculty members of universities to sleep with him, and Guo Meimei was just one of them. One, to be more frank, he also coerced many female college students and graduate students to arrange jobs after graduation, and passed the defense of the thesis.Under the strategic persuasion of Mi Zhengguang, an experienced discipline inspection cadre, Fu Fengde even confessed his and party secretary Ma Jun's behavior of selling officials in the appointment and dismissal of university cadres.Fu Fengde hopes to reduce his responsibility by actively confessing and exposing the behavior of other gangsters.Overnight, Fu Fengde's hair, which was originally full of black hair, turned gray in large swaths.

The post titled "Meimei's Husband" "My poor wife was driven to a dead end by the deputy secretary of the Dongzhou University Party Committee" continued to ferment rapidly on the Internet, with millions of clicks, 10,000+ replies, and tens of thousands People reproduced and reposted.Dongzhou University became the most famous university in the country for a while. Some college students and their parents who had just been admitted by Dongzhou University even left messages on the Tianya community forum, regretting that they had applied for the beast Dongzhou University, and asked how to transfer to other universities or How to drop out of school and take the exam again next year.Some netizens posted Fu Fengde's family information and personal information in the post; some netizens even found out that Miao Kexun, the former president of Dongzhou University, and the vice president in charge of infrastructure, and the director of the infrastructure department were double-regulated not long ago. And transferred to the judiciary, the sentence should be sentenced, and the dismissal should be dismissed.A netizen joked: Dongzhou University has a "fine" tradition of successors. After the former principal was arrested, Fu Fengde, the deputy secretary of the party committee, was unwilling to lag behind, and wanted to pass on the baton in a violent way.Another netizen showed better imagination, saying that Fu Fengde should be called Fu Fengde, who lays on Feng (female) every day, and gets whoever he wants.

Eastern State University was helpless.Ma Jun and Confucius Tian called a school meeting overnight to discuss countermeasures, but no countermeasures could be found.Because most of the content posted is true, there is no way to make a pale excuse.Dai Lanqin personally went to Guo Meimei's mother-in-law's house and learned that the post was not posted by Guo Meimei's husband, but after seeing the post, her husband became even more indignant and demanded that Dongzhou University must give an explanation, give Guo Meimei justice, and return the child. a mother.

The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee is also battered.Dou Shengzhong personally made a special report to Wang Guodong and Song Yunsheng.Dou Shengzhong said that within Dongzhou, there were no posts about the incident.How did this post get to the Tianya community, and the IP address was also found, it was in Guizhou Province, not Qingjiang Province, let alone Dongzhou City.It's hard to check who sent it.

During the report, Tian Guohua, the Propaganda Director of the Provincial Party Committee, called: "Comrade Shengzhong, what happened to you in Dongzhou City? You know how negative this Dongzhou University's post in Tianya has brought to Qingjiang Province. Impact?" Dou Shengzhong frowned: "Minister Tian, ​​all the websites and forums within Dongzhou City have not posted a single post about this incident. Tianya Community, as you know, Dongzhou City urgently needs the support of the province." Tian Guohua said: "Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee already knows about this matter. Anyway, Dongzhou is responsible. You don't even look at when the Beijing Olympics will be held soon. Don't you want Qingjiang Province and Dongzhou to Become the target of international public opinion attacking China, ridiculing China, and Chinese people cursing Qingjiang and Dongzhou? Comrade Shengzhong, we must talk about politics at all times! Talk about the overall situation! Talk about stability!" Dou Shengzhong said aggrievedly: "Minister Tian, ​​I We are now reporting this work to Comrade Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Comrade Song Yunsheng, Mayor, and discussing how to deal with it." Tian Guohua said: "Comrade Guodong please answer the phone."

Dou Shengzhong said: "Secretary Wang, Minister Tian of the Provincial Party Committee is on the phone." Wang Guodong took it over and sincerely reviewed: "Minister Tian, ​​the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee is here to review you!" Tian Guohua said: "Comrade Guodong, I am not criticizing Dongzhou, I am I also know that this matter itself should be a matter of Dongzhou University, but Dongzhou University’s reputation has been discredited. Can Dongzhou’s image be improved? Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Feng of the Provincial Government attach great importance to this matter and have done it. Special instructions. I guess, after a while, you should receive instructions from the two bosses. You must attach great importance to it, and at all costs, stabilize the situation of Dongzhou University and Dongzhou City." Wang Guodong Said: "Yes, Minister, Dongzhou City must do its best to do this job well. Please rest assured the leaders and the provincial party committee." Tian Guohua said: "Continue to pay close attention to all the developments on the Internet and forums." Wang Guodong mustered Courage, said: "Minister, if you don't cut the mess quickly, I'm afraid it won't be enough to quell the people's anger!" Tian Guohua said: "Understood. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will be convened tonight to study this issue."

