Mi Zhengguang, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Qingjiang Provincial Department of Education, briefly reported the progress of the Fu Fengde case to Wang Guodong, Secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, Song Yunsheng, Mayor of Dongzhou, and Huang Jie, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of Dongzhou City.Mi Zhengguang said: "The Fufengde case is not only a matter of life style, but also involves economic corruption, buying and selling officials, accepting bribes, coercing women and other criminal acts. The Fufengde case is not an isolated case. It's a nest case, collusion case. Leaders of Dongzhou City, please keep confidentiality. I will rush back to Hangjiang immediately and report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. At the same time, please make confidentiality and security arrangements in places where Fufengde double regulations. Other comrades from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Disciplinary Commission of the Provincial Department of Education will stay here and continue to make inquiries." Mi Zhengguang did not mention the matter of Ma Jun, but implied the word "nest case". I believe that the leaders of Dongzhou City Should be able to understand.

Wang Guodong and the others looked serious.Huang Jie said: "If you need the assistance of the Dongzhou Disciplinary Committee, please let Secretary Mi give orders." Mi Zhengguang said: "Thank you very much for the help provided by Dongzhou City. It has been done very well, and we have successfully cracked the case. The most important case this time cleared up a cancer in the party."

Wang Guodong said: "Secretary Mi, please tell the provincial leaders that we must do everything we need to do to ensure the safety of the comrades in Shuanggui, and do our best to eliminate the social impact and maintain social harmony and stability in Dongzhou City. Mi Zhengguang said: "Okay! I think this is what the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Provincial Department of Education hope for most. Our Provincial Department of Education is very ashamed, and the work in this area has not been done well." Wang Guodong said: "The main reason is The current gangsters are hiding too deeply. If it were not for this anti-pornography campaign, I am afraid that the problem of Fufengde will not be exposed for a long time in the future." Mi Zhengguang said: "Yes! Thanks to the comrades of the Dongzhou Police Ladies and gentlemen, this anti-pornography operation is very necessary." Song Yunsheng said: "Although this operation by the Municipal Public Security Bureau is accidental, it also reflects inevitability. Ah, no matter what kind of gangster he is, and no matter how deep he hides, he will be exposed one day." Wang Guodong glanced at Song Yunsheng thoughtfully, but did not speak.

The Standing Committee of the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee was held again.On behalf of the joint investigation team of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Department of Education, Mi Zhengguang reported the investigation of the Fu Fengde case to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and informed the authorities for the first time that Ma Jun was also involved in the behavior of buying and selling officials.Mi Zhengguang said: "Dear leaders, the facts of the Fufengde case are clear and well-documented. Its use of power to seduce and coerce female teachers, female staff, and female students to have sexual relations has seriously violated party discipline and state laws and forced Guo Meimei to death. The incident has caused extremely bad social impact. His buying and selling of officials has failed the trust and cultivation of the provincial party committee and brought down the social atmosphere of Dongzhou University. It is recommended that the provincial party committee deal with it seriously and hand it over to the judicial organs. Regarding the case of Ma Jun, please give instructions from the leaders. Please give instructions on how to deal with those who bought officials by bribing Ma Jun and Fu Fengde. Since many presidents, party branch secretaries of the academy, directors and some As a middle-level deputy, if you move Fu Fengde alone, it may affect a large area. My report is over."

Mi Zhengguang left the reporting table, exited the back row where the Deputy Secretary-General, relevant personnel from the Provincial Party Committee Office, and relevant personnel from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection sat, and found an empty seat to sit down.

Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee was so calm that no trace of emotion could be seen.He said: "Let's talk about your opinions." Mao Zhiting, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, said: "Fu Fengde must be dismissed immediately and dealt with in a shuanggui manner; Ma Jun's issue, I tend to be dismissed as well and dealt with in a shuanggui manner; Those who hold positions will be dismissed on the spot. I plan to go to Dongzhou with Comrade Mi Zhengguang tomorrow, and come back after dealing with this matter.”

