Director's growth history

3341.2033 Difficult things and easy things

When Fang Yuan returned home, he saw his father-in-law Kong Zitian also returned home.Kong Shufang, the mother-in-law, had already prepared a large table of meals, and the whole family was waiting for Fangyuan.Fang Yuan stayed with Ruan Shaoxiu for dinner, but Ruan Shaoxiu didn't dare to stay, so he hurriedly said goodbye and left.Kong Shuanghua held Ruan Shaoxiu's hand generously and said, "Brother Ruan, thank you for taking care of Fang Yuan in the past few days. Our whole family is grateful to you." Ruan Shaoxiu said, "Mr. It's all supposed to be done."

When Ruan Shaoxiu left, Confucius sighed, "Xiao Fang, it would be great if there was someone like Ruan Shaoxiu by my side." Fang Yuan said, "He treats me well, so I have to treat him better. We can't hurt our caring subordinates." Heart!" Kong Zitian stared at Fang Yuan for a few seconds, and then said generously: "Threesomes, with my teacher, I also want to learn from Xiao Fang!" Fang Yuan said, "Dad, it's not enough to talk about learning. But this is just my personal experience. It is necessary to talk about methods and strategies when doing things, but if you don’t put your heart and soul into it, why should Ruan Shaoxiu be so loyal and determined like he is now?” Kong Zitian was silent, Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua She was also thoughtful, and Xiaoqing, who was holding Ruirui, looked at Fangyuan in his eyes, as if it had risen to 100c, which was enough to melt the ice of all emotions and go to boil.

The family had a peaceful dinner. Confucius Tian said, "Xiao Fang, let's go to the study." Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Dad."

The two sat down on the chairs, and Confucius said, "Xiao Fang, I am pleasantly surprised by your progress!" Fang Yuan said, "Just don't cause trouble. I'm worried that what I've done recently, of course, has shocked some people, and at the same time It also left a bad impression on many leaders!" Confucius said: "Yes! It is like this in everything you do. If there is gain, there must be loss, and if there is loss, there must be gain. It is impossible to have nothing but gain. Weighing the gains and losses of a matter should be decided more on the basis of whether the gain is greater or the loss is greater. Through this matter, no one in the education system will dare to confront you in person, including my student Zhai Xinwen. The same , it is estimated that the leaders at the city level will not easily make a decision against you. After all, he still has to consider the power behind you. Of course, I know that I am not the person behind you. Now, I can speak for you , but I am very aware of my own weight. In the matter of serving as the president of Dongzhou University, it was I who relied on your strength to successfully pass the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. "

Fang Yuan was taken aback: Did Confucius know about Wang Quan and Wang Yongsheng?

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "Dad, you really think highly of me. You deserve to be the headmaster." Confucius Tian said: "People are valuable with self-knowledge. The only person I can influence in the province is my classmate Liu Jun. Liu Jun The military has a good relationship with Vice Governor Qu Bitong, but Qu Bitong is not a member of the Standing Committee. Xiao Fang, being able to mobilize the power of the military is not something an ordinary local official can do, even a mayor or deputy mayor. Troops It has always been systematic, and only obeys the leadership of the Central Military Commission. At the local level, it only obeys the leaders of the large military region and the provincial military region. For local officials, even if the secretary of the municipal party committee is also the first political commissar of the garrison area, he cannot control the garrison area. That position is only to reflect the party’s absolute leadership over the army, and it’s formal rather than substantive. To be honest, whether it’s transfer to another hospital this time, or Yu Sizhuang’s shuanggui, my good friend Yu Zida faced his nephew’s arrest. Arrest, nephew and daughter-in-law were arrested, they were all quite silent, which is enough to explain everything." Fang Yuan said: "The matter of Yu Sizhuang really has nothing to do with me. The matter of transferring to another hospital was my call to Wan Daquan, political commissar of the security area." Kong Zitian said: "Yu Sizhuang's being double-regulated means that the Commission for Discipline Inspection or the Public Security Bureau has sufficient evidence; and the arrest of Yu Sizhuang's wife must be the result of the investigation and evidence collection by the public security system. The intervention of the public security system must have something to do with you. You can't fool Dad, the police Bureau Chief Chu Yin Wang has an extraordinary relationship with you. Dad can’t see through you now!”