Confucius called Fangyuan: "Fangyuan, today, Wang Guodong of the Municipal Committee went to Dongzhou University to learn about the Fufengde incident. When he left, he told me that he was very satisfied with you and that you did a good job." Fangyuan was shocked on the spot. "What?" Confucius said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time but I haven't figured out what it means. Could it be..." Fang Yuan said, "Dad, at critical moments, our calls will also be taken seriously. Let me analyze Analyze what Secretary Wang means." Fang Yuan pondered, trying to calm himself down, could it be that the two assignments played a role?Fangyuan said: "Secretary Wang said that I did a good job. It must be a good thing. If I guessed correctly, he has seen both of my homework from the party school, and he is very satisfied with my two homework." Confucius Tian took a long breath and said, "I'm relieved now. I was taken aback." Fang Yuan said, "Dad, you have nothing to do with Fu Fengde's matter, so you can do things with peace of mind." Confucius Tian said: "Well. The current situation is beyond the controllable range, Dongzhou University can't find a way to quell the overwhelming criticism of public opinion and the Internet." Fang Yuan said: "The more it is at this time, the more it needs to cut the mess quickly. If I were the organization minister of the Provincial Party Committee, I would remove Fu Fengde immediately and investigate and deal with it, so as to quell public anger." Confucius said, "Yes, the longer the delay, the worse the situation will become. I will suggest this to my superiors tonight." Fang Yuan said : "Dad, you can't go. You went to suggest it, as if you were in a hurry. I think you can suggest this matter to Ma Jun, and Ma Jun can suggest it to your superiors." Confucius Tian said: "Yes, tell me , why didn't I think of this?"

That night, Dongzhou University, in the name of the party committee, suggested to the provincial party committee that Fu Fengde should be removed from the post of deputy secretary of the party committee first, and further investigation and handling should be carried out to calm public opinion.Ma Jun didn't want to report it like this, but he had to report it like this.At this time, keeping yourself is the most important thing.Although Fu Fengde is a cannon and a car, but when it comes to protecting the general, the cannon and the car have to be given up!

Provincial meeting room.The Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee is holding an emergency meeting for the Dongzhou University incident.Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee said: "Comrades, this incident has a very bad impact! It has smeared Qingjiang! Moreover, this face has been thrown not only at Zhongnanhai, but also at the whole world. The translation of the press release was shown to me, and I was shocked! What a deputy secretary of a university has done has just become the latest weapon used by some countries and media in the world to attack China. It turned out that they used the incident to attack China , was later found to be Zhang Guanli Dai, took the photo of the Nepalese rebellion as a photo of China, and took the photo of 1986 as a photo of 2008. The military uniforms were all wrong; the gangsters in the photos were burned Shops, the scenes of burning cars were edited out, and the scenes of the terrorists throwing stones were edited out; the Han people who were knocked down by the terrorists were described as Tibetans who fell to the ground. After these slanders were exposed, the West Some of the media and some politicians in China are deliberately trying to find another opportunity to attack China. Now, Fu Fengde, the black sheep, has finally given them a chance. How should we punish a scum like Fu Fengde? Today's The Standing Committee will come to study this issue.”

Provincial governor Feng Feng said: "Secretary Zhao is right! Just now, Vice Premier Li called me and asked me what was going on with concern. Even the central leadership knew about it, and the provincial government did not put pressure on me. Small!"

Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee glanced at Governor Feng, but did not speak.Everyone looked at Governor Feng, but said nothing.Governor Feng's words contained a lot of information, and it took a little time to digest.

Secretary Zhao said: "Let's talk about it, how should we deal with this matter?" Tian Guohua said: "Comrade Wang Guodong of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee suggested to me that it is not enough to quell public anger and stop public opinion. I think , It makes sense." Bei Zhenlong said: "Dongzhou University is at a critical period of investigation and adjustment of the leadership team. If such a thing happens, can we think about some deeper problems? Why did Fu Fengde A sudden anti-pornography operation? It’s worth pondering.”

