Director's growth history

3469.2155. I Didn't Do It

The two of them frantically wiped the water on the table, used up all the rags and tissues.While in a hurry, Fang Yuan's hand touched Zhou Yujie's, and at that moment, both of them stopped moving.Zhou Yujie's face flushed slightly: "Brother!" In one sentence, Fang Yuan's bones are crisp.Fangyuan withdrew her hand, wiped it briefly, put the cup away, and her mood became much more stable.Fang Yuan pointed to the chair: "Sit down."

Zhou Yujie packed up the wet tissue and put it in the trash can before sitting down.

Fang Yuan said: "What's the attitude of Mayor Zhou?" Zhou Yujie said: "My father's attitude is very good. He hopes that I can learn more experience from you in various fields and improve my ability quickly." Fang Yuan said: "Look Mayor Zhou trusts me a lot!" Zhou Yujie said, "My father only had one sentence to tell me, and he said four words: Be careful." Fang Yuan said, "Mayor Zhou is wise!"

Zhou Yujie said: "My mother asks a lot. After knowing that you are married, my mother reminded me not to deal with married men." Fang Yuan said: "Auntie is very reasonable!" Zhou Yujie frowned: "What is unreasonable? Can I not deal with married people? Is Director Zhai married? Is Secretary Sun married? The male deputy directors and section chiefs of our bureau are all married, right? I can't date?"

Fang Yuan said: "The key is that Mayor Zhou's words hit the nail on the head, and Auntie is more worried and concerned about you!" Zhou Yujie said: "I know what they said is actually true, but have you thought about it? Lying in any man's arms, this thing makes me very tangled. I know it's wrong to do that, but it's like sweet poison, which makes people love it more, what should I do?"

Fang Yuan also frowned, "What do you think?" Zhou Yujie said, "You are a man, you should make up your own mind about this kind of thing!" Fang Yuan said, "I think we should follow Mayor Zhou's order and be careful." Zhou Yujie Said: "Then how to grasp this scale?" Fang Yuan said: "Explore in practice and comprehend in reflection." Zhou Yujie said: "Okay. I don't have much experience in working with the Communist Youth League in the entire education system in the new semester, so you have to help me. Just as Fang Yuan was about to speak, Zhou Yujie stood up and immediately blocked Fang Yuan's mouth: "You must not say that you don't take care of the work of the Communist Youth League. You are my brother. If I want to do a better job in the Communist Youth League, you have to help me." .”

Zhou Yujie's small hand covered Fang Yuan's mouth, causing Fang Yuan to feel the urge and desire to jump out of his heart.Fang Yuan nodded.

Zhou Yujie said: "Also, if Secretary Sun and Secretary He don't support my work, then you are responsible for coordinating and making Secretary Sun and Secretary He change their minds, okay?" Fang Yuan nodded helplessly, but Deep down in his heart, he actually enjoyed the feeling of being gagged by his little sister.

Zhou Yujie said: "The Youth League Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau also has to deal with the Municipal Youth League Committee. I know that you are all acquaintances at the Municipal Youth League Committee, and I need you to help me with the coordination work there!" Fang Yuan nodded.

Zhou Yujie smiled like a flower, and let go of her hand: "Of course, I won't let you work for nothing. If you do a good job, I will reward you."

Fang Yuan was inexplicably brought into the mood by Zhou Yujie, and he also made a little joke on Zhou Yujie: "If I do a good job, what reward can you get?"

Zhou Yujie showed a mischievous expression on his face: "Well, I won't tell you, you can think about it yourself. Anyway, my dad supports me to learn from you and follow you. If you want to renege on your debt, then I will tell me dad."

This is really a sweet kidnapping!In Fangyuan's heart, there was a bit of joy and a bit of sadness.

After talking with Zhou Yujie, Teng Feiyue came in first.Lu Zhenghong said: "Ladies first, why are you not a gentleman at all?" Teng Feiyue said: "Someday, I will definitely be a gentleman. Today, I am really in a hurry. I'm sorry, Xiaolu." Zhou Yujie became suspicious: Is this little girl really related to Director Fang as the rumors said?Director Fang is so powerful that he even dared to date the deputy mayor's daughter!It's amazing, it's amazing!

