Director's growth history

3893.2568 Wang Guodong poses a problem to Fangyuan

Sun Hongjun was stunned for a long time, and also thought for a long time.Sun Hongjun looked at Wang Guodong and said: "If Secretary Wang trusts me and asks me to be the director of the Education Bureau, I will definitely obey the organization's arrangement and do my best in the position of director. But Secretary Wang, I have self-knowledge. Well, this director, I'm afraid it will make the education situation in Dongzhou worse."

Wang Guodong said: "You have a good character, a decent style of work, and a strong sense of responsibility. Why do you think you can't do it?" Sun Hongjun frowned: "Secretary Wang, the Education Bureau is really too complicated, and internal struggles exist all the time. Once At one stage, Zhai Xinwen, as the chief of the bureau, controlled the situation, but with the exposure of some scandals and his illness, he could no longer control the situation. He lost the hearts of the people, and no one would support him. And without support, It is difficult to promote and carry out this work. Now, from my observation, there are Geng Qing and Han Suzhen who want to be the head of the Education Bureau. But I personally don’t think they have the ability to make Dongzhou education better.”

"What do you think if the municipal party committee transfers a comrade from outside to serve as the director?" Wang Guodong asked calmly.

Sun Hongjun said: "Education has its own laws, and there must be a comrade who is familiar with the personnel and work of Dongzhou Education as the director. If a comrade is transferred from outside, I personally think it is very inappropriate. Not to mention Whether you are an expert or not, even if you are an expert, it is useless to deal with the deputy, section chief, and principals."

"Doesn't Fang Yuan want to be the chief?"

Sun Hongjun said: "Fang Yuan once communicated with me, and he expressed his support for Han Suzhen as the director of the bureau."

Wang Guodong said: "Red Army, you are a political cadre with deep qualifications. For comrades like Fang Yuan, you must play the role of party secretary. You must care about life and pay attention to details. In terms of party style and clean government construction, you must remind And help. Many young cadres can’t grasp a measure. If you, the party secretary, don’t give you a check, many cadres will fall where they shouldn’t have fallen.”

Sun Hongjun was very ashamed: "I failed Secretary Wang's expectations, and I will definitely remind and pay attention in the future." Wang Guodong said: "Red Army! I have always expected you, but you are indeed a little less courageous in doing things." Sun The Red Army was ashamed: "Yes! Maybe it's more suitable for me to be the deputy secretary of the party committee." Wang Guodong sighed and said, "Call Fangyuan over here."

Fang Yuan came to the conference room.Fang Yuan said hello to Wang Guodong, Wang Guodong stared at Fang Yuan with a sullen face, until Fang Yuan looked away with some guilt.

Wang Guodong said, "Sit down." Fang Yuan said, "I'll stand and listen to Secretary Wang's instructions." Wang Guodong patted the table and said, "Sit down as soon as I tell you." Fang Yuan obediently sat down across from Wang Guodong.

Wang Guodong said: "Your son is sick, you have received a lot of presents!"

One sentence made Fangyuan break out in cold sweat: "Secretary Wang, I spent the whole night in bed with me, and I was so sleepy at dawn. Then I left the hospital and told my family that no one's money, not even a penny, will be accepted. No. My family basically did this, and no one asked for money. But I heard that some of the flower baskets, nutritional products, toys and so on were collected.”

"It's not that I collected some, but I collected a whole room! The posts are all posted, and the ward is full."

Fang Yuan blushed, "I'm sorry, Secretary Wang, I really didn't expect so many people to come! The fact is that the child at home is sick. Who would have thought so many people would come to visit?"

Wang Guodong said: "Details determine success or failure. As party cadres and public servants of the people, we must always keep a clear head. You are the deputy director of the Education Bureau, and now you are in charge of administrative work. In the eyes of many people, you are a rare commodity. You If your son is sick, if you are a front-line teacher, maybe this is a matter in your family; but if you are the leader of such a large system, it will affect the minds of many people and leverage the interests of many people. Many people have their own Some are sincere, some are passive, and some have ulterior motives. Xiaofang, you are now a reserve cadre that the municipal party committee focuses on training, and there are many leaders in the province who are concerned about your growth. You said that in Dongzhou Education At such a sensitive and complicated stage, when something like this happened, should I praise you for not charging money, or criticize you for making too little money?"

Wang Guodong's words entered his brain and his voice entered his heart, making Fang Yuan feel ashamed.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang should criticize me! If you suffer, you will gain wisdom. In the future, such a similar thing will never happen again."

Wang Guodong sneered coldly: "The second time? Life is not an act. If you don't perform well once, you can act again, or even rehearse dozens of times in advance. There is no rehearsal in life, and it is always broadcast live. Driving distractedly, getting hit, Can I do it all over again? I accidentally got AIDS and regretted it. Can AIDS be cured? Xiao Fang! I didn’t pay attention to a detail, and I was dismissed or even investigated. Can I do it all over again? You can’t take regret medicine. The only way to avoid regret is to live every day and every moment without mistakes.”

Fang Yuan sighed: It is really difficult to be a human being and an official!

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang is right to criticize! I was wrong! Please tell Secretary Wang, how can I make up for and correct my mistakes?"

Wang Guodong said: "It's good that you can reply in a timely manner and deal with it properly. But in the recent stage, the Dongzhou Education Bureau has posted a lot. This trend cannot be encouraged!" Fang Yuan said: "After we go back, Secretary Sun and I Discuss a way to restrict and standardize the network usage regulations of the whole system." Wang Guodong said: "Both network supervision and open channels of speech are required, and this balance must be grasped." Fang Yuan said: "Yes!"

Fang Yuan has already decided to kill everyone as an example.If we don't stop this unhealthy trend, how many things will catch everyone by surprise?Opening up the channel of speech is to establish a normal channel reflection mechanism, but not necessarily through the Internet.You can use other methods, such as writing letters to the leaders of the Education Bureau, such as directly meeting with the Discipline Inspection Commission in a peaceful manner.No rules, no standards.If I am the director of the bureau, can I also have a petition section in the Education Bureau?It's like the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government setting up a Letters and Calls Bureau.Put all the injustices and grievances into one basket, and then digest and solve them in this basket. It is much better than flooding the posts!

Wang Guodong said: "If Zhai Xinwen is removed from the position of Director of Education, who would you recommend to succeed him?"

It was another topic that Fang Yuan hadn't expected.Fang Yuan had already made up his mind: "I recommend Director Han Suzhen to be the director of the department."

Wang Guodong asked: "Why?" Fang Yuan said: "Director Han is very familiar with the situation of Dongzhou Education, and he also knows the basics of the current backbone of Dongzhou Education. Moreover, Director Han has presided over the education work for many years, has rich work experience, and has comparative experience. High prestige. Director Han is the most suitable candidate."

Wang Guodong said: "Sun Hongjun is in the prime of life, isn't it appropriate?"

Fang Yuan froze for a moment.This is someone Fang Yuan has never considered.Jun Sun Hong is a good man, but he lacks courage and lacks the necessary prestige.Let him be the director, okay?

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