Director's growth history

3567.2052, Fangyuan beyond reach

Zhai Xinwen won a big victory at the first meeting of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau after Fangyuan went to Qiandao Lake for vacation and recuperation.Sun Hongjun was forced to conduct a self-criticism at the party committee, and his face was almost lost.The party committee is the territory of the party secretary, and the director's office is the territory of the director.Now, the territory of the bureau chief's office has not been violated at all, but the position of the party committee has been captured to pieces.

The wonderful duel at the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, compared with the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, has a faster and wider impact on the Dongzhou education system.This gives people a very clear feeling: the powerful Director Zhai Xinwen is back.

Sun Hongjun returned to his office with some frustration, sat on the office chair and sulked.Someone knocked on the door, and Sun Hongjun's first reaction was that someone came to see his joke.Sun Hongjun said angrily: "The door is unlocked, come in." It was the deputy director Chen Qizhi who came in.Sun Hongjun said, "It's Director Chen!" Chen Qizhi said, "Secretary Sun, are you still angry?" Sun Hongjun said, "There's nothing to be angry about. Come on, Director Chen, please sit down."

Chen Qizhi was not polite, and sat on the sofa.Sun Hongjun also got up and sat on the sofa opposite.Chen Qizhi looked at Sun Hongjun and said, "Actually, there's really no need to be angry. It's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's nature. Secretary Sun, are you right?"

Sun Hongjun's heart suddenly brightened.That's right, Zhai Xinwen treated Han Suzhen and Hao Dingyi in the same way. When Chen Qizhi came to work in the Education Bureau, why didn't Chen Qizhi suffer a lot of exclusion?I am not alone in the Education Bureau, but I have many allies!People who have been oppressed by Zhai Xinwen are closely united, which is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

Sun Hongjun said: "Yes! What a country is easy to change, but nature is hard to change! Director Chen, I made you laugh." Chen Qizhi said: "I don't mean to laugh at Secretary Sun at all. Secretary Sun, my opinion is: this It’s not necessarily a bad thing! If you want it to perish, you must first make it crazy. What’s more, Dongzhou Education has you and Secretary Fang around, so what’s the Huoyanshan that can’t be overcome?” Sun Hongjun said: “My role is still limited As long as Fangyuan is still there, certain people will not be allowed to mess around.” Chen Qizhi said: “Secretary Sun’s role is irreplaceable! The secretary of the party committee is the top leader of the party. The party leads the government and the people. Wherever you go, you can stand straight and speak clearly." Sun Hongjun said: "Director Chen, what do you mean..." Chen Qizhi said: "We are all people who want to do some useful work for the development of Dongzhou education. For the common dream and pursuit, as long as we unite more closely, we will be able to overcome any monsters and ghosts, overcome any difficulties and obstacles." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, the future is bright, but the road is tortuous. I just don't know, How tortuous is the road, is there anyone who can persist in this long journey.” Chen Qizhi said: “There will be bread. Secretary Sun, you are not fighting alone. I believe that there is me, there is Fangyuan, and there is Cao Director, Director Han, and a large number of comrades stand firmly by your side and fight side by side with you."

A few words from Chen Qizhi made Sun Hongjun come out of his frustration, and his mood became much brighter: "Thank you, Director Chen." Chen Qizhi said: "Secretary Sun, I have a suggestion." Sun Hongjun said: "Please tell me." Chen Qizhi said: "In the next 20 days, no matter what kind of education develops, you don't have to worry too much. Everything will be repeated. Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. We have news here. You should keep in touch and communicate more with Secretary Fangyuan. I believe that everyone will be able to overcome difficulties if they think in one place and work hard in one place.” Sun Hongjun said, “Yes.” Chen Qizhi said, “I’m thinking Ah, if Secretary Fang receives the call and exerts influence on several other comrades, the negative impact of this meeting will definitely be minimized." Sun Hongjun's heart brightened: "Yes, Secretary Fang has great influence on many comrades. Strong influence. I'll give Secretary Fang a call right now." Chen Qizhi said: "Then I won't bother Secretary Sun. Secretary Sun can come to me at any time."

Sun Hongjun called Fangyuan immediately, and he was connected quickly.Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Fang, the Education Bureau held a party committee today. Have you understood the meeting?"

