Director's growth history

3566.2251 Zhai Xinwen made a bold move

The Standing Committee of the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee held overnight, in the presence of Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guodong and Mayor Song Yunsheng, did not double-regulate Dou Dangji, nor did he expel Dou Dangji from the party or remove Dou Dangji from his official position , but made such a decision: Dongzhou City will send people to France to continue the work of Comrade Dou Dangji and try to let Comrade Dou Dangji return to Dongzhou.The authorization issued by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is: as long as Comrade Dou Dangji agrees to come back, anything can be said.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee made such a decision, from the perspective of ordinary people, it is indeed very difficult for people to understand.When the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.Many citizens have expressed strong dissatisfaction in the online world.For a while, the pressure on the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee eased a lot; but the pressure on the Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee suddenly increased.At this time, the central government finally began to pay attention to this matter.Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor Feng Feng separately rushed to Beijing to explain the situation to different central leaders.Secretary Zhao met with Li Standing Committee Director of the Central Spiritual Civilization Committee, former Secretary of Qingjiang Provincial Party Committee Xi and current Vice Chairman Xi, and Minister Li of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.Governor Feng met with Minister Li of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and got the meeting with the General Secretary.

The Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee convened the Standing Committee again.The meeting unanimously adopted a decision to resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Comrade Sheng Zhiren led a team to Paris immediately to join the local Longwan District delegation to find Comrade Dou Dangji together, and at all costs, bring Dou Dangji back to Paris. please come back.At the same time, Luo Dianzhang, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief, is currently in charge of the work of the party committee and government in Longwan District.Bi Quanli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, will stay in Longwan District to give comprehensive guidance to all aspects of the work in Longwan District to ensure that the overall situation and stability must be protected before Comrade Dou Dangji returns.Regarding the practical problem of too many rumors on the Internet, the Standing Committee ordered Propaganda Minister Dou Shengzhong and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee Gao Shengqiang to work together to monitor the IP addresses of those who spread rumors, and those whose rumors caused adverse social effects were first arrested for the crime of disrupting social order.All districts, counties, and bureau committees must earnestly do a good job in the ideological work of the cadres, employees, and people in the system, and strive to not believe in rumors, not create rumors, and not spread rumors.

As for the successor secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee and the vacant position of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee that many people were concerned about, many people were concerned about it, but no one on the Standing Committee raised it.The opinions of the Standing Committee are quickly passed on to the bureaus and committees through the government office.The Education Bureau also received this document.When Zhai Xinwen saw the document, he immediately called Sun Hongjun: "Secretary of the Red Army, shall we set up a party committee to carry out the decisions made by the Municipal Standing Committee?"

In front of Zhai Xinwen, Sun Hongjun is really immature.To a certain extent, even Fangyuan's sex experience is not as rich as it is.Sun Hongjun was powerless to refuse, because if the Party Committee of the Dongzhou Education Bureau did not implement the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, it would be inconsistent with its superiors.Sun Hongjun said: "Fangyuan is still out of town!" Zhai Xinwen said: "The situation is urgent, and the whole city is playing a game of chess. If the eaves of the house are on fire and the landlord has not returned, then we will not put out the fire?"

In one sentence, Sun Hongjun was speechless.Under such circumstances, the Party Committee of the Education Bureau was quickly convened the day after another meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.Except for Fangyuan, the other 10 members of the bureau's party committee team were all present.As usual, Sun Hongjun presided over the meeting.Sun Hongjun said: "Comrades, yesterday, the Municipal Committee held the Standing Committee. Today, we will convey and learn from the Standing Committee's decision. Now, comrade Heping, please convey the Municipal Committee's decision."

He Heping said: "Entrusted by Secretary Sun and Director Zhai, I'm here to read out the decision of the Municipal Party Committee."

Heping followed the script and read the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee from beginning to end.In fact, the members of the party committee already knew about the main content of the Municipal Standing Committee.At present, the political arena in Dongzhou has reached a level of turmoil, and some officials who have more contacts with Dou Dangji are already in danger.The education system has more contacts with Dou Dangji, but there are basically few.But everyone understands that whether the decision of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee or the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee is a tactic to delay the attack.No removal from office, no expulsion from the party, and no double regulations. On the surface, it seems to be caring for Dou Dangji. In fact, as long as Dou Dangji returns to the mainland and appears within the jurisdiction of China, he will be arrested immediately, and the criminal charges given will be Not only the crime of corruption and accepting bribes, but also the crime of treason.Now, whether it is the Provincial Party Committee or the Municipal Party Committee, the tone of expression is quite gentle, and there is no intention to "clean up" Dou Dangji, but in fact they already hate Dou Dangji to the bone.Delaying tactics is a political need and a necessary strategy.However, there is a big gap between the views of the common people and the real political needs.Therefore, in the online forums, there are many accusations, saying that officials and officials protect each other, saying that Dou Dangji is not clean, and Dou Dangji's boss is even more unclean. In order to cover up his crimes, he can only protect Dou Dangji.It should be said that the common people are indeed very far away from the truth, and it would be good to know a tenth or two of it.

