Director's growth history

3759.2434 Discussion with Weng and his son-in-law

Listening to his father-in-law's words, Fang Yuan blushed: This has already been clearly pointed out by Tian Guohua and Wang Guodong.Leapfrog!Leapfrog!In the past period of time, I seem to be particularly willing to leapfrog?There are many difficult things in the work. If we follow the normal procedure, I don't know how much time it will take, and there is no hope of solving them.To give a simple example, if Fangyuan wants to do something, and put forward a suggestion in the Education Bureau as a deputy director, can Zhai Xinwen agree?If he disagrees, no matter how good the idea is, it will not be realized.At this time, what should I do if I don't cut it first and then play it, and don't leapfrog the solution?

Fang Yuan was very confused, but she didn't want to discuss this confusion with her father-in-law.After all, the matter of leapfrogging, to a certain extent, is indeed a serious violation of the rules of the officialdom, and it is something that many superiors cannot tolerate.Fang Yuan thinks differently, if he is the chief officer, if there is such a person in his subordinates or deputy, and finds higher-level leaders to come forward to put pressure every day, Fang Yuan will also feel uncomfortable in his heart, and will have opinions and opinions on this person. view.Looking at it now, Zhai Xinwen now has a bad opinion of himself, isn't it just the result of his leapfrogging again and again?

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, you are right. I was indeed wrong."

Confucius Tian has been paying attention to Fang Yuan's emotions.What he said just now was still a bit heavy, but seeing Fang Yuan's attitude of accepting it sincerely, Kong Zitian felt more at ease.The son-in-law is no longer the former son-in-law.Just looking at the fact that Shen Xiuzhang was sitting next to Fang Yuan, it showed that Secretary Zhao of the Provincial Party Committee had a good impression of Fang Yuan.Confucius Tian said: "Of course, it's not impossible to find the superiors of the superiors."

Fangyuan was very interested, and this was exactly what he wanted to clarify.

Confucius Tian said: "Today's era is jokingly called an era of fighting for father. What is fighting for father? What is fighting for is father's power, background, ability, and financial resources. Why are many families with powerful fathers, their children are admitted to be civil servants?" What, it seems that it is relatively easier than the children of ordinary families? Is it really good to study? The civil servant who took the first place in Changzhi, Shanxi Province was actually given by the daughter of a coal boss. The reason is very simple, and he failed the physical examination. The coal boss may not have the power, but he has money, and he bought the power with the money. If it weren’t for the eliminated No.1 who won the support of the China Youth Daily in a special way, I’m afraid he would have to be In the end, although Shanxi Province gave fairness to the candidate who took the first exam, there are still so many provinces and so many cities and counties in the country, how many have not been found out? This The case, from a positive point of view, reflects the progress of China's legal system, and reflects that network supervision is becoming an important force to promote law-based administration. But if we understand it from the negative side, and from a practical and utilitarian level, when necessary, we must To fight for father is to fight for background. Xiao Fang, think back to your progress. If you don’t have a strong background, can you make progress so fast? If you don’t have the strength to fight for father, then you will probably be stepped on by many people .Even if you have achieved a little achievement, people who are jealous of you can frame you to pieces and destroy your reputation. But now, even Song Yunsheng, even Zhai Xinwen, can't do anything to you. Why? To put it bluntly, The strength of fighting father! It is the superiors behind you who support your superiors, so that even if they want to touch you, they have to weigh whether they dare to touch you. This is the reality, maybe it is ugly, and to a certain extent it is dirty Yes, but the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. Without ideals and dreams, people will lose their way forward; only with ideals and dreams, people will live in an illusory world, disconnected from reality, and become a dream.”