Fang Yuan had already understood the general content of the meeting.Within a few minutes after the meeting ended, Cao Bensong had already called Qiandao Lake and told Fangyuan the details of the meeting.Fang Yuan was extremely shocked by Zhai Xinwen's blatant attack, and also felt powerless.Now thinking back to what Zhai Xinwen said and did on the eve of parting, Fang Yuan felt even more that Zhai Xinwen was sophisticated and ruthless.Giving yourself 2 yuan is just gagging yourself!To have a different education, I have only been away for a few days, and it is already different.Regarding Sun Hongjun's successive defeats, Fang Yuan felt inexplicable.Sun Hongjun is a person with conscience, but from a certain point of view, Sun Hongjun's ability is too limited. □□, just like playing chess, you must be good at turning your advantage into a winning position. Sometimes although the chess game looks very advantageous, a careless move may lead to a complete overturn.In fact, in mid-to-late August, the situation in the Education Bureau was quite stable; around Teacher's Day, Zhai Xinwen seized the opportunity and conquered many hills in one fell swoop, won peace and Geng Qing, shook Wang Xingbang and Song Ping, and deterred Without Han Suzhen and Cao Bensong, Sun Hongjun was squeezed so that his living space was reduced by more than half.Zhai Xinwen also wanted to squeeze my Fangyuan. If I hadn't been taught by Confucius Tian, ​​Ding Xiaohua and other first-class officialdom masters, I am afraid that I would have been defeated in the last round of attack.Now, he was far away in the northwest of Qingjiang Province, far away from Dongzhou, the most southeast, so Zhai Xinwen made a decisive attack and directly turned the party committee chaired by the party secretary into his back garden.Coupled with the director's office meeting, Zhai Xinwen fully monopolized the two major machines of the party and government of Dongzhou Education.If I were Zhai Xinwen, would I be able to do such a wonderful job?

Fang Yuan shook his head and sighed: Compared with Zhai Xinwen, he is still much immature.

Now, when Sun Hongjun called, Fangyuan couldn't say that Cao Bensong had already called, and said, "Secretary Sun, what's the matter, let's talk about it."

Sun Hongjun introduced the situation of the meeting to Fangyuan.Compared with Cao Bensong, it is obvious that MSG was laid in an ambush.Some content related to Sun Hongjun's face was understated; some content related to Zhai Xinwen's extremely vicious content was obviously exaggerated.Fang Yuan suddenly remembered an idiom: Listening to one side will bring clarity, but listening to one side will bring darkness.It may not be so objective and fair to only listen to one person describe a certain thing.

As a listener, Fang Yuan is quite qualified.After listening to Sun Hongjun's rambling, Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Sun, you have suffered."

In just one sentence, Sun Hongjun almost shed tears.It's like a boat that lost its way in the depths of the sea and saw the lighthouse; it's like a hungry tourist in the depths of the desert found an oasis.Sun Hongjun said: "Long live the understanding!" Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, what I want to say is, don't care about the gains and losses of one city, one place, and one moment. We all hope that Dongzhou education will develop better. With this common We are like-minded comrades-in-arms. On the way forward, there will definitely be difficulties of one kind or another. As long as we unite more closely and win more like-minded friends, our road will definitely become wider and wider. Our Dreams will definitely come true.”

Heh, it's very close to what Chen Qizhi said!Sun Hongjun said: "I know what you said is right. But, you are not in Dongzhou, these days are really sad." Fang Yuan said: "Aren't sad days a kind of challenge and test? Secretary Sun , The more critical the moment, the more it is to witness and test a person. I believe that not only the comrades in the education system are concerned about the troubles of Dongzhou education, but the leaders of the city are probably also watching every day." Sun Hongjun said : "Yes! In the next step, what should I do if Zhai Xinwen comes out with more vicious tricks?" Fang Yuan said: "Stay unchanged. If something is really not conducive to the development of Dongzhou education It will even hinder and affect the development of Dongzhou education, so if Zhai Xinwen forcefully approves it at the meeting, Secretary Sun can also directly report the relevant situation to Secretary Wang Guodong." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, it is also a good idea to report the situation to the superior normally. My rights! However, I am worried that Secretary Wang Guodong may not have time to listen to my report recently. The matter of Dou Dangji is enough to bother him." Fang Yuan said: "Yes! But if there is an important situation, I am afraid that it is even more inappropriate not to report to Secretary Wang. I have a suggestion, which is to focus on the big and let go of the small. For particularly important matters, the report should still be reported. Secretary Wang is in charge of the overall situation. If we do not report, it will be difficult for him to grasp Dongzhou The situation in all aspects of the city. Some small matters, Secretary Sun can completely decide, some difficult to handle, the big deal, let's discuss it after I return to Dongzhou."

