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3699.2376. The Quarrel Between Confucius Tian and Kong Shufang

In the evening, Fang Yuan, Kong Shuanghua, and Fang Rui were arranged in a double room in the faculty apartment of the Provincial Party School.Fang Rui was tired all day without taking a rest, and soon fell asleep peacefully under Kong Shuanghua's embrace.As for Fang Yuan, looking back at the day's experience and feeling the gains of the day, it was difficult to fall asleep for a long time.

At dawn, the whole family woke up.When Fang Yuan, Kong Shuanghua, and Fang Rui went to Kong Zitian's room, they suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room was very cold.Look at Kong Zitian, Kong Zitian is sitting on the sofa quietly; look at Kong Shufang, two big bags under the eyes are clearly visible, obviously, she didn't sleep well last night.

Kong Shuanghua looked at Fangyuan, who scratched his head a little.It is obviously not suitable for a son-in-law to intervene in such a matter.Fangyuan said: "Dad, Mom, Shuanghua, I'm going to buy some breakfast, and I'll be back in a while." Fangyuan slipped away, Kong Shuanghua put down Ruirui, and asked, "Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you?" Kong Zitian snorted , Said: "Ask your mother! Create something out of nothing, play the piano!"

Kong Shuanghua stuffed Ruirui between Kong Zitian's legs and said, "Ruirui, play with grandpa, and mother talks to grandma." Fang Rui has a mother, so how could he be willing to talk to grandpa? He held Kong Shuanghua's hand and called "Mom" .Kong Shuanghua had no choice but to ask in front of Kong Zitian, "Mom, what's going on?" Kong Shufang burst into tears: "I just remind your dad, stay away from vixens, your dad scolded me for being an old lady." Half a day! Did I remind you wrong? Look at those vixens at Xiaotian Real Estate. They are all shameless and insist on sticking to your dad. Your dad never refuses anyone who comes. If he wants to sing love songs, he can sing love songs. Dancing, and even in front of me, I don’t know how to restrain myself.”

Confucius Tian was angry: "You are making something out of nothing! There was nothing wrong with it, but you, a stupid woman, talked about it and said something. Could it be that I can't contact any women in the future? The Provincial Party School has hundreds of students. Female teachers, can I have no work contacts? There are many female county magistrates, female mayors, female bureau chiefs, and female department heads in the classes held by the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. Is it possible that I, the principal, even talk to female students? Do you have any problems? Do you have to have all men on the table when you eat and socialize every day? Who can do this? Do you know what you are? You are making trouble for no reason!"

Kong Shufang shed more tears, and said aggrievedly: "Look, your father just scolded me like this! Instead of scolding me like this, why should I come to Hangjiang? It's better to stay in Dongzhou, out of sight and out of mind !” Confucius Tian said: “Then you go back to Dongzhou, I don’t want to see you either! Seeing you makes me sick too!”

Ruirui cried out in fright.Kong Shuanghua hastily coaxed Ruirui.Kong Shufang hugged Ruirui into her arms, and cried bitterly: "Ruirui, grandma will depend on you for life from now on, okay?" Ruirui can only say "father" and "mother" now, and can't say anything else , and did not understand the meaning of Kong Shufang's words.Just hearing the voice of grandpa roaring, Ruirui secretly looked at grandpa with some fear, then quickly looked away and cried loudly.

Kong Shuanghua was upset.My own mother is really worrying!What is this all about!No wonder mother and father have a bad relationship, this Kong Shufang is indeed a bit suspicious.From the standpoint of a woman, Kong Shuanghua sympathized with Kong Shufang; but from a relatively objective standpoint, Kong Shuanghua did not support her mother.It's okay, Fang Yuan is not there, otherwise some things are really hard to say.

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, what Dad said makes sense. Dad has work contact with the opposite sex, which is normal and inevitable. Dad is in such a high position now, and many people around him are staring at him. How can he not?" Proceed with caution? I believe that with Dad's political wisdom, he will handle these matters properly. Don't be suspicious."

