Director's growth history

3416.2105, Fang's management method preliminary

Fang Yuan and his party returned to the ward, and Kong Shuanghua wept quietly again at this time.Fang Yuan asked, "What's wrong with you?" Kong Shuanghua said, "It's nothing, I just want to cry." Fang Yuan said, "Sister Shao has already said that we have an innocent relationship." Kong Shuanghua said, "I believe You. However, my heart is still blocked, like a stone is pressing on my heart. "

Zhang Qiao was on the side, sighing inwardly.It is easier for a woman to communicate with a woman's heart.Looking at her husband Ruan Shaoxiu, Zhang Qiao said with emotion: like Ruan Shaoxiu, with a little talent, a little status, and a little future, it's pretty good.Whoever marries a man as outstanding as Fang Yuan will face a very real problem: the fierce competition after marriage is no less than before marriage.The times have changed, and people's concepts have also undergone great changes. Taking another woman's husband, in the eyes of many post-80s and even post-90s women, is not a very shameful and unacceptable thing in society.If it weren't for the tolerance of this world and the powerlessness of the law, there wouldn't be mistresses everywhere and mistresses everywhere in China.There must be something between this Shao Keqing and Fang Yuan, who knows what it is to be innocent, and who knows what it is to be as innocent as water.I just hope that Ruan Shaoxiu doesn't have such a thing.Zhang Qiao's heart moved, she couldn't help holding Ruan Shaoxiu's hand, and squeezed Ruan Shaoxiu's palm, as if implying Ruan Shaoxiu: Don't be like Fangyuan, there are so many inexplicable relationships between men and women outside, let him I was on tenterhooks at home.But if he didn't say it outright, how could Ruan Shaoxiu know that Zhang Qiao's pinching of his hand contained such complicated psychological activities?

Fang Yuan gently hugged his wife and said, "You are fine now, so naturally I can't have other thoughts. Don't think too much, live our lives well, this is the most realistic thing. Let's talk about changing the household registration of our family of three. to Zhenghe community." Kong Shuanghua said: "When you say you want to move, let's move. However, there must be a reason. I also hope that I can bring my mother here. Maybe she doesn't have to change her hukou, But people had better come along, otherwise, she would be too lonely." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, it's up to you." Kong Shuanghua hugged her husband's broad arms tightly, seeming very satisfied, but the slightest pain , is still entangled in the heart, it is difficult to dispel.

Ruan Shaoxiu, Zhang Qiao, and Xiao Qing stood aside, filled with emotion.Ruan Shaoxiu let out a long sigh of relief: Shao Keqing is gone!If he left, Director Fang would be in less danger.Ruan Shaoxiu knows best about bullshit.On the first day Shao Keqing came to Dongzhou from Shanghai, he stayed in Fangyuan's ward for several hours, and he himself kept the wind outside for several hours and stood on guard for several hours.Ruan Shaoxiu also couldn't figure it out: Shao Keqing is very beautiful, but she is old after all. A successful young man like Fang Yuan who likes some young and beautiful girls, like Song Sisi, may be acceptable.At my age, it might be more appropriate to get along with Shao Keqing's age.Hehe, of course, I absolutely dare not touch Director Fang's woman's thoughts, that's what I think.

Perhaps, in this world, the one who knows the most secrets about Fangyuan is not Kong Shuanghua, but Ruan Shaoxiu.He was hospitalized at least twice, and there were three women who must have unclear relationships with Fang Yuan: Song Sisi, Shao Keqing, and Ding Chunxiao.As for Ding Xiaohua's daughter, I really can't tell now, maybe there is, maybe not.Alas, a bureau chief with such great abilities, such a high level, and such a bright future can't ruin himself because of women's affairs!When, and in what way, would I persuade the director general Fang? This is really a difficult problem.

Kong Shuanghua stopped crying, left her husband's embrace, brought her son into Xiaoqing's embrace, and hugged him tightly: "Ruirui!" Pressing her face gently against her son's, a wife and a mother Complex feelings are clearly displayed at this moment.

Fang Yuan asked Zhang Qiao: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing here today?" Zhang Qiao said: "Yesterday, you inspected the production department and found so many problems. Together with Pan Zhaorong, the manager of the production department, I conducted a detailed and comprehensive inspection. Many other problems were discovered. Manager Pan Zhaorong felt very sorry for Mr. Ding and Fang Da. Last night, I worked overtime with her to make this rectification plan. Please review it.” Fang Yuan said: “Show Mr. Ding No?" Zhang Qiao said: "Boss Ding read it." Fang Yuan said: "Then I don't need to read it." Zhang Qiao said: "Boss Ding said, you make the decision. She needs to take care of her health now, the company's affairs It's up to you to decide, she doesn't care about anything."

Fang Yuan frowned in pain: Fang Yuan didn't want to care about Ding Chunxiao's affairs; but he couldn't care less~~ Who made Ding Chunxiao's baby his own?What's more troublesome is that taking responsibility is one aspect. What's more important is that if Fang Yuan really let go, and Ding Chunxiao recklessly makes a fuss, the consequences will be unimaginable!That is a result that Fang Yuan cannot bear, and it is also a result that many leaders or friends do not want to see.

