Director's growth history

3389.2079. All Problems

Fang Yuan felt a little tired. In fact, he really didn't want to care about Wang Xingbang's affairs. No matter what it was, it definitely had nothing to do with him.This time, Geng Qing must have been offended, and the wish to unite Geng Qing was basically difficult to achieve.Regarding Zhai Xinwen, Fang Yuan was more or less emotional: Shouldn't he force Zhai Xinwen?Thinking about the recent meetings, including today's meeting, I did not force Zhai Xinwen, nor did I attack Zhai Xinwen, but just insisted on my own opinion, and also respected Zhai Xinwen's opinion on Zhao Hanmei's appointment.It's just that the members of the party committee all support him, so what can he do?

However, after offending Geng Qing just now, should he still offend Wang Xingbang?The highest purpose of the united front is to unite all forces that can be united.Geng Qing is different from Wang Xingbang. Geng Qing's official morality is average. You can see that he hates female cadres and despises cadres who are promoted too quickly, including me, Fangyuan. You know that his inner world is not open and aboveboard. The gunman wants to use the energy around me to achieve his goal.But Wang Xingbang is different. From the beginning to the present, Wang Xingbang has never spoken bad words to each other, only thoughtful service. Of course, because Wang Xingbang is not too close to him, he doesn't know much about abilities, so he has not been in the appointment again and again. Recommended to him.Thinking of this level, Fang Yuan said: "Director Wang, if there is something difficult, let's think of a solution together."

Wang Xingbang said: "After this personnel adjustment, do we need to adjust the offices of the leaders? At least, Secretary Sun must no longer stay in the office of the original deputy secretary, and it is best for Deputy Secretary Heping to go to the original office of Secretary Sun. Hao After the secretary came over, he adjusted the office of the work office and moved the work office to the teaching and research office. However, Secretary Hao's office was not a good orientation and a good location, and it was just a room. It’s not like Director Zhai, there’s a rest room inside.”

Fang Yuan immediately imagined that when Hao Ding came to Dongzhou Education, he was actually "wronged". From the beginning until now, he did not enjoy the same treatment as Zhai Xinwen. The red flag that was unceremoniously vacated, and the red flag that Zhai Xinwen originally opened, had not been changed for a long time after Han Suzhen left, and was transferred to Hao Dingyi after Hao Dingyi arrived.

Fang Yuan said: "I don't think Secretary Sun should go to Secretary Hao's office." Wang Xingbang said: "Yes, it's too unlucky. But Director Fang, as you know, the best positions are the current Director Han Suzhen and Deputy Chen Qizhi. The director is in the position, but if I ask these two leaders to vacate the room and give it to Secretary Sun, I'm afraid I can't coordinate it. Director Zhai asked me to do this, I really don't know how to tell Director Han , Director Chen said!"

Fang Yuan felt the same way: Yes, there is still such a problem!

Wang Xingbang said: "Adjusting the office is difficult! If Secretary Sun enjoys two rooms like Director Zhai, it means that another department needs to be moved to the office building where the teaching and research section and the teaching institute are located. The attendance office has a lot of opinions, saying why we should be raised by stepmothers? If we adjust another department this time, I really don’t know who to adjust?”

It really is difficult to do.Departments leave the Administration Building of the Education Bureau, and usually cannot look down and see them. From the perspective of freedom, it is more free, but from another perspective, it is easy to be forgotten by the leaders intermittently. It is easy to be valued and paid attention to by leaders.It is normal for the attendance office to have opinions. No department is willing to put itself in the position of a second-class department.

Wang Xingbang said: "Director Fang, I still have a problem! It is the car of the Education Bureau. Now that everyone's position has changed, should the car also be adjusted?"

It's a matter that involves everyone's vital interests, and it's a problem that affects several people, and if it doesn't work, it will offend everyone.Allocating vehicles is also a superb technique. It must reflect the will of the two main leaders, the director and the party secretary, and try to keep the deputy leaders from having too many opinions. But the reality is that there are more officials and fewer vehicles.