Kong Shufang looked at her daughter in amazement: "You... how can you talk like that?" Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, your thinking is still too traditional and old-fashioned. Between husband and wife, marriage needs management, and relationship also needs management. Loyalty alone cannot guarantee the quality of a marriage. I have read many books on marriage, and I have also read many emotional stories on the Sohu Women's Forum. I also reflect on myself, why did Fangyuan and I have conflicts in the first year of marriage? A lot of quarrels? In fact, every quarrel is because I suspect that there are other women outside Fangyuan. As a result, the suspicion without evidence has seriously affected my relationship with Fangyuan. That female reporter, I am afraid Fangyuan will not see her now. I couldn't see her, but at that time I scolded Fang Yuan and bit Fang Yuan's shoulder. Now that I think about it, I really regret it. Perhaps it was because of these reasons that Song Sisi took advantage of the situation. Speaking of Song Sisi's matter, I am also responsible. Mom, at this time, according to your thinking, should I quarrel with Fangyuan? In principle, I am a legal wife with a marriage certificate, of course I can argue, and of course I have a reason to quarrel. But in the end I acquiesced The existence of Song Sisi. Why? The more I quarrel with Fangyuan, Fangyuan's heart will leave me, and the final result is to take advantage of that little vixen, Song Sisi! I love Fangyuan very much, and I love Fangyuan with all my heart. I think, I How to maintain this marriage and how to manage the relationship between me and Fangyuan is indeed a science. I can't let Fangyuan hate me, I can't let Fangyuan hate me, so I have to behave better and let Fangyuan never From the bottom of my heart, I think I am better than Song Sisi. I don’t make mistakes that shouldn’t be made. If Song Sisi makes more mistakes, I will be the ultimate winner. A man like my father, like Fang Yuan, who has a successful career, we can’t stop the outside world Many women like him, and they can't stop women outside from adoring him. So why are there so many divorces at this time? Many women don't know how to manage marriage and love, thinking that with a marriage certificate, everything is there. In reality? The business is not good, and the marriage certificate can be easily replaced with a divorce certificate. Mom! Your thinking should also keep pace with the times. You don’t think enough about marriage management, and you don’t do it well enough. As for suspicious father , then it should not be. Dad is a good man who takes care of his family and is also a good man with a sense of responsibility. In fact, the experience at Dongzhou University is also related to you to a large extent. In the future, you should really Think about it carefully, how can you keep Dad's heart by your side, instead of leaving a shell by your side."

Kong Shufang looked at her daughter in surprise.Unexpectedly, these words came out of my daughter's mouth.Should I really turn a blind eye or close one eye?Could it be that I have dedicated 30 years of hard work to this family, no credit and hard work, no hard work and fatigue, after doing so much, but can't resist the vixen?If Kong Zitian really got divorced because he hated him, would he be able to recover?

The old man's heart was disturbed, and the old man was silent.For a woman with strong traditional thinking, it was really hard to accept her daughter's strange talk for a while.

Kong Shuanghua sat beside her mother, and gently put her hands on her shoulders: "Mom, Fang Yuan and I have been married for two years. Don't you feel that I am much more mature than when I first got married? I have also grown up a lot?" Kong Shuanghua Shufang said: "I have grown up a lot." Kong Shuanghua said: "Fang Yuan is generally a man who goes home every day. No matter how much he drinks outside, no matter how late he is busy, Fang Yuan is still willing to go home. Thinking about this Home. Song Sisi only stays there occasionally, not every day, mother, do you know why?" Kong Shufang shook her head: "This is to manage marriage. I just want Fangyuan to think that I am better than Song Sisi and more in line with his ideas The image of the wife in the middle. Keeping the man's stomach is only a small aspect. I still don't cook well. But remember the man's heart, let the man's heart care about me, my son, and this family , Only in this way can the marriage be stronger and the love last longer.”

The whole family fell into silence.Kong Shuanghua also had a lot of suffering in her heart, but she couldn't tell others about these sufferings, and neither could her parents.In order to manage her love and marriage well, Kong Shuanghua also felt physically and mentally exhausted.Fangyuan is too good, young department-level leaders, excellent teaching level, unlimited development prospects, which one does not attract women?Beautiful women love heroes, successful men like Fang Yuan who are less than 30 years old, many young girls, it doesn't matter if you are married or not.The thinking of many girls is probably: be the third party first, and then find a way to kick out the regular wife, she will become a regular wife!How many third parties are there in the world, and which third party is not eager to become a regular?Just like this Song Sisi, probably dreaming of getting that red book with Fang Yuan!Isn't she also hoping that Kong Shuanghua will make a mistake and annoy Fang Yuan so that she can take advantage of it?How can I, Kong Shuanghua, fail to see this little thought of trying to conceive a child with Fangyuan and want to add weight to myself?If you argue with your husband like your mother, the result will be obvious at a glance.The husband's heart will become farther and farther away, and in the end, taking advantage of Song Sisi's wishes, the potential stocks and blue-chip stocks he discovered are picked up by others!This is absolutely unacceptable.Therefore, the matter of the mind is the matter of the mind, which is contained in the heart and cannot be shared with others.Mom is too naive, and there are many things she can't tell Dad.

Fang Yuan came back and brought a sumptuous breakfast.The family ate in silence.Almost finished eating, Fangyuan said: "Dad, Mom, today, let's go to choose furniture, the whole family should go." Kong Shufang said: "You go, I won't go." Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, you must I want to go, and I have to go there lovingly with my father. It is actually not easy for my father to be the executive vice principal now. Many people are staring at me! At this time, you have to learn to maintain your father's public image and let Look at those thoughtful people around Dad, what a harmonious and happy family!"

Confucius looked at his daughter with admiration, and her daughter had a good understanding of many simple but necessary survival philosophies in life.But Kong Zitian didn't expect that, in fact, Kong Shuanghua had another meaning that he didn't say, that is: Kong Shufang stayed by Kong Zitian's side, showing affection with Kong Zitian, and also let those women who knew Kong Zitian with some ideas die. Be careful!

After eating, Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, let's put on some light makeup today! Come, let me help you!"

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