Director's growth history

3491.2177, Ding Xiaohua succeeded in killing two birds with one arrow

Song Sisi hadn't seen Fangyuan for more than a week.Women in the early stages of pregnancy are sensitive and suspicious in their inner world, especially worried that their beloved will not take themselves seriously.Song Sisi knew about Fang Yuan's business trip. Yesterday, after the municipal committee announced Fang Yuan's new appointment, Song Sisi and Song Dacheng already learned about it through their own channels.Song Sisi was happy, and Song Dacheng was also happy. Only Zhu Rui expressed concern: Fangyuan will develop better in the future, will my family Sisi still be able to keep Fangyuan's heart?

Just such a sentence is enough to make Song Sisi frightened.In fact, any woman who has not legally registered her marriage has a deep sense of uncertainty and insecurity when facing the man she loves, and Song Sisi is no exception.Thinking that Fangyuan was already at home last night, whether she should come to her place today, Song Sisi was filled with anticipation.Song Sisi didn't know that last night, Fangyuan had gone home nominally, but it was after 1:[-] in the morning when he got home, so it wasn't much different from not being home.Fang Yuan has already made a plan. After the dinner with Qunfeng is over, he will go home and not go anywhere.What's more, I drank a lot of wine tonight, so the driver Zhang Guoliang must be picking him up, and it is not very convenient to go to other places.

But Song Sisi still called: "Fang Yuan, where are you now?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm having dinner with the leader." Song Sisi said, "Can you come to my house tonight?" Fang Yuan hesitated.Song Sisi said: "I haven't seen you for more than a week, I really miss you very much. I miss you very much." Fang Yuan said: "Tonight, I was supposed to go back to Kong Shuanghua's place after dinner with the leader." Song Sisi said : "Last night, weren't you at home?" Fang Yuan said: "Last night, Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee talked to me about the middle of the night. When I went home, everyone in the house was asleep." ? If you don't come again, I think I will go crazy, thinking about you like crazy."

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a severe heartache!Can't let Song Sisi become the second Ding Chunxiao again!Tomorrow, there is no time for tomorrow.Tomorrow night, Cao Bensong held a family banquet at home and wanted to meet Su Ruihan.This matter was also agreed a long time in advance, Cao Bensong also prepared for many days, I believe Su Ruihan is the same.This was a meeting that made Fangyuan feel tangled, but he promised Cao Bensong that he would go.Among other things, in the Education Bureau, Fangyuan needs Cao Bensong's unconditional support, which is also one of the important supporting forces for carrying out the work.To Su Ruihan, Fangyuan has very complicated feelings. Fangyuan can't forget the unethical thing that Yan Yanran and Yan Song's father and son slept together. There is a man in the same room, but Fang Yuan really can't accept that such a thing should happen to someone he is familiar with.There is another thing that makes Fang Yuan brood, that is, Bu Lunjun seems to have shared the same bed with Su Ruihan.The biggest difference between Su Ruihan and Song Sisi is that Song Sisi is a pure jade girl, while Su Ruihan, although she is beautiful and overwhelmed, is a ruined flower.The famous public lover Li Wei, although Du Shicheng and Chen Tonghai did not dislike the shoes worn by Li Jiating, but Fangyuan still needs a long mental journey to overcome this psychological difficulty.

Fang Yuan said: "I'll go to your place after dinner with the leader. I have several jobs now, and I can't decide on my daily schedule. Starting tomorrow, I will take the comrades from the teaching and research section to conduct a comprehensive review of the teaching staff in the city. The initial inspection tour is underway. If there are no accidents, the inspection tour will end during the day, and in the evening, the grassroots county education and sports bureau will definitely hold a banquet. I don’t know if I can walk away. Just tonight, the initial time is 10 o’clock " Song Sisi said: "Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Fang Yuan suddenly thought that Zhang Guoliang might be coming, so he called Zhang Guoliang: "Guoliang, don't pick me up at night." Zhang Guoliang said: "Principal, I have already brought the car here. I will wait outside!" Fang Yuan Said: "You go to the service desk, ask for a meal fee for work, and go back. If there is anything, I will call you again." Zhang Guoliang said: "Okay, principal."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan felt that it was really necessary to change the driver.Fangyuan has already figured out Zhang Guoliang's psychology, and he is willing to be greedy for petty gains, so he drove the car early, firstly, for the work meal expenses, secondly, to be able to eat something delicious, and thirdly, maybe he could also receive a copy for the driver Gift.Of course, it doesn't mean that it can't be accepted, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be accepted, but if a driver's awareness is only so high, then at a critical moment, it is such a driver who is most likely to betray the leader first.

