Director's growth history

3894.2569 Wang Guodong is dissatisfied with Fang Yuan

Fang Yuan didn't know what Sun Hongjun said.But Fang Yuan guessed that Wang Guodong would definitely ask Sun Hongjun the same question: Is it appropriate for Fang Yuan to be the head?I don't know what Sun Hongjun will say.The question Wang Guodong asked seemed simple, but it tested people's psychology and emotional intelligence.Jane is in the emperor's heart, and in Dongzhou, who can understand Wang Guodong's mind, that is the most important opportunity for development in life.Of course, if you touch the wrong one, the consequences will also be disastrous.

Fang Yuan didn't dare to joke about his future in front of Wang Guodong, let alone directly ask such pediatric questions as "Do you want to hear the truth or lie".If Sun Hongjun was directly denied, and Sun Hongjun praised Fang Yuan and recommended Fang Yuan in front of Wang Guodong.This character is high or low, which can be seen immediately.Fang Yuan thought of something more: Sun Hongjun seems to have similarities with Wang Guodong in terms of temperament, they are both conservative and not bold enough to do things.

Fangyuan thought for a long time, and under the urging of Wang Guodong, "Is it worth thinking about such a question for a long time?", he managed to squeeze out a sentence: "If Secretary Wang wants stability, then Secretary Sun is suitable; if Secretary Wang wants stability, then Secretary Sun is suitable; if Secretary Wang wants It is education development, perhaps Director Han is more suitable."

"Comrade Red Army just recommended you!"

"Me?" Fang Yuan had a premonition that Sun Hongjun must have recommended him.But didn't I discuss it with Sun Hongjun?If you want to push, push Han Suzhen!Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, I am really too young. Maybe I have the drive to develop and innovate, but I am relatively lacking in many aspects such as experience and experience. Just like the incident of my son's illness this time. , only paid attention to the big details, but ignored the details, which discredited Dongzhou Education and Dongzhou City."

The shy look on Fangyuan's face made Wang Guodong not want to continue beating.

Wang Guodong said: "I hope the turmoil in the hospital will subside quickly. As the person concerned, you must always pay attention and guide positively. In the future, it is really inappropriate for similar things to happen again!"

Fang Yuan stood up: "Yes! I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again!"

Wang Guodong said: "As for the Education Bureau, certain personnel adjustments must be made. You can work with peace of mind. If you temporarily preside over administrative work for a day, you must be a good monk who rings the clock and rings the clock well!"

Fang Yuan said, "Yes!"

"Sit down!" Wang Guodong signaled Fang Yuan to sit down.Fang Yuan sat down, sat there well-behaved, and looked at Wang Guodong.Wang Guodong said: "You went to Jiangnan County yesterday, and you gained a lot!"

Hey, Fang Yuan couldn't keep up with the rhythm due to the jumping thinking.

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, Secretary. There are many bright spots in Jiangnan County's education work."

"I heard that both Sheng Jiantao and Wang Shoumin personally accompanied you in the investigation?"

Fangyuan stood up again: "Yes, secretary. I made a mistake again! Secretary, you know, when I go to investigate education, I should be accompanied by the deputy county magistrate in charge of education under normal circumstances. I don't want to do this either, but Secretary Sheng and Wang I have no choice but to obey the county magistrate's hospitality."

"I don't mean to accuse you. I want to hear your truth! Can't you even hear that?"

What a harsh word!Fang Yuan really wanted to pretend to be confused, but Wang Guodong talked so much, how could he pretend to be confused?But how can the truth be told?This involves the secret between me and Sheng Jianbo, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Region.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang is the chief and uncle I respect most in Dongzhou. In front of you, I must be honest."

Wang Guodong said: "It is reasonable to say that I am not bad to you, and you should treat me like this."