Qian Feng, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee [Note: It is required to be a ministerial-level cadre, this novel is really lacking, let me arrange a deputy ministerial level] said: "Minister Bei, is it true that our political and legal system is for the party and for the people? Is it wrong to produce a pest? What immoral things did Fu Fengde do? Do you know? The dead Guo Meimei was forced into bed by Fu Fengde, a sanctimonious scum, and forced to have a miscarriage , forced to do things against their will. What is Fu Fengde doing? Using her promotion as bait. This time, if Guo Meimei is not dead and the matter is not exposed, after the summer vacation, Guo Meimei is likely to be a member of Dongzhou University. The vice president of a secondary college. Could it be that as a deputy secretary of the party committee in charge of cadres, he is using the power bestowed by the party and the people to sell the title of an official?"

Bei Zhenlong said: "I don't mean to say that it is wrong to sweep out such a pest, but whether there is something worthy of our consideration in terms of timing."

Qian Feng said: "What timing is not timing? In my opinion, the sooner the sweeping, the better. Sweeping out the moths in the party earlier will make our party more pure! Not only is the Dongzhou Public Security Bureau not at fault, we I think it is a great contribution! The Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is preparing to study how to encourage and encourage to withstand the huge pressure and win a top deputy department-level cadre. It is not easy!"

Liu Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor [a reader who wants to be a high-ranking official] said: "Secretary Qian, Minister Zhenlong's thinking is also reasonable. The Olympic Games will be held soon. At this critical time, such a stage It’s really not good. Look at how passive the provincial party committee and the provincial government are now?”

Qian Feng said: "Fu Fengde is a gangster cadre, this can be confirmed. The key point is that everyone wants to save him until after the Olympic Games, but at that time, there is no anti-pornography operation, can this gangster be caught? ?Even if there was an anti-pornography operation, Fu Fengde did not do bad things at that time, so he couldn’t be caught. If he can’t be caught all the time, is it necessary to let this bad guy hide in our cadre team? I think the sooner Grasp it, the more conducive to our party's team building; the later it is caught, the greater the harm to our party's support."

Mao Zhiting, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, said: "Everyone, if the gangsters stay in our party for one more day, the harm to our party will be even greater. Now, the problem of Fu Fengde has been exposed, although we have suffered from the common people again. We were scolded by the people and scolded by the people, but we get rid of this black sheep, and we will be less scolded in the future. I think this action by the Dongzhou Public Security Bureau is very good."

Qian Feng smiled slightly at Mao Zhiting.

Mao Zhiting said: "Just now, I received a text message from Comrade Mi Zhengguang, the leader of the joint investigation team sent by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Department of Education to Dongzhou, and Secretary of the Disciplinary Commission of the Provincial Department of Education, saying that Fu Fengde's problem is very serious, and It involved the issue of Dongzhou University Party Secretary Ma Jun selling officials. Comrade Mi Zhengguang said that he would sort out the transcripts and related materials of the interrogation overnight, and he would return to Hangjiang early tomorrow morning to report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Bei Zhenlong asked: "Is there a problem with Ma Jun? Is there a problem with Confucius Tian?" Mao Zhiting said: "Comrade Mi Zhengguang only mentioned Ma Jun, but not Confucius Tian."

Governor Feng said: "I suggest that Fu Fengde should be punished first, and the pressure of online public opinion to support us should be quickly quelled. This matter cannot wait any longer."

Everyone looks at Secretary Zhao.Secretary Zhao took a sip of water and said: "Never let a bad cadre go, and never wrong a good cadre. This is the consistent purpose of our party. Since Comrade Mi Zhengguang will come to report on the Dongzhou University case early tomorrow morning The situation, I think this night is not too bad. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will be held on time to listen to the report of Comrade Mi Zhengguang. After the report is over, we will study the punishment of Fu Fengde. At the same time, it will also involve Ma Jun, I think we should also study it together. The meeting is adjourned."

Governor Feng glanced at Secretary Zhao, but said nothing.Several members of the Standing Committee stood up, including Guo Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee who had not said a word all night, Song Jiejun, Executive Vice Governor, Sheng Jianbo, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military District, and Ren Hongjiang, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.The two big bosses have different opinions, who wants to stay here and be a fool?

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