Governor Feng Feng said: "From a legal point of view, from a party discipline point of view, I completely agree with Secretary Mao's opinion. But, comrades, don't forget that in a few days, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be held. At this time, Is it appropriate to set off a counterattack in Qingjiang Province and cause an earthquake in Qingjiang’s officialdom? Vice Premier Li repeatedly emphasized that everything should give way to the Olympics. I support this matter, but can we wait until after the Olympics is over? To deal with the issue of Ma Jun and the official buyers. Right now, the top priority is to remove Fu Fengde from his position, carry out shuanggui, give an explanation to Guo Meimei's relatives, and give an explanation to the people in society, especially the citizens. After the shuanggui, the case will also be resolved Suspend the disposal and continue to investigate in depth, hoping to find an appropriate time to announce the case after the Olympic Games, and minimize the negative impact on Qingjiang Province as much as possible."

Liu Bin, deputy governor of the Standing Committee, said: "Shuangrui Fu Fengde first, others will be punished after the Olympics. I support Governor Feng's opinion."

Organization Minister Bei Zhenlong said: "Comrade Mi Zhengguang, have you found out who the person who posted on the Tianya Forum is?" Look, it was issued in Guizhou, and we haven’t found out who sent it.” Qian Feng, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said: “Let our political and legal departments investigate this matter. Rely on politics and law."

Liu Bin said: "At this stage, it is not appropriate to expand further. Does Minister Bei hope to investigate more extensively? Stability is the overall situation. First stabilize the situation and let the Olympic Games be held smoothly, and then study how to investigate. Isn't it more important?" okay?"

Bei Zhenlong said: "I agree to remove Fu Fengde from the post of deputy secretary of the Dongzhou University Party Committee and carry out shuanggui. But how should new cadres be appointed? Just now Comrade Mi Zhengguang said that Ma Jun is also involved in the case. This means that Dongzhou The positions of Party Secretary, President, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of State University are all vacant. Who will preside over the work? Ma Jun? Confucius Tian? Fight for it. If we don’t carefully understand the problem, the important deputy secretary of the Communist Party Committee who is promoted is the vice-principal who entrusts others to post in Guizhou. Moral character cannot be passed. Our organization department must strictly check that no one with ulterior motives can become the deputy secretary of the university party committee.”

Tian Guohua said: "I agree with Secretary Mao's opinion. A gangster staying in the party for one more day is a kind of harm to the party. We can't delay dealing with them for various special reasons. If there are always special There is a reason, so is it true that gangsters like Ma Jun have been procrastinating and not dealing with it?"

Bei Zhenlong said: "If Ma Jun and Fu Fengde are double-regulated together, and then the middle-level members of Dongzhou University are punished, Dongzhou University will have no leader." Tian Guohua said: "Isn't Confucius Tian?" Bei Zhenlong said: " Although Kong Zitian has done quite well in the past year when he presided over the work. However, I can only say that he is a strong contender for the principal, but he is not an absolute candidate for the principal. At least for now, he is still a member of the school’s party committee and executive vice president. President.” Tian Guohua said: “Then, wouldn’t it be enough to directly appoint Kong Zitian as the party secretary of Dongzhou University?” Bei Zhenlong said: “In the post of principal, Confucius’ professional expertise can be better utilized.”

Secretary Zhao said, "What about Comrade Guo Feng's opinion?"

Guo Feng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, has remained silent.When Secretary Zhao asked, Guo Feng said: "Everything is about the overall situation. This is my attitude." What is the overall situation?Is the Olympic Games the overall situation, or is it the overall situation to fight all the crimes?

Secretary Zhao looked at the executive vice governor Song Jiejun.Song Jiejun said: "I think Secretary Guo's opinion is very reasonable."

Secretary Zhao looked at Ren Hongjiang, Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee.Ren Hongjiang said: "I firmly support the opinions of the provincial party committee."

Secretary Zhao said, "Does Political Commissar Sheng have any opinions?" Sheng Jianbo, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military District, said, "I support the opinions of the Provincial Party Committee."

Secretary Zhao also supported Feng Feng's opinion in his heart.Before the Olympics, it is indeed not appropriate to make too much noise. At this time, stability is the first priority.There is no doubt about Fu Fengde.How to come up with a better method than Feng Feng's is really worth thinking about!The province is not monolithic either. Yesterday Feng Feng introduced Vice Premier Li, and the attitudes of some standing committee members became ambiguous. This is a huge challenge to his authority!

