Director's growth history

3535.2220, Outstanding Political Worker

For a period of time, Fang Yuan had completely forgotten about Ren Xiaoai.This girl who once made Fang Yuan think she was talented, intellectual and polite has become a thing of the past.After experiencing Chi Liping, experiencing Song Sisi, and meeting Su Ruihan, a female reporter like Ren Xiaoai who can only be talented but not delicate seems to have a paranoid psychological world, which can no longer arouse Fangyuan's interest.

Fang Yuan smiled and nodded at Ren Xiaoai, then fixed his eyes on Wang Guodong.After meeting the teachers, Wang Guodong came to the reception room again and briefly listened to Qiu Zhengxuan's report.According to the new idea put forward by Fang Yuan in the morning, Qiu Zhengxuan made a report out of the manuscript, and made a brief report to Wang Guodong on the teachers' life, work, teacher training, school development and other aspects.

Wang Guodong listened carefully to the report and put forward some expectations for the Education Bureau and the 68 Central Committee. First, try to improve the living conditions of teachers; second, try to solve the difficulties encountered by teachers; Especially the construction of teachers' morality; the fourth is to continuously improve the professional quality of teachers; the fifth is to lay a good platform for the growth of teachers; the sixth is to make a solid education system, especially the stability of the teaching team.

On behalf of the Education Bureau, Zhai Xinwen expressed his position: we must conscientiously implement the spirit of Secretary Wang's instructions.On behalf of 68 Middle School, Qiu Zhengxuan expressed his gratitude to Secretary Wang for his concern for 68 Middle School and teachers. He will work hard to develop 68 Middle School into a leading school in Dongzhou Junior High School.

At the end, Wang Guodong fully affirmed Dacheng Company's donation to support education, and agreed to conduct a survey in Dacheng Company in mid-September.Zhu Rui said: "We warmly welcome Secretary Wang and all the leaders to inspect Dacheng Company."

Afterwards, Wang Guodong and his entourage, accompanied by Bi Quanli, Ming Yuyun, Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, Fang Yuan, etc., rushed to Oujiang District.In Xiaoxiao Primary School in a town in Oujiang District, Liang Zhaopeng, Secretary of the Oujiang District Party Committee, Qun Feng, Acting District Mayor, and leaders from the National People's Congress and the Political Consultative Conference, all greeted him at the town's central primary school.Many primary school students were in front of the school, with gongs and drums blaring; the school was also decorated with colorful flags, some primary school students presented red scarves, and some young female teachers sent flowers. The ceremony was grand and enthusiastic.

Fang Yuan paid close attention to Wang Guodong's expression, but Fang Yuan was disappointed.There was no unhappy look on Wang Guodong's face, and there was always a bright smile and a friendly expression on his face.Under Liang Zhaopeng's introduction, he shook hands with the secretary of the town party committee, the mayor, and the leaders of the Central Primary School.Just in this playground, under the venomous sunshine, thousands of students and hundreds of teachers from the town center primary school stood there and listened to Wang Guodong's warm festival wishes.Perhaps because the sun was too venomous, Wang Guodong spoke very briefly and announced the dissolution.Afterwards, Wang Guodong walked among the teachers and asked them patiently and carefully about their work and life.The words of the teachers are naturally to thank the municipal party committee for thanking Secretary Wang, and they all praised the improvement of teachers' treatment in recent years.Which teacher would dare to speak nonsense in front of the secretary of the district committee, the head of the district, the director of the education bureau, the secretary of the town committee, and the mayor?I am afraid that last night, the secretary of the town committee and the mayor have repeated the work many times.This time, Fang Yuan noticed the displeasure in Wang Guodong's expression: No matter how kind and easy-going he is, it is difficult for him to hear the truth from the teachers.

Wang Guodong maintained a calm demeanor, and after encouraging the teachers, he put forward clear requirements to the leaders of Oujiang District and Township on the spot.The requirements are similar to those mentioned in 68.Perhaps delicious tea and sweet fruits had been prepared in the conference room, but Wang Guodong did not go in, and said to Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng: "Today I am visiting the teacher in Oujiang District, so let's come here. Comrades in Oujiang District have worked hard gone."

He didn't say a word of dissatisfaction, and his attitude was still kind, but now everyone felt Wang Guodong's dissatisfaction.

Wang Guodong left as soon as he said, Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng wanted to persuade Wang Guodong to have lunch in Oujiang District, but Wang Guodong refused: "Comrade Zhaopeng, Comrade Qunfeng, respecting teachers and teaching is not a slogan, it is not a show, but it must be implemented. In the action, the district party committee and the district government will invest more in education to improve school conditions and improve teachers' treatment."

The group had no choice but to send Wang Guodong to the car.Liang Zhaopeng, Qunfeng and others accompanied Xiaoxin and stood beside the car.Wang Guodong suddenly rolled down the car window, and his expression was no longer so kind: "Comrade Zhaopeng, Comrade Qunfeng, if you are a parent, if you see a municipal party secretary, the children will be exposed to the sun, and ordinary people will scold the party committee and the government." of."

The car window was rolled up quickly, shocking a group of cadres in Oujiang District to stay on the spot.

At this time, Fangyuan felt that her judgment was quite accurate.If it is said that Wang Guodong doesn't like ostentation at all, I'm afraid it is not completely right; but if he really talks about ostentation in this way, it obviously disturbs the people, which is obviously at odds with Wang Guodong's daily philosophy.Like today, you can actually take a Coaster or two Coasters to inspect, but Wang Guodong still sits in his own car, as do Bi Quanli, Ming Yuyun, Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun, and even Fangyuan drives a new Passat by himself. Follow Zhai Xinwen's car.This ostentation is actually not small.Fang Yuan felt a little confused about Wang Guodong's heart.

