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3564.2249, Good job

The delegation visited, and the head of the delegation disappeared!This is definitely a big joke!The members of the delegation from Longwan District, Dongzhou City were in a mess.Yesterday, Dou Dangji was fine. He participated in the investment promotion activities during the day and the reception dinner at night, and did not show any abnormalities.In the evening, everyone went back to their room to rest. On the second day, Dou Dangji quietly disappeared from the world.

Everyone's eyes finally stayed on the cold faces of the deputy head of the delegation, member of the standing committee of the district committee, and executive deputy head of the district.Yes, when Dou Dangji was not around, Leng Bing was the head of the Longwan District delegation.Leng Bing also panicked, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.After being silent for more than ten minutes, Leng Bing said: "Accordingly, when encountering such a thing, we should report to the Longwan District Party Committee and District Government as soon as possible; Secretary Dou is a provincial cadre, and we still need to report to the Municipal Party Committee Provincial party committee report. But if Secretary Dou went out to handle errands, we rashly reported the situation. After a while, Secretary Dou came back, how should we explain to Secretary Dou? How to eliminate the passivity in work caused by this Adverse effects? My suggestion is: today’s investment promotion work will continue as usual, and the responsible comrades of the relevant bureaus will continue to negotiate with French companies and consortiums to strive for more investment projects. At the same time, comrades from non-investment departments, join me, With the help of the Dongzhou Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, we will conduct a larger-scale search throughout Paris, hoping to find it as soon as possible. If Secretary Dou cannot be found by 10:[-] tonight, we will report to the leaders of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee. Everyone thinks so Ok?"

Who dares to say no?At this time, everyone is anxious and worried that they will make unforgivable political mistakes because of this.Leng Bing is willing to make a decision, so let him make a decision.If it was a wrong decision, it would be Leng Bing, not everyone, who would ultimately bear the responsibility.Leng Bing's decision, which he thought was very safe, just created a crucial 24 hours for Dou Dangji.While the representatives of Longwan District were still discussing what to do, Dou Dangji, with the help of his cousin, a senior politician in an African country with 25% Chinese descent, boarded a flight from France to the African country under an alias.As long as you come to this country in Africa, this backward country with a presidential system on the surface but there are still many tribes and chiefs, this country with tropical rainforests all over the country, Dou Dangji is like a person entering the vast ocean, and then you will be in the country. Finding an anonymous person among all living beings is like finding a needle in a haystack, almost impossible.Find a primitive tribe casually, isolated from the world, who else can find it?Because there are a lot of dollars on the body, with only a few dollars, there may be many black girls willing to throw themselves into the arms of Dou Dangji... A poor country has the benefits of a poor country. Buying a woman is cheaper than eating a meal!

If the representative of Longwan District made a decisive decision immediately and reported to the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, the situation would be quite different.The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee must immediately report to the Dongzhou Provincial Party Committee. The Dongzhou Provincial Party Committee will contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will arrange for the Chinese embassy in France to implement necessary diplomatic controls on important escape routes such as the airport.At the same time, agents of the National Security Agency will also act.Even in France, if Dou Dangji wanted to leave, it would be difficult for him to fly.However, the Longwan District delegation did not report in time, so there was no relevant follow-up action, which created the best opportunity for Dou Dangji to escape smoothly.

At 22:[-] French time that night, Leng Bing called Luo Dianzhang, deputy secretary of the Longwan District Committee and district chief, and reported the news of Dou Dangji's disappearance.At this time, Luo Dianzhang recalled what Dou Dangji said at the airport, and he felt emotional: So Dou Dangji had already prepared to defect.Luo Dianzhang did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported to the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong was shocked when he heard the news.The application to go abroad was approved by Wang Guodong. If Dou Dangji disappeared because of this, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, he would have to bear political responsibility.Wang Guodong immediately asked for the phone number and contact information of Leng Bing, member of the Standing Committee of the Longwan District Committee and deputy head of the district, and asked Leng Bing for details.

Luo Dianzhang then made a report to Mayor Song Yunsheng.Song Yunsheng was also taken aback.The moment he hung up the phone, Song Yunsheng sneered: "Okay, Dou Dangji, leave a piece of shit behind and let someone else wipe your ass, right? It's too stupid of you to do this." Song Yunsheng immediately Deng Yuncong was called to discuss countermeasures.

