Director's growth history

3470.2156, Li Guoqiang was forced to the corner

Hearing Fang Yuan say "I didn't do this", Lu Zhenghong couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed.A few seconds later, seeing Fang Yuan blushing, Lu Zhenghong didn't dare to let the joke go too far, and said, "Director Fang, I know that you didn't burn the Old Summer Palace, and my pregnancy has nothing to do with you."

Fang Yuan covered his chest and said, "It really doesn't matter, there is no physical contact!" Lu Zhenghong said, "Of course, this is my husband's and my child, and it must have nothing to do with Director Fang." Puzzled: "Then what do you mean by the question just now?" Lu Zhenghong's expression became serious, and he said, "I have been undecided about this matter. Director Fang is my most trusted leader. I would like to ask you to I can make up my mind, if you tell me what to do, I will do it. I completely listen to Director Fang."

Fangyuan calmed down this time: "You tell me." Lu Zhenghong said, "I'm over 30, and my husband is also over 30. I'm pregnant, and my mother-in-law's family is very happy, and I really hope that I will give birth to this child." Come down. But Director Fang, you also know that I have just served as the section chief of Teacher Gao’s Fan Section, and I still want to make some achievements in my work so as to live up to the trust and expectations of Director Fang. I can’t let others say that I am Lu Zhenghong, when I became the section chief, I went home to have a baby. Of course, I also have concerns: I am pregnant now, and I guess I will have a big belly by next spring, and I won’t be able to do much work. Then there will be another 5 months I’m completely at home on maternity leave. I’m a little worried, will there be a place for me when I come back. So, I have an idea, which is to abolish the child for the time being. If you want a child, you can fight for it later.”

So this is ah!If Fang Yuan hadn't had the psychological impact of Ding Chunxiao's death, Fang Yuan might have felt that Lu Zhenghong was right to put his work first; but no matter how many mistakes he made, Ding Chunxiao shouldn't have died, and neither should the child in Ding Chunxiao's belly. Innocent.Whenever Fang Yuan thinks about it, her heart aches.Fang Yuan said: "Originally, this kind of matter should be decided by you and your family members. As an outsider, I should not get involved. But since you trust me, I will tell you mine Decision: Don't kill the child, the child is innocent. Don't think too much about work. As long as you work hard; as long as you can maintain the enthusiasm for work like you are now, I can guarantee you that there will be more opportunities in the future More, the road ahead will be wider.”

Lu Zhenghong stood all the time, hearing Fang Yuan's words, her eyes filled with tears: "Thank you Director Fang, with your words, I am completely relieved. If my baby is born, I will let him recognize you as the baby boy." Godfather, okay?"

Fang Yuan hesitated.Fang Yuan looked at Lu Zhenghong: "Chief Lu, aren't you afraid that there will be more rumors? I have heard a lot of rumors recently. Some things are better not to be done than to be done." Lu Zhenghong looked A little sad: "I know Director Fang's difficulties. However, if I have a son, I must guide my son to follow the example of Director Fang and be a young and promising person like Director Fang; if I have a daughter, I will I must guide my daughter to choose a son-in-law with wide eyes, and she must find a talented and successful man like Director Fang."

Fangyuan smiled helplessly: "Chief Lu, don't lift me up too high, or I will fall badly." Lu Zhenghong said, "I speak from my heart. In Dongzhou's education system, I The leader I admire the most is Director Fang! I admire Director Fang’s atmosphere, I admire Director Fang’s talent, I admire Director Fang’s leadership art, and I always follow Director Fang as an example.”

Fang Yuan made a pause gesture: "Okay, there are quite a few comrades outside, so let's talk about it when I'm not busy. I congratulate you on becoming a mother-to-be. I hope you can give birth to a healthy and smart baby. Lu Zhenghong said: "Okay, tonight, I will tell my family members about my decision, no, it is Director Fang's decision. I think my husband, my father-in-law, and mother-in-law will be very happy." Fang Yuan waved his hand quickly : "Don't involve me. If my name is involved, there will be troubles if there is nothing wrong with it!" Lu Zhenghong smiled: "Don't worry, Director Fang definitely did not burn the Old Summer Palace."

Lu Zhenghong drifted away, leaving Fangyuan there in a daze, inexplicably feeling a lot of frustration in her heart: the way to get along with women is still very backward!Not only can it not be called handy, but it is obvious that it cannot be controlled frequently.Just like today, in front of Zhou Yujie, he was completely defeated.And Lu Zhenghong's ups and downs almost scared him to death.Don't provoke women, especially don't provoke too beautiful women, remember, remember!

