Director's growth history

Chapter 3961 2648 Whose heart can you understand?

Fang Yuan was shocked when he heard Confucius Tian's words: Didn't his father-in-law achieve his goal in Dacheng Company today?You know, in order to frighten the "Xiaoxiao", the father-in-law specially arranged a trip to Dacheng Company for inspection and inspection.Fang Yuan has nothing to criticize for his father-in-law's actions, and there is no way to intervene.Fangyuan can't interfere with this. Fangyuan doesn't have the level of Yang Feng, the former deputy secretary of the Xuancheng Municipal Party Committee in Anhui Province. He can manage 7 mistresses with an MBA.Fang Yuan can only turn a blind eye to the behind-the-scenes contest between his wife and mistress, especially if his father-in-law Kong Zitian wants to participate, Fang Yuan can only stay out of it.Of course, if Confucius Tian's deterrence can have a good effect, so that Song Sisi's family can calm down and stop thinking about getting married, getting married, holding a wedding ceremony, etc. It might be a good thing to benefit indirectly.

Confucius Tian said: "On the whole, the visit to Dacheng Company is very rewarding for the students of the party school and the secretary of the county party committee. The several visits arranged by Dacheng Company, the discussion held, and even that Song Sisi also gave a speech. The county party secretary was very satisfied with the report on the situation. However, in my personal judgment, this is not at the level that Song Dacheng's family can have. Xiao Fang, did you also participate?"

Fangyuan said: "Dad, I absolutely did not participate. I was in the Nas Group all day yesterday. You know this. However, in the past two days, comrades from the three trade unions in the Education Bureau, with the approval of Deputy Mayor Ma Lianghe, worked in the Dacheng Company assists in the planning of the on-site meeting of the pilot labor union of private enterprises. Mayor Ma’s work is completed. I am afraid that Dacheng Company will invite them to continue to help you and the county party secretary’s research and investigation to help plan the planning. I think it should be education trade unions Comrades are participating."

Confucius Tian said: "The county party committee secretaries are very interested in the deeds of Dacheng Company's revival. They asked a lot of questions at the symposium and understood it in detail. Everyone has issued an invitation to invest in Dacheng Company. This is something I did not expect of."

It turned out that there was an accident in this aspect!Fang Yuan nodded.The scale of Dacheng Company is still relatively small, and it does not yet have the level of vertical and horizontal integration. It is obviously not appropriate to go out of Dongzhou and expand production under the current situation of deepening global economic crisis.Fangyuan was going to find a suitable time to infiltrate her thoughts.

Confucius Tian said: "However, although Zhu Rui and Song Sisi already knew who I was, they still gave me enough courtesy and gave me a lot of face. I think they also learned from the respect of so many county party committee secretaries. There should be some insights. Some unrealistic ideas should be restrained, and they should be restrained in a short time."

That's it.Fang Yuan said: "Actually, I also hope that they can keep their duties and don't have too many extravagant expectations. But I do have concerns. I am afraid that if they really make a scene and make a mess, I will lose everything by then. The happiness of Shuanghua and Ruirui is no longer guaranteed."

Confucius Tian said: "Now, even if they are given the courage, they will not dare to do what they shouldn't do. As long as they realize the huge harm and unbearable consequences of doing so, they will stick to their duty."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Dad. In fact, Dad helped me indirectly by going today."

Confucius Tian said: "That's right. However, my starting point is for my daughter. Xiao Fang, at present, no one in Dongzhou will talk about the child in Song Sisi's belly. They don't have such strength, and they don't have such a ability, although many of them also want to smear you and bring you down, but they can’t afford the serious consequences of doing so. But as your personal progress, the higher the level, the more intense the competition, and one day in the future, you will It is possible to become a target of being attacked by others. Some things, such as the matter of Song Sisi's child, you should have figured out a solution, and you should have figured it out earlier."

What can be done about this?Fang Yuan was also worried.Now, if Song Sisi was suggested to kill the child, Fang Yuan couldn't bear it, and the Song family would never agree.Song Dacheng would not agree, Zhu Rui would not agree, and Song Sisi would not agree.The current Song Sisi is overflowing with maternal love. She is a kind woman in the first place. After having a baby, she will definitely be kinder and more loving than she is now.In the future, most likely she will be a doting mother.Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui, on the other hand, were more concerned about the successors of Dacheng Company, thinking that this would hold Fang Yuan, let Fang Yuan make suggestions for Dacheng Company, and provide political protection.These, Fang Yuan can see clearly.

Confucius Tian said: "Go to sleep, it's getting late. Let me emphasize two points again. First, you must meet Wang Guodong tomorrow. Second, if possible, come and meet my students at noon. I know that most of these county party secretaries will be candidates for the standing committee of the municipal party committee and deputy mayor in the future, and some of them will become mayors, party secretaries and even higher leadership positions. I will introduce it as my son-in-law You get to know everyone and initially establish a network of people outside Dongzhou, which is only good for you, not bad. This can be regarded as your first step out of Dongzhou."

The father-in-law really had nothing to say to himself.In addition to being grateful, Fang Yuan also felt ashamed.

