Director's growth history

3563.2248. Who in the world knows my heart?

On September 9, Wang Chuyin summoned several of his most reliable subordinates and secretly launched a secret investigation on the name Wang Guodong gave him.Lei Hengliang, the chief of the Public Security Bureau, had no knowledge of this at all.Wang Chuyin, based on his more than 19 years of rooting and layout in the Dongzhou public security system, has long managed the Dongzhou Public Security Bureau like an iron bucket. There are Wang Chuyin's followers everywhere, and it is impossible to tell who is not. Wang Chuyin's people.Lei Hengliang is the assistant to the mayor and director of the bureau, but in fact many things must win the support of Wang Chuyin to carry out the work.Lei Hengliang is on a real job, and Wang Chuyin is also on a real job. They both have the same police rank. It's really hard to say who can lead whom.

On September 9th, Fangyuan followed the Dongzhou Model Worker Rehabilitation Group to the Xin'anjiang Reservoir in the southwest of Hangjiang City, and officially recuperated in Qiandao Lake.On the bus, Fang Yuan closed his eyes, and quickly relaxed his tense and tired nerves, and fell asleep the whole way.Stay away from Dongzhou, the right and wrong of Dongzhou has nothing to do with me in the next 20 days.In these 22 days, I will concentrate on reviewing my homework and recuperating my body with peace of mind.If you have free time, it would be nice to practice Taijiquan and Baduanjin with Chairman Ma Lianghe every day.

On September 9, the Longwan District Investment Promotion Delegation headed by Dou Dangji, Member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee, officially departed for Paris, France, and is expected to strive for a contract for investment attraction of no less than 21 billion euros.When Luo Dianzhang led a group of party and government officials in Longwan District to see Dou Dangji off at Yongqiang International Airport, a touching scene happened: Dou Dangji tightly held Luo Dianzhang's hand and said emotionally: "Dianzhang Comrade, in the past few years, your talents have not been fully displayed, and I have always felt sorry for you. On the days when I was out for inspection, you can directly decide on the big and small matters in Longwan District, without calling overseas to ask for instructions." Where is Luo Dianzhang? Dare to believe that this was Dou Dangji's sincere words, he quickly said: "I should ask the secretary for instructions, and I must ask for instructions." Dou Dangji said: "I am away, and the specific situation is definitely not as good as you. You should make a decisive decision. There can be no delay! Just like this case of affordable housing, if you still need to ask for instructions, it may delay the best time. What's more, I am not in Longwan District, and District Chief Luo can still ask Secretary Wang and Mayor Song for instructions. "Luo Dianzhang said: "I always ask for instructions and report." Dou Dangji said nothing more.Regardless of whether Luo Dianzhang understood what he meant, he would never take care of Longwan's affairs after he left Longwan, Dongzhou, and China.I have worked hard for 10 years, but in the end, because I am afraid that I will not be able to enjoy my old age, I am afraid that I may spend the rest of my life in prison, and I have to leave my hometown and motherland where I have lived and worked for decades, both emotionally and Traditionally, Dou Dangji was deeply attached to this land.Dou Dangji has an evaluation of himself, that is, eight points of credit and two points of fault.People are not saints, who can be blameless?The development of Longwan District over the years has soaked in so much effort!I have been the mayor of the district for 30 years, and the secretary of the district party committee for 5 years. If I hadn’t made outstanding contributions, how could I stand out in the competition where only one secretary of the four districts and five counties can become the standing committee member of the municipal party committee and be promoted to the deputy department level?Speaking of government-business collusion, this is a very helpless thing.In charge of a place, if you don't make friends with the big bosses, who will invest in your jurisdiction?How can you get more projects if you don't come and go with the merchants?Without investment, without projects, how can the economy develop?How can people's livelihood be improved?The merchants gave a little money because they were grateful for the smooth development of the project in Longwan, because they earned more money than they gave, and because they wanted to be able to concentrate on doing business in Longwan without any trouble.Compared with the output value and profits brought to them, the little money I collected is just a drop in the bucket.As for buying an official, I have never done it myself; as for selling an official, I have indeed sold an official.Ask yourself, I have never taken the initiative to ask for bribes, they are all offered by others.Even if I have received money from others, when considering the title of official, I also fully consider whether this person is qualified for a certain position. If he is not qualified, he will definitely send the money back.You can't take money and do nothing. This is not in line with the unspoken rules of officialdom.One of the important reasons why many officials today are reported by real names and end up in shuanggui and prison is that they take money and do nothing.Who will report it after receiving money to do something?In fact, Luo Dianzhang is also a relatively capable cadre, but his words don't count in Longwan District. The important reason is not how much he bullied him, but because he has firmly grasped the title of official. The sub-section level post is a post that can trade with other members of the standing committee of the district committee.It is precisely because all the official-level posts are firmly in his hands, which ensures that he can keep his promises in Longwan District and the government orders are smooth. This is probably an important reason why Luo Dianzhang's words are not counted.

It's all over!Farewell, Longwan; Farewell, Dongzhou; Farewell, China!No matter where I go, I will never forget you, my motherland!This is the land where I was born and my eternal root!Let me bless you silently, my motherland!I wish you prosperity and great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

With very complicated emotions, Dou Dangji boarded the string ladder of the plane.Standing at the entrance of the plane, he suddenly remembered that one day in 1945, a great man stood at the entrance of the string ladder and waved his hand gently with a very complicated mood.Dou Dangji also stood still, turned around, and while waving his hands, Dou Dangji said to himself in his heart: "It's all over! Those who love me, those who hate me, those who care about me, curse me I sincerely wish you all, live well, better than anything else!"