The father-in-law's words were both vivid and vivid, profound and simple, allowing Fang Yuan to hear them clearly and clearly.The superior leaders that I know, and the superior leaders who appreciate me, are all my precious resources and the capital of my "fighting father".The reason why Zhai Xinwen can't touch him now, Song Yunsheng is unwilling to clean him up with his own hands, and Yu Deshui even failed at today's dinner party is because he is very strong in "fighting his father".Perhaps, one should not fight for one's father, but in such an era and in such a living environment, who is not fighting for one's father?Those who have no relationship are trying to establish their own relationship; those who have a relationship are trying to strengthen their relationship; those who have a low-level relationship are trying to establish a connection with a higher level.It's not impossible not to fight father.Think about my classmates at Dongzhou Normal University, how many people stand out now?The parents of most people are ordinary citizens and ordinary workers, so they can only remain ordinary teachers until now.And that classmate who works in the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee is probably more or less the result of fighting for his father.Maybe my father is not a character, but among the uncles and aunts, there must be a character with certain abilities and connections.Think about Zhou Yujie again, if her father wasn't the deputy mayor, who would have turned a young teacher who had only been on the job for a little over a year into a special officer of the Youth League Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, actually presiding over the work of the Youth League Committee of the Bureau.Don't underestimate the work that the Youth League Committee does.By this time next year, Zhou Yujie will probably be able to serve as the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the bureau, which is a real deputy department level.Many grassroots civil servants have been working for a lifetime, but they are only the section chiefs of a certain county bureau, and they are actually at the stock level; Sub-level.In less than three years of work, Zhou Yujie can become a deputy department with real power. Is this fair and just for those civil servants who have worked all their lives in grassroots towns and county bureaus?No way, they don't have the capital and strength to fight for their father.

Fang Yuan thought a lot, so after listening to Confucius Tian's words, she didn't react immediately.Fang Yuan thought of her past and present "fathers".At the earliest, it should be the principal Yang Fang; after that, Li Guoqiang, the language teaching and researcher at that time; maybe Xie Bingguo could be added, but Xie Bingguo was more utilitarian at the time, and he didn't really care about himself; Tian is related to Song Yunsheng, Deng Yuncong, Sheng Zhiren, Zhai Xinwen and others; there is also Wang Chuyin, who can be regarded as an independent existence.After that, it was Wang Quan's father who could only be understood but not spoken out, and Sheng Jianbo, Wan Daquan and others who were related to Wang Quan's father.Of course, most of these leaders in the province later became friendly to themselves, and they were more or less related to Wang Quan's father, General Wang Yongsheng, right?In fact, several women also played a very important role in the process of growing up. Dong Mei at the initial stage, followed by Shao Keqing, Wang Quan, and Ding Chunxiao, all did a lot for themselves at different stages and at different times. do not know things.There is a subtle phenomenon. At a certain stage, some people are the helpers of their own development, such as Song Yunsheng and Zhai Xinwen;

After a long time, Fang Yuan said to Confucius Tian: "Father, what you said is so close to reality and so awakening."