Soon, the municipal party committee office notified by phone that the standing committee members stationed in Dongzhou immediately convened a temporary emergency municipal committee standing committee.The lid can't be covered, how to deal with the aftermath is the key to the matter.Luo Dianzhang was asked to attend the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and reported to everyone the ins and outs of this visit in detail.Luo Dianzhang concealed what Dou Dangji had said to him at the airport.This is absolutely unacceptable. If you say it, what does it mean?It means that Luo Dianzhang grasped some clues and did not report to the municipal party committee, Luo Dianzhang is also responsible.

The 12 members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee all looked solemn.The disappearance of Dou Dangji opened a new chapter in Dongzhou's history from liberation to the present.In the history of Qingjiang, there was once a female deputy director, Yang Xiuzhu, who also absconded with her daughter and son-in-law's family, which also caused a very bad influence at that time.According to the facts of the investigation later, when Yang Xiuzhu served as the deputy mayor of a certain city, she accepted and extorted a huge amount of bribes.When the job position was changed to the deputy director of a certain provincial department, Yang was already aware of the existence of the crisis.Before the Commission for Discipline Inspection took action, Yang arranged for her daughter and son-in-law to flee early, and then she also fled.Now, is Dou Dangji's disappearance a replica of Yang Xiuzhu's case?Judging from the current situation, Dou Dangji is likely to have serious economic problems, otherwise there is no need to play missing!

Huang Jie said: "If my guess is correct, the economically affordable housing incident that caused a lot of noise in Longwan District a few days ago may hide serious violations of laws and disciplines, and Comrade Dangji may also be involved in it. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection decided, The Municipal Party Committee is requested to support the launch of the Discipline Inspection Commission investigation process on affordable housing in Longwan District.”

One sentence tells the truth.Song Yunsheng looked at Huang Jie and said, "Right now, it's not certain whether Comrade Dangji is missing. Perhaps Comrade Dangji may also be away on business. Of course, no one can rule out such a possibility, right?"

Huang Jie said: "The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection handles the case independently, and it investigates the affordable housing case, not Dangji comrades. Please don't link the affordable housing case with Dangji comrades. Only when the affordable housing case is cleared, Only then can we determine whether Comrade Dangji is involved. If Comrade Dangji is innocent, then the investigation of this case is to restore Comrade Dangji's innocence."

Song Yunsheng said: "I have a proposal. The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee immediately sends a delegation to Paris to find out the specific situation and try its best to find the whereabouts of Comrade Dangji. At the same time, report to the Provincial Party Committee and ask the Provincial Party Committee to decide how to deal with this situation." The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee will resolutely implement the decision of the Provincial Party Committee.”

The lid is definitely not covered.Wang Guodong sighed in his heart, lamenting that since he became the secretary of the municipal party committee, he has suffered a lot of fate. First, a county magistrate like Lu Yaxiong was double-regulated, and now a cadre at the standing committee level of the municipal party committee disappeared after going to a foreign country.The secretary of the municipal party committee is in charge of cadres. Of course, it is against the political achievements of the secretary of the municipal party committee, but the official's criminal case has not been found out or found out, and the person has gone to a foreign country. This is what the secretary of the municipal party committee cannot shirk responsibility.It is said that being a cadre is also a high-risk occupation. Wang Guodong feels the same at this moment.

Everyone turned their attention to Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong said: "Minister Sheng, I think you have worked hard on the trip to France." Sheng Zhiren said: "Okay, I will go. However, I hope that the Commission for Discipline Inspection can give me enough support." Comrade Cao can go with Minister Sheng."

Gao Shengqiang, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said: "Are our courts, procuratorates, and public security bureaus also going to France with the delegation?"

Hey, one by one, the nose is very sensitive!Everyone felt that even if they went to France and returned without success, then they had fulfilled their duties; if they really brought Dou Dangji back, it would be a great achievement.These people are so smart, they will push out responsibility when they encounter responsibility, and they will stare when they encounter credit or functional credit.

Wang Guodong said: "The Public Security Bureau will arrange Comrade Chu Yin to go. Comrade Chu Yin is an expert with more than 20 years of experience in criminal investigation, and may be able to find more clues or evidence. The procuratorate and the court are temporarily unnecessary. Comrades have almost done the investigation, and it is not too late to intervene. What's more, Comrade Yun Sheng said that the situation of Comrade Dangji has not been investigated. Perhaps Comrade Dangji is going out to handle errands. I think Comrade Yunsheng's opinion cannot I don’t think about it. Therefore, it is feasible to carry out two lines at the same time. One is to report to the provincial party committee. Today I personally went to the provincial party committee to report to Secretary Zhao in person; The team leader, form a working group to go to Paris, France, and do our best to investigate any whereabouts of Comrade Dangji. As long as we find Comrade Dou Dangji, no matter what his attitude is, we will try our best to persuade Comrade Dou Dangji to come back. If you can’t be persuaded to come back, you have to find ways to bring them back. At the same time, as for the Propaganda Department, Minister Sheng Zhong, please pay close attention to it. Any disturbances must be highly valued and vigilant, and the disappearance of Comrade Dou Dangji and the affordable housing incident in Longwan District must be avoided. Connect to prevent new unrest in Eastern State."

