Director's growth history

3417.2106. Now I have the final say on the company

The words of Huang Meijuan from the human resources department shocked everyone present, except Fangyuan.Purchasing manager Xu Yixuan has cooperated tacitly with Pan Zhaorong from the production department for many years and has a friendly relationship. At this time, she stood up to support Pan Zhaorong: "Manager Huang, just now Fang Da just praised Manager Pan, saying that Manager Pan's professionalism and positive attitude towards work are excellent. An example for us to follow. How can you belittle others and elevate yourself like this? Manager Pan’s rectification plan, even if there are some problems, should be criticized by Fang Da and Mr. Ding. When Manager Pan and I were working in Chunxiao , you still don’t know where to go to kindergarten!”

Another person who shows his qualifications!Zheng Zhibin is enough to show off; now, Xu Yixuan is also showing off. She is a veteran, an old employee who started a business with Mr. Ding.Can old employees show off?Old employees who do not perform well will also be eliminated!Fang Yuan was very dissatisfied with Xu Yixuan, but he held back.

Fang Yuan said: "Manager Xu, today our meeting is called a review and self-review meeting. As I said just now, everyone brainstorms, and whoever has a good opinion will adopt his opinion. Three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang. We can't compare Zhuge Liang is smart, but if all of us gather our wisdom together, we will definitely be several times stronger than Zhuge Liang. Listen to Manager Huang's opinion first. Manager Huang, you speak boldly, say one thing and say two."

Huang Meijuan said: "Thank you Fang for your support. In terms of working years, I am definitely not comparable to Manager Pan and Manager Xu, but as an employee of Chunxiao, I also love Chunxiao Company very much. No one can deny this. If I If I don’t love my work, President Ding will not promote me to the position of manager of the human resources department. I want to emphasize this first, because I hope that Fang Da, Vice President Zhang and all colleagues will understand that what I said is for Chunxiao Company good."

Fang Yuan said: "Okay. Whoever loves the company, the company will give them a bigger stage. Of course, love is not just in words, but in actions."

Huang Meijuan said: "Let me first tell you about an incident that just happened recently. It was published in the newspapers. It was written that a dumpling manufacturer in Hebei exported dumpling to Japan and found dichlorvos pesticide. Several Japanese ate the dumpling. After that, there was a poisoning reaction. At the very beginning, China firmly refused to admit that the dumpling was the problem of the Chinese company, and suggested that the Japanese side check whether it was a problem in the transportation and sales process. But now, the matter is close to the truth, because of this A food company in Hebei, because of arrears of wages to workers, caused dissatisfaction among a worker, who poisoned the stuffing of dumplings.”

Fang Yuan didn't know much about this matter, so Fang Yuan asked: "Everyone here, who knows about this matter?" Everyone raised their hands.Fang Yuan said: "Everyone is very concerned about any troubles in the food industry, which is good! Manager Huang, you continue."

Huang Meijuan said: "The ideal state of production management is that employees voluntarily work meticulously and conscientiously. When they are in a good mood at work, the quality will naturally be good. To achieve such an ideal state, fines are obviously not enough. If workers make mistakes, they will be fined. The result can only be: employees are angry because of being fined, employees are resentful to our managers because of being fined, employees are deliberately doing something that we don’t like in the production process because of being fined. Things that are easy to find but may have a bad impact on the company's reputation and product quality. Manager Pan has discovered so many problems, which shows Manager Pan's strict and meticulous work attitude, and also shows that Manager Pan does not protect his weaknesses. This is worth studying carefully. But if it is just punishment, employees with serious problems will be fired, which will also strain the relationship between management cadres and employees, and cause employees to be alienated. Therefore, I think these problems must be solved, but it cannot be punished only Instead of rewards, it should be rewards and punishments, rewards and punishments, so that employees can work towards the goal of rewards and consciously avoid punishment.”

Zhang Qiao sighed: This Huang Meijuan thinks about the same as Fangyuan thinks, ah!

Pan Zhaorong's face was not very good-looking. The managers of several departments were obviously thinking about Huang Meijuan's words, at least they didn't directly choke Huang Meijuan like Xu Yixuan from the purchasing department just now.