Back in the private room, Fang Yuan found another glass of red wine shaken in front of him.Ding Xiaohua said: "Xiao Fang, I hit it off with the district chief tonight! With such a good leader as the district chief, I think that the headquarters of the Nass Group will never be relocated. Not only will it not leave, Nas Si Group should also take advantage of the care of the district government and district mayor to increase scientific and technological research and development, continuously expand production capacity, continuously improve the company's benefits, and make greater contributions to the development of Oujiang District and Dongzhou City!"

Although Qunfeng drank a lot of wine, he was still quite clear-headed: "Chairman Ding, the Nass Group must not move its headquarters. The Nass Group will definitely be able to get the most favorable treatment and the best quality products in Oujiang District. Government service." Fang Yuan said, "Uncle Ding, this is the first time I've heard of the relocation of the headquarters." Ding Xiaohua sighed a long time: "Well, actually, I've had the idea of ​​relocating the headquarters a long time ago. Over the past few years, there have been many groups of working teams in Shanghai and Hangjiang to do work at Nass Group. We hope that we will move our headquarters or technology R&D headquarters to Shanghai or Hangzhou. Both of you leaders know that Shanghai is an international metropolis If I move the headquarters there, I can quickly expand the influence of the Nass Group in foreign markets. As for Hangjiang, in recent years, it has seized the headquarters of other cities in the province, and many enterprises The headquarters are all gathered in the provincial capital. Our city used to be the top three in Qingjiang Province, but has been caught up by Taizhou and Shaoxing in recent years. As the largest private detergent group in the country, we also hope to have a big city as our own Corporate headquarters or technology research and development headquarters."

Qunfeng immediately became anxious: "Chairman Ding, Shanghai and Hangjiang also have many disadvantages. Land resources are too expensive and labor costs are too high. I dare to promise that Oujiang District will do its best to provide Nass Group with good High-quality service. Please take back your thoughts about relocating the headquarters. If there is any department in Oujiang District that is not serving well, it’s still the same sentence, you can directly contact me, and I will criticize them.”

If the headquarters of a large enterprise relocates from a certain city, it will not only cause a huge loss to the local fiscal and taxation, but at the same time, the leader in power will also lose face, which will directly bring about a severe financial imbalance. Problems may lead to the direct collapse of the local district and county level finances.The Sanlu Group, a famous dairy group in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, just broke out. Because a large amount of melamine was found in children's milk powder, a large number of children who drank Sanlu milk were found to have kidney stones.The matter has long been exposed by the local news media, but it has been suppressed by the relevant departments and has not been exposed nationwide.It was the Prime Minister of New Zealand who personally told the Prime Minister about this matter during his visit to China, saying that a company in New Zealand, the largest partner of Sanlu Group, had discovered this problem and reminded the partner Sanlu Group, but it was not taken seriously.After the Olympics, authoritative media such as China Central Television and People's Daily finally exposed the Sanlu "stone door" incident, which directly led to the bankruptcy of Sanlu Dairy Group on the spot.The bankruptcy of this enterprise was welcomed by the common people, but for Shijiazhuang City and Xinhua District of Shijiazhuang City, it was like a bolt from the blue.Because for many years, Sanlu Group has been the largest financial and tax contributor in Shijiazhuang City. In recognition of its contribution, the chairman, general manager and party secretary of Sanlu, although already past the retirement age (statutory retirement age 60), not only continued Retained as the boss of Sanlu, was also recommended as a representative of the National People's Congress.The bankruptcy of Sanlu directly reduced the tax revenue of Shijiazhuang City by 20%.The situation in Xinhua District was even worse. 75% of Xinhua District’s fiscal revenue came to Sanlu, and Sanlu went bankrupt.

Nas Group is also a big taxpayer in Oujiang District.Although Qunfeng has only been in office for one day, he also knows the importance of a large financial and taxation enterprise to Oujiang District.For a while, Qunfeng didn't realize that this was actually just a small trick of Ding Xiaohua's, and the tension in his heart was definitely not ordinary.If the Nass Group really moves its headquarters, it means that the tax revenue will be greatly reduced. If a district mayor has no financial money and cannot pay wages, comrades will not work; if there is no money for construction and projects, how will his achievements be achieved?As the deputy head of the organization department, you don't have to worry about political achievements, but as the district mayor, you need money to manage the economy and people's livelihood. How can Qunfeng not get so nervous that he forgets Ding Xiaohua's usual plots and methods?

Ding Xiaohua changed the subject and firmly grasped the initiative: "I just said that I have always had this idea before. But now, after drinking and eating this meal with the head of the group, I feel that the head of the group He is a once-in-a-century good leader and the most reliable parent officer of the Nass Group. Naturally, the Nass Group will not consider moving out in a short time."

