Director's growth history

3697.2374, Confucius Tian showed comprehensive strength

Zhao Tengyuan smiled slightly when he heard the result: "Xiaotian, old boy, a few years ago, you supported my work in West Lake District; now, you support my work in Hangjiang City. I am here today to support you too Career development." Jiang Xiaotian said: "Thank you, Mayor Zhao, for your support to Xiaotian Real Estate all the time."

Fang Yuan sighed: This is really swallowing your teeth in your stomach, and you have to have a smile on your face!

Zhao Tengyuan said: "I have other jobs, so I won't accompany President Kong and Xiao Fang to go through the formalities here." Kong Zitian said: "Mayor Zhao, let's have a meal together." Zhao Tengyuan said: "No, thank you Principal Kong." Kong Zitian held Zhao Tengyuan's hand and said, "Currently, the Provincial Party School is holding a county magistrate training course, and there are more than 50 county magistrates in this batch. The concept is very interesting, it is a useful exploration to speed up urban development. I wonder if Mayor Zhao can spare some precious time to give lectures to these county magistrates?"

Regarding the olive branch that Confucius Tian handed over, Zhao Tengyuan was still polite: "Principal Kong, I am afraid that my level is not enough, and my views will cause controversy!" Confucius said: "The more the truth is debated, the more it is discussed, the more refined the views. At that time, Mayor Zhao can have a more in-depth discussion with these county magistrates." Zhao Tengyuan said: "Okay, as soon as Principal Kong calls, I will go there immediately. Thank you, Principal Kong, for giving me the opportunity."

As the teachers of these county magistrates, the foundation of contacts will be broader.How could Zhao Tengyuan miss such an opportunity to manage his life as part of his important life plan?On the surface, it seems like a simple lecture, but if these county magistrates can agree with their own views and experiences and practice them in their work, then the influence will be infinitely expanded.At the same time, these county magistrates are also people with extensive social connections. Some of them are secretaries of provincial leaders, and many of them have roots and backgrounds in the province or the central government.These factors must be carefully understood.The county magistrates will turn around and mention a few more words about themselves to the superior leaders with background or roots, and their development prospects will be brighter.In addition, Confucius Tian decided to invite himself to the class, and he had to report this to Deputy Secretary Guo Feng of the Provincial Party Committee.This kind of opportunity to add impression points to the No. [-] head of the provincial party committee is not easy for department-level cadres to encounter.

Kong Zitian said: "This is my business card. If Mayor Zhao has anything to do in the future, just call me." Zhao Tengyuan also handed out a business card and handed it to Kong Zitian: "Principal Kong, if you can respect me, Zhao Tengyuan, I Zhao Tengyuan is very willing to attack." Kong Zitian nodded.

Zhao Tengyuan left as soon as he said.A group of people sent Zhao Tengyuan to the door.Zhao Tengyuan said to Yuan Yuan: "Xiao Fang, you are busy buying a house this time. Next time you come to Hangjiang, I will treat you to dinner. Now I am in charge of military and local joint construction, militia reserve work, and national defense mobilization in Hangjiang. I believe that we will have a lot of common language."

Fang Yuan vaguely felt that Zhao Tengyuan seemed to want to contact General Sheng Jianbo.Fang Yuan said: "Mayor Zhao, I don't know anything about military affairs. But if Mayor Zhao wants to know about military affairs, I can help Mayor Zhao make a connection."

Zhao Tengyuan laughed loudly: "Xiao Fang, what a smart man! Okay, next time you come to Hangjiang, call me." Fang Yuan said, "Yes, definitely call."

Confucius Tian, ​​Fang Yuan and others watched Zhao Tengyuan leave the sales office of Baochu Garden in his jeep.Jiang Xiaotian said: "Principal Kong, Director Fang, please go to the VIP reception room, and Mr. Tong will personally handle your purchase of real estate."

