Director's growth history

3962 Chapter 2649 Fangyuan is the real boss

Learning is better than not learning, and you can use it if you learn it.

In the conference room of Chunxiao Company, Fang Yuan shook hands with everyone enthusiastically, and then sat next to Kong Shuanghua, without saying a word.Just because you don’t speak doesn’t mean you don’t understand. Yesterday, I learned to read reports and listen to reports at Nass Group, which brought a lot of intuitive business management experience to Fangyuan.Compared with a small and medium-sized company like Chunxiao, a large group like Nas is not at the same level.If you can understand the report of Nas Group, and look at the report of Chunxiao Company, it is like a child's play.

The normal process is that each department reports its work for one year, and then discusses plans for the next year.Each department head talked about their work as much as possible, and basically avoided shortcomings and problems, which made Fang Yuan suddenly realize that in fact, both enterprises and government agencies have the same virtue: report good news but not bad news.If you can't see this, you will be the principal and director for nothing.However, today is not the time to expose the shortcomings, but a good time to celebrate and unite.Fangyuan is not going to talk about the problem, but wants to describe the bright future of Chunxiao Company to everyone, to paint a big picture, and to make demands at the same time.

More than an hour long, like a long winter night.Almost everyone's eyes are constantly lingering on Fang Yuan's face.Everyone knows that Kong Shuanghua is the boss in name, but the real boss is Fangyuan.Today, the real boss came in person, so naturally everyone paid special attention to it.In the past year, Fangyuan didn't come here many times, but everyone knows Fangyuan's unique position in Chunxiao Company, and through different channels, he learned about the major events that Fangyuan has done in the past year that have caused a sensation in Dongzhou. , Knowing that Fang Yuan is the real man of the East.

Even Zheng Zhibin, the vice president who has always been awesome in Chunxiao Company, sat down honestly today.As the nephew of Fu Quansheng, the former deputy mayor and now the deputy director of the National People's Congress, he used to be the most arrogant in the world, but now he doesn't dare to show off in front of Fangyuan, probably because he was taught a lesson by Fu Quansheng.Who is Fu Quansheng?An old man who has been immersed in officialdom for decades can see clearly who is strong and who is weak.With Fangyuan's current momentum in Dongzhou, no one will have trouble with Fangyuan at this time.Zheng Zhibin, as the second generation of officials, naturally understands the truth that whoever has the biggest fist is the uncle, and those who know current affairs are the heroes.

When Fang Yuan was listening to the report, she suddenly remembered something: she had promised Zhou Peng a few days ago that she would buy a piece of valuable jewelry for Zhou Yujie as a dividend.Zhou Yujie didn't participate in today's board meeting, but the profits and dividends to be distributed to the Zhou family must not be less!After all, the Zhou family really invested 200 million in it.As for how the 200 million came from, whether it was clean or not, Fang Yuan didn't want to think about it.Of course, the main thing is to avoid thinking about this issue deep in my heart.

Looking at Ji Ruyun sitting on the seat of the deputy general manager, Fang Yuan nodded slightly: Is there anyone in Dongzhou who is smarter than Brother Wang Chuyin?Sister Ji is the representative of Brother Wang Chuyin, I believe she will bring Brother Wang's opinion today.

Zhang Qiao, vice president and manager of the financial department, combined with the company's financial statements, reported Chunxiao's economic development data in 2008 to Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua.Judging from the reported situation, the company's annual total profit exceeded 700 million yuan.This is really a lot of money!On the company's books, the liquidity has exceeded 2000 million.The main reason is that in the past, orders were sent to the market, but after Fangyuan took over Chunxiao Company, the orders sent to the market also increased, and the operating income of the stores managed by Ji Ruyun also increased, but the blowout growth was due to the government. Orders from various departments and institutions have increased by leaps and bounds; second, under Zhou Pengyou's lead, the purchases of Chunxiao's products by major commercial and trade distribution companies in Dongzhou have also increased several times.Especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2008, the output value created by Chunxiao Company is almost equivalent to the output value of the whole year of 2007, which is definitely a huge profit!Ten days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the mooncakes produced by Chunxiao Company were in short supply, far from meeting the market demand.

Fangyuan didn't know, but Chunxiao's profit this year could exceed 1000 million.However, because Fangyuan spent a lot of money on buying a house, decorating and buying furniture for Confucius Field in Hangjiang, the profit announced today is only more than 700 million.But it's also amazing enough.When Ding Chunxiao was the boss in the past, his annual profit could reach 200 million, which was quite extraordinary.Profit is not the output value, it is the money that really belongs to the boss!

