Director's growth history

3490.2176, Fang Yuan learns from Ding Xiaohua

After answering Fangyuan's phone call, Qunfeng really felt like a timely help.It's been two days since I took office in Oujiang District, and these two days have been so busy that I can't figure it out.Today is September 9. Qunfeng held the first executive meeting of the district government. The secretary of the party group of the district government, the deputy secretary of the party group, and members of the party group attended the meeting.In addition to party members and deputy district chiefs who are inevitable members of the party group, the director of the district government office, the director of the district development and reform bureau, the director of the district finance bureau, and the director of the district human resources and social security bureau are also members of the party group.The head of a department is a member of the party group, which is different in each county and district. The director of the government office is an inevitable member of the party group. The situation of who is a member of the party group for other department heads varies.

But this meeting, in Qunfeng's view, was very unsuccessful.Although on the surface, all the members of the party group respected the former executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, but when it came to specific government work, Qunfeng felt a sense of inadequacy.Two deputy district chiefs expressed their willingness to get closer, but more deputy district chiefs were watching. The executive deputy district chief seemed hostile, and some deputy district chiefs were listless. It seemed that they were not in a meeting, but taking a break between meetings.This made Qunfeng fully feel the difficulty of the work.Qunfeng didn't know which of the deputy district chiefs present were involved in Lu Yaxiong's case. He didn't know which one or several were also gangsters.

On this depressing afternoon, Qunfeng received a call from Fang Yuan: "Hello, Qun District Chief." Qunfeng was very happy: "Xiao Fang, why do you want to call me?" Fang Yuan said, "Qun District Chief, I have If you don’t have time, I invite you to have a meal. I have invited Mr. Ding Xiaohua, the chairman of Nass Group, the largest taxpayer in Oujiang District. Perhaps, Chairman Ding can let the district chief The work quickly opened up the situation."

Qunfeng was overjoyed.Qunfeng has been in the organization department for so many years, so he knows Ding Xiaohua very well.But usually there is no friendship, if you really need to communicate, you need to work hard.Now, at the very beginning of his career, he can get the support of this important entrepreneur, which is one of the most important spiritual encouragements for Qunfeng.When the city leaders sent you to Oujiang District, they don't have many policies to offer you, and you still have to rely on yourself.If you can make a breakthrough in finance and taxation first, it will be quite beneficial for the opening of future work.Qun Feng said: "Okay, tonight, in the name of the Oujiang District Government, I will host a banquet for Chairman Ding." Fang Yuan said: "District Chief Qun, it's better to keep this matter low-key. There is no one else tonight, Chairman Ding, Chairman Ding’s daughter is also the vice president of the Nass Group, and then there are you and me.” Qunfeng understood Fang Yuan’s opinion and said, “Okay, I’ll go there by myself at night, and the driver won’t take it.” Fang Yuan said, “Okay.”

The dinner was arranged by Ding Xiaohua.In the private room of the Nass Group Hotel, Ding Xiaohua warmly welcomed Qunfeng: "District Chief, my daughter and I represent 7000 employees of the Nass Group, and welcome parents to come to the Nass Group." Qunfeng said: "Thank you to Chairman Ding and President Ding, and to Nass Group for their great contributions to Oujiang District and Dongzhou City." Ding Xiaohua said: "The more parents support Nass, the more Nass supports parents. A win-win situation Cooperation is the eternal theme." Qunfeng said: "Chairman Ding stands at a very high height, which is a good start for our meeting this time."

Hand in hand, Qunfeng sat at the upper right, Ding Xiaohua at the upper left, Ding Chuke at the lower right, and sat next to Ding Xiaohua; Fang Yuan sat at the lower left, next to Qunfeng.Qunfeng shook hands with Fangyuan: "Xiao Fang, thank you for being a bridge." Fangyuan said: "The head of the group has a deep affection for Fangyuan, and it is only natural that I can do something for the head of the group." Qunfeng said: "Good. Great."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Major of the district, today is our Nass Group's kind invitation to you, the parent officer, and it is also a kind of family banquet. The fewer people, sometimes it reflects the meaning of □□, □□, the key .My daughter, the sole legal heir of the Nas Group in the future; Fang Yuan, my daughter's good friend, is also one of the few people in Dongzhou who calls me Uncle Ding. They are not outsiders!"

Qunfeng glanced at Fangyuan suspiciously, and had some doubts about what Ding Xiaohua said about his daughter's good friend.In fact, this is exactly what Ding Xiaohua wanted.Fang Yuan had a terrible headache, but he couldn't find a way to deal with it. Now, it seemed that Ding Xiaohua knew something about Song Sisi and himself, so even if Fang Yuan wanted to fight back, he didn't dare to be too ostentatious or too violent.