It's really late.Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua shared the same bed in the secretary.Kong Shuanghua said: "Tomorrow, the board of directors of Chunxiao Company, everyone is waiting for you to give an important speech!" Fang Yuan said: "Okay, I will tell everyone at that time. My company will definitely be more dedicated." Kong Shuanghua said : "There are still many things that I need to discuss with you." Fang Yuan said: "It's too late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Tonight, there is no sex but love with Kong Shuanghua.Fang Yuan hugged Kong Shuanghua and fell asleep peacefully.Ruirui was hugged by Kong Shufang and Xiaoqing in the same bed.This night, the lonely family is Confucius Tian.

Early the next morning, Fang Yuan was woken up by Kong Zitian, and after eating a little, he drove Kong Shuanghua's current Honda Accord, which was originally driven by Ding Chunxiao, to the municipal government.In Wang Guodong's office, Fang Yuan truthfully reported to Wang Guodong the ins and outs of being a godfather in Nas Group and joining the board of directors yesterday, and explained his own analysis and judgment to Wang Guodong.

After listening to Fang Yuan's report, Wang Guodong nodded.Early this morning, the secretary gave Wang Guodong a CD, saying that he saw it at the door of the Municipal Party Secretary's office in the morning, and it recorded information about Fang Yuan, the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau.It is actually not difficult to find out who released it, but no one will check it out.Either the East Building or the West Building, everyone has different ideas and camps.As for what kind of purpose you have, you don't need to think about it.

Wang Guodong squeezed out precious time in the office to quietly watch Fang Yuan's speech at Nas Group.This CD spreads really fast, within a day, I don't know how many people will receive this CD.How many murderous intentions and conspiracies are hidden in this disc, who can figure it out for a while?

After listening to Fang Yuan's long report to the executives of the Nass Group, Wang Guodong was filled with emotion: Maybe Vice Governor Liu Bin is right. Putting Fang Yuan on education can certainly give full play to his strengths; but only on education, It's a pity too.Fang Yuan is really a talent for economics!Now, three people have come to look for him, one is Cen Baiqiang, he even hopes that the city committee can vacate the post of deputy magistrate of Yanping County, Fang Yuan is welcome to take up the post.At that time, Cen Baiqiang's division of labor for Fangyuan will be to focus on development and reform, finance, investment promotion, economic operation and other departments, and then education.Cen Baiqiang's nose is still very sensitive. Fang Yuan is one of the few department-level cadres in Dongzhou who has a good relationship with both Ding Xiaohua and An Dongsheng. In terms of foreign trade, he has an irresistible relationship with Zhou Peng and can win a lot of resources in foreign economic and trade.Cen Baiqiang's thoughts are very practical, and he also has the intention of making friends with each other and laying the foundation for the future.As the secretary of the municipal party committee, Wang Guodong saw this very clearly.

Qun Feng, the current Acting Mayor of Oujiang District, also came to Wang Guodong.After the new year, people's congresses will be held at the county and district levels, and the word "generation" in Qunfeng will be removed at that time.Ordinarily, Qunfeng was the second in command and shouldn't have come to Wang Guodong, but it was clear that Qunfeng had already aimed at the throne of the district party committee secretary, and it was said that he had the support of the provincial party committee's organization department.Qunfeng also contributed a lot in helping Liang Zhaopeng to be promoted to deputy mayor. Now, it is reasonable for people to ask for a little in return.

The third person who came to ask Wang Guodong was Bi Quanquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Longwan District Party Committee.This time, the safety accident at the Experimental Primary School in Longwan District made Bi Quanli very disgraced.With the title of a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he was unable to resolve conflicts in a timely and secure manner. When he was supposed to be on the front line, he hid behind and lost political points.He came here to ask for Fangyuan, and his intention was self-evident: Let Fangyuan do his best to create political achievements for him, so that he can do his best to reverse the current unfavorable situation, get good political scores, and lay the foundation for his future promotion and promotion.

If Wang Guodong could make his own decision, he would never transfer Fangyuan to Longwan District.Longwan District is in dire straits right now, obviously it's not suitable for Fangyuan to go there.If Fang Yuan can finally solve the various complicated problems in Longwan District, those political achievements are all due to him, and Fang Yuan made the wedding clothes for him;This was obviously something Confucius didn't want to see, and of course many leaders of the provincial party committee didn't want to see it.As the decision maker who sent Fang Yuan to Longwan District, Wang Guodong has to bear a lot of political responsibility.Properly arranging the radius has also become an important part of Wang Guodong's current cadre work.Education also needs Fangyuan, and many counties and districts also need Fangyuan. This Fangyuan has become a favorite.

Who in Dongzhou would dare to offend Fangyuan now?Wang Guodong sighed: I'm afraid even I have to think twice before acting.Politically, Fangyuan has direct elders like Confucius Tian, ​​and many members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee speak for him; Difficulty with fiscal and taxation.For a character like Fang Yuan, I can only win over him more, instead of pushing Fang Yuan into Song Yunsheng's camp!There are no eternal enemies and friends, only eternal interests.Although Fang Yuan had offended Song Yunsheng before, if Fang Yuan made friends with Song Yunsheng in the past, Song Yunsheng might fall in his favor too!