In the VIP reception room, Jiang Xiaotian, Kong Zitian, and Fangyuan sat knee-to-neck, and Bai Xiaobai also sat beside him at some point.Kong Shuanghua and Tong Bisheng went through the house purchase procedures in the same way, while Kong Shufang became a nanny, taking care of Fang Rui, running around on the ground.

Jiang Xiaotian said: "It is a great honor for us to have the opportunity to know Principal Kong." Kong Zitian said: "My family and I also want to thank President Jiang for his care." Jiang Xiaotian said: "Mr. According to the president’s page, President Kong is a well-known management expert in the country, with a Ph.D., a member of the academic committee, and a special allowance from the State Council. President Kong, you are a role model for us to learn and admire!” Confucius Tian said: "Don't dare." Jiang Xiaotian said: "Xiaotian Real Estate has been established for more than 10 years. As a private real estate company, we very much hope that it will get better and better. To a certain extent, it is difficult to break through. Judging from the average life expectancy of Chinese enterprises of 7 years, we have already lived several years longer. This year’s real estate market is not booming, and the company’s operation has also encountered some difficulties. Especially the cultivation of talents and Management, we have a lot of confusion and distress. I wonder if Principal Kong can give our staff a lecture and a training in his busy schedule?"

The mouth of others is short, and the hand of others is short.This is the eternal truth.From another perspective, creating opportunities to deepen communication and understanding is a valuable resource.

Kong Zitian said: "Mr. Jiang raised it. He trusts me. How can I refuse?" Jiang Xiaotian said: "That's really great. If our employees can accept your guidance, they will definitely get effective results. The promotion will definitely have a positive and far-reaching impact on the future development of Xiaotian Real Estate Company." Kong Zitian said: "President Jiang thinks too highly of me. I don't know what requirements President Jiang has?" Jiang Xiaotian said: "Requirements I don’t dare, but I still want to communicate with Principal Kong about my needs.” Kong Zitian said: “Okay!” Jiang Xiaotian said: “My first demand is that the scale of Xiaotian Real Estate is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, I will go out from Hangjiang and try my best to occupy the real estate market in Qingjiang Province. In terms of management, I feel that it is getting more and more difficult. There are more and more project managers below, and I can't manage it. Also, the head office The structure is also expanding, with more and more people, and more and more detailed departments. I feel that I don't know many things. But listening to the report, I can only learn the incomplete truth; unannounced visits, in the real estate business, basically It is useless. Therefore, I am particularly eager to establish an effective and scientific management mechanism. President Kong is the most well-known expert and scholar in this field in the country. First, can he help us establish this scientific and effective management mechanism? Second, through training, let us Xiaotian Real Estate, from the boss to the department head to the project manager to the small cadres at the grassroots level, has established the concept of scientific management and mastered the methods of scientific management. The departments in charge of each person have realized scientific management. My head office is far from scientific and effective. Management is not far away, and it can greatly improve the efficiency of work and improve the efficiency of enterprises."

Confucius Tian nodded.Jiang Xiaotian is a thoughtful entrepreneur, not like that kind of nouveau riche.Confucius Tian said: "The first requirement, I can help you realize it. If necessary, several doctoral students I lead at Dongzhou University are about to graduate. Mr. Jiang can hire one or several of them to help You build this scientific management framework. You will arrange the training in the near future. Then, if my students can find employment in your company, they can also do many similar trainings in the future.”

Jiang Xiaotian said: "Famous teachers produce excellent apprentices. I will definitely hire your students, and they will be hired with high salaries. I also ask Principal Kong to provide me with a list of the two best." Kong Zitian said: "That's no problem. Mr. Jiang Is there anything else that needs to be addressed in training?"

