Director's growth history

3701.2378, inspecting cadres of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee

There was a lot of toasting and chatting and laughing.

Lin Pingzhi and Confucius Tian, ​​Jiang Xiaotian and Fang Yuan all slowly entered the state.Lin Pingzhi and Jiang Xiaotian felt that today's harvest was extraordinary.Amidst the laughter, the banquet ended.Jiang Xiaotian said: "Old Lin, do you feel completely different now?" Lin Pingzhi said: "Listening to President Kong's words is much more rewarding than going to that MBA. I deeply understand that our company has a lot of advantages in terms of management. There are many loopholes, and there are still many places that need to be improved and perfected. Principal Kong, you have benefited me a lot today!"

Confucius Tian said: "I also want to thank Mr. Lin for giving me such a big discount, so that I, a common man, can get real benefits." Lin Pingzhi said: "When will Mr. Kong come to our company to shop in the future? , Ceramics, all [-]% off. I made this promise in front of Mr. Jiang, and Mr. Jiang can supervise it.” Jiang Xiaotian said with a smile: “I will definitely supervise the implementation. I am a member of the Hangjiang CPPCC and supervise It is the unshirkable duty of our CPPCC members."

Lin Pingzhi offered to accompany Confucius Tian and Fangyuan to Gome to buy home appliances in the afternoon.Kong Zitian said: "Don't bother the two bosses." Jiang Xiaotian said: "The key is to serve the people wholeheartedly, serve the principal Kong and Director Fang well. The boss of Gome Qingjiang District knows me very well, let's go It’s entirely possible to enjoy a boss’s signature price.” Lin Pingzhi said: “The boss of Gome’s Qingjiang region also has a lot of business with me. Gome’s renovation project is done here, and the materials used are also provided by me. of."

It's hard to give up.Fangyuan called Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang.Lin Pingzhi arranged for the company's commercial vehicle to drive a group of people to Gome.Soon, all the home appliances to be purchased were purchased, and all of them received the boss's signature price.Lin Pingzhi said: "I will arrange workers for installation and debugging. After Gome delivers the goods to your door, the installation may not be so perfect. At that time, my workers will all listen to Principal Kong and Mrs. Kong; Director Fang and Mrs. Fang." Arrangements, how they want to install, how they install."

Looking at everything that happened in front of him, Fang Yuan was filled with emotion: How difficult it must be for an ordinary person to do something!Everything depends on oneself, and the price is high, and the quality is not necessarily the best.After all, it is not professional, and only the experts know whether the quality is good or not.An ordinary person, which expert will explain the truth to you?But now, due to the face of the father-in-law, not only the bosses gave the lowest price, but also a very high-quality product, and the door-to-door delivery, installation and commissioning, and all service work are all done to the best.Why do some ordinary people and some citizens accuse unfairness, but in fact some unfairness does exist objectively.Perhaps, Confucius Tian and Fang Yuan did not actively ask for these discounts subjectively, but businessmen's keen business sense and profit-seeking business nature made them feel that making friends with people like Confucius Tian and Fang Yuan would be beneficial to their future business development. It will release profits, which objectively creates the existence of this kind of unfairness.Whoever complains can't solve this kind of objective unfairness. Anyone who wants to have such a preferential treatment must first succeed and flourish in his career.At that time, there will naturally be discounts of one kind or another.

In the evening, Jiang Xiaotian arranged for staff to move Confucius Tian's clothes and books from the party school apartment to his new home.In the evening, Jiang Xiaotian once again hosted a banquet for Confucius Tian's family.This time, only Jiang Xiaotian, Lin Pingzhi, Tong Bisheng and the boss of Gome Qingjiang District were the only ones accompanying him.

That night, the family moved into their new home.

Early the next morning, Confucius went to work on foot.From Baochu Garden to the Provincial Party School, that is, the distance of two stops.Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua, accompanied by Tong Bisheng, went to the West Lake Branch of Hangjiang Real Estate Trading Center to go through the relevant procedures.There are acquaintances, easy to handle.The West Lake sub-center of the real estate transaction center is overcrowded, and there is a queue for calling.But Tong Bisheng was there, and after making a few phone calls, Fang Yuan and Kong Shuanghua went directly to the window to go through the formalities.After going down step by step and paying the deed tax and other related fees, the two were told: All the procedures have been completed, and they will come to collect the real estate certificate after 5 working days.It seems that they will come to Hangjiang next week, at least Kong Shuanghua will come.Because the name of Kong Shuanghua was written on the real estate certificate.