Dou Dangji turned around resolutely, he knew that turning around would be a farewell to the motherland forever!In the future, I will never have the opportunity to set foot on this land where I was born and raised.Although I have bribed some money, I still love you, China!It's just that I can't come back, and coming back means handcuffs and shackles.Let me live forever in the rain forest deep in Africa!There, there are my cousin, my distant relatives, and my precious daughter!As for his wife, who exists in name only, she can do whatever she likes!The shady things you do can only be done by yourself.Over the years, under my banner, you have also earned a lot of private money, which has greatly improved your family.As for whether the private money is legal or not, and whether the judiciary will pursue it and confiscate it, it depends on your luck.The affordable housing incident is far from over. Although you never told me about the two houses you took over, they have always been your private property, but am I, Dou Dangji, a fool?If you don't mention it to me, no one will tell me?That old fox of Yan Song would never give meat to others for free. If he gave someone a catty of meat, Yan Song would ask for ten or one hundred catties of meat.What I promised Yan Song will never be fulfilled because of my farewell!Yan Song, you greedy and vicious guy, I believe that evil people must be rewarded with evil!Such a beautiful daughter-in-law, it's a waste of money to keep it for herself!A beautiful woman like Su Ruihan should be owned by a man with culture, status and connotation like me. You, Yan Song, are a gangster, even if you whiten your face with white powder, you will not change Can't get rid of your black essence!And no culture, no quality, no connotation, just an old pervert!Over the years, I don't know how many women in Dongzhou have been killed by you!Of course, this can't be completely blamed on you, but also on these women who are greedy for money, but without chastity and shame, as long as they have money, they can do whatever they want.

It's all over!Farewell to those little daughters-in-law who once brought me comfort!You did not sacrifice your life in vain, and I, Dou Dangji, am worthy of you.Those who want to be officials, I will also promote you to deputy bureau chiefs and deputy directors within the scope of authority, and you can be regarded as dignified cadres in Longwan District; It belongs to you, earn more and earn more, it depends on your luck.Besides fame and fortune, do you have any higher needs?No!Between people, in fact, to put it bluntly, that's the way it is!If you don’t ask for anything, you won’t take the initiative to seduce me, and you will not take the initiative to dedicate yourself; if you ask for something, you will take the initiative to dedicate yourself, so why should I be polite?It's good to be young!Juicy, tender, white and elastic.This refreshing taste, compared with the original partner who is not sloppy, is indeed a world of difference!

Dou Dangji sat on the VIP seat and quietly closed his eyes.The other accompanying bureau chiefs and entrepreneurs all sat in the economy class.Dou Dangji is the only one who is qualified to sit in the VIP cabin!The plane will go north to Shanghai, where it will transfer to Paris, France.Dongzhou does not have a direct flight to Europe, which is the only thing that makes Dou Dangji feel slightly uneasy.Hope to take off smoothly in Shanghai and arrive in Paris smoothly.The person arranged by my cousin is there, and I can leave forever after connecting.How many right and wrong honors and disgraces have nothing to do with me forever.Whoever jumps in a hurry, whoever scolds fiercely, has nothing to do with me.Anyway, I can't hear it, and I don't know anyway, it's up to you to laugh and scold, and it's up to me.At that time, there will no longer be Dou Dangji on the earth, but there will be a long list of surnames and the names and surnames of the ancestors of the original family of the cousin's so-called ancestor.Whether I need to undergo a series of cosmetic treatments in the future to turn myself into a dark-skinned African will be decided at a later time according to the needs of the situation.If necessary, it's okay to change your appearance.With my IQ and such rich experience in administrative management, I believe that I will soon gain a firm foothold in the depths of the African continent and manage hundreds or thousands of people without any problem.

A few hours later, an Air China plane took off from Shanghai and headed straight for Paris.When the plane left the land of China four hours later, Dou Dangji let out a long breath; nearly [-] hours later, when the plane landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, Dou Dangji's emotions suddenly became agitated.The local Dongzhou Chinese Chamber of Commerce sent people to welcome Dou Dangji and his party.Dou Dangji said to the Dongzhou Longwan District delegation: "This journey is very hard. We will not invite business or negotiate in the day tomorrow. Everyone can visit all the famous scenic spots in Paris, France. I only have one request. : Low-key, unassuming. Now that the Internet is very developed, we are just ordinary Chinese tourists, and we will never reveal our identities as civil servants or Dongzhou cadres, okay?"

Everyone cheered and jumped for joy, and the flatterers followed immediately: "Secretary Dou is really a good secretary who understands people's sentiments!" ""Secretary Dou cares about us. We will do our best to attract investment when we are attracting investment the day after tomorrow. We will try to attract 20 billion euros." Let's work hard. Tomorrow, we will play!"

For the next two days, Dou Dangji stayed with the comrades of the Longwan District delegation.Everyone happily visited the famous scenic spots in Paris, France; with the help of the Dongzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, everyone went all out to launch intensive investment promotion with French companies, and signed an intentional contract of 23 billion euros in one day. Far exceeded expectations.

In the evening, the Dongzhou Longwan delegation held a grand dinner to thank the leaders of the Dongzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce.Dou Dangji also attended the dinner, drinking and chatting with overseas Chinese and his own soldiers.No one saw anything unusual about Dou Dangji, because for the past few days, Dou Dangji had been with everyone, and even put down his airs at night to play poker with everyone, and he couldn't see any difference from domestic ones.

On the morning of September 9, when all the cadres in Longwan District of Dongzhou were eating in the restaurant, they did not find Dou Dangji.Call Dou Dangji and turn off the phone.He sent someone to Dou Dangji's room and asked the waiter to open the door, only to find that the whole room was empty, the luggage was gone, and the person was gone.Dou Dangji, the head of the Dongzhou Longwan delegation, disappeared under the eyes of the Dongzhou delegation.

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