Jiang Xiaotian said: "My second worry is that it is not easy to cultivate a talent. After the talent is cultivated, it is hard to keep the talent. In terms of remuneration, I have paid great attention to giving more remuneration to talents, but it should not be too much. After all, there are still many old employees and old subordinates who are working diligently. If I give some talents too high a salary, it will affect the enthusiasm of other department heads and persons in charge. But some talents regard themselves as If I don’t agree to the request, I will leave immediately; if I agree to the request this time, I will ask for a higher request soon, endlessly. This situation has troubled me for a long time. Originally, I had a very good As the marketing manager of Xiaotian Real Estate, the real estate developed by Xiaotian Real Estate can be sold out quickly as long as it is planned and organized by her. But in the end, it was poached by other companies because of the salary issue. I need talents, and I also attach great importance to training Talents, but I hope to improve the loyalty of talents, and I can’t let me cultivate a talent with great difficulty, become a master, become an apprentice, and then quit. Please Principal Kong to help me find a way.”

Confucius Tian said: "Okay. The issue of employee loyalty, I will infiltrate it in the training. Mr. Jiang, the treatment and retention is just a relatively low-level and direct way to retain talents. Looking at the world's major successful companies Enterprises can ultimately make employees have higher loyalty. It is far from enough to rely on treatment to retain people. It is very important to establish a corporate management culture and cultivate employee loyalty with an attractive and cohesive corporate culture. Yes. Many enterprises in developed countries have an average life expectancy of more than 20 years, and many century-old stores are still full of vitality. Why? It lies in the corporate culture. The average life expectancy of Chinese enterprises is only 7 years. After accumulation, if the corporate culture is not established, the company will often close down quickly due to the change of leaders, changes in the market environment, etc. Most of the companies that can survive and continue to develop have slowly formed a distinctive corporate culture. "

Jiang Xiaotian said: "Listening to President Kong's words is better than studying for ten years! In terms of corporate culture, I really didn't pay enough attention before."

Fang Yuan was also listening.What my father-in-law said today also inspired me a lot.In fact, going out from the corporate culture, whether a school develops well or not should also be related to the school culture; whether a department develops well or not is also related to the department culture.In the future, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on management culture.

Confucius Tian said: "As for the inability to retain talents, in addition to the cohesion of corporate culture, we must also work hard on institutional culture. For example, establish a talent management system and what punishment will be imposed on talents for breach of contract; for example, establish an incentive mechanism to reward those who contribute to the company. Employees who create more benefits and make more contributions should be rewarded and punished. This is not only conducive to the discovery of talents, but also can mobilize the enthusiasm of talents, give full play to the potential and ability of talents, and contribute to the development of the company. Make greater contributions; for example, establish a promotion mechanism, and you can be promoted if you make any contribution; for example, establish a fair competition mechanism, competition is to develop potential, fairness is to allow everyone to strive for excellence and lose at the same time One side can also be convinced."

Jiang Xiaotian has already started taking a pen to write down what Confucius said.After listening to Kong Zitian's explanation, Jiang Xiaotian said: "Principal Kong, I really want to hire you as the development consultant of Xiaotian Real Estate Company. I wonder if you are willing to condescend?" Kong Zitian said: "Mr. , nor can you act as an advisor. The Provincial Party School is a special school managed by civil servants. When I was the president of Dongzhou University, I could also serve as your advisor, but now, I have also become a member of the civil servant team. , there is no way to be your consultant. However, if Mr. Jiang needs it, I will also put forward some of my views and opinions at any time for Mr. Jiang's reference."

Jiang Xiaotian already hated meeting Kong Zitian.The two people revolved around enterprise management, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, and the more they talked, the more in-depth they became.Fang Yuan sat on the side, quietly listening to the conversation between the two, and was also thinking and comprehending seriously in his heart.Regarding how Chunxiao Company will develop next, and how Dacheng Company will improve in the next step, Fang Yuan gradually formed some ideas in his mind.For a while, although he couldn't tell clearly, Fang Yuan felt that the breakthrough might be in an instant.Buying a house today saved more than 240 million yuan, which is a big gain; listening to my father-in-law communicate with Jiang Xiaotian today, I gained a lot of life insights, which is another big gain; Bargaining with Confucius to buy a house gave Fangyuan a new understanding of Zhao Tengyuan's energy.Fangyuan suddenly thought of a question: what is the relationship between Xiaotian Real Estate and Zhao Tengyuan?

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