Fang Yuan asked: "How are the vehicles arranged now?" Wang Xingbang said: "Director Zhai drives a Buick, Secretary Sun drives a Santana 3000, Secretary He drives a Santana 2000, Director Geng drives a Santana 3000 , Director Kong is an old Passat 1.8. Director Han, Director Chen, Chairman Song and I do not have a car for the time being, and the newly promoted Director Cao does not have a car. After Secretary Hao came to teach, Director Zhai changed to a Buick. I gave my red flag to Secretary Hao. After Secretary Hao left, there was no arrangement for the red flag. After Zou Zhigang left his post, he also drove away the Southeast Fulica SUV. He said that even if the car was delivered, he would have to wait until the end of this year He can only deliver the car when he reaches the age of retiring to the second line. The bureau also has a Jinbei business, two Jettas, a Toyota Coaster minibus, two Changan Star minivans, and a Shandong Black Panther small card. Coaster The bus is mainly used for the reception of the Education Bureau and some meetings. The black panther is mainly used to pull vegetables and noodles in the cafeteria, and occasionally it is used to pull documents and books to the municipal party committee and the municipal government. Jinbei business is mainly used for several deputy leaders who do not have a car Two Jettas are used together for inspection and inspection of grassroots education work. The Jetta and Chang’an Star Bread are mainly used by various departments for daily office work. Now, Chang’an Star Bread is used less and less. Departments are willing to use Jetta, but are unwilling to use Chang'an Star, mainly because when they go to various schools, districts and counties below to inspect the work, they are easily regarded as vegetable sellers by the comrades in the communication office. Director Fang, you also know that Jetta pulls 4 at a time. One person, 5 people plus a driver; Changan Star can pull 7 people at a time, plus 8 people with a driver, but comrades don’t like to use it now, and prefer to drive their own private cars to check work.”

Fang Yuan said: "Yes, a dignified city-level bureau, even a Jetta, can only be regarded as an ordinary official vehicle. This Chang'an Star should really be eliminated." Wang Xingbang said: "According to the situation of other bureaus, when it comes to the deputy department , Basically, a car should be allocated, even if it is a false job, two people are allocated a car. But our bureau, Director Fang, look, the existing car can’t be arranged! This is the school car you are temporarily using , if you no longer use the car in 5, but use the car of the Education Bureau, then the Education Bureau needs at least a car for Director Han, a car for you, a car for Director Chen, and a car for Director Cao, Chairman Song Ping and I will have a shared car. The two Jettas are too low-grade, barely enough to be used as ordinary official vehicles, but they are too low-grade to be used by leaders. At least they must be the latest Santa Na Zhijun. In fact, Passat 1.8, Camry customized version 1.8, and Nissan Sylphy 1.6 are all quite good, with a price of 10,000+, which also meet the national official car standards, but so far, the Finance Bureau has not approved the use of our car by the Education Bureau plan. I really can't separate the existing cars."

Fang Yuan asked: "Has the report been typed?" Wang Xingbang said: "It has been typed up a long time ago. But it has been more than a year, and it has not been approved. Director Fang, our Dongzhou is not a city without money, but the Finance Bureau has no money. In addition to not daring to pay for education funds, office funds are often delayed for several months, and the application for buying a car is even more delayed because of the tight financial expenditure and cannot be arranged. But if you look at the financial bureau, even The deputy investigators all have one car per person. Chief Sun Yizhi rides a customized Honda Accord 1.8. The naked car he bought definitely meets the standard for official vehicles. The displacement meets the standard, and the price does not exceed 18. But after I came back, I modified it. Except for the engine and the car shell, all the other facilities inside were replaced. After the modification, I heard that it cost 80 to 1.8 yuan. The original Hongqi and old Passat of several deputies were completely replaced. Toyota Camry 5. The obsolete cars were given to the subordinate business units, and the fat water did not flow to outsiders. In fact, the subordinate business units were useless, and they were borrowed by various departments of the Finance Bureau to become office vehicles for each department. The head of the section will drive it, and it will be used by all departments if there is an emergency. The car from the Finance Bureau is useless, but what about our car? The car itself is too low-grade, and it is not enough at all. Director Fang, look at it, there are at least [-] cars missing Che, what can I do as the director of the office?"