Fangyuan shook hands with Teng Feiyue and asked Teng Feiyue to sit down.Teng Feiyue said: "Director Fang, I was able to work in the Political Science and Engineering Department thanks to your recommendation." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun trusts you." Teng Feiyue said: "I know the role played by Director Fang. Both are big. I have no other idea, but Director Fang follows the lead.” Fang Yuan said, “Don’t say that, Section Chief Teng. We have cooperated well in the Policy and Regulation Section. I understand your ability and your character. , I think it is appropriate for you to be the chief of the political engineering section. The chief of the political engineering section is a relatively important position. In the past three years, Secretary Sun and Director Cao have all made progress in the positions of the chief of the political engineering section. I also hope that, Feiyue, you can make achievements in this position and gain the power to take off in your career.”

Teng Feiyue said: "I knew that Director Fang's arrangement must have deep intentions. Thank you, Director Fang." Fang Yuan said: "The ladder can be built by others; whether you can climb it depends on the individual." Teng Feiyue said: "Director Fang, I will report the truth. I am troubled here." Fang Yuan said: "What's wrong?" Teng Feiyue said: "I didn't know much about the work of the political engineering department. This time I took over Since then, I have found that there are too many retreats and too little practical work in the political engineering department. Look at the corresponding departments of the political engineering department: the Municipal Party Committee Office, the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Municipal Party Committee Civilization Office, the Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee, and the Municipal Party Committee □□ Ministry, Municipal Veteran Cadre Bureau, Municipal Aging Committee, Municipal Supervision Bureau, Municipal Government Correction Office, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Double Support Office, Municipal People's Armed Forces Department, Municipal Taiwan Federation, Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Municipal Ethnic and Religious Bureau, Municipal Comprehensive Management There are a total of 4 people in our department. When we participate in various meetings of the above-mentioned departments and are busy with various materials of the above-mentioned departments, we are overwhelmed. I was also surprised to find that none of the above-mentioned tasks is directly related to the education work. Wen Shan Hui Hai, in half a month of political science and engineering, I have come to understand it."

After listening to Teng Feiyue's narration, Fang Yuan also felt a little headache. A department with 4 people is enough to deal with so many departments.But Sun Hongjun and Cao Bensong never complained before!Fang Yuan said: "If you want to make the work easier, you can ask Secretary Sun and Director Cao for advice. Even if Section Chief Zhang Yuanqing has any good experience, you can also exchange opinions." Teng Feiyue said: "Director Fang, you I have also considered the suggestion of Secretary Sun. I definitely can’t talk about it with Secretary Sun, because he is the secretary. If I complain about too much work, Secretary Sun will definitely have opinions. He is in charge of the political and engineering department. It is difficult for me to find him, because the atmosphere in the Education Bureau is very delicate now. Whenever the section chiefs enter the office of a deputy director, they will attract a lot of suspicion. Of course, I am not afraid of anyone when I enter your office. Suspicious, because I am the soldier of Director Fang. As for Zhang Yuanqing, I am worried that he will not tell the truth. Zhang Yuanqing is also quite isolated among the section chiefs. What do you think. Although you are usually not in the game, someone will always tell you what they see, and I don't want to lose your trust in me."

Hey, such a fart-sized thing has become so complicated now!Is this still a place where people stay?Fangyuan looked at Teng Feiyue: "Feiyue, are you being too cautious?" Teng Feiyue said: "Director Fang, you should be more considerate of us section chiefs. Your prestige in Dongzhou education is better than that of anyone else." No; but what about us little section chiefs? We have to keep our tails between our tails and be careful when we do things. Let’s just talk about me, I think I’m your soldier, but others see me as Zhai Xinwen’s planted in the mouth of the party and the masses This will make Secretary Sun distrust me, and the secretary will not dare to talk to me. How can I do this job? If I get together with Zhang Yuanqing again, even if I go to his office once, this is simply a Announcement: I am Zhai Xinwen's undercover agent. I have to coordinate and deal with several bureau leaders, which is really not an easy task."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "What Fei Yue said makes some sense. Now, go ask Director Cao, and I'll say hello to him." Teng Feiyue said, "Thank you very much, Director Fang." Fang Yuan said: "It's nothing. "Fang Yuan called Cao Bensong and told Teng Feiyue that he wanted to ask for advice, so that Cao Bensong would know everything.Naturally, Cao Bensong fully agreed, but he still revealed a piece of information that gave Fang Yuan a headache: "Director Fang, my nephew Ruihan has called me several times recently. She is very concerned about your condition and wants to see you. Today, You came to work in the Education Bureau, I called her quickly and told her that you were cured, and she was crying on the other side of the phone! Director Fang, every time I talk to Ruihan on the phone for 10 minutes, there are 8 minutes. I'm talking about you! My uncle's heart is sour, it's not a good taste! I know that I can become the deputy director, which actually shows that Director Fang still has friendship in his heart. In the current situation, in the old In terms of society, no matter how beautiful Ruihan is, she will be ruined, but as an uncle, I really can't bear her suffering for the rest of her life! Director Fang, just treat you as poor Ruihan, and you can only sympathize with me, Cao Bensong. You, can let Ruihan get the happiness she should have had."