Kong Shuanghua's ears perked up again.Kong Shuanghua has everything to do with Fangyuan, and any woman who has anything to do with Fangyuan makes Kong Shuanghua sensitive and suspicious.But Kong Shuanghua didn't say anything, just sat on the side with the child in his arms, listening quietly.Who would know what Kong Shuanghua was thinking in his heart?

Fang Yuan also looked at his wife with some guilty conscience, and saw that she didn't respond, so he took the materials handed over by Zhang Qiao.Fang Yuan sat down and read carefully.It should be said that yesterday's inspection did lead to a large number of problems through the discovery of several problems.As long as you check carefully, you can find more problems that should not have occurred.Some problems may seem insignificant, but once they are exploited by someone with a heart, it may bring about a huge crisis.Even if a detail problem is not solved well, it may even cause a company to go bankrupt.

Perhaps limited by the vision of the manager Pan Zhaorong, the solution Pan Zhaorong and Zhang Qiao came up with to deal with so many problems was to impose fines and strengthen discipline.Can fines solve all problems?Fines certainly scare employees, but fines can also drive employees away from morality.If employees are not satisfied with such a fine and are lost to the production department of a competitor, one can imagine how bad the negative impact on Chunxiao Company will be.

Fang Yuan was very dissatisfied with this rectification plan.But now Fangyuan can't criticize Zhang Qiao harshly.Ruan Shaoxiu's face is of course a factor, but what is important is that it cannot dampen Zhang Qiao's enthusiasm for work, nor can it make Zhang Qiao feel discouraged and lose motivation.Although enterprise management is very different from school management and department management, some management concepts are common, such as people-oriented, such as optimizing processes, such as protecting the enthusiasm of every staff member at different levels.Now, many enterprises, government departments, and public institutions have a strong sense of job burnout among employees, which is caused by inadequate and unscientific management.When daily work is only a means of earning a living and earning money, who can still treat work as a career, and who can always maintain a strong enthusiasm for work?In government agencies, many people have been civil servants all their lives, but they have not even become section chiefs. It would be strange for anyone to maintain their enthusiasm for work at the age of 40.Basically, it is a day when a monk hits the clock.Party and government agencies are different from enterprises. The mobility of personnel is relatively small. Some comrades who have been unable to be promoted have no way to move to other departments except their own department. They can only be taken in by themselves. No other department will want such a comrades.

Fang Yuan looked at Zhang Qiao: "Sister-in-law, now I have to call you Vice President Zhang. Vice President Zhang, who came up with this plan?" Zhang Qiao said, "It's Manager Pan." Fang Yuan said, "You see What do you think about this plan?" Zhang Qiao said: "I have found so many problems, we must catch them, if we don't catch them, Chunxiao will be finished." Ruan Shaoxiu interjected: "How can you talk like that? What's over?" Fang Yuan waved his hand: "Vice President Zhang is right. If these problems are not resolved, Chunxiao Company will encounter big problems, and it is possible that it will end."

Ruan Shaoxiu immediately shut his mouth.

Fang Yuan said: "However, according to this rectification plan, in my opinion, not only will it not solve the problem, but it will make the problem worse! Vice President Zhang, at any time, there must be clear rewards and punishments, and there must be rewards and punishments. This plan between you and Manager Pan , only fines, no rewards, how can the majority of employees be voluntarily engaged in serious production and hygienic production? I am going to offer some suggestions for your reference and that of Manager Pan. Let’s go, I will go to Chunxiao Company now, please let me know. Let the managers of each department attend the meeting, and then print this rectification plan to every middle-level cadre who participated in the meeting, so that each of them should think through the rectification plan of the production department, how to manage the department well." Zhang Qiao said: " Okay, I'll go back right away and let you know right away."

Zhang Qiao left.Kong Shuanghua said quietly: "You really care about Sister Ding's company!" The dissatisfaction was beyond words.Fangyuan said: "Shuanghua, I am in Dongzhou. Apart from my family, the closest person is Sister Ding. Sister Ding has always treated me like a younger brother. As you know, Sister Ding is an orphan. She longs for an orphan. Relatives, she is eager to feel family affection, so she treats me very well, treats you well, and treats Ruirui of our family very, very well. Now, Sister Ding is hospitalized, and there are no other relatives in the hospital to help Don't worry, I'm the younger brother, if I don't help her, who else will help her?" Kong Shuanghua said, "Husband, I just want to ask you, is sister Ding's child yours?"

Fangyuan was categorical: "It's not mine. However, after this child is born, he will definitely call me uncle, and I will definitely play a role in the child's education, and I will connect with a good kindergarten and school." White lies also Well, it doesn't matter if it's a real lie, Fang Yuan's attitude at this time is firm: absolutely not admitting it!Never admit it!Even if you sit through the prison, you can't admit it!It doesn't matter if you are not hard-hearted, if you admit it, God knows what will happen?

