Director's growth history

3342.2034. Who is right?

Yan Zhaodong was the one Fang Yuan had the best impression of among the party school students.Regarding Yan Zhaodong's phone call, Fang Yuan couldn't ignore it.Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "District Chief Yan, I won't go to Oujiang District this time. The future will be long, and I believe there will be many opportunities to go in the future." Yan Zhaodong said: "Secretary Liang said, Once you mentioned the proposal of greening and beautifying the main road connecting Oujiang District and the downtown area, he has won the consent of the city leaders, the support of the relevant departments of the city, and reached a consensus with the leaders of Lubao District. At present, the preliminary planning and construction have begun Preparation stage; In addition, the city appearance improvement campaign in Oujiang District has started for several days. The appearance of the entire city has undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few days. It is much cleaner and more beautiful. It really looks like a central urban area. It will take time to guide the living habits and civilized behavior of residents, especially farmers in the suburbs and urban village residents, but the district party committee propaganda department, district civilization office and other departments have instructed all sub-district offices to Villages and towns, carry out relevant education and guidance activities, and require that every community neighborhood committee and every village committee be implemented. Secretary Liang said that he especially hopes that Director Fang can come here in person and make suggestions on the spot to help Oujiang District rectify. Also, Fang The director is an education expert, and Secretary Liang also wants to ask Director Fang to come over and give a diagnosis of the education in Oujiang District, so that Oujiang District can change the current situation of education development, strive to improve the quality of education, and build a strong education district."

Fangyuan couldn't bear to reject Yan Zhaodong, but tomorrow the school is indeed full. He wants to meet Xie Bingguo, trainee Chunhua, meet the comrades in the new team, and prepare the education and teaching work plan for the new semester. There are determination issues for new term school-choice students.As for any matter, you need to worry about it, especially the issue of school selection students. I am afraid that you need to negotiate with Shen Jun again.Now, I really don't have time to participate in this kind of research activity of the Municipal Party School.Fang Yuan said: "Major Yan, thanks to the kindness of you and Secretary Liang, I really should visit Oujiang District to study and study, but I really can't do it tomorrow. I haven't fully recovered yet. I want to wait until my body recovers." , and then make a special trip to visit, okay?" Yan Zhaodong said: "Okay, as long as Director Fang agrees to come and inspect, we welcome you. In fact, tomorrow may not be suitable. After all, Secretary Liang wants to have an in-depth discussion with Director Fang, and I also want to ask Mr. Director Fang should learn more and ask for advice. Tomorrow's inspection and investigation will be more of a fleeting nature. Of course, if the students can put forward some good suggestions for improving work, changing the status quo, and solving problems, we are also very welcome. Secretary Liang said , Tomorrow he will meet with District Chief Lu Yaxiong [played by reader Gao Shanliu Shui] to meet the students of the Municipal Party School."

Fang Yuan immediately learned some principles of life from Liang Zhaopeng.The secretary of the district committee is very busy, but Secretary Liang will definitely be a man.First, he adopted Fang Yuan's suggestion, which showed his open-mindedness and demeanor; then he put the achievements of related work on Fang Yuan's head. Of course, Liang Zhaopeng's credit will not be less; now, he will meet with the district chief Party school students, although these students are mainly department-level cadres, they have planted good roots and good relationships for the long-term. In the future, they will win the support of various departments in the city and win the support of brother districts and counties, which has laid the foundation.Compared with Liang Zhaopeng, Fang Yuan feels that there is indeed a big gap in his life.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Yan, thank you. I will arrange a trip as soon as possible to study and visit Oujiang District. I can't go tomorrow. I will call Secretary Liang personally to ask for leave." Yan Zhaodong saw himself The hint had achieved its effect, and he said happily: "Director Fang, then I won't bother you."