Is this loss, or sadness?Fangyuan can't distinguish clearly.Fang Yuan thought about it, and there was really nothing to explain.As for whether Yu Sizhuang's shuanggui had something to do with Wang Chuyin, Fang Yuan was not very clear.Fang Yuan said: "Actually, I don't want to provoke anyone." Confucius nodded: "Yes! I can't even figure out why Yu Sizhuang would target you! Have you thought about this problem?" Fang Yuan said: "I haven't thought about it. I didn’t think about it.” Kong Zitian said: “Anyway, once you strike this set of punches, Dongzhou’s political circle is shaken. Many of my students, my friends, are all local officials or department heads. , They all called me to find out the situation. And I really didn't know anything, so I had no choice but to be vague. Unexpectedly, my vagueness made others feel that you are unpredictable. Xiao Fang , If you call the directors of other bureaus now and ask them to do something, I believe that no one will dare to take it, Kakayou, and say a few official words to deal with you."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "What's the difference between me and the God of Plague?" Confucius said: "You can't say that, it's called political influence. But this kind of influence is not formed by prestige, but that people dare not offend you, and everyone is afraid of themselves. Become the second Yu Sizhuang. There is still a clear difference between authority and power." Fang Yuan said, "Then what should I do now? I don't want to be such a person like the plague god, let alone form such a person among the city leaders. Bad impression. I just want to do some educational work in a down-to-earth manner, develop Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School well, and do a good job in the work in charge of Dongzhou education." Confucius Tian said: "It is difficult to keep a low profile, but it will definitely not work if you want to be high profile. But In the current situation, apart from being silent and keeping a low profile, it is really inappropriate to be in the limelight. But you must not form a bad impression on Wang Guodong, Song Yunsheng and the leaders who may succeed the municipal party committee secretary or mayor in the future." Fang Yuan said: "This Once I was sick and hospitalized, I experienced things that I had never experienced before, and many new experiences still need to be digested. Dad, it is easy to do things and difficult to be a human being. In our country, it is even more difficult to be a human being!" Confucius Tian said: "Yes Ah, in this country, if you want to do things, you must be a person first; only by being a good person can you do good deeds; They are suppressed at the grassroots level, suppressed at the grassroots level, there is no stage for doing things, no opportunities to do things, the fundamental reason is that they have not learned how to be a human being."

Fang Yuan nodded frequently, his father-in-law's words were worth chewing on carefully.Recently, I have had some successes in life, such as completely conquering Ruan Shaoxiu's heart, winning over Sun Hongjun, Cao Bensong, Zhou Yujie, and Zhou Yujie's father, Zhou Pengyou, the deputy mayor.At the same time, he also dealt with the most difficult Ding Xiaohua properly; to a certain extent, he won the approval of Wang Guodong and Sheng Zhiren.Of course, there are also inappropriate places, such as competing for interests with Zhai Xinwen too early, such as the uproar caused by the transfer this time.But sometimes, I really can't choose. If I get this aspect, I must lose the other aspect.How to find a balance between gain and loss, between being a person and doing things, and enriching one's own experience and accumulating experience in life and work.

Confucius Tian said: "Xiao Fang, we are a family. As long as you are still my son-in-law, I will support you unconditionally at any time. Although my support for you is getting smaller and smaller, and your support for me is getting bigger and bigger. "Fang Yuan said: "Dad, what you said is all outrageous. Without you, how would I be where I am today? I am too young, and many things can only be seen on the surface, but not the essence. If there is no father's I will definitely take more detours for advice and teaching. Now, it took me 3 years to complete the leap from the deputy department to the deputy department. , how could I do it? In the future, I will face more complicated situations, which put forward higher requirements for me in terms of life, leadership, and work. Without the guidance of my father, I am afraid I will still make mistakes and fall. Somersault. With you, Dad, your profound knowledge in management, your rich experience and valuable experience can help me avoid making fewer mistakes."