Kong Shuanghua felt better: "It's fine if it's not yours. That's fine, I don't object if you help manage Sister Ding's company, but don't wear yourself out. Tired enough. I see you dizzy, and my heart hurts, as if I am dizzy." Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your concern, my wife. I will pay attention. Boxing still has a certain effect. I will I will insist on exercising, and exercising well is the prerequisite for doing all my work well and keeping my family happy." Kong Shuanghua said: "I support you to strengthen your exercise."

Fang Yuan and Ruan Shaoxiu rushed to Chunxiao Company together.Where Ding Chunxiao usually sits, Fang Yuan sits solemnly.

Several deputy and middle-level managers of the financial department Zhang Qiao, manager of the logistics department Zheng Zhibin, manager of the human resources department Huang Meijuan, manager of the procurement department Xu Yixuan, manager of the marketing planning department Cai Yihong, manager of the production department Pan Zhaorong, and general manager Yuan Huiwen were all in place.The manager of the store did not come, after all, each store had to operate normally.General manager Yuan Huiwen prepared a cup of steaming tea for Fang Yuan, and put it quietly on Fang Yuan's table.

Fang Yuan said: "Everyone, first of all, I would like to commend Manager Pan of the Production Department and Vice President Zhang. Yesterday, accompanied by Vice President Zhang and Manager Pan, I checked the situation of the Production Department and found a few small problems. After I left, Manager Pan conducted a more in-depth inspection and found many new problems. This serious and meticulous work attitude is worth learning for each of us. We are not afraid of finding problems, but we are afraid that we will not find them. We found them Problems are an important prerequisite and foundation for us to improve our work. When we solve the problems we find, our work and our management will reach a new level. Therefore, for Manager Pan who dares to find problems and does not cover up the exposure of problems , this spirit is worthy of full affirmation. Secondly, I would like to commend Manager Pan for coming up with a rectification plan in a very short period of time. I will not say whether this plan is perfect, but in such a short period of time , can come up with a rectification plan, which shows a positive attitude towards work and shows work efficiency. Therefore, I decided to reward Manager Pan with a bonus of 1000 yuan this month on the basis of the normal salary. Although the money There are not many, but the whole company is to encourage such a work attitude and to encourage such a professionalism."

Pan Zhaorong stood up, stuttering with excitement: "Fang Da, I haven't done enough. I know that you are not satisfied with this rectification plan." Fang Yuan said, "We have a meeting today to study this rectification plan. Question. But rewarding you, although the amount is not very large, represents the company's full affirmation of your professionalism and work attitude." Pan Zhaorong said: "Thank you Fang Da, I will definitely do a good job."

Fangyuan said: "The company will reward the department manager who can effectively improve the work of the department and make great changes in the work efficiency and work quality of the department. This will become a practice. At the same time, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the entire company , no matter who, whether it is a department manager or a front-line employee, whoever can put forward a good idea to improve the work, whoever can improve the production process, and whoever can propose an innovative method will be rewarded by the company. This opinion, please everyone Take it back with the department manager." Fang Yuan's thinking was obviously influenced by the management thinking of Qingdao Haier and Qingdao Port Group.To build Chunxiao Company into a listed company, it is necessary to learn from and refer to some successful experiences and management models of large companies.Such a small idea, naturally, should be used as a reference, and you are not welcome.

Fang Yuan said: "Now let's look at this rectification plan. Everyone, please read it carefully, and think from the perspective of whether it can really solve the problem and whether it is beneficial to the long-term development of Chunxiao Company. Is this rectification plan correct? Appropriate. I hope that through everyone's discussion and brainstorming, we can come up with a perfect rectification plan, so that all the problems in the production department can be solved, and we can be more perfect in the future production process to avoid some problems. Unnecessary questions, okay?"

The meeting room fell silent.Ruan Shaoxiu looked at Fang Yuan and was filled with emotion: Fang Yuan is really a comprehensive talent!In the future, even if Fang Yuan stops working in the government, he will still be an excellent leader in the enterprise.If they were really engaged in business, the relationship between men and women would probably not be so strict. As long as Ding Chunxiao didn't mind, who would mind?I haven't heard that the party's discipline can still control private entrepreneurs.It was only in Chenzhou, Hunan that the former Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection Zeng Jinlun, who had been sentenced to death, set a precedent for shuanggui private entrepreneurs in China, but there is no one to follow.

Fangyuan is very patient.About 20 minutes later, Fangyuan said, "Everyone, let's talk about your opinions. Now, it is the key to test the real level of each department manager. President Ding is not here, but Vice President Zhang and I will truthfully tell Ding about everyone's performance. In general. I hope that instead of just hearing a group of friendly voices, what I most hope to hear is insights that can improve my work. Today, I will put the words first, whose opinions are the most valuable, most constructive, and If it becomes the main opinion in the end, then I can still reward this manager, and the standard is also 1000 yuan."

Huang Meijuan, manager of the human resources department, raised her hand: "Fang Da, I want to talk about this rectification plan from the perspective of personnel management. I think Manager Pan's work attitude and professionalism are worthy of my humility to learn. But if you start from Can the production process of the production department be improved, I think not only cannot be improved, but may cause more serious problems! The more rectifications, the more chaotic!"

Pan Zhaorong's face changed drastically.Several other department managers also focused their attention on Huang Meijuan's face.

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