Dou Shengzhong said: "Secretary Wang, please rest assured that the Propaganda Department will definitely do a good job in monitoring public opinion. If you have any news, please report to the municipal party committee at any time."

Wang Guodong nodded: "Secretary Huang Jie organizes the investigation of affordable housing, I think it is necessary. If we can find out some more cases of corruption from the affordable housing incident, for the pure party team, the distance with the people will be narrowed , is still very important. The focus of the investigation is the collusion between the government and businessmen. I hope that Secretary Huang will withstand the pressure and find no one. If you make irresponsible remarks, then just come at me directly. I will resolutely be the strong backing of the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Huang Jie said: "Thank you Secretary Wang. With your support, I am more confident. I have an intuition that the affordable housing incident in Longwan District must be related to Dou Dangji's disappearance. The timing is too coincidental. Yes. The affordable housing incident broke out earlier, and then he applied to go abroad for inspection and then disappeared. Is this a coincidence? How can there be such a coincidence in the world? I think it is not a day or two for Dou Dangji to want to escape. This time, he felt a great threat because of the affordable housing incident, so it became his last chance to escape from China as soon as possible. I have a suggestion. Is there any responsibility for the comrades in Longwan District who went to Paris to attract business this time? Why did Comrade Dou Dangji disappear for almost a day before reporting to the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee? Is there something tricky about it? Is it a cover for Dou Dangji's escape?"

Song Yunsheng said: "Secretary Huang Jie's words are very reasonable. However, it is obviously inappropriate to say this publicly at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee." Huang Jie said: "Is Mayor Song willing to take a small gamble with me?" Song Yunsheng said: "Thank you , do not gamble."

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was over, Wang Guodong flew directly to Hangjiang, and reported to Secretary Zhao; Sheng Zhiren contacted the Foreign Affairs Office, and hurriedly implemented the procedures for going abroad as soon as possible, and there would be a flight to Europe by tomorrow night at the latest, but still Go through Shanghai Xuanji.Huang Jie led the staff of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and settled in Longwan District.And Dou Shengzhong returned to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, where the public opinion on the Internet has reached the point where it is almost impossible to monitor.Just as Wang Guodong got off the plane, the call came in.Dou Shengzhong said on the phone: "Secretary, there is no way to control it. Almost everyone in the Internet knows about Dou Dangji's disappearance. Should this matter be reported to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee?" Wang Guodong said: "Report it. " Dou Shengzhong said: "Okay, I will report to the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee immediately."

At this time, the network is already boiling.Around Dou Dangji's running away, someone wrote a novel called "The Song of Wang Paopao"; some people broke the news that Dou Dangji was a naked official at all, and his family had already gone abroad, and his daughter was studying in France.Sure enough, someone connected Dou Dangji's escape incident with the affordable housing in Longwan District, pointing out that Dou Dangji also accepted bribes in the affordable housing incident, that is, two houses.At present, the keys to the two houses are in the hands of Dou Dangji's wife.Others pointed out that during the construction of affordable housing, the real estate developer Regal Real Estate Co., Ltd. once killed several nail households who refused to demolish when demolition was difficult...

Information on the Internet, whether true or not, looks like it is true.This network is getting hotter and hotter, and both Dongzhou City and Qingjiang Province have been under tremendous psychological pressure.During Wang Guodong's report to Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary Zhao also received a report from Tian Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda, and asked Secretary Zhao to slap the table in front of Wang Guodong, so frightened that Wang Guodong also jumped out of his chair Get up and stand up straight.

While Wang Guodong was being reprimanded, Fang Yuan was lying comfortably on the sofa in the Qiandao Lake area not far from the Hangjiang River, reading some books that he was preparing to apply for a doctorate.Here, Fangyuan received a call from Feng Yan, a member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee and the new political commissar of the Garrison District.On the phone, Feng Yan told Fangyuan: Longwan District Committee Secretary Dou Dangji was stranded in Paris, France, and had disappeared.

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