Everyone present is excited and looking forward to it.Everyone is looking at Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua.Kong Shuanghua also looked at Fangyuan, waiting for Fangyuan to make a decision.

Fangyuan suddenly felt that Zhou Peng used 200 million cash to take away 20% of the shares, which was really heartbreaking.This is simply plundering!Alas, in order to win the support of Zhou Peng, who has the unique political power in charge of foreign trade and economics, what is the difference between giving it away for nothing?

Fang Yuan said, "Have everyone finished reporting?"

Kong Shuanghua said: "The reports are all over."

Fangyuan said: "Shuanghua, what can you say?" Kong Shuanghua said: "You are here, so I won't say anything." Kong Shuanghua put himself in a very correct position.Fang Yuan said: "Today's meeting, I can be regarded as a non-voting attendee. However, as Mr. Kong's husband, I can barely say a few words. The first thing is the distribution of bonuses. I believe that this is also something that everyone is very concerned about! "

Sure enough, everyone's eyeballs are round.This is a matter of vital interest!

Fang Yuan said: "The company's shares are currently divided into three shares. Our family owns 70%, and the total accounts for 10%. There is another investor, who accounts for 20%. She is not present today. The specific situation, Mr. Zhang is also very concerned about the situation." Clear. Since the other shareholder bought shares in November, it can only be counted as one and a half months. Then, the year-end profit, on the whole, can be distributed as a total of 11 dividends, and the other shareholder uses shares multiplied by 70, divided by 1.5, and then multiplied by the profit, you will get a dividend of 12 this year. I have an idea that the company is owned by our three shareholders, but it is also made by everyone. Therefore, I propose to take Give out 17.5 yuan to reward the company's employees. In this way, a total of 70 yuan will be allocated, and another shareholder will also need to contribute 7 yuan. For the 1.75 yuan, 70 yuan will be used to reward the front-line employees. Everyone may not get much. But everyone has a share; the remaining 20 will be divided by the management. According to the contribution, the output value and profits created, whoever makes the most contribution to the company and who creates more profits will get more points. The specific distribution plan is determined by Kong Zong and Ji Zong take the lead, and other comrades participate, discuss a suitable plan, and distribute this reward before the Spring Festival. Ji Zong’s dividends can be taken away at any time. Everyone knows that Ji Zong takes care of everything for us. The number of stores, the number of stores, the revenue of the stores, and the profit are all increasing, and Ji Zong does not get salary from us, so the dividends are the income of Ji Zong. The dividend of another shareholder is 50, and I will act on my behalf. Forward."

There was warm applause from the audience.Fang Yuan also smiled: A reasonable distribution of benefits will enhance the cohesion of the company. 50!In which small and medium-sized company, who is the boss willing to afford the money?Fang Yuan said, "I'm just proposing, and it hasn't been discussed yet, did everyone applaud and approve it?"

Ji Ruyun said: "Who would disagree with the matter of dividing the money?"

In the meeting room, almost everyone laughed happily, and the warm applause sounded again, which lasted for a long time.

Fang Yuan suddenly stopped smiling, making everyone's smiles froze on their faces.Fangyuan said: "Although the company's development is rapid, isn't it perfect? ​​Obviously not. I admit that the company's progress is inseparable from the efforts of everyone here, but everyone should think of another point: why the order will Rapid growth? Is it because of the good quality of Chunxiao’s products? Why did all walks of life and government departments order less of Chunxiao’s products before, but now it seems that every household is ordering? I think everyone will naturally think of background, relationships, and connections Why does Chunxiao Company develop well, but few people come to harass it? Including those who hang out on the road, they have never harassed our stores, let alone this inspection, that inspection to cause trouble for the company?"

Seeing that everyone was thinking, Fang Yuan stopped short: "Yes, we have advantages in this area. This is undeniable, and it is also an important reason for the company's stable and smooth development. We have advantages that others do not have, which ensures our You can concentrate on making pastries and don’t have to worry about other things. Under such circumstances, we should cherish this advantage and work harder to make our products better. Here, I would like to share six opinions.”