After driving only a few kilometers, Fang Yuan received a call from Cen Baiqiang, secretary of the Yanping County Party Committee: "Secretary Fang, I am Cen Baiqiang." Fang Yuan said, "Hello, Secretary Cen. Is there anything I can do for you?" Cen Baiqiang said, "No Dare, dare not! Secretary Fang, it takes about 40 minutes to arrive from Oujiang District to Yanping. I am very nervous now! I heard that Wang Guodong lost his temper in Oujiang District. I am worried. How should Yanping receive Wang Guodong? Is the secretary better?"

Oh, what a quick Cen Baiqiang.The news from Oujiang District reached Yanping so quickly!It seems that Cen Baiqiang has an inside line in Oujiang District!Maybe, an inside line was also arranged in 68.Wang Guodong's inspection and condolences on Teacher's Day was originally on behalf of the municipal party committee, expressing the importance that the municipal party committee attaches to education and teachers.Now, the subordinates are thinking about the intentions of the superiors, and they have complicated the simple issues. Doing a good job in reception, doing what Wang Guodong likes, and satisfying Wang Guodong are the most important issues that Cen Baiqiang considers.Whether Wang Guodong is happy or not is Cen Baiqiang's concern.

Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Cen, I have no experience in this area!"

Cen Baiqiang said: "I heard that Secretary Wang inspected and expressed condolences in the 68th, and he has always been very happy."

Fang Yuan couldn't help asking: "Secretary Cen, you have spies in 68!" Cen Baiqiang said: "In front of Secretary Fang, I will not tell lies. I am quite familiar with the comrades in the newspaper office. The comrades in the newspaper office have already Tell me the situation of 68 High School and Oujiang District at the first time. I have to be fully prepared! It is not easy for Secretary Wang to come to Yanping once, and no matter what, we must present the best side of Yanping to Secretary Wang. No matter what, let Secretary Wang feel that coming to Yanping was a worthwhile trip, and no matter what, let Secretary Wang come and leave happily. I can't make mistakes in Oujiang District."

Hey, Cen Baiqiang is the absolute superior.Whether the superiors are happy or not is more important than anything else.The reporter of that newspaper probably could get a big red envelope from Cen Baiqiang this time.

Cen Baiqiang said: "Secretary Fang, how do you think the reception is better?"

Fang Yuan said: "Then I'll tell the truth." Cen Baiqiang said: "Secretary Fang said it, absolutely not in vain. Li Yang's idea can sell 30 yuan, and Secretary Fang's idea can make Dongsheng Group a giant and handsome The clothing size has more than doubled, and I most hope to hear the truth from Secretary Fang!"

Fang Yuan said: "The grand reception reflects the respect for Secretary Wang, which is necessary. But if it disturbs the people, Secretary Wang will definitely not be happy. In 68 Middle School, the students attend classes normally. Teachers who have no classes welcome Secretary Wang. .In Oujiang District, all the students and teachers of the school stood under the sun, the students were greeted by a drum band, the primary school students wore red scarves, and the female teacher presented flowers. Personally, I think it’s over.”

Cen Baiqiang said: "I understand. Secretary Fang, you are the leader of the city, and you may not understand the suffering at the grassroots level. You must know that a township primary school may never have the opportunity of the municipal party secretary to inspect it in its lifetime. Going to school, I must have taken it very seriously. In the end, I took it too far, and I shot myself in the foot. I arranged a rural kindergarten, in the town, in the village, the kindergarten, from the principal to the teacher, heard that the municipal committee The secretary is coming, even if you don’t want to pay attention to it, it’s very difficult! Last night at 12 o’clock, the secretary of the town party committee called me to ask for instructions on the reception. You know, a township-level cadre may also be impossible for a lifetime Talk to the secretary of the municipal party committee face to face!"

Fang Yuan also seemed to have personally felt the state of mind of Cen Baiqiang, and the state of mind of the town party secretary.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Cen has rich experience, and he will definitely do a good job in reception." Cen Baiqiang said: "I have thought about it, the reception should be grand, and the county magistrate and I will wait for Secretary Wang at the county boundary; the reception should not disturb the people, kindergarten children We are going to class normally, and please ask Secretary Wang to come into the classroom to have a look at that time; your sponsorship arrangement is very appropriate, and I also contacted the enterprises in the town to donate some urgently needed audio-visual equipment to the teachers and children in the kindergarten. The teachers gave a holiday gift. Secretary Fang, is there anything else I should pay attention to."

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang likes to go deep into the discussions among the teachers, but sometimes he doesn't hear the truth, and Secretary Wang doesn't seem very happy."

Cen Baiqiang said: "There is no such link here in Yanping. If you don't hear the truth, you will be unhappy; if you hear the truth, I am afraid that Secretary Wang will be even more unhappy. I will not do such a stupid thing. Preschool education is not included in the obligation. In the field of education, the treatment of kindergarten teachers is relatively low. If the teachers are allowed to complain, I am afraid that not only I, the secretary of the county party committee, will lose face, but also Secretary Wang! After all, the improvement of the treatment of kindergarten teachers does not depend on the east If a city can solve it, the State Council must issue a policy. If Secretary Wang listens to the truth and can't solve it, I'm afraid it will be even worse."

Fang Yuan is really knowledgeable.There are so many political tricks!This Cen Baiqiang is really an excellent political worker who adapts to China's national conditions!

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