Director's growth history

3256.1972, forcing

"Secretary Wang, I really have some relationship with Song Sisi, the general manager of Dacheng Company."

It was extremely difficult for Fang Yuan to say this sentence.Wang Guodong's face didn't change color, but he was a little shocked in his heart: Did Fang Yuan really have an extramarital affair?Wang Guodong said: "You continue. I believe you will face me honestly." Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. Song Sisi and I used to be teachers in No. 68 High School. I taught Chinese and she taught computers. This is the first Song Sisi and I are both members of the Municipal Youth Federation, which is the second layer of relationship; I actually have a little life-saving grace for Song Sisi. At the Municipal Youth Federation General Assembly, a member of the Youth Federation with a little money at home wanted to molest Song Sisi. I pointed out to my face that this member of the Youth Federation had a wife, which should not be the case. This is the third level of relationship. If there is another level of relationship, it is that when I won the first prize in the city's high-quality class competition in Dongzhou No. 5, and When I was qualified for the provincial high-quality class competition, two female colleagues in the school expressed their feelings to me, one is my current wife Kong Shuanghua, and the other is Song Sisi."

Wang Guodong listened with gusto.Wang Guodong said: "I seem to have seen Song Sisi, she looks pretty. Is Kong Shuanghua good-looking?" Fang Yuan said: "It's okay." Wang Guodong said: "Then you ended up marrying Kong Shuanghua, not Song Sisi. Can you tell me Is there a reason?" Fang Yuan said, "This is actually a secret in my heart, I have never told anyone else. I decided to marry Kong Shuanghua only after comparing Song Sisi and Kong Shuanghua's father."

Wang Guodong felt his heart sinking.Sure enough, climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix, even if it is very frank in front of me, its intentions are unforgivable.Wang Guodong said: "It's about the same as I thought." Fang Yuan seemed to have forgotten that Wang Guodong was still in front of him, and said to himself: "Kong Shuanghua's father, also known as Principal Kong, was the dean of a second-level college at Dongzhou University. I was the dean of the department when I was in college. And Song Sisi’s father is a billionaire! If a girl chooses between a dean of a department and a billionaire, she will choose the billionaire instead of Choose a university dean."

Wang Guodong was a little taken aback.Thinking about it, it seems to be the case.

Fang Yuan said: "For most young men, if they look for a rich man's father-in-law or a university teacher's father-in-law, they will definitely choose this billionaire. I didn't choose this way because Kong Shuanghua's father showed knowledge from the beginning. He has profound knowledge, is kind, kind, and persuasive. As for Song Sisi's father? Maybe he thinks that he is a rich man, so he can despise everything and look down on me as a poor teacher. It matches. Secretary Wang, I also have self-respect. Yes, if I married Song Sisi, maybe I would live a relatively rich life, but Song Sisi's father would definitely despise me even more, and would not treat me as their real family. I don't even think about having any status in their family. Of course, the achievements I have made in education in the past few years may also consume my will because of this comfortable life, and I can't get it at all. , Can I submit to Song Sisi's father because Song Sisi's family is rich, and endure the unimaginable pain? So, among the two girls who like me, I choose Kong Shuanghua."

This is really twists and turns!Wang Guodong was full of emotions: he almost wronged a good young man with a pure heart, a personality and a blood.Wang Guodong had a smile on his face: "It seems that your choice is still very good. Comrade Kong Zitian is an expert with profound attainments in management. In recent years, you have shown relatively mature means in management. Is it also related to the teachings of Comrade Zitian?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Secretary Wang. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always ask my father-in-law for advice, and my father-in-law and his elders will also give me advice. Naturally, I benefit from it. A lot.” Wang Guodong said: “Life will face many choices, and every choice is a very difficult process. If you make a wrong choice, you may regret it for the rest of your life; if you make the right choice, you will have continuous achievements in the future. Xiao Fang, in In the future work and life, you will face many choices.”

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for Secretary Wang's teaching. I have no secrets in front of Secretary Wang." Wang Guodong smiled happily: "It can't be said that there are no secrets. This time you helped Dacheng Company, but you haven't explained the real reason yet." Fang Yuan Said: "It was Song Sisi who called me, crying with snot and tears. I have no way to refuse. Even if I help a group of former colleagues and members of the Youth Federation, it makes sense. That's it, I I gave their company a few ideas, and asked Mayor Zhou to help, see if we can give Dacheng a little bit of production indicators for disaster relief products, so that they can get through the difficulties first."