Shen Jun entered the office.Fang Yuan said: "Mr. Shen, how is the work in the latest stage? Are you still getting used to it?" Shen Jun said: "I came here to thank Director Fang. Only when I arrived at the Policy and Regulations Section did I know what a high-rise building is? In the latest stage, I After reading through the documents drafted by the Policy and Regulations Section in recent years, I realized that the Basic Education Section actually only manages a few small aspects of the entire Dongzhou education. What a complicated job."

Fang Yuan said: "That's right. When I just became the deputy director supervisor, I also read the official documents of the policy and regulation department for a period of time, which strengthened my overall concept and improved my level of macro thinking. This position is actually like a think tank. The position, what the leader thinks, and what he is going to do, first of all, the Policy and Regulations Section must come up with a preliminary opinion. This opinion represents the thoughts of the bureau leaders and the opinions of the entire Eastern State Education. If Being able to train yourself in such a position for a long time, and having experience in basic education management, is very helpful for personal progress and growth."

Shen Jun said: "Director Fang is right. I must cherish the opportunity to be the chief of the Policy and Regulations Section, study hard, work hard, and be a good assistant to Chief Fang." Fang Yuan said: "Director Shen has good character and ability. Good. I believe that as long as you work hard, the future will be bright." Shen Jun said, "Thank you, Director Fang, for your training." Fang Yuan said, "We support each other."

Shen Jun said: "I am grateful to Director Fang, and I am still grateful to Director Fang for saving me from the deep water of the education department. At present, the situation of Dongzhou education is becoming more and more complicated, and the basic education department is having a hard time! See Section Chief Xie recently I’m really lucky for the troubled ladder: Chief Fang has the foresight!” Fang Yuan said, “It’s not in my consideration if you think about it. I think Dongzhou education needs a comprehensive, comprehensive, and compound education.” Talents, not talents who can only undertake one aspect of work. Xie Bingguo has worked in the teaching and research section, but he is not comprehensive. He has done education management to make up for his shortcomings; when you work on policies and regulations, you also make up for the shortcomings of only doing education management. Only after multi-position and multi-role training can an educational talent truly grow into the compound talent that education needs most. Like me, if I only understand teaching management, but not school management or economic management, I am afraid it is still very one-sided Some kind of character."

Shen Jun savored Fang Yuan's words carefully, and felt that Fang Yuan was the cadre who really cared about Dongzhou's education, and that Fang Yuan was the one who was sincerely cultivating educational reserve talents, and his respect for Fang Yuan increased a little in his heart.

Fang Yuan said: "Is there anything else for Section Chief Shen?" Shen Jun said: "I want to report to you the work that the Policy and Regulations Department is going to do in the new semester." Fang Yuan said: "I will study this when I come back from my inspection. "Shen Jun said: "Our department is still short of a manpower. It turns out that Zhou Yujie, who is in charge of propaganda, has gone to work in the Communist Youth League. Can Director Fang talk to Director Zhai and Secretary Sun about arranging someone earlier? From another department It is also possible to transfer, and it is also possible to transfer from grassroots schools.”

Fang Yuan carefully filtered the people he knew, and found a suitable candidate.However, transferring a person to the Education Bureau is not an easy task. Unless someone with a strong background like Zhou Yujie said transfer, few people will resist it. If you transfer other people, I am afraid that the game will be more intense. .After all, there is only one bureau of education, 70 primary schools, and many of the tens of thousands of teachers want to work in the bureau of education.Fang Yuan said: "I already know about this matter. Don't be too anxious, Chief Shen. If you have a suitable candidate, you can also tell me." Shen Jun said: "Okay, Director Fang. My report will be to here."

Shen Jun has been well-behaved from beginning to end, maybe this is Shen Jun's style.In front of Fang Yuan, Shen Jun was always a little more cautious. Fang Yuan felt that there was still something between him and Shen Jun.

Li Guoqiang came in and closed the door with a few tears streaming down his face: "Director Fang, please criticize me. I didn't do my job well, and I failed your trust and expectations in me."