Fang Yuan said: "Yes, Secretary. In fact, you can also see that Secretary Sheng Jiantao has the same surname and generation as a provincial leader." Wang Guodong nodded: This is precisely where Liang Zhaopeng is short.In Wang Guodong's eyes, it is no longer possible to arrange for a secretary-general of the municipal party committee who is at odds with him.Undoubtedly, Liang Zhaopeng is the best candidate for Secretary-General!However, now it is rumored that Sheng Jiantao intends to be the secretary general of the municipal party committee, disrupting Wang Guodong's deployment, and making Wang Guodong have some opinions on Fang Yuan: why can't he manage the affairs of his own education bureau, and point fingers at things that should not be managed?More importantly, there is now a rumor from the province that a senior director will be promoted to the deputy department level. If the Dongzhou Municipal Committee does not agree to the province's appointment of the secretary general of the municipal party committee, then the deputy mayor will be the old director in the province. Being promoted, Liang Zhaopeng is now in a state of being promoted but unable to get up, and retiring but not reconciled.Liang Zhaopeng is his favorite general!Whether a secretary of the municipal party committee can promote his trusted subordinates is also an important performance to test whether the secretary of the municipal party committee has really mastered the power of personnel!As a municipal party secretary who seems somewhat weak in the eyes of others, Wang Guodong is very eager to appoint a few comrades who he thinks are good officials, good character, good party spirit, and strong ability to take up higher-level leadership positions. , often powerless.After all, Wang Guodong is not the only one who has the final say on the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, and the promotion to the deputy department level is an important power of the Provincial Party Committee, although as the secretary of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee, he has important recommendation rights.Generally speaking, when Wang Guodong recommends a comrade to be promoted to deputy director of the National People's Congress or vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the provincial party committee will generally agree.The province generally does not arrange people for the deputy positions of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.However, the two positions of standing committee member of the municipal party committee and deputy mayor are also important opportunities for promotion for the department-level cadres in the province, and for comrades who have been serving as deputy inspectors for a long time in the province.Now, with such a space looming in Dongzhou, how could the province give up?

In fact, after Bi Lili resigned from the position of deputy mayor to serve as the secretary of the district party committee in Longwan District, the province and the city have been playing games for the position of deputy mayor he vacated. Because of the fierce competition, the position is still vacant. .Because Bi Lili is the city's cadres vacating positions, rather than exchanging positions for other places, so the province can't forcefully intervene.But Ming Yuyun was different. Rumors spread that Ming Yuyun was going to serve as the deputy director of a certain department in the province. If there was one less position in the province, it meant that the province would have to occupy another deputy city position no matter what.

The invisible gunpowder is also fierce fighting!Wang Guodong was most worried that Liang Zhaopeng would become a victim.This is a result that Wang Guodong absolutely cannot accept.

Wang Guodong is not a tough person.Thinking of the relationship between Sheng Jiantao and Sheng Jianbo, Wang Guodong knew that compared with Sheng Jianbo's, his arms were much thinner!If Sheng Jiantao can improve, it is actually a good thing.Yesterday afternoon, Wang Shoumin personally rushed to the Municipal Party Committee to recommend Sheng Jiantao to a higher level.Wouldn't it be a good thing if Wang Shoumin could serve as the secretary of the Jiangnan County Party Committee?

Wang Guodong said: "Liang Zhaopeng is a good official!"

It's still half a sentence, the meaning needs to be understood slowly by Fang Yuan himself.Fang Yuan said: "There are several positions!" Wang Guodong said: "The position is not up to us in Dongzhou. There are also a lot of directors in the province who need room for advancement. The provincial party committee is not easy!"

Fang Yuan asked: "Is it true that when one of our cadres takes up a post in the provincial department, the province will send a department-level cadre to our Dongzhou?"

Wang Guodong said: "According to the principle of balance, it is usually like this. So, on the surface, we have three deputy positions, but the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions is generally looked down upon by provincial cadres. In fact, there are only two positions. , a position of deputy mayor vacated by Bi Lili. Another one is that Ming Yuyun may not be the secretary general of the municipal party committee. The province means that Ming Yuyun will be appointed to the provincial department; The director went to Dongzhou to serve as the deputy city. In this way, there is actually only one meaningful deputy department position left in Dongzhou."

Fangyuan said: "I have an immature idea, and I want to share it for Secretary Wang's reference." Wang Guodong's eyes lit up: "Oh? Let's talk about it."

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