Wang Guodong believed it.Beside Wang Guodong, there is no second person who is as honest as Fang Yuan, who even confessed his love desires to him.Wang Guodong said: "Helping Song Sisi is a manifestation of your affection and righteousness, but don't break the ties and rekindle old feelings. There is no problem with ordinary friends and normal exchanges; but if you cross the line, it will become a stain on your growth, and it will become a stain on your growth." It may affect your development and even ruin your future."

Fangyuan's heart was also so entangled that there was no way to describe it in words.Isn't it a difficult choice for Fang Yuan to give up or abandon Song Sisi?

Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang, you are a very talented young man, and you are also a reserve cadre that the municipal party committee focuses on training. If you make mistakes in some details, it will be like catching sesame seeds and losing watermelons. This time, the standing committee member of the provincial party committee 、Secretary Feng of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection specially reminded me and Principal Zitian to guard against the passing of time. Now, I also solemnly make two requests to you. The first is not to make economic mistakes; the second is not to make mistakes in the relationship between men and women. Can you do it?"

Fang Yuan found that this question is also quite difficult to answer!Tell the truth, or tell a lie?

There was silence in the office of the secretary of the municipal party committee.

After a while, Wang Guodong said, "Do you find it difficult?" Fang Yuan said, "I can assure you that I will never make mistakes in the economy. But will I make mistakes in the relationship between men and women? Secretary Wang, I am sure." It’s because I can’t guarantee what will happen in the next 30 years. You know, if I promise you outright, then I’m not sincere; but if I give an affirmative answer, you won’t be satisfied.” Wang Guodong said: “Why can’t you promise? Fang Yuan said: "Since I won the first prize in the provincial class, there have been many women who have expressed or hinted at me. I am 28 years old, and I am already the principal of Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School, and I am also the deputy director of the Dongzhou Education Bureau. .I haven't been tempted yet, like a woman who has a crush on me, I guess there will be many. Secretary Wang, teach me, what should I do?" Wang Guodong said: "Give me an example." Fang Yuan was ruthless and said: " Secretary Wang, after studying at the party school, Zhang Yitong, director of the reception office of the municipal government, kept giving hints like this. I really don’t know how to deal with it. If I refuse directly, I’m afraid I’ll offend others; .Actually, Secretary Wang, you know that Zhang Yitong is 35 years old and divorced, so how could I feel the slightest bit? But the temptation is endless, who can guarantee that one day the boat will not capsize in the gutter?"

"Zhang Yitong? I'm still a bit impressed." Wang Guodong closed his mouth and fell silent.Fang Yuan didn't know that his eye drops this time directly ruined Zhang Yitong's future.Wang Guodong hates women who go around to seduce others the most, and there are such women beside Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong has always been strict in life, and he will basically be transferred or thrown into limbo for such female civil servants.Back then, when Wang Guodong was the mayor, Zhang Yitong was the deputy director of the government's reception office, and he once seduced Wang Guodong at the municipal party committee hotel.Therefore, Wang Guodong's impression of Zhang Yitong is not a little bit, but a deep impression.I don't know why, when Song Yunsheng presided over the work of the municipal government, this Zhang Yitong was promoted to the director of the reception office.Whether there is a story in it is really hard to say.Now, how much risk Fang Yuan has taken and how much courage he mustered, when it comes to Zhang Yitong's temptation to Fang Yuan, this further proves Zhang Yitong's character.Such a woman cannot be reused.In every standing committee meeting after that, Wang Guodong directly sentenced Zhang Yitong to death, and the other standing committee members didn't know why Wang Guodong had to make trouble with Zhang Yitong.In fact, it has a lot to do with Fangyuan's eye drops this time.

The atmosphere has become a little dull from the enthusiasm when we talked about the economy just now.Fang Yuan regretted saying that.In fact, the question just now is very simple, just say "it can be done", why is it so complicated?If I tell Wang Guodong like this, isn't it a foreshadowing for the future?Apart from Kong Shuanghua, it is impossible for there to be no other women. Ding Chunxiao and Wang Quan, this is already an inescapable obligation and responsibility. When the two of them encounter difficulties, that is the time for me to stand up.As for Song Sisi, judging from the current situation, she already has deep roots in love, and she doesn't know what the result will be if she wants to leave her.

Wang Guodong spoke again: "Xiao Fang, what is the relationship between you and Song Sisi now?" Fang Yuan said, "It's a relationship between a friend and a former colleague. Secretary Wang, I can assure you that until now, we Haven't slept with Song Sisi yet. If Song Sisi hadn't been in contact with other men before, she should still be a virgin now."