Fang Yuan was a little shocked: "Uncle, don't worry. If you have anything to say, talk slowly." Li Guoqiang said: "In the new semester, I plan to follow your instructions to reform the teaching and research model, changing to sitting in the office and waiting for teaching and research, in order to go deep into the grassroots. Do teaching and research, and really serve the grassroots schools and grassroots teachers. Other aspects of the work are generally smooth, after all, I am the director of the teaching and research section, and Zhou Qifeng also supports me. It is the matter of changing the work style of the teaching and research section. The deputy director, Zhao Hanmei, took advantage of the deep-seated resistance of the teaching and research staff. I don't know what kind of means they used, which suddenly lowered my prestige in the teaching and research section. It has also become difficult. Zhao Hanmei has become very powerful and skillful in the teaching and research section. She is not like a new deputy director of the teaching and research section who has just taken office, but like a veteran who has been in the officialdom for many years. I have been working with her for more than ten years, and I have never seen her as such a person before. Recently, there have been rumors like this: I, Li Guoqiang, am a junior middle school teaching and researcher, and I was able to become the director of the teaching and research section because you had a national The first prize in the class was supervised by me, so I became the director of the teaching and research section by repaying my kindness. Such remarks cannot be stopped at all, and my prestige has been further reduced invisibly. Zhou Qifeng said that the reason why Zhao Hanmei is so Strong, mainly because her husband Lu Yaxiong is the head of the Oujiang District; the reason why her wrist is so strong is because Lu Yaxiong directly gave her instructions; and many teaching and research staff were won over by Zhao Hanmei. It was when Zhao Hanmei entertained some teaching and research staff, and Lu Yaxiong came forward to support Zhao Hanmei. Director Fang, if this continues, within half a year, I, the director of the teaching and research section, will be completely empty. Then, your spirit of instruction, I am afraid I couldn’t carry it out either.”

Fangyuan really took a deep breath this time!I really didn't expect that the struggle in the small teaching and research room was not inferior to that of the police in the Education Bureau, or even worse, but the level was a little lower.Now, with Lu Yaxiong, the leader of the first-level party and government organization at the top level, involved, it is really not an easy matter for Li Guoqiang to control the situation of the entire teaching and research section!What can I do about this matter?

Li Guoqiang's cell phone rang.Li Guoqiang took a look and said, "It's Zhao Hanmei calling." Fang Yuan said, "Put it on hands-free, let me hear what she can say." Li Guoqiang said, "Okay."

Li Guoqiang answered the phone and asked, "Director Zhao, what can I do for you?" Zhao Hanmei said, "Director Li, what time is it, why don't you let the comrades go home? If you have a family, you need to have a mouth, and you have a lover and children at home. Even if the deputy director of Fangyuan really wants to come to have a meal with everyone, there must be time, right? Several teaching and research staff have already asked me to ask for leave, and some of them have people in the hospital , to accompany the bed; some people do have guests at home, so they can’t wait for Director Fang. If you’re not here, I’ll grant you leave. What’s the matter, let’s talk about humanity, right?”

Li Guoqiang said: "Director Fang and I will arrive at the teaching and research office soon. Director Zhao, please let everyone wait a little longer." Zhao Hanmei said: "Then hurry up. My old Lu said that there will be something at home tonight. , Let me go back. I’ll give Director Fang a call at that time, and I have to go back too.” Li Guoqiang said: “Director Zhao, Director Fang is the leader in charge of our teaching and research section. He is very, very busy and it is not easy to come to the teaching and research section. You tell everyone that anyone who has any difficulties should overcome them first. If any teaching and research staff must ask for leave, they can ask for leave from me." Zhao Hanmei said: "Director Li, you are indeed the leader of the teaching and research section, but you should not be too overbearing. , Don’t talk about □□! Oh, someone’s relatives are sick, and you want to accompany them to bed, but you insist on staying with them. You will lose people’s hearts if you manage like this. Okay, I’ll make a call right now, and send some teaching and research staff who asked for leave Call me back, and tell me that Director Li said that no matter what the reason is, you must go back to the teaching and research section to wait!"

What a powerful wrist!The good guy asked her to do it, Zhao Hanmei, and the bad guy asked Li Guoqiang to do it. Eight out of ten teachers and researchers' hearts were taken away by Zhao Hanmei.Fang Yuan originally thought that Li Guoqiang was responsible for the party and the government, and he should have a good word in the teaching and research section; now, Li Guoqiang's situation is as difficult as Xie Bingguo's in the basic education department!This Zhao Hanmei is really not simple!

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