Everyone, including Kong Shuanghua, picked up a pen and carefully recorded the spirit of Fang Yuan's speech.At this time, Fangyuan was no longer the attendee, but from the perspective of the overall situation, and made a comprehensive deployment of Chunxiao Company's work in 2009.Combining my own management experience in the Education Bureau and Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, combined with the insights and on-the-spot performance in the Nass Group yesterday, Fangyuan learned from corporate scientific management, employee management and talent training, product quality and hygiene, process innovation, marketing, A comprehensive speech was given on six aspects including crisis response.Secretary Cui Yuemei set up the camera, turned on the recorder, and recorded the whole process.

It should be said that Fang Yuan's eloquent talk stems from her strong self-confidence and control over the situation, and it is also related to her speech at Nas Group yesterday.Today, he spoke more vividly and more specifically. Although he seldom came to the company, he seemed to know the situation of Chunxiao Company well. The questions and countermeasures he raised were extremely specific and effective.Every executive and middle management of Chunxiao Company has opened their eyes and accepted a management course training that is more exciting, more practical, and more in line with Chunxiao Company's reality than Lang Xianping's. goals and development ideas.

Fangyuan opened up the chatter box, and the talk lasted for more than three hours.It was past 12 o'clock before Fang Yuan finally stopped.But the executives and mid-level managers of Chunxiao Company, who are really eager to make progress, have nothing to say, except for a few people who eat and drink.Although he said he had heard enough, he didn't dare to move.Fangyuan's aura shocked everyone, including Zheng Zhibin.

And Kong Shuanghua, Huang Meijuan, Cui Yuemei, and Yuan Huiwen all looked at Fangyuan with adoring eyes.The older Zhang Qiao, Xu Yixuan, Cai Yihong, Pan Zhaorong, as well as the boys Tang Jian and Zhao Chun, also admired and convinced Yuan Yuan.Some young female high school managers are even more enthusiastic, and they are envious and jealous of the general manager Kong Shuanghua.Some young girls even imagined that if they could become Boss Fang's woman, they would be happy in heaven.Elite men are the focus of attention wherever they go, and they are idols loved by girls. Even if they are already riding a white horse, they are still handsome princes.Although Fang Yuan is not handsome, but his talent is overwhelming, and his wealth is also attractive!

At noon, at Jingu Hotel, Fang Yuan and Kong Shuanghua held a banquet and had lunch with the company's executives and management.Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi also showed up, announcing on the spot that the lunch at noon today will be paid for by the Jingu Hotel, and everyone will eat openly.Fangyuan knew the reason. In the past year, more than a dozen schools had contacted Si Yushi and entrusted Jingu Catering to take care of the school canteens; similarly, the annual meals of many schools, government agencies and institutions were arranged in Jingu University. For the hotel's main store and several branches, the RMB entered the pockets of Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi like flowing water.Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua brought the management of Chunxiao Company to dinner, if they didn't take the opportunity to flirt, where could they find a suitable opportunity?After all, Fangyuan's development momentum is very strong now, and there are fewer and fewer places where Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi can be used. This makes Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi deeply worried.Maintaining the friendly relationship with Fangyuan has become the top priority of Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi!Si Yushi only hated that she was born many years earlier, if she was younger, it wouldn't matter if she agreed with her body!As a business administration graduate of Qingjiang University with knowledge base, management experience, and social experience, Si Yushi is already thinking: If she can become Fangyuan's manager and agent in the economic aspect, will she be more welcomed by Fangyuan? ?After all, Fangyuan's stall seems to be bigger now, and he also needs a capable person to help him take care of it.Is Kong Shuanghua suitable?Apparently, Kong Shuanghua's ability is barely enough to manage a Chunxiao company, but more things are beyond his reach.This is just an idea, we need to find a suitable opportunity to communicate with Fangyuan.Apart from Miao Dongshun, Si Yushi has been looking for a way out for herself.Si Yushi was not optimistic about Miao Dongshun, his shady business might lose his head at any time.For the happiness of myself and my two children, I must find a stronger backstage.Fangyuan is undoubtedly the best candidate!

The banquet had just begun, and before Fang Yuan toasted, he received a call from his father-in-law Kong Zitian: "Xiao Fang, where are you now?" Fang Yuan said, "I'm with the management of Chunxiao Company. The morning meeting just ended. "Confucius Tian said: "Come to the Municipal Party Committee Hotel immediately, and I will introduce you to my students." Fang Yuan said: "Okay."

Fangyuan put down his phone and raised his glass: "Everyone, I still have important things to do at noon. Here, I would like to offer a glass of wine to everyone here: Thank you for your dedication and dedