Director's growth history

3536.2221, An unexpected encounter with Chi Liping

Wang Guodong's teacher's day condolence activities in Yanping County can be described as "complete".Cen Baiqiang's welcome at the county boundary fully demonstrated respect for Wang Guodong; and the condolence activities in the township kindergartens, because of the sponsorship of township entrepreneurs, Wang Guodong did not come empty-handed, which made the condolences more tangible.At the same time, the kindergarten children were attending class in the classroom with peace of mind. Wang Guodong walked into a middle class and said hello to the three teachers who were teaching the children, so that Wang Guodong's image of being close to the people was most appropriately displayed, which was neither deliberate nor close to reality. .

Wang Guodong's interest was improved in the kindergarten, so he stayed in the village at noon and had a sumptuous farm feast.During the banquet, comrades in the township reported their work, and Cen Baiqiang gave a brief report on the work of Yanping County.The township secretary and mayor had the opportunity to fully show their faces. Cen Baiqiang also reported on Yanping's recent work in various aspects, and had the opportunity to report to Wang Guodong on his plans for the next step of work and his thoughts on further education work. .Wang Guodong also fully affirmed the work of Yanping County, making every cadre of Yanping County who came to the scene feel proud and proud.

Cen Baiqiang seized an opportunity and said: "Secretary Wang, if the common people are to become truly prosperous, the most important thing is to vigorously develop modern agriculture in light of the county's conditions, so that the unit's output will be higher; Liberate the surplus labor force; vigorously develop individual private small and medium-sized enterprises, inject labor saving into the development of the entire Yanping economy; vigorously develop tourism, make full use of the tourism advantages of Yandang Mountain, and form a tourism industry chain.”

Wang Guodong said: "I am also very inspired by the ideas of the top [-]! The tourism industry in Yanping County has always been a pillar industry. Vigorously developing the secondary industry and promoting the development of the real economy are effective ways to solve employment and increase tax revenue. No Do you know how Yanping does it?"

Cen Baiqiang said: "Investment attraction should focus on the implementation of the project; project construction should focus on service tracking; project commissioning should be based on generating benefits; industrial layout should be concentrated and developed."

Wang Guodong was very interested: "These points are grasped very well, how did you do it?" Cen Baiqiang said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Bi, Secretary-General Ming, leaders, Yanping Economic and Technological Development Zone is just a few minutes away from here. It is less than 10 kilometers away. In 2008, we achieved great results in attracting investment and introduced several projects that have begun to create benefits. Among them is the Yanping production base of Handsome Clothing Co., Ltd., which has been completed and put into production. The project was set up by Deputy Secretary Fang Yuan of the Municipal Education Bureau, with a total investment of more than 1200 million yuan."

Wang Guodong looked at Fangyuan with great interest: "Xiao Fang, are you the one who contacted this project?" Fangyuan said, "I just got in touch with each other. The specific negotiation was directly between Yanping County and Handsome Clothing. Secretary Wang, do you know?" , I have a little contact with Mr. Shu Weirong, the owner of the handsome clothing company. Last year, Mr. Shu gave Mr. Shu an idea for a clothing design competition. After it was adopted, the market for handsome clothing is relatively good. This year, the production scale needs to be expanded. How does Mr. Shu specifically I really didn’t know about talking to Secretary Cen.”

Wang Guodong made a decision on the spot: "Okay, after dinner, let's go to Yanping Economic and Technological Development Zone."

In Wang Guodong's view, Dacheng's revival has a strong reference significance under the severe negative impact of the US subprime mortgage crisis on Dongzhou, an export-oriented city supported by export trade; The situation of the overall market downturn has expanded against the market, which also has positive practical significance.As Wang Guodong's favorite general, Cen Baiqiang paid more attention to his achievements, which was also an important inspection. When he was a little disappointed with Liang Zhaopeng, he encountered happy things in Yanping one after another, so Wang Guodong was naturally willing to stay for a while.

Wang Guodong and his party, accompanied by Cen Baiqiang and other county cadres, drove directly to Yanping County Economic and Technological Development Zone after dinner.Sitting in the car, looking around, there is a scene of prosperous construction on the originally empty field.Many factories have sprung up; many more are being built.Wang Guodong saw it in his eyes and was very happy: Yanping County has done a good job in attracting investment!At least it was many times better than when Lian Song was the secretary of the county party committee.

The first factory we visited was a children's food company. Wang Guodong enjoyed watching the interesting children's food in various flavors and shapes with the theme of "prosperity".Wang Guodong paid special attention to the sanitation of the enterprise. From the working area to the office area, the sanitation of the entire factory area was very good.Cen Baiqiang asked Wang Guodong to give instructions, and Wang Guodong also said happily: "I won't do the instructions. I only offer two hopes and one wish. One is that the company's hygiene will always be good and meticulous, and produce hygienic and qualified products. The second is to hope that enterprises will be close to the needs of the market and children, produce marketable products, and do a good job in this article of the market; my wish is that our enterprises will be more prosperous and prosperous, just like our trademarks. "

Wang Guodong also kindly took a group photo with the person in charge of the company.

The second company we visited was the Yanping production base of handsome clothing.Shu Weirong did not come to Yanping, so it must be too late to notify now.The person who received Wang Guodong, Cen Baiqiang and his party was Chi Liping, the deputy general manager of Shuai Apparel Company and the general manager of Shuai Apparel Yanping Production Base.

When Chi Liping appeared in front of everyone in a capable professional attire, everyone's eyes could not help but light up.Wang Guodong was also attracted by Chi Liping's astonishment. He has both temperament and appearance, as well as the seriousness and calmness unique to entrepreneurs.At the same time, when Chi Liping smiled, she really possessed the infinite allure of "looking back, smiling and being charming".

Cen Baiqiang enthusiastically introduced Chi Liping: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Bi, Secretary-General Ming, Director Zhai, Secretary Sun, Secretary Fang, this one is Ms. Chi Liping, the deputy general manager of Shuaiqi Apparel. She is also from the Yanping production base. The person in charge. Mr. Chi, do you know all these leaders?"

Chi Liping said generously: "Welcome all the leaders to inspect and guide our work at the handsome production base. Welcome Secretary Wang, welcome Mayor Bi, welcome Secretary Ming, welcome Director Zhai, welcome Secretary Sun, welcome... welcome... welcome Fang Chief!"

She appeared calm in front of Wang Guodong and the others, but in front of Fang Yuan, she was still too fragile.Chi Liping never expected to meet Fangyuan on such an occasion.Since becoming Cen Baiqiang's bed guest, although Chi Liping has not contacted Fangyuan again, how could he forget Fangyuan deep in his heart?The short period of two months is Chi Liping's unforgettable memory. Fang Yuan's skillful bed skills brought infinite happiness to Chi Liping, and the effect was better than that of Cen Baiqiang who came back after taking the medicine. How could Chi Liping forget?

Cen Baiqiang is very sensitive, and now Chi Liping is the woman Cen Baiqiang values ​​most.Cen Baiqiang pretended to be generous: "Secretary Fang, you and Mr. Chi are very familiar!" Fang Yuan pretended to be confused: "It must be very familiar. I am so familiar with Sister Shu, how can Sister Shu's most powerful assistant be unfamiliar?"

Wang Guodong said: "Let's get back to the topic." Chi Liping said: "Secretary Wang, Mayor Bi, Secretary-General Ming, leaders, let me introduce the relevant situation of the Yanping production base of Shuaihou Clothing Co., Ltd."

Chi Liping has trained in Dongsheng Group for several years, and has also received the fullest authorization in Shuaishu Group. Naturally, she is calm and decent, and responds calmly.Leading several leaders, visited the production line that has just been put into production, introduced the development of the group company to the leaders, and acted like an urban beauty.

Wang Guodong has always been proud of being unfeminine, but at this moment, he also felt his heart pounding; Bi Lili had just been rejected by Song Sisi's place, and now seeing Chi Liping, who is more temperamental and prettier than Song Sisi, that A heart that is not too old is alive.Fangyuan admired Chi Liping's beauty, but she didn't feel moved.The purity of Kong Shuanghua and Song Sisi is better than that of Chi Liping; and Su Ruihan's appearance and temperament are also not comparable to Chi Liping.Su Ruihan's accidental joining made Fang Yuan even resistant to a super beautiful woman like Chi Liping.

After the visit, everyone came to the small meeting room.Sitting down at the large oval conference table, Chi Liping even turned on the projector, using modern equipment, to show the city leaders the relevant development ideas of handsome clothing, especially the preliminary idea of ​​the Yanping production base.It can be seen that Chi Liping's ambition is to double the production scale of this handsome production base in the next three years. She is very determined and ambitious.The confidence in her gestures adds to her appeal to these seasoned men.

Cen Baiqiang's love for Chi Liping has grown to a higher level, it is simply regarded as a treasure, and he is extremely honored and proud that Chi Liping is so brilliant today to add luster to his political achievements.

Wang Guodong's eyes did not leave Chi Liping's beautiful face.Lamenting the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, Wang Guodong appreciates its beauty and temperament.However, his deep theoretical understanding of beauty and misfortune made Wang Guodong restrain the wild desires in his heart into a closed wire cage, and would not release half of it.

Bi Quan is different.Seeing Chi Liping, Bi Lili gave up on Song Sisi completely.Bi Quanli had a strong longing for Chi Liping to become his own woman, just as Bi Quanli had known for a long time that Ni Runqing was Song Sisi's canary.

At the end of Chi Liping's report, Bi Quanli did not wait for Wang Guodong to speak, and spoke first: "Secretary Wang, Secretary Ming, Secretary Cen, an outstanding female entrepreneur like President Chi, is absolutely not included in the Municipal Youth Federation. It is the dereliction of duty of the Youth League Committee. As the honorary chairman and former chairman of the Municipal Youth Federation, on behalf of the Municipal Youth Federation, I warmly welcome Mr. Chi to become the Municipal Youth Federation, a united front organization representing outstanding youth representatives from all walks of life in the city. I wonder if Mr. Chi is willing to join? "

Chi Liping said: "Thank you Mayor Bi for your kindness. I don't know much about the Youth Federation. Am I qualified to join the Youth Federation?"

Bi Quanli said: "Absolutely qualified. The Youth Federation of Dongzhou City has a total of 381 members of the Youth Federation. It should be said that it brings together young people from all ethnic groups and walks of life in the city. Not to mention, comrades like Fangyuan from the Municipal Education Bureau , is the member of the Youth Federation of this session. Is Fang Yuan excellent? Everyone must know! That is to say, only young comrades like Fang Yuan who are of similar level, performance, and excellence can become members of the Youth Federation. Mr. Chi, Dongzhou Youth Federation welcomes you."

When Chi Liping heard that Fangyuan was also a member of the Municipal Youth Federation, she agreed immediately without saying a word: "Thank you, Mayor Bi, for your kindness. If I have the opportunity to join the Youth Federation, I will be happy to learn from young people from all walks of life."

Bi Lili was elated: "Okay! This matter can be handled as a special matter! I will immediately greet the Youth League Committee and ask them to study the issue of your joining." Chi Liping said: "Then thank you, Mayor Bi." With all his strength, he feels that he is almost [-]% sure that he will win Chi Liping.As long as Chi Liping enters the circle of the Municipal Youth Federation, that will be my sphere of influence with all my strength.

Cen Baiqiang's vigilance is particularly high at this time, Bi Quanli is so enthusiastic, is it because he is tempted by my Xiaochi?

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