Confucius Tian nodded: "Actually, everyone who has been in the officialdom until over 50 years old has almost seen the world thoroughly. Maybe you think that this is the case in China, but why is it not the case in foreign countries? Let's talk about the United States? The so-called most violent country in the world, but the wars of aggression that have taken place around the world in the past ten years have almost all been carried out by Americans, and the fact that violence is nothing more than a cover and a flag on the lips of the Americans has the same essence. It is to plunder the resources of other countries and to make other countries listen to him. In the official language, it is called safeguarding the interests of the United States. What is the difference between this and a Chinese idiom, "If people do not work for themselves, heaven will destroy them"? The United States and Japan is an ally, right? When it was discovered that Japan's gdp was about to surpass that of the United States, it immediately turned its face and forced Japan to sign the "Plaza Accord" in 1986. It took a few years to plunder all the achievements of Japan's 30 years of post-war development; the United States and the European Union Is it an ally? When it was discovered that the euro accounted for more than 10% of the world’s currency, which affected the so-called American interests of the United States using the total GDP of all countries in the world to print money, the United States immediately used various methods such as hot money and forced debts. First, the Icelandic government almost went bankrupt. It’s a pity that Iceland’s gdp is too small to have any impact on the euro. Then the United States took action against Greece, which plunged Greece into a deep crisis. The United States was also worried that one Greece would not be enough, so it stumbled behind They pushed the heavyweight euro countries such as Spain and Italy towards the direction of national bankruptcy, so that the international reputation of the euro plummeted, and the status of the United States as the world currency was preserved. I believe that if the renminbi is to go international in the future After the status of the currency in circulation in the world is improved, the United States will definitely attack China, because the RMB becomes the world currency, which means that China can use the gdp of other countries to print more banknotes. For the Chinese government, there are more More money to spend is definitely a good thing for the Chinese people, not only having more money to spend, but also being able to spend money very conveniently around the world. It is a good thing for China, but a bad thing for the United States, because the United States can only reduce India. If the number of U.S. banknotes is not reduced and the original printing volume is maintained, the credibility of the U.S. dollar will be seriously reduced, leading to a sharp depreciation of the U.S. dollar, and even the collapse of the United States. But reducing the printing of U.S. dollar bills is also unbearable for the United States. Because the United States maintains the largest army in the world, an aircraft carrier costs 200 billion U.S. dollars a year, and the United States maintains a full 10 aircraft carriers. If it does not print US dollars, how can it maintain this huge army? So, no matter which one For a country, as long as its economic strength or currency affects the so-called U.S. interests of printing U.S. money at will, the U.S. will use covert means for its allies, and will definitely use it for non-allies such as China. The pretense and slogans such as □□, □□, monopoly, economic colonization, □□□, etc., nip this threat in the bud. In the future, the internationalization of China's renminbi and the progress of the Chinese nation towards prosperity and strength will be inevitably prevented by the United States. Because China If it is strong, it means that the day when it wants to be the world's boss will come; because the RMB is internationalized, it means that the United StatesThe end of the Yuan’s hegemony means the end of the U.S. government’s casual printing of U.S. dollars. The U.S. cannot afford to support such a large army, it cannot launch a world war, and it cannot fight wherever it wants.When we were in Dongzhou before, I once said that the United States is the greatest enemy of the rise of the Chinese nation. Now this view has not changed, and it is even more profound.Seeing the anti-Japanese protests launched by citizens in many cities, I feel that this understanding has gone wrong.Japan is nothing but a young man rushing ahead of the United States. It is precisely the United States that is instigating Japan to go ahead and provoke China behind its back.The Diaoyu Islands are a pain in the hearts of many Chinese. In fact, there is a very simple question that can be asked: In 1971, the United States occupied the Diaoyu Islands. The United States clearly knew that this was China’s territory. Why didn’t the United States return the Diaoyu Islands to China or Taiwan? , why hand it over to Japan?Isn't this deliberately inserting a poisonous nail between China and Japan?Therefore, it is better for the common people to oppose Japan than to oppose the United States; if some excited citizens smash Japanese cars, it is better to smash American cars.The United States is the biggest obstacle to China's development and progress!Xiaofang, in the future, I suggest that if you change or buy a car, don't buy a Japanese car or an American car.What GM, what Ford, what Chrysler, who can guarantee that one day in the future, when the Chinese people see clearly the essence of the United States, they will not vent their resentment on American cars when they are excited? "

Fang Yuan nodded solemnly: "Dad, I will remember. In the future, when changing or buying a car, I will never buy a Japanese car or an American car, no matter if it is a public or personal one. I will suggest that Shuanghua will not take that car in the future." It’s a Honda Accord. A new one, Audi’s new a6 is good.” Kong Zitian said: “It’s true that there is still a long way to go before changing to a domestic car. Especially like Shuanghua, now that you are doing business, you also need a car that looks good. The car. Audi’s new a6 is really good.”

At this time, Fangyuan's cell phone rang.Fangyuan glanced at it, and said to Kong Zitian: "It's Bai Xiaobai, the director of Dongzhou Provincial Office, should I answer it?" Kong Zitian pondered for a while, and said, "Answer, and listen to what he will say."

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