Director's growth history

3388.2078. Who is more credible?

Fang Yuan finally decided to take a look at these materials.I may not be able to use these materials right away, but at least they can allow me to grasp Zhai Xinwen's lies, and at critical moments, they may play an irreplaceable role.

Fang Yuan raised his head: "Director Geng, it seems that you have a lot of opinions on Director Zhai!" Geng Qing was stunned for a moment, and said, "I have one thing to say, and another thing to say two, I really have a big opinion on Zhai Xinwen! Why? He wants to recommend Kong Lili to compete with me for this researcher? Kong Lili has so little qualifications and has only been a deputy director for two years. What qualifications does she have to be a researcher?" Fang Yuan said, "Then does Director Geng have any objections to me? At the age of 28, I have already sat in the position of deputy director from the vice principal and principal, so is it less seniority?"

As if Fang Yuan had guessed his mind, Geng Qing's old face blushed slightly: "How can it be? Director Fang is promoted by ability and grades, but what does Kong Lili rely on? Even if she is the deputy director, she also bought it by selling her thighs. Yes." Fang Yuan said, "I disagree with you. Not all female cadres who have been promoted are promoted by selling their thighs. Women, like men, have the right to progress, and there are many women who have the right to progress. Comrades with ability and level, they are promoted because of their hard work and hard work." Geng Qing snorted: "Director Fang, you know the arrested deputy director of the Health Department of Anhui, Shang Jun? "Fang Yuan said: "I know." Geng Qing said: "Isn't she relying on sleeping with the superiors all the way, from an ordinary employee to the chairman of the Women's Federation to the deputy county magistrate to the president of the court to the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee?" As for being the deputy director of the Health Department, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection deliberately transferred him to leave his original position and was ready to do so. There was a national tax bureau chief in a certain city in Liaoning who was known as the 'best in the world' and spent several million yuan to Hong Kong for plastic surgery , of course, the focus is on getting her butt fixed. If she lived a normal life at home, who would still go to plastic surgery for her buttocks every day? How did she become the head of the National Tax Bureau? Didn’t she buy such a position by selling her buttocks? The one in the capital city of Hebei Province The deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, now the truth is clear, first sold his thighs to the black boss, who became the goddaughter of the black boss, and then sold his thighs to the then secretary of the district committee, then the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, and then the deputy director of the municipal people's congress. Are there not many examples of women who graduated without a name and no grades and finally became the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee who faked a bachelor's degree?"

Geng Qing's words were full of hatred for female cadres, which made Fang Yuan very disgusted.And now, Fangyuan is even more disgusted, because a few minutes ago, Heping just said some gossip that Lu Zhenghong, Chen Qiuping, and Zhou Yujie were promoted, and it seems that this is how they got promoted, and the leading actor is not someone else , it is Fangyuan!While alluding to others, Fang Yuan was also alluded to, how could Fang Yuan be happy?

Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, we need to learn to look at problems dialectically. There is a special place in human psychology, that is, it is easy to remember things that happen very rarely, and things that are not good. One person says the other One person's 10 advantages, another person may not remember; one person says another person's one bad word, another person may remember it for a lifetime. Many good deeds are not easy to be remembered; a small amount of bad deeds , it is easy to become the content of the key reports on the Internet and newspapers. Why? Because the Internet and newspapers are all trying to catch the attention of the public, catch the public's novelty-seeking psychology, and the psychology of angry youths, and deliberately focus on writing partial, few, strange, and special content, and strive for Friends and readers. There are 1 million civil servants in the country, and there must be at least 780 million women. There are still a small number of people like Shang Jun, the first man in the world, and the deputy secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Committee. The families of most female civil servants are harmonious and happy Yes, if everyone was like Shang Jun, the country would have been over for a long time. Why is there no Internet to hype and no newspapers to publicize this happy family of more than 300 million female civil servants? This is because of these female civil servants Family life is as dull and happy as the vast majority of the 300 million families in China. There is nothing to write about, and there is nothing to catch the eye. The reason why Shangjun is often brought up by the Internet and newspapers , it is because there are too few such female cadres, and things are rare and expensive, and few of them can attract attention and satisfy the novelty-seeking psychology of netizens and readers. Attention, there is no focus, but today this one is divorced, tomorrow that one has nude photos, and the day after tomorrow there is a third party involved, it will become the focus of lace news, this is the same reason.”