It's really pissing people off.In the Finance Bureau, Fangyuan really knows a few people. One is Sun Yizhi, the director of the Finance Bureau. His example is Sun Zihao, who is a physical education teacher in Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. He is a very difficult young man with serious social habits.One is Yuan Shun, a member of the Youth Federation and deputy director of the Finance Bureau; the other is a classmate of the party school and Wan Liangjun, chief of the Budget Section of the Finance Bureau.If it's a private matter, it's easy to handle. Just call and ask Wan Liangjun first.But now, it's business!

Fang Yuan asked, "What's Director Zhai's opinion?" Wang Xingbang said, "Director Zhai let me see what to do." Fang Yuan frowned. How could Director Zhai ignore it?Wang Xingbang said: "He let me figure it out. I am not a fairy, and I can't change cars. What can I do? Director Fang, you have great powers. You can think of a way and give you an idea!"

Fangyuan couldn't laugh or cry: "Are we rich in education? Can't we buy it ourselves?" Wang Xingbang said: "There is some money. After all, there are some school-run enterprises, and a considerable part of the profits are turned over to the city bureau. But the key is that the vehicle indicators are not approved by the Finance Bureau. According to the situation of other bureaus, it is best to allocate funds from the finance.” Fang Yuan is not very familiar with the work of purchasing official vehicles, so after thinking for a long time, he said to Wang Xingbang: “Director Wang, As for this matter, I think it is more appropriate for you to discuss it with Director Zhai and Secretary Sun. Of course, thank you for your attention to me. It is not appropriate for me to express my opinion now, but as long as it is needed by our Education Bureau, It's not that I can't show my face and fight for the basic treatment that we deserve from the Education Bureau. As for the car, I only want to say one thing. It is definitely not appropriate for Secretary Sun to continue to drive the Santana 3000, and it is not appropriate for Secretary Sun to take over the old red flag. Not suitable. When the new secretary takes office, he must be assigned a new car. Of course, everything must comply with the above regulations, such as the displacement should not exceed 1.8, the total purchase price should not exceed 18, etc.” Wang Xingbang smiled wryly: “Financial I really can’t do anything if the bureau doesn’t give the target.” Fang Yuan said, “I may not be able to win the target of five cars; but I think I’m 5% sure of the target of one car.” That's great. One more car is equivalent to solving the official vehicles of the leaders of the two bureaus!" Fang Yuan nodded: "Director Wang, regarding the problem of the room and the vehicle, we must report to Director Zhai. Also report to Secretary Sun." Wang Xingbang said: "Understood. I will report to Secretary Sun right away."

Fang Yuan sat quietly in the office alone, closing his eyes and meditating.Alas, I didn't devote myself to the work of the Education Bureau before, and I didn't feel the complexity of the Education Bureau; now, even small things like room allocation and bus assignment can bother people's hearts.Of course, such things as allocating rooms and assigning buses may seem small, but they are related to everyone's vital interests, and this is not a trivial matter.Faced with such a thing, how to solve it?

Fang Yuan was very worried and felt helpless.These two matters, if they are not done well, another office meeting of the director general will be held to study them.The party committee is led by Sun Hongjun, and the director's office meeting is led by Zhai Xinwen. How should I position myself in the director's office meeting?Should I avoid it, using the reason of being sick?Or go to the venue and firmly support Sun Hongjun?Whoever you support will offend some other comrades, just like this time the Dongzhou Xingang Railway Extension Project, following the aunt's wishes, rebelling against the sister-in-law, and finally got a threatening letter.Forget it, don't care, I'd better go to recuperate.

Fang Yuan stood up and called Zhang Guoliang to get the vehicle ready.Sitting in the car, Fang Yuan felt extremely exhausted.The phone rang, Fang Yuan picked it up and took a look, a little surprised: Why did she call me today?

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