Sun Hongjun said: "Comrades, do you have any objection to the decision of the Municipal Party Committee? If there is no objection, let's vote with a show of hands."

All the members of the party committee raised their hands, expressing their firm support for the resolution of the municipal committee.This is not negotiable.Political stances involve principles, and no one dares to risk the world's dissent and express different opinions.

Sun Hongjun said: "Okay, everyone supports and supports the decision of the Municipal Party Committee. I hope that comrades will strictly maintain consistency with the Municipal Party Committee to ensure that the decision of the Municipal Party Committee is resolutely implemented and implemented in the party organization of the education system. Today's meeting is about this topic. If there is no other For the matter, I think the party committee will come here."

Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary of the Red Army, in my opinion, implementing the decision of the Municipal Party Committee is not simply a matter of expressing a stance. To implement the decision of the Municipal Party Committee, the most important thing is to carry it through to the end, not to say words of loyalty. Comrade Red Army's attitude Some perfunctory, I think it should be criticized!"

One sentence shocked the audience!In the officialdom, the most popular face and heart discord.Criticism in person is extremely rare.Now, of course, Zhai Xinwen criticized Sun Hongjun's perfunctory decision of the municipal party committee. Did he violate the official taboo, or did he do it on purpose?

Sun Hongjun's expression changed.He looked at Zhai Xinwen and said, "Director Zhai, what do you mean?" Zhai Xinwen chuckled and said, "Secretary of the Red Army, I always do things with respect to things and not with others. It's all out of publicity and the overall situation of the work." Sun Hongjun said: "Why am I being perfunctory?" Zhai Xinwen said: "Whether it is perfunctory or not, everyone has a clear eye. I think that in order to implement the decisions of the municipal party committee, the most important thing that the party committee should study is how to implement them. The grassroots implements comrades in every education system. Can it be implemented just by members of the party committee of the bureau? The section chiefs don’t know, the staff don’t know, and the schools and units affiliated to the bureau don’t know. Do you want to implement it?" Sun Hongjun said: "The decision of the Municipal Party Committee contains a very deep meaning. Is it appropriate for the front-line teachers to understand the deep meaning of the Municipal Party Committee's decision? Do we want to tell the teachers that the Municipal Party Committee temporarily Dou Dangji is not dealt with in order to persuade him to come back and deal with it after he comes back? Doesn’t this mean that our party backtracked? To implement the decision of the municipal party committee, there must be a level, which level is implemented, and which level is implemented , must fully take into account the reality.”

Zhai Xinwen said: "Secretary of the Red Army, I think you have not only made a perfunctory mistake, but also made a more serious mistake! It is very necessary to conduct a deep inspection at the party committee!"

Han Suzhen couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Director Xinwen, I think what the Red Army secretary said makes sense." Zhai Xinwen said, "Is what I said unreasonable? This is typical of the Red Army secretary who doesn't trust the masses, doesn't believe The awareness and quality of front-line teachers. Our party comes from the people, serves the people, relies on the people, and believes in the people. Teachers who dare not implement the decisions of the municipal party committee to the front-line are themselves extremely distrustful of the people. Will this help to improve the relationship between the party and the people? Will this help to bring the party and the people closer? Director Han, you are an old leader and senior in the education system. Do you also want to commit the crime of being divorced from the people and not trusting the people? mistake?"

Han Suzhen was speechless for a moment.It is really not something ordinary people can bear to buckle away from the big hat of being separated from the masses.

Sun Hongjun's face was as ugly as it was.At this moment, how much Sun Hongjun wanted Fang Yuan to appear at the party committee!At the first party committee meeting when Fang Yuan was not there, Zhai Xinwen made a bold move, and grasping his cautious character, he drove himself to a dead end at once.If you don't admit your mistakes, then Zhai Xinwen will definitely report to the relevant leaders of the municipal party committee, and this problem may be even more serious; Will pay attention, who else will pay attention?

Looking at Sun Hongjun peacefully, his heart was full of sympathy.If Fang Yuan came to serve as the secretary of the party committee, then he would definitely not switch to Zhai Xinwen.Sun Hongjun is really too weak, even worse than Hao Dingyi.Hao Dingyi had at least one other who fully supported him, and a retired vice-provincial father.What does Sun Hongjun have?It's just an unsupported sea duckweed. If Zhai Xinwen wants to pinch Sun Hongjun to death, it's really easier than pinching an ant to death!If Fang Yuan was there, Zhai Xinwen would probably not make a move easily; now that Fang Yuan is not there, what else is Zhai Xinwen worried about?Zhai Xinwen has the support of Song Yunsheng and Deng Yuncong. In the next few years, the middle and grassroots principals have a large number of fans. It is not a piece of cake to clean up Sun Hongjun!It should be said that Zhai Xinwen's schemes are really strong, the timing is right, and the mobile phone is ruthless.Looking at Sun Hongjun in peace, knowing today's situation, even if Sun Hongjun barely passes the test, he will at least have a few layers of skin peeled off.In the future, Sun Hongjun will basically lose his right to speak in the Dongzhou education system. In the future, the Dongzhou education system will be dominated by Zhai Xinwen and Fangyuan!

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