After thinking through a lot of things, Wang Guodong said: "Xiao Fang, I am very pleased that you can come and explain the situation to me in person. In fact, even if you don't come, I still trust you. You are a comrade who really works hard. Such a talent, Both the municipal party committee and I attach great importance to it."

Fang Yuan was somewhat surprised by Wang Guodong's attitude.This Secretary Wang is really too kind to me, right?

Wang Guodong said: "Yesterday, I have seen your speech at the Nass Group. It was very good. I believe it will be beneficial to the operation and development of many enterprises. I am still thinking about whether I can use an appropriate Let every entrepreneur in the city take the time to watch your speech. I very much hope that enterprises in Dongzhou can face difficulties and overcome difficulties under the new background of the continuous expansion and deepening of the global economic crisis , to achieve healthy and sustainable development.”

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Wang, I'm talking on paper, not counting. The real business management is different from the nonsense business management I imagined."

Wang Guodong smiled: "The principles are all interlinked. You can think of these, it is still very meaningful. Maybe I don't need to find a way to spread it. In a few days, the bosses of various enterprises in Dongzhou will have your words on their computers." Speech."

Fang Yuan thought for a while, then nodded.That's right, Ding Xiaohua asked everyone to learn from the team leader of the Nass Group; there are many people who follow the Nass Group; there are also many people who are jealous of Fangyuan, and they just took the opportunity to promote Fangyuan's collusion between officials and businessmen to make Fangyuan famous.Whether it is good intentions or malicious, I am afraid that this CD of mine will definitely spread widely in Dongzhou.

Fang Yuan was really right.I just talked casually in the Nas Group for a few hours, and this CD actually appeared on the desks of many Standing Committee members of the Provincial Party Committee.This was unexpected by Fang Yuan, and it was completely unimaginable.Can a small deputy department attract the attention of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee?You know, there are a handful of department-level cadres in the whole province, and there are thousands of department-level cadres in office alone; Not right.

Wang Guodong said: "I saw your speech at the Nass Group, and I was also moved. I used to absolutely disapprove of your leaving education, but now I am also shaken. You must be mentally prepared and go to the county to be a Deputy, show your abilities on the stage of economic development."

Fang Yuan nodded: "I obey the arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary Wang in everything. I am that brick, and I can move it wherever I need it."

Coming out of the Municipal Party Committee Building, the sun was shining brightly.In this cold winter, it is really rare to have such good weather.Fang Yuan looked up at the clear sky, and his heart, which had been suppressed all day, became brighter.Getting into the car, for some reason, Fang Yuan called Ding Chuke: "Xiao Ke, are you up yet?"

The change of appellation reflects the change of mood and the difference of relationship.Ding Chuke is talking with Ding Xiaohua at the moment, reporting to her father the follow-up evolution of last night.Fangyuan's call came in a timely manner. Ding Chuke made a face at Ding Xiaohua, and her voice became a little lazy: "Brother, I'm still lying on the bed and I don't like to move!"

Fang Yuan said, "I'm sorry."

Ding Chuke said: "Brother, don't say sorry to me. We are a family, and we will always be a harmonious and beautiful family. What else is there to be sorry for? What's more, I was willing yesterday, although I still have a little pain all over my body now. , but I am also very happy. I finally became brother's woman, and I also experienced the joy of being a woman!"

Fang Yuan's heart was surrounded by emotion.Fangyuan said: "Xiao Ke, I've been lined up all day today, and I don't have time to go." Ding Chuke said, "Well, then I'll sleep a little longer. When I get enough sleep, I have important tasks to do today. It is to make such a good report you gave to the directors and vice presidents yesterday, so that the leaders of the company, big and small, must study it seriously. Dad said that now it is especially necessary to quickly establish your prestige, so that you can effectively deter those A scoundrel with impure ideas." Fang Yuan said, "Dad is very resourceful, and I have a lot to learn from Dad!" Ding Chuke said, "Yes, I have a lot to learn from Dad and Brother! Please help me , I will learn from you well, so that I will be able to take on more important responsibilities in the future. Dad said that I am too immature now, and I can't play with those old foxes at all."

Fang Yuan said, "I will help you. You should have a good rest."

Ding Chuke said sweetly: "Okay, brother. I will have another dream and see brother in the dream. Brother, you are busy with work during the day, and you must learn to regulate your body and mind, take proper rest, and arrange work reasonably. I'm exhausted."

A little bit of care, like the spring breeze turning into rain, like spring rain moistening the heart, makes Fangyuan's heart intoxicated.It's not a bad thing to find a woman like Ding Chuke who is ugly but considerate and caring.

Fang Yuan didn't know, but in the guest room of Nas Hotel, Ding Xiaohua smiled at his daughter wickedly and said, "Xiao Ke, you are really my precious daughter!"

Ding Chuke said with a smile: "Dad, like father, like daughter, this only proves that I am your biological daughter!"

Ding Xiaohua laughed out loud!

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