Wang Guodong didn't know why he, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, had to talk about such a boring topic with Fang Yuan, a deputy director-level cadre.Wang Guodong laughed self-deprecatingly: "Okay, Xiao Fang, I believe what you said. Let's stop this question here. What are your plans after studying at the party school?" Fang Yuan said: "The knowledge learned in the party school and experience will always be precious wealth. Maybe some of the knowledge I have learned will not be used for a while, but I will still study hard. After graduation, I plan to do a good job in No. 5 Middle School and strive to achieve better results next year; in addition, As the deputy director in charge of the city's teaching and research work, I plan to promote some of the experience of Dongzhou 5 to the whole city, and strive to raise the city's teaching quality to a new level, and the city's quality education has summed up useful experience in the reform and exploration .According to my father-in-law’s suggestion, this fall, I plan to apply for a Ph.D. in management at Qingjiang Normal University. I heard from my father-in-law that the supervisor has already been found, and he is my father-in-law’s junior.” Wang Guodong said: “Principal Zitian has a long-term plan. Xiao Fang, have you ever thought of temporarily leaving education and working elsewhere?"

Fang Yuan looked at Wang Guodong with some surprise: "Secretary Wang, what do you mean?" Wang Guodong said, "For example, arrange for you to serve as the deputy county magistrate in a county. Considering that you are not promoted, but transferred at the same level, you can also consider Add the party position of the Standing Committee of the county party committee to you." Fang Yuan was a little confused.Fang Yuan said: "I have never thought of working in other places, Secretary Wang. I think that I am an educator, and education is where I can best use my talents. I am not ready to work in other places. "

Wang Guodong said: "Everyone in the party must be a generalist. There is a slang saying, I am a brick of the party, and I can move it wherever I need to. Any job is not born, it is acquired. You have just graduated from a normal university, will you become the principal? Of course not! But you are doing well now, which is also the result of training. Without your accumulation as the dean and vice-principal, you have grown from ordinary Can a teacher be qualified for the post of principal at once? Even if you have this ability, the higher party organization would not dare to put a person without any experience in the post of principal! Today you talked about a few successful cases, let me see I am very pleased with your ability in other aspects besides the ability to teach and work! Maybe the transfer will not happen soon, but you must be mentally and mentally prepared. Today I will give you another assignment. If you take the position Standing committee deputy county magistrate in charge of economic work, how do you plan to promote the development of the local economy?"

Oh, I don't know how many brain cells will be consumed!Fang Yuan felt a little headache, but she also knew that this was a good thing, it was Wang Guodong's trust and expectation for him.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, the situation in each county below is different. If you write blindly like this, I'm afraid you won't get the point." Wang Guodong said: "Okay, then I will give you three options. The first one is Oujiang River. Under the influence of the US subprime mortgage crisis, more than 100 export processing enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises in Oujiang District closed down. It was originally a strong industrial area, but now it is at a critical moment for reform, development and stability. "

Fang Yuan thought that Yan Zhaodong was working in Oujiang District.Is Oujiang District so complicated?It looks good!No, I really have to ask Yan Zhaodong for advice on this matter.

Fang Yuan nodded, but did not speak.Wang Guodong said: "The second one is Ruiqing City. This is the place where I used to work, serving as the mayor and secretary of the municipal party committee for several years. Now, the stamina of development is insufficient and there is no new economic growth point. The third one is Yanping City. County, which was originally a big tourist county. But the current county party secretary, Cen Baiqiang, is more concerned about industrial production and has put a lot of effort in attracting investment. What kind of development direction should this county have? Well, I will tell you Three options, you write three articles."

If the leader says a word, the following will break his leg.Fangyuan really has some headaches!Fang Yuan only wanted to be the deputy director of his own education bureau, and he didn't think about becoming a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee or deputy county magistrate.Now, there is a taste of rushing ducks to the shelves.

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you Secretary Wang for your trust. I will definitely write with my heart and try to write out all my ideas." Wang Guodong said: "Don't rush to give me homework, and it's not too late to give me homework when I graduate from the party school." Fang Yuan said: "I I must complete the task on time." Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang, this afternoon, after listening to your introduction of these companies that have been brought back to life, my interest is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know what is happening on paper. You have to do it yourself. As for me, I am planning to investigate Chunxiao Pastry, Handsome Clothing, Shunfeng Shoes, Dacheng Company and Dongsheng Company in the near future. When the time comes, you must participate.”

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