Fang Yuan said: "Let's talk freely! I'm very passionate. If what Manager Huang said makes sense, please comment. At this time, regardless of seniority or close relationship with President Ding, it depends on whose idea is the best. It is beneficial for Chunxiao Company to improve its work, solve existing problems, and make Chunxiao Company more perfect."

Cai Yihong, manager of the marketing planning department, said: "Manager Huang's opinion is very reasonable in my opinion. This can be used not only in the management of employees, but also in the management of middle-level cadres like Mr. Ding and Fang Da. To me Said, if there are only punishments and no rewards, I will definitely not be motivated to work. But there is no punishment and no rewards, and it will not work, because my work lacks incentives. Therefore, I hope that the company should establish a strict management system. It is necessary to establish an incentive and reward mechanism. If our marketing planning department captures a new market and wins new orders, can Fangda also give our marketing department some rewards? Similarly, if the production department is not at fault in quality , the output has increased by 10% or 20%, should the production department also be rewarded? If the logistics department ensures that there is no fault in the logistics and distribution throughout the month, and all are delivered on time and with high quality, should the logistics department also be rewarded? Problems should be criticized and punished; but achievements should be rewarded!"

Fang Yuan said to Cai Yihong: "Is Manager Cai looking at me as a person who is easy to talk to? Did you mention your opinion when Mr. Ding was here?"

Cai Yihong said: "It's not that Director Fang is easy to talk, but I feel that Director Fang has managed a large school with thousands of people like Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School. He has culture, management experience, and knowledge. He will definitely be able to adopt our ideas. Reasonable suggestions. I think that only when a reasonable reward and punishment mechanism is established can Chunxiao Company be stimulated and make Chunxiao Company more prosperous, instead of being like a pool of tepid water, calm."

Fang Yuan said: "What about Manager Pan's opinion?" Pan Zhaorong said: "Manager Huang and Manager Cai's opinion are reasonable. But I'm really not sure how to reward them. If this award is awarded, some other employees will Opinions lead to psychological imbalance, which on the contrary creates new management problems. Some employees who have not been rewarded will also have grievances. Can you still maintain the positive effect of incentives? When the rewards are used to it, when there is no reward, the employees will not be motivated. Holding this award every month is also not very motivated, but the appetite is even bigger .”

Xu Yixuan said: "Yes! How can we do it on paper? The production process and procurement process are not play games. Hasn't Chunxiao Company been doing well for so many years? Changes in policies and systems are easy. It creates confusion among employees, which is not conducive to management. Our fines are not for the purpose of really punishing employees. If every employee actively pays attention to and avoids it, they will not be fined!"

Zheng Zhibin said: "It's easy to think about what to do, but it's not easy when it's time to do it. However, I still think that there should be an appropriate reward policy, otherwise everyone will work hard and sweat profusely every day without rewards. This enthusiasm is really not easy to maintain. I have another suggestion, this reward right should also be given to the department manager. Only the department manager can know who is doing well and who is not doing well. With the reward right, the department manager is also better than before. Better to do it better, isn't it, Fang Da?"

The provocative tone and playful gaze made Fang Yuan see Zheng Zhibin's sinister intentions.Fang Yuan smiled, smiling happily, making everyone in the room look at Fang Yuan in a daze, not knowing why Fang Yuan was laughing.

Fang Yuan said: "I'm really happy for Chunxiao Company! Today's discussion has shown me the hope of Chunxiao Company. Chunxiao Company has so many talents. If they can be used in different positions reasonably, I think , Chunxiao's future will be even better! I'm really happy that Sister Ding has so many talents!"

The smile disappeared suddenly, and Fang Yuan's face became tense, as serious as the frost in winter.It's really hard for people to get used to the face changing so quickly.Fang Yuan said: "Okay, now I'm going to make a job request. Everyone, take your notes. Everyone should write down their own affairs clearly, and start to implement them after returning home! Tomorrow, everyone will report the implementation situation to Vice President Zhang."

Seeing that Zheng Zhibin didn't mean to remember, Fang Yuan said: "Manager Zheng, can you remember every bit of my request for you?" Note?" Fang Yuan said: "Director Yuan, prepare a notebook and a pen for Manager Zheng. Manager Zheng must write down every point of my request today. Manager Yuan, prepare a recording pen, and then put I will record all my requests today, and I will send the recordings to all departments tomorrow." General Manager Yuan Huiwen said, "Okay, Fang Da."