Confucius Tian felt a burst of warmth in his heart.The words of his son-in-law made Confucius regain his self-confidence in a somewhat lost heart. He said: "The higher a person's leadership position is, the more he needs to strengthen his studies, including the study of the central government's policies and development directions, and his understanding of the national political situation, provinces, and The experience of the changes in the Municipal Council, the learning of leadership skills, the learning of scientific development, how to lead the comrades below, how to coordinate the comrades in the team, how to coordinate the cooperation between departments, and how to win the leadership of the superiors. Support needs to be continuously strengthened as the position is promoted." Fang Yuan said: "Dad, you have to teach me more." Confucius Tian said: "Yes, I will. I think we must pay close attention to the matter of getting a doctorate. This is the important study. Recently, if you have time, follow me to Jinhua, and go to Qingjiang Normal University to find my younger brother. We will try our best to be admitted to my younger brother’s doctoral candidate in October. As for the class time, I think it is also possible Be flexible, as long as you can produce a doctoral dissertation and pass the corresponding English test, it should not be a big problem. I can say that when I defend three years later, the members of the defense team are either my good friends or my friends. Brother, there may be my students. Dad may help you less and less in the officialdom, but in the academic field, I am also a member of the department, and the professors of management all over the country still sell me a little bit. "

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of the word "fighting father".For a student with no family background and no background, I am afraid that the entrance examination for doctoral candidates will be very difficult. When it comes time to defend the doctoral thesis, it will be like a life-and-death test. Those professors will ask a lot of tricky questions in order to show their own level. , and will also pick noses and faces in doctoral dissertations.And what about myself?Because of a good father-in-law, it seems that the road to PhD will be smooth sailing.Can I say proudly outside: "My father is Confucius Tian!"

Fang Yuan said: "Everything depends on Dad's arrangement." Confucius Tian said: "I will arrange this activity after the class in your party school is over. It would be better to meet with my junior brother earlier. At most, I will give an academic lecture to Qingjiang Normal University for free. Report. The secretary and principal of Qingjiang Normal University are at the same level as me, and I believe that the effect will be better if we take multiple measures.” Fang Yuan said, “Dad, I have an idea.” Confucius Tian said, “Say it.” Fang Yuan said : "Does Qingjiang Normal University need someone to give a report to college students? I can't completely rely on my relationship to get a doctorate, but my work experience in the past few years, I believe it will also inspire young students in Qingjiang Normal University." Confucius Tian Eyes lit up: "Okay, if you can make this report, it will be the icing on the cake. I believe they are also very willing to accept students like you. I think you can ask Dongzhou Normal University to contact Qingjiang Normal University to lay the groundwork. Foreshadowing. I am very familiar with Hua Shunyun." Fang Yuan said: "Principal Hua may mobilize me to study for a doctorate at Dongzhou Normal University." Confucius Tian said: "Dongzhou Normal University does not have a doctorate in management. As for psychology Ph.D., I think you don’t need to do it. In the future, you will be more and more engaged in management work, and a Ph.D. in psychology is too academic.” Fang Yuan said, “Yes, I don’t want to do a Ph.D. Then, I will not talk to Dongzhou Normal University about this for the time being. I will contact you personally, and I will be able to contact you as well. Also, I owe Executive Wang Chuyin a favor, Xiao Fang, how do you repay it?" Fang Yuan said: "Please Eating a meal is nothing interesting. If you can think of a way, Dad, to get Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee to appoint brother Wang Chuyin as the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, then you will repay the favor." Confucius said: "My deputy director of the National People's Congress, come to I should also resign at the plenary meeting of the National People's Congress at the end of the year. After all, I am now at the departmental level. As the deputy director of the National People's Congress, I am a vacant post and do not stay at the meeting. How to make Wang Chuyin the director of the Public Security Bureau is not an easy task. "Fang Yuan said: "It doesn't make sense to replace a department-level university principal with a department-level public security chief. No matter what, we still owe brother Wang Chuyin more. Dad, if this matter is easy In other words, is it true that Brother Wang Chuyin has not been corrected after serving as the deputy director for 10 years? It is precisely because of the difficulty that it reflects Dad's ability, and it shows that Dad is sincere in repaying this great favor. When you return this great favor, in the future If you ask Director Wang Zheng to do something again, Brother Wang will definitely support you more." Kong Zitian said: "Okay, I will try my best. No matter what, I will repay this debt of favor!" Fang Yuan said: "Of course, if I have the opportunity If there is a possibility to play the side drum, I will play it."

At this time, Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Fang Yuan glanced at it, and quickly picked it up: "Hello, District Chief Yan." Yan Zhaodong said: "Director Fang, tomorrow all the students will go to Oujiang District for inspection and research, and we will take a bus to Oujiang District at 9 am. You here How to get there? Bring your own car or I will send a car to pick you up?"

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