Fang Yuan found out Liang Zhaopeng's cell phone number and dialed it: "Secretary Liang, I am Xiao Fang from Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. I am sorry to bother you." Liang Zhaopeng said, "I will be in Oujiang District tomorrow, meeting Director Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Don't dare. Secretary Liang, I'm calling you today. One is to ask for leave. I can't go tomorrow, but I will go to your place as soon as possible in the near future to ask you for advice and learn from Oujiang District." Liang Zhaopeng said: "Warmly welcome Director Fang is welcome to come to Oujiang District anytime, not tomorrow or on a specific day.” Fang Yuan said, “Thank you, Secretary Liang. The second thing I want to report to you is to thank you for passing my nonsense through you. It has become a decision of the Oujiang District." Liang Zhaopeng said: "Director Fang's suggestion is in line with the reality of the Oujiang District. It is beneficial to the development of the Oujiang District and the people. Such things If I don’t promote it, then I, the secretary of the district party committee, will be dereliction of duty. Do you know? In the past few days when I launched a large-scale renovation of the city’s appearance and city appearance in the whole district, I have received a lot of scolding, many people scolded me for being a fool , Many grass-roots cadres and staff scolded me for making everyone go crazy, and there are many people who don’t understand! But it’s only been four or five days since the renovation, and the appearance of the city in Oujiang District has changed drastically. There are no dead corners for garbage, and roads It’s cleaner, the community is warmer, and the places where greenery is added are greener and more beautiful. I even found some feeling of Lubao District from Oujiang District, and even found Guangzhou University Town and Qingdao Badaguan. Fang Yuan is also very happy: "Secretary Liang is a good secretary who does things for the people, but it is wrong to be scolded. The one who should be scolded the most is me, because I gave Secretary Liang a bad idea." Liang Zhaopeng said: "Doing things for the common people, the common people don't understand for a while, and it's okay to be scolded. After a while, when the common people feel that the environment around them is more beautiful and their lives are more harmonious and happy, they will naturally understand and support them. If we give up doing things for the common people just because the common people scold us, then we, Communist Party members, have a problem with our consciousness, and if we are not open-minded, we are not a qualified public servant of the people!"

Fangyuan was deeply enlightened, and he was full of respect for Liang Zhaopeng: "Secretary Liang, I have so much to learn from you." Liang Zhaopeng said: "We learn from each other, and there are many things that I can learn from you. Fangyuan said: "How can there be? The feelings for the people in my heart are definitely not comparable to that of Secretary Liang. Sometimes when I do things, I think more about myself. I am ashamed." Liang Zhaopeng said: "It can't be blamed. You, people are selfish, and everyone is self-motivated. As a party member and cadre, how to correctly handle the relationship between personal interests, collective interests, and social interests is an important compulsory course; Dealing with the relationship between short-term work and long-term work also requires comprehensive consideration. Young people, it is inevitable that sometimes they will not think carefully. I believe that as long as they strengthen reflection and sum up experience and lessons in a timely manner, Director Fang will definitely grow into a party and leader in the future. Excellent cadres that the people need most.”

Fang Yuan felt a little guilty: It seems that his transfer this time also created a bad impression on Secretary Liang.Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the teaching of Secretary Liang! I hope that I can ask Secretary Liang for more advice in the future!" Liang Zhaopeng said: "It is impossible to ask for advice. However, I am very willing to communicate more with Director Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Definitely."

Confucius Tian has been sitting by the side, listening to the phone calls between Fang Yuan, Yan Zhaodong and Liang Zhaopeng.After finishing the phone call, Fangyuan said, "Every time I communicate with Secretary Liang, I feel educated." Confucius said, "Liang Zhaopeng is the one who is more friendly to the people among all the district committee secretaries. In recent years, the development of Oujiang District The speed is not very fast, especially compared with Longwan District and Yanping County, it seems relatively slow, but as far as I know, the people's livelihood work in Oujiang District is the best. As a district at the fringe of urban and rural areas, the difficulties in the district are also Many, the quality of urban residents also needs to be improved. In the process of urbanization, it is easy to accumulate more social conflicts. However, compared with other places, the number of letters and visits of residents in Oujiang District is relatively low, and social conflicts Relatively mild. From Liang Zhaopeng, I can see the shadow of Wang Guodong."