Geng Qing looked at Fang Yuan, feeling equally dissatisfied with Fang Yuan.Having been taught and enlightened by a person ten years younger than himself, Geng Qing felt that he had lost face.Why do you have a radius?If it weren't for someone from above to support you, you would be a vice-principal at most now, why don't you obediently listen to me, Director Geng?It's really annoying to compare people to others. When I was 28 years old, I was still a small section member, not even a section chief. Fangyuan was 28 years old and was already the deputy director.However, the situation is stronger than others. In the current situation, Zhai Xinwen has already offended Fangyuan thoroughly. If he offends Fangyuan again, then he will not be able to stay in the Education Bureau, and he will only die.

Geng Qing pretended to be emotional, and said with emotion: "Yes! After what Director Fang said, I also feel that I have some cynical mentality in my mind." Fang Yuan said, "Director Geng, I still support your early promotion, but this It depends on your performance. If I am recommended by the organization, my foothold is whether I am really doing useful work for the development of Dongzhou education, and whether I have an upright character. I have both ability and political integrity, and put morality first. , This principle is indeed very good. Director Geng, Dongzhou Education can no longer stand the toss. The municipal party committee promoted and appointed Sun Hongjun as Party Secretary, hoping to correct the atmosphere, gather strength, and work together to run Dongzhou Education well. Director Geng, as long as you really do your job well and make achievements, Fangyuan will definitely recommend it to your superiors. But if Director Geng always thinks about bringing down so-and-so, and always thinks that he will be treated unfairly , then I will definitely not recommend you!"

These few words were spoken very seriously, and Geng Qing's heart was pounding.At this moment, Geng Qing even had an illusion that Fang Yuan was not his colleague, but his superior.Geng Qing said: "Yes, Director Fang, I will definitely keep your teachings in mind and do my job well."

Fang Yuan said: "Director Geng, I was planning to read the materials, so I will not read them. I am not in my position, and I am not in charge of my affairs. If I read the materials, it means that I am offside. I suggest you, put Show the materials to Secretary Sun of the party committee. I believe that Secretary Sun can be recognized by most of the standing committee members of the Municipal Party Committee, and his character can be trusted!" Geng Qing said: "Okay, Director Fang, I will report the materials to Sun in a while. secretary."

Geng Qing sent Fang Yuan out the door, just in time to see Zhai Xinwen and Kong Lili who were going down the stairs.Seeing Kong Lili's hostile gaze, Fangyuan was startled: Could it be that Kong Lili and Zhai Xinwen really had an affair.

Should I say hello or should say hello: "Director Zhai, Director Kong." Zhai Xinwen squeezed a smile on his face: "Xiao Fang, how about talking to Director Geng?" Fang Yuan said, "Director Geng called me over and said he wanted me to see it." However, I didn’t read it, because I am not the secretary of the party committee, nor the secretary of the discipline inspection committee. I will not read the materials that should not be read.”

Geng Qing was a little embarrassed.Zhai Xinwen's eyes obviously jumped several times.Kong Lili suddenly broke out: "Geng Qing, you little fool, you think I don't know? Don't play tricks and tricks behind your back! If you have the ability, just report it directly! People who act upright and sit well are not afraid of you being so insidious." The villain!" Zhai Xinwen stopped Kong Lili: "Director Kong, what nonsense are you talking about?" Kong Lili said: "Geng Qing, you are not a joke!" Geng Qing also became angry: "You are a joke! I am not You bastard, I'm human! You're a bastard, someone else's bastard!" Kong Lili rushed over and was about to hit someone.Geng Qing was not afraid either: "Let's fight. The more you fight, the more you will prove your guilt! Don't do immoral things, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door!"

Zhai Xinwen yelled: "Nonsense! They are all party members and leading cadres, why are they playing house like children? Director Geng, don't mind! Director Kong is in a bad mood, please bear with me." Geng Qing said: "I never No nonsense. But some people don’t force me either. If they force me into a corner, I’m not afraid of Geng Qing!” Zhai Xinwen said: “Director Geng, there may be some misunderstanding between you and Director Kong. Communicating with each other will definitely eliminate misunderstandings and enhance unity." Geng Qing said: "I am very busy, and I will go to the traffic vocational school to check the work soon, so I don't have time to communicate with Miss Kong."