Fang Yuan said: "As for the reward of 1000 yuan, it will be credited to Manager Huang Meijuan's salary account next month. This matter will be implemented by Vice President Zhang. The general idea of ​​rewards and punishments will become a practice in Chunxiao Company. If it is done well, If you do not do well, you will be punished, no one is an exception. Now, I am starting to ask. Tomorrow, the general department and the production department will start to solve the problem of employees taking a bath. The bathing plan is as follows: Install a certain number of solar water heaters on the top, and match certain electric water heaters indoors. If you can contact a suitable steam source, then contact us in time. Make a larger room and install metered showers. Employees, recharge 100 yuan per month, and take a shower before entering the production workshop. This will become a necessary requirement. To encourage everyone to save water, the 100 yuan will be deducted according to the amount of water used by everyone. If 100 yuan can be saved, it will be returned Employees own it personally; if 100 yuan is not enough, we will pay for it ourselves. Our hot water price must ensure that it will not increase our costs, including water charges, electricity charges, and the investment in solar water heaters and electric water heaters. Inside. Without increasing the cost of the company, it solves the problem of employees’ bathing, and at the same time cultivates employees’ awareness of water conservation. The General Affairs Department first comes up with a plan and submits it to Mr. Ding and me for approval. As long as the conditions are ripe, we Let’s completely solve the problem of the employee’s bathing. This matter is led by the general affairs department and cooperated by the production department. Right now, we will open the bathroom first, and immediately contact and solve the problem of inserting the smart deduction card, and strive to complete the transformation within a week. Employees issue smart deduction cards. The second matter, led by the finance department, is about the work clothes of Chunxiao employees. For this matter, I will contact the relevant companies to choose fabrics that are good in perspiration and cool, so that employees can wear Put on comfortable work clothes. The third thing, Manager Pan of the production department, according to everyone’s opinions today, especially combined with Manager Huang’s suggestion, revises the rectification plan. There must be strict discipline constraints and a reward mechanism. Production The reward mechanism of the department, I think it will be determined in this way for the time being! Every employee who violates the disciplinary regulations should be punished according to the regulations, which remains unchanged; similarly, employees who have not made a single mistake within a month will be rewarded with 200 yuan. Encourage our company to form a rigorous, conscientious and meticulous work attitude. The production team leader, who is in charge of the production team, will be rewarded with 500 yuan if none of the employees under his jurisdiction make mistakes in a month; A reward of 1000 yuan. Minister Pan himself, if no one in your production department makes mistakes for a month, then reward 2000 yuan! This is probably the idea, how about it?"

Pan Zhaorong said: "Okay, Fang Da. With such a reward policy, I believe that the employees will be able to work more seriously. I will also strive to prevent the production department from making a mistake every month." Fang Yuan said: "Okay, Pan Manager, let’s put the ugliness in front of me. If there is no mistake, the reward of 2000 yuan will be in place; if there is a mistake, there will be no point of 2000 yuan.” Pan Zhaorong said: “Understood.”

Zheng Zhibin stood up: "Fang Da, you are so partial to the production department, our logistics department is also very hard! We raised the money for the production department, will the other departments raise the money?" Zheng Zhibin's provocation seems sharp, but it is also very realistic After all, Chunxiao Company does not only have the production department.The problem that affects the whole body by one hair is placed in front of Fang Yuan.Where to go, Fangyuan, a young manager, faced a difficult situation: he came to Chunxiao Company to manage it on his behalf, and he didn't generate much profit, and a large amount of expenses were spent first.For Sister Ding Chunxiao, who has always been diligent and thrifty in running a business, can she accept this?

At this moment, Fangyuan's phone rang.Fang Yuan glanced at it, and immediately bounced: "Secretary Wang, hello." Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang, are you in the hospital now, or where?" Fang Yuan was stunned: "Secretary Wang, I am at Chunxiao Company." Wang Guodong Nose snorted: "If you are not cured, you should be hospitalized; if you are cured, why don't you go back to the party school to attend classes? What are you doing in other people's enterprises? Are you the general manager? An upright civil servant at the deputy director level actually went to work part-time , manage the enterprise, who gave you this power? Which law allows you to do this?"

Fang Yuan was sweating profusely.Wang Guodong said: "Now, come to the municipal committee to see me!" Wang Guodong's voice was very stern.

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