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "The relationship between Vice President Ding Chuke and me is a gentle friendship between gentlemen; the relationship between me and Chairman Ding is half teacher and half friend. Chairman Ding is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also He has deep attainments in life philosophy and other aspects. Every time he is with Chairman Ding, he can receive profound education and inspiration and benefit a lot.”

Ding Xiaohua laughed loudly: "Xiao Fangjing put a high hat on me." Qunfeng said: "I believe what Fangyuan said is the truth." Ding Xiaohua said: "Sure enough, I asked Fangyuan to contact the district chief, and I found the right person. There is more trust between Qun District Chief and Xiaofang!" Qunfeng said: "I absolutely trust Fangyuan. This time I went to Oujiang District to work, and the city leaders asked me what conditions I have. My conditions are, Please invite Fangyuan to Oujiang District to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Deputy District Chief. It is a pity that the city leaders did not agree to my request." Ding Xiaohua said: "If I were Wang Guodong, I would not be able to agree to it for the time being. Now, Dongzhou Education The situation is not very stable. The head of the group district is the leader of the organization department, so he is naturally aware of the joints. Yesterday, I saw that the municipal party committee appointed Fang Yuan as the deputy secretary of the party committee. It's wonderful. Since yesterday, the position of the third child in the Fangyuan Education Bureau has been clarified, and the deputy secretary of the party committee can participate in the whole process of important educational personnel adjustments. He can advance or retreat. This is a good move to stabilize the Dongzhou education system. !"

Qunfeng thought for a few seconds and said, "Yes, this is really a good move. I only think about the difficulties in my new position, and the overall concept is still not strong enough." Ding Xiaohua said: "Director of the group, we will not talk about it today. Fangyuan. I have set a tone for this family dinner tonight: what can our business community do for the district chief to assume his new post? I am the vice chairman of the Dongzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the honorary chairman of the Oujiang District Federation of Industry and Commerce. There is more or less a little prestige in the business circle. I have always advocated that when the government needs us entrepreneurs the most, we must face up to difficulties, and we must proactively overcome all difficulties for the government and leaders. The responsibilities and obligations of our entrepreneurs. Only in this way can our enterprises get more support from the government and leaders. The government has more financial and taxation, and the scale of the enterprise is larger. This win-win situation is the most ideal situation. .”

Qunfeng nodded: "Yes, Chairman Ding's words are sobering! The reason why many officials are willing to make friends with entrepreneurs is because entrepreneurs can stand up at the most critical moment, and they have the strength and ability to stand up. It works out. Win-win, great. I expect a win-win situation sooner rather than later."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Okay, tonight is the beginning of our win-win situation. In order to show my sincerity, I prepared Lafite 1992." Qunfeng said: "Chairman Ding spent money." Ding Chuke stood up: "Tonight, I'll be in charge of sobering up and shaking the wine." Ding Xiaohua said, "Okay, let's serve the district chief well. Xiao Fang, don't be jealous!"

Such a vicious sentence.Fang Yuan responded calmly: "Uncle Ding, Chu Ke serves the district chief, what kind of jealousy am I? I won't be jealous." Ding Xiaohua said, "That's good."

The food was served quickly. The quantity of each plate was not large, but the variety of dishes was very rich. It could be seen that every dish was extremely delicate.Rare game and seafood that are not usually eaten are placed on the table at this time.Qunfeng is a person with rich experience, and he knows that this table meal is worth a lot of money.Adding the Lafite red wine, it would be difficult to get it without [-] yuan.

Qunfeng said: "Chairman Ding, this is too much. I have already felt your kindness." Ding Xiaohua said: "Entertaining parents and officials is the most important job of our company. I am grateful for the kindness of the head of the group. It’s too late. It’s reasonable to eat a little bit of good food and drink a little bit of good food. To grow bigger and stronger, companies cannot do without the support of the government; for the government to operate normally, the more taxes the company pays, the better. Therefore, I From the bottom of my heart, I hope to have a good relationship with the local government and the chief officials of the local government, so as to win a better external environment and more support for the development of the enterprise. Of course, the government has supported me, Ding Xiaohua, and I, Ding Xiaohua I will also repay the government and the society by creating more employment, creating more tax revenue, and participating in public welfare. This is a win-win situation in my understanding! District leader, I, Ding Xiaohua, am a rough person. place, please forgive me, the head of the group."

Qunfeng said: "Chairman Ding is right. A win-win situation means that the government is good, the company is good, and both sides are good. I think there is a great resonance between Chairman Ding and I!" Ding Xiaohua said: "Come on, Xiao Ke has already shaken your glass of wine, let's drink this glass together, and cheers for the smooth opening of our win-win cooperation!"

Qunfeng held up the cup, Fangyuan held up the cup, Ding Chuke also held up the cup.When the four wine glasses met, Ding Xiaohua said, "To a better future for Oujiang District, for a better future for Nass Group, and for the district chief to improve to a higher level in the near future, cheers!"