Geng Qing left.Zhai Xinwen looked at Fang Yuan and sighed: "Xiao Fang, I have never changed towards you, but you seem to have changed towards me." Fang Yuan said, "Director, I haven't changed at all. I just think about how to do it." Good education work, I hate Dou ah Dou ah, put all my mind on Dou, how can I have the mind to do a good job in education? If we all put our minds on the development of Dongzhou education, how great it would be ah!"

Zhai Xinwen stared at Fangyuan, and after a while, Zhai Xinwen said: "Actually, my thoughts are exactly the same as yours. I really want to do more for the development of Dongzhou education, but Xiaofang, you are the one who experienced it. If you think about it, I will Even if I personally don’t want to fight, is there an environment for me not to fight? It’s really hard for me!”

Fang Yuan's heart was touched: Yes, Zhai Xinwen started as the head of the government, first fought with Han Suzhen, and later fought with Bi Shili.Bi tried his best to promote Chen Qizhi, adding sand to Zhai Xinwen; later promoted Hao Dingyi, adding more sand to Zhai Xinwen; now, Geng Qing has completely broken with Zhai Xinwen, and this fight is inevitable.

Fang Yuan said with emotion: "The past few years have really been difficult for the director! It is under such circumstances that you have maintained the relative stability of Dongzhou education and promoted the development of Dongzhou education. The director has made a contribution. I am here Make a statement: as long as the starting point of each work of the director is not from the standpoint of fighting, but from a standpoint that is conducive to the development and progress of Dongzhou’s education, Fangyuan will support it.”

Zhai Xinwen stretched out his hand: "Thank you Xiaofang. Your support is very important! With your support, I have more confidence in doing a good job in education." Fang Yuan felt that Zhai Xinwen's hand was firmly held. At this moment, Fang Yuan also Some were moved: "Director, how I wish to see the harmony between the party and the government, and the development of Dongzhou education in unity!" Zhai Xinwen said: "Now, the Dongzhou Education Bureau really needs a good environment for doing business." Fang Yuan nodded. .Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Kong and I still have something to do. Let's have an in-depth exchange some other day, okay?" Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Kong Lili suddenly said: "Director Fang, after listening to what you said today, I think you still have a little conscience. You don't know how sad Xinwen is when you don't support Xinwen in the party committee! You can't forget your roots, you are an ordinary teacher When you were the dean, when you were the vice principal, who helped you the most? Now that you are the deputy director and your wings are hardened, can you trip up your benefactor? Director Fang, you have to be kind! Even if it's me, I've never done anything unfavorable to you, right? Your son is in the parent-child class in the city experimental kindergarten. As the deputy director in charge, I have asked several times whether it is arranged With the best teacher, how is your son's progress?"

Zhai Xinwen said: "Director Kong, don't talk about it. We do what we should do, and we don't need to show merit. Up to now, I still believe that recommending and promoting Fangyuan by myself is the most correct decision."

Fang Yuan's heart was really touched this time.Fang Yuan stood there, dumbstruck, motionless, Ren Zhai Xinwen and Kong Lili left without saying goodbye.Yes, Zhai Xinwen is my benefactor on the way of growing up!Is what I have done recently a little too heartless?

Fang Yuan went downstairs feeling a little lost, and walked towards his office.Suddenly, I saw Wang Xingbang, deputy researcher and office director, standing at the door of his office with a smile on his face.Fang Yuan said: "Director Wang, have you been waiting here for a long time?" Wang Xingbang said: "You should wait. There are some things I want to ask and report to Director Fang." Fang Yuan said: "You and I are on the same level. Ask for such a word!" Wang Xingbang said: "In my heart, I have long regarded Director Fang as my superior."

The two entered the office and sat down on the sofa.Fang Yuan asked: "Director Wang, is there anything I can help you with?" Wang Xingbang's expression became serious: "Director Fang, I am in a difficult situation now. Only you can help me with this matter! I'm so sad."

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