Fang Yuan felt that the hand holding the phone was trembling slightly.This Cao Bensong is posing a problem for himself again!Now that he really doesn't want to have anything to do with any woman anymore, he grandly introduced his niece Su Ruihan.Regarding Su Ruihan, Fang Yuan's heart was very tangled. Thinking of that summer afternoon, a beautiful girl in a goose yellow dress was on the campus of No. 68 Middle School. Just to see herself, Fang Yuan made a decision in an instant: "Director Cao, wait When I come back from this inspection, I’ll pay a visit in person, okay?” Cao Bensong was startled at first, then immediately understood Fangyuan’s intentions, and said repeatedly: “Okay, that’s great. I’ll call Ruihan immediately and ask her to do the same. Happy happy."

Fang Yuan's heart is still tangled, not knowing whether this matter is right or wrong.

Seeing Fang Yuan put down the phone, Teng Feiyue said, "Director Fang, I have one more thing to ask you." July. During the rest of the period, I basically dealt with the various departments. You recommended me to work in the political engineering department. In fact, I still want to make some achievements. No matter what, I can’t live up to Director Fang’s expectations and expectations for me. Requirements. But from September to May of next year, the political and engineering department is basically completing those coping tasks, including routine work such as organizing training courses for party activists and improving party members' files. But I really want to do it Something, please give Director Fang advice."

Fang Yuan said: "Then I will not be polite. Secretary Sun proposed a plan to train and select cadres with both ability and political integrity, and proposed a plan to prevent cadres from committing suicide, which was highly praised by the city leaders. It is necessary to implement these two plans throughout the Dongzhou education system, select good people, capable people, and the right people for the Dongzhou education system, so that the vast majority of cadres in the Dongzhou education system will be refreshed after a few years Positive, to completely reverse some unhealthy phenomena in the cadres of the Dongzhou education system, to lead the majority of cadres to be upright and active, and to be cadres who can reassure the party and the people. In addition, the Political Engineering Department also shoulders an important responsibility, which is to train Reserve cadres in the education system. I think it is necessary for the political and engineering department to take time to conduct a scientific evaluation and investigation of the middle-level cadres in the city's education system, and to include those young comrades who have ability, potential, good moral character, and hard work style into our list. The reserve cadre pool will allow them to become independent educational talents in the near future. If this kind of work can be done well, it will be the greatest contribution to Dongzhou education. If Feiyue can summarize and extract work results with promotion value, work experience, then I will be responsible for recommending it to the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, okay?"

Teng Feiyue immediately saw the direction of struggle, and was also aroused by Fang Yuan's enthusiasm: "Director Fang, don't worry, I will definitely actively explore in this area. I also ask Director Fang to give more guidance and help." Fang Yuan He shook Teng Feiyue's hand and sent Teng Feiyue out.

Lu Zhenghong blocked the door all of a sudden, and said to Shen Jun and Li Guoqiang, "I'm sorry, this time it must be my turn, and no one can grab it." Fang Yuan looked at Lu Zhenghong, at Shen Jun and Li Guoqiang , said: "Chief Shen, wait a little longer." Shen Jun said: "Director Fang, several people came here just now. I have already told them that Director Li Guoqiang is the last one today. Other comrades who have something to do will come tomorrow." " Fang Yuan said, "Thank you. You are too thoughtful for me."

Lu Zhenghong closed the door and stood in front of Fangyuan.Fang Yuan said: "What's the matter, tell me quickly. Shen Jun and Li Guoqiang have been waiting for too long." Lu Zhenghong said: "Director Fang, I am pregnant, what should I do? I am very conflicted and conflicted!" Fang Yuan My jaw almost dropped in shock, and without even thinking about it, I blurted out: "I didn't do this."

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