The key is the last sentence, the most powerful.Qunfeng smiled and poured all the Lafite that had been shaken by Ding Chuke into his mouth. It really was a good wine with a long aftertaste and a fragrance that filled his mouth!The wine is good, the words of blessing are good, and Qunfeng's unhappy mood of the day has been completely relieved at this moment.

Ding Xiaohua controls the rhythm very well and controls every detail of the scene.Fang Yuan basically didn't talk much, he was silently observing how Ding Xiaohua grasped the rhythm and how to say decent and appropriate words.He focused on Ding Xiaohua and Qunfeng, and Ding Chuke focused more on Fangyuan's face.Dad was right, the guy in front of him will definitely surpass his father in the future, so he really answered the sentence: men are not bad, women don't love them.Even his demeanor of attentive listening is so heart-pounding.

Finally, Qunfeng said something like this: "Chairman Ding, President Xiaoding, Nasi Group is the largest enterprise in Oujiang District. If any difficulties encountered in the development, the district government will do its best to help and coordinate. Solve it. If any department in the district asks for a card, and evades and argues, the two of you can call me directly, and I will supervise it in person." Ding Xiaohua said: "I want to toast the district chief alone. Thank you so much Qun District Chief!" Qunfeng said: "The Nass Group has made such a great contribution to Oujiang District. As the person in charge of the district government, I should serve the enterprises and do what I can."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Regard the district chief." Qunfeng said: "Thank you Chairman Ding."

After drinking a glass of wine, Ding Xiaohua put the glass away and said to Qunfeng: "District Chief, tomorrow, I will contact the chairman, vice-chairman, standing committee members and members of the Oujiang District Federation of Industry and Commerce, and try to organize a meeting organized by the Federation of Industry and Commerce within three days. Organized entrepreneur gatherings. At that time, the head of the Qunqun District will attend, give a speech for the entrepreneurs, and encourage everyone. I believe that as long as the head of the Qunqun is present, I believe that the entrepreneurs of the Federation of Industry and Commerce will definitely I will support it, how can I take practical actions to support the head of the group. Let me express my position here: as long as the head of the group can actively coordinate and solve some difficulties and problems encountered in the development process of the Nass Group, then I promise that in 2008 By the end of the year, pay an additional tax of 3000 million; if I continue to give enough support to the Nass Group in 2009, I am willing to work hard to create 1000 jobs and increase tax payment by more than 1 million."

Qunfeng was really moved: "Well, with the support of entrepreneurs, I am more confident in managing and developing Dongzhou well."

The two drank another glass of wine.Qunfeng said to Yuan: "Fangyuan, I really want to thank you. You have created such a good opportunity for me to get to know Chairman Ding and President Ding, and we have reached so many consensuses. Fangyuan, you are not only a member of the municipal party committee Secretary Wang's lucky general, you are also my peak's lucky general!"

Fang Yuan said modestly: "In the past, the ministers of the group have always taken good care of me. When the opportunity is right, I will be able to connect with the district chief of the group, which is what I should do. You must not be too polite." Qunfeng said : "Thank you. Thank you. Please drink this glass of wine."

Fangyuan and Qunfeng drank a cup respectively.Ding Xiaohua said: "Xiao Fang, I want to toast you too." Fang Yuan said: "Let me respect Uncle Ding." Ding Xiaohua said: "I respect you. I respect you. It's not too late for you to respect me after a while." Fang Yuan had no choice but to agree.Ding Xiaohua said: "I thank you for this glass of wine on behalf of the Nass Group. It is you who created the opportunity for me to meet with the head of the group, and let us see new development opportunities and hopes for the Nass Group. The head of the group is People who do big things have a long-term vision and a strong sense of the overall situation. I can feel the importance attached to our enterprise and the determination to support the development of the enterprise. With such a good district chief, Oujiang District will definitely develop well It's getting better and better! As a broker, I believe that all the cadres and employees of the Nass Group will be grateful to you."

Fangyuan said: "I really feel ashamed!" Ding Chuke said: "Brother, I will also toast you with my father. I will drink all this glass. I don't know if you agree?" Fangyuan said: "You can drink whatever you want. Good." Ding Chuke said: "I can only drink such a full cup tonight, which represents my sincerity to my brother!"

It was really hard for Fang Yuan to refuse.Fangyuan had no choice but to stand up and share a glass of wine with Ding Xiaohua and Ding Chuke.

Just as Fang Yuan sat down, the phone rang.Fang Yuan took a look, and it turned out to be a call from Song Sisi.Fang Yuan glanced at Ding Xiaohua with some guilt.Ding Xiaohua waved his hand: "Go and answer the phone." Fang Yuan ran out of the private room as if he had found a treasure, and answered the call from Song Sisi.

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