Secretary Zhao spoke slowly: "Comrades, everyone has fully expressed their opinions just now, and what they said is very reasonable. Let me say a few words. Every party member and cadre, every party committee and government at every level must always Keeping in mind the purpose of governing for the people, being responsible to the party and the people. This is the real overall situation. For the gangsters, our party’s consistent principle is to never show mercy. If the gangsters are kept in the party because of a certain principle In China, staying one more day will do more harm to the image of the party and is extremely irresponsible to the people. We have dealt with the gangsters, and the common people will scold these gangsters and our party and government. But we don’t If the gangsters are dealt with in a timely and effective manner, the common people will scold them more severely. It is clear at a glance which is more important. For this reason, I suggest that all positions inside and outside the Fufengde Party be removed and handed over to the judiciary; Comrade Ma Jun is removed from Dongzhou University The post of party committee secretary shall be dealt with in both directions; Comrade Kong Zitian shall be appointed as the deputy secretary and president of the Dongzhou University party committee, and temporarily preside over the work of the Dongzhou University party committee. When will the university party secretary be appointed and the position of the university party deputy secretary vacated by Fu Fengde, etc. After the Olympics, we will study it. Comrades, can we talk about this? Okay?"

Tian Guohua said: "I completely agree with Secretary Zhao's opinion." Mao Zhiting said: "Secretary Zhao, those directors and second-level deans who bought officials, should we deal with it?" up.Because such people are involved too much, Secretary Zhao does not want to deal with them all. If all the cadres with such problems are arrested, who will do the work?Secretary Zhao looked at Ren Hongjiang.Ren Hongjiang said: "I think we can listen to the opinions of the university president Kong Zitian. Our decision-making must be prudent, and we must not crack down on violence too leniently." Tian Guohua said: "Yes, since Confucius Tian is going to be appointed If it is the president of the university, it is also necessary to listen to his opinion. The normal operation of the university still needs a large number of suitable cadres."

Qian Feng said: "Minister Bei, do you need to check the person who posted it?" Bei Zhenlong said: "Yes. It is true that it is not appropriate to make a big fanfare, but if we can find out who is behind the scenes, then we will not Mistakenly appointed a new deputy secretary of the university party committee." Mao Zhiting said: "As for the university party secretary, I propose that one be selected from the Provincial Department of Education and the disciplinary committee secretaries of universities in the province to be the party secretary of Dongzhou University. I The best suggestion is to be the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee. In the case of Dongzhou University’s high-level and middle-level team members, it is indeed necessary to let comrades from the Disciplinary Committee stabilize the situation.”

Secretary Zhao nodded: "Comrade Qian Feng's opinion, although not the opinion discussed today, is very meaningful. Comrade Zhenlong can consider that instead of promoting the party secretary from our school, he will parachute a party secretary from the Disciplinary Committee. As for The deputy secretary of the party committee, I have made it very clear, there is a temporary vacancy. The time is ripe, and it will not be too late to appoint."

Soon, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee passed Secretary Zhao's opinion.Feng Feng also raised his hand. Feng Feng believes that those who should see what he said and did will definitely know through appropriate channels.that's enough.Judging from the current situation, the fragmented situation in Qingjiang Province is relatively prominent, which has laid the foundation for him to do a great cause in Qingjiang that benefits the country and the people.A real great politician will not mind the gains and losses of one city and one place.In any case, passing such a resolution is indeed beneficial to party building.Feng Feng could imagine that the common people would be outraged after learning about Fu Fengde's case. It is difficult to predict how much negative impact this will have on the hosting of the Beijing Olympics.Fortunately, this responsibility will be borne by Mr. Zhao.

The Standing Committee of the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee quickly made a decision: Ma Jun shuanggui, Fu Fengde dismissed all positions and handed over to the judiciary, and Confucius Tian became the president of the university.Mao Zhiting, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection, and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee arranged for a deputy director to go to Dongzhou. They set off this morning and announced the decision of the Provincial Party Committee when they arrived in Dongzhou.

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