With Chen Qizhi's enlightenment in the front, and now Fang Yuan sent the backbone, Sun Hongjun's mood really improved a lot.After Sun Hongjun finished calling Fangyuan, he thought about it and immediately called Heping.Heping is the deputy secretary of the party committee, who is in line with his work.Although peace has been shaken recently, it still needs to be fought for.As long as you understand it with reason, move it with emotion, and add the influence of Fangyuan, I believe that Heping will definitely make a new choice.

Sun Hongjun immediately called Heping: "Secretary He, do you have time now? Come to my office." Heping readily agreed and came to Sun Hongjun's office soon.Heping has always been kind to people, and he was very polite to Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, do you have any instructions for me?" Sun Hongjun said: "No instructions. I just want to sit with you, talk, and chat." Heping said: "Thank you, Secretary Sun. It just so happens that I have something to ask Secretary Sun for instructions on how we can implement the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to every department and every school."

Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary He has been working on political work for a long time, and the army is the most resolute place to implement the intentions of the superiors. If you have any good methods or ideas, tell us and we will study together."

Looking at Sun Hongjun peacefully, he sighed in his heart: In fact, Sun Hongjun was right. The decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee must be implemented at the most grassroots level.Teachers on the front line don't need to understand the cause and effect of the incident clearly, nor need to understand the plan and ultimate intention of the provincial and municipal party committees, let alone know too much about Dou Dangji, affordable housing, and Dou Dangji's wife's acceptance The inside story of the two affordable housing and other cases.However, Zhai Xinwen used the big hat of the flesh-and-blood connection between the party and the people to suppress it, and Sun Hongjun didn't even have a chance to fight back.However, it is really not an easy task to truly implement the decision of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee.I don't know if this is a new problem that Zhai Xinwen deliberately set for Sun Hongjun: it will not work if it is not implemented;Leaking secrets is also an important mistake that public officials should avoid making.Zhai Xinwen is amazing, one shot, hidden tricks and lurking, Sun Hongjun is hard to guard against!

Peace is unwilling to make the mistake of leaking secrets.He Heping said: "I'm not very familiar with local work, so I don't have any methods or ideas. I will do what Secretary Sun instructs."

Sun Hongjun said: "Talk about work as soon as you come up. This pace is a bit fast. Let's have a casual chat with the secretary, okay?"

Peace said with a smile: "Of course! In fact, there are not many opportunities for in-depth exchanges with Secretary Sun!" Sun Hongjun said: "I believe that there will be more and more in the future. You are the secretary, and I They are also secretaries and cadres of the party. I hope that we are good comrades at work and good friends in life." Heping said: "Yes!" Sun Hongjun said: "What's more, we are all the same as Fangyuan. Good friends. So, we can easily become very good friends."

Heping said: "Yes. I like to make friends very much. One more friend is one more way. I have always been kind to others, but I hope to have many friends." Sun Hongjun said: "I am very inspired by the words of Secretary He! I am very envious of you and Fangyuan. Among the 11 members of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, you and Fangyuan have the most tacit understanding, the most harmonious, and the most affectionate relationship. They are really good friends. Your friendship has inspired me a lot. !"

He Heping said: "Secretary Sun, Secretary Fang and I are good friends, that's true. But the most tacit understanding, the most harmonious, and the most affectionate, I'm afraid this is still not achieved. People must be self-aware. I know my own ability and level. , and I know my weight in Secretary Fang's heart. I can't exaggerate my energy, it must be very stupid to look like that."

Sun Hongjun was taken aback: what?Has the relationship between Fangyuan and Heping changed?Why has he been kept in the dark about this news?Does Heping cater to Zhai Xinwen at the Teacher's Day dinner, does it mean that Fangyuan and Heping have begun to become strangers?

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