In the afternoon, Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua, with Ruirui, took the bullet train back to Dongzhou.On the way, Kong Shuanghua was a little worried: "Fangyuan, I'm worried that mom and dad will live together, and there will be a huge quarrel." Fangyuan understood Kong Shuanghua's meaning: "Shuanghua, you are a model wife, not everyone can be like you Just as magnanimous, with a queen-like heart like you." Kong Shuanghua said: "If Mom and Dad really quarrel to the point of getting out of hand, what do you think we should do?" Fang Yuan said: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. They also have the right to choose their lifestyle. No matter what, dad is still our dad; mom is still our mother!" Kong Shuanghua sighed and hugged Ruirui tightly in his arms.

After getting off the train, Fangyuan's driver Ning Zhongyuan was already waiting at the train station.Fangyuan asked Ning Zhongyuan to send Kong Shuanghua and Ruirui home, while he himself took a taxi to the Education Bureau.For Ning Zhongyuan, Fangyuan is his boss now, and Kong Shuanghua is also his boss.Because, Chunxiao Company has to pay Ning Zhongyuan a subsidy of 2000 yuan every month.This is a real benefit, Ning Zhongyuan served Kong Shuanghua with more dedication than Fangyuan.

When Fang Yuan came to the Education Bureau, he sat down in his office. Sun Hongjun opened the door and walked in.Fang Yuan quickly stood up to greet him: "Secretary Sun, you are here." Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Fang, this morning, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee went to the Education Bureau to conduct a public opinion assessment. The candidates for the assessment include Wang Xingbang, Xie Bingguo, and Zhang Yuanqing. The ranking is also Such a ranking." Fang Yuan nodded: "How's the result?" Sun Hongjun said: "The results of public opinion surveys must always be highly consistent with the higher-level party organizations. However, there will be some different voices. Zhang Yuanqing's excellent The most votes, Xie Bingguo's excellent votes came second, and Wang Xingbang's excellent votes barely passed half."

Fang Yuan said: "In terms of work performance, Xie Bingguo should be the number one." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes!" Fang Yuan said: "China's affairs are like this, it is impossible to evaluate completely according to the level and achievements. The higher the level , the better the grades, the easier it is to be envied by others. Judging from this vote, it seems that being a person is more important in China than doing things.” Sun Hongjun said: “This is China’s national conditions. Everyone must adapt to China’s national conditions in order to be successful. Work and live better." Fang Yuan was very helpless: "It is estimated that I will participate in the public opinion survey now, and it will also be a tragic result." Sun Hongjun said: "Not necessarily. In the Education Bureau, your prestige is still very high. You must believe in the consciousness of the vast majority of comrades." Fang Yuan nodded: "If there is no such complicated interpersonal relationship, how good it would be if everyone put their minds on how to do a good job!" Sun Hongjun said: "Complicated This is the society. Just like the United States, seeing that the euro zone is getting stronger and threatening the status of the US dollar as a world currency, it wants to destroy Greece, let Greece drag down the entire euro zone, and involve the process of European integration; Like the United States, instigating Japan to be at the forefront and opposing China is also worried that the process of East Asian integration will affect the hegemony of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. The same is true between countries, and the same is true between people. After all, each of us, They are all people in society, not isolated in this world.”

Fang Yuan said: "Yes! Growth and maturity in the struggle may be a life lesson that everyone must face." Sun Hongjun said: "That's right. Secretary Fang, the Party Committee of the Education Bureau reported Wang Xingbang and Zhang Yuanqing. Xie Bingguo was not recommended as a recommended candidate. But this time, Xie Bingguo was nominated by the municipal party committee as a reserve talent. Do you know what happened?"

Perhaps, this is the most important purpose of Sun Hongjun's visit to Fangyuan's office.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun, this matter may have something to do with me, but I did not submit the list." Sun Hongjun was a little surprised: "What's the situation?" Fang Yuan said: "A few days ago, I Received a call from Minister Sheng Zhiren. Minister Sheng asked about Zhang Yuanqing's situation. He had a bad impression of Zhang Yuanqing, because when Zhang Yuanqing slandered me, Minister Sheng knew about the case. Minister Sheng emphasized that we must promote cadres with both ability and political integrity. Those who are talented but not moral must be cautious. I told Minister Sheng that it was the decision of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau to recommend Zhang Yuanqing, and I also voted for it. Minister Sheng asked who else in the Education Bureau had more outstanding ability and outstanding performance. I introduced Xie Bingguo's situation. But I didn't recommend it directly. Perhaps because of my introduction this time, the Municipal Party Committee Organization Department included Xie Bingguo in the recommendation list." Sun Hongjun said: "Yes, Xie Bingguo's work performance is very outstanding , No one denies this. However, his term of office is indeed less than three years, which is also true."

Fang Yuan smiled: "Secretary Sun, has my tenure as Zhengke expired for three years?" Sun Hongjun was taken aback: Yes!Fangyuan was promoted to the Party branch secretary of the Party School in December 2007. By February 12, he was already the deputy director of the school. He worked hard, and the length of the course was only more than two months!

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