Confucius Tian's words gave Fang Yuan a more comprehensive understanding of Liang Zhaopeng.Fang Yuan said: "I will have more contact with Secretary Liang in the future. Dad, now I am an official, big and small. In fact, I really hope that I can be a good official. I hope to be close to Zhu Zhechi." Confucius Tian said : "It's not easy to be a good official, standing out from the crowd, and easy to be excluded; it's not easy to be a bad official. Stay in prison and even be executed. Looking back on my 30 years of career development, I have summarized a few points: First, you should not be too clear when you are an official, otherwise you will become a different kind of person; Enough is enough; third, being an official should not be too independent, and learn to share benefits; fourth, being an official should not be too capable, and the highest state is to not conceal one's flaws."

Fang Yuan didn't understand the fourth point.Fang Yuan asked, "What do you mean, dad?" Confucius said, "Too capable, easily envied by peers or colleagues, and easily aroused by superiors' worries. The former will lead to joint boycotts during public opinion evaluations, and must be avoided at work. Do not cooperate; the latter is easy for the leader to focus on the pigtails, not getting enough support, and even being left alone. The flaws are not concealed, but these shortcomings are not fatal. At the same time, they have relatively strong working ability. Remarkable work performance, such cadres are the easiest to gain a foothold in, and the easiest to be promoted. The superiors are not afraid of your shortcomings, but are most afraid that you will not find a little problem. If you have shortcomings, you will have small braids, and you must be obedient , you have to obey the leadership. During the Han Dynasty, the two prime ministers, Xiao He and Cao Can, were both masters in this area. When Liu Bang became emperor, the most feared thing was that Xiao He and Han Xin would turn against each other, because both of them were too capable. Xiao He In order to protect himself, he bought a lot of land and maidservants, and lived a life of extravagance. Report letters about Xiao He were sent to Liu Bang one by one. After seeing these report letters, Liu Bang put more emphasis on Xiao He and felt more at ease with Xiao He. How? As a prime minister, Xiao He has lofty moral character, so will Liu Bang still feel at ease? Will Xiao He’s end be the same as Han Xin? Cao Shen is the same, taking over the position of prime minister, drinking every day, getting drunk every day, regardless of political affairs, When officials came to ask questions, they said that they should act according to Prime Minister Xiao’s wishes, so there is an idiom called Xiao Gui Cao Sui in history. Report letters about Cao Shen’s incompetence and Cao Shen’s inaction were reported to the emperor one by one, but Cao Shen still regarded him as him. The prime minister has not been dealt with in any way. Fang Yuan, these two short stories contain the profound philosophy of being an official!"

That night, Fang Yuan suffered from insomnia.The words of Liang Zhaopeng and Confucius Tian gave him a lot of inspiration, and there seemed to be some conflicts between the two people's thoughts, which made Fangyuan unable to tell who was more reasonable, whose words were closer to the truth, and whoever's words were more convincing. to better adapt to the society.Fang Yuan even thought: Could it be that he has an inexplicable relationship between men and women outside, isn't this a disadvantage but an advantage?

It was dawn, and Fangyuan was exhausted.Kong Shuanghua feels sorry for her husband now: "Fang Yuan, if you feel unwell, don't go to work today. Anyway, your body has not fully recovered, and no one will blame you." Fang Yuan said: "You can't go! I have an appointment today. If I don’t do too many things today, there will be more things waiting for me tomorrow.” Confucius Tian said: “I understand Xiao Fang very much. I have a full schedule of work every day.” Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Dad."

Sure enough, Fangyuan's cell phone rang at an inopportune time. Fangyuan picked it up and heard Xie Bingguo's familiar voice: "Director Fang, I'm already in No. 5 High School."

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