Qunfeng let out a long breath.But Ding Xiaohua's next sentence made Qunfeng put his heart in his throat: "Of course, my own opinion does not represent the final decision of the Nass Group. If my daughter thinks it is necessary to relocate the headquarters, I cannot accept this opinion." I don't think about it; if Fangyuan feels it is necessary to relocate the headquarters, I will consider it even more. These two people are the people I trust the most, and every word they say will affect the decision of the Nass Group's board of directors."

Fangyuan's head was as big as a drum, and Qunfeng was full of doubts.Qunfeng looked at Fangyuan, wondering why Fangyuan had such a great influence in the Nass Group. Is there really any special story between Fangyuan and the daughter of Chairman Ding?

Fang Yuan said: "Uncle Ding, if I say it, you can treat it like a fart." Ding Xiaohua said: "How is this possible? You said to invite a simple and down-to-earth TV star to shoot the advertisement of Nas Group, and I will do it immediately. I don't know Have you seen the advertisement that the grandson of the TV station did for Nas recently, and the effect is quite good. Especially after it was broadcast in the prime time of CCTV, the order volume of the Nas Group has increased significantly, and there are 36 local large-scale Shopping malls and supermarkets require Nass Group to enter the market. You mentioned that you want to expand the rural market, and I will immediately organize the planning department to plan. Now, in first-tier cities, we cooperate with international brands such as Henkel, Kao, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever. In the fierce competition, the market share of the Nass Group is constantly expanding in the second-tier cities. In the third-tier cities and county towns, the Nass Group has shown an overwhelming advantage in many provinces. This is all thanks to you, Fangyuan. Xiaofang you Do you know? You are a rare management talent. If you hadn’t been reluctant to part with your position as the deputy director of the Education Bureau, otherwise, I would have invited you to Nass Group as the executive deputy general manager. So, What you said is definitely not fart. If you must insist that it is fart, it is also a delicious fart, and it is a fart that can make the Nas Group develop and prosper."

Fangyuan couldn't laugh or cry.Qunfeng was even more emotional: by his side, he most needed a deputy county magistrate who understood economics and business management.If Qunfeng can be located in Oujiang District, at least one thing is, Nass Group will not consider moving out!

Qunfeng said: "To be honest with Chairman Ding, I really want to find Fangyuan to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Deputy District Chief in Oujiang District. It's just that the city leaders did not agree. However, I still say that, as long as I am still in Oujiang District I will spare no effort to get Fang Yuan to work in Oujiang District. Fang Yuan is indeed a rare talent, and I have a consensus with Chairman Ding."

Ding Xiaohua sighed for a long time, looked at his daughter affectionately, and then at Fangyuan meaningfully, and said pointedly: "It's a pity that I didn't know Xiaofang earlier, so that the old pedant Confuciustian could not come here." You got the upper hand. Xiao Fang, you and Confucius Tian can only learn some things on paper; if you follow me, then I will tell you all the practical experience of my decades, so that you can truly become a wise and brave man. , resourceful and decisive compound talents.”

Even a fool can understand Ding Xiaohua's meaning.Seeing Fangyuan in embarrassment, Qunfeng couldn't help but help Fangyuan: "Chairman Ding, in fact, sometimes you don't have to be a family to pass on your valuable experience. Just like Fangyuan and I, although we can never become Family, but it doesn't prevent us from being very good friends, right?"

Ding Xiaohua said: "Director Qun, you are quite right. I recognize Fang Yuan as my nephew, and I still hope to get closer and change my name to impart my experience to Fang Yuan. My purpose is very simple. I hope that Fangyuan will be good to the Nass Group and my daughter. My daughter's current ability cannot bear the burden of the inheritance and development of the Nass Group. I am not far from my age, but I am not far from getting old and retiring. I hope, Xiao Fang, you can use your wisdom and strategy to help me and Xiao Ke, so that Nas Group can truly become a century-old store!"

Now, Fang Yuan doesn't even have the courage to refuse.For some reason, Fangyuan felt a very special feeling in her heart: her relationship with Nas Group, Ding Xiaohua, and Ding Chuke will also be constantly cut and confused.Obviously I don't want to get involved, why, why does fate pull me in again and again?

Fang Yuan didn't dare to look at Qunfeng's scrutinizing eyes, but saw Ding Chuke's gaze as gentle as water and passionate as fire.At this moment, Fang Yuan's heart was a little drunk, not intoxicated, but drunk with nerve numbness.Ding Xiaohua was not paying attention to Fangyuan all the time. Seeing the feeling of his daughter meeting Fangyuan's eyes, Ding Xiaohua smiled triumphantly: Tonight, he killed two birds with one stone. unknown new situation.In the future, if you want to clarify the relationship with the Nas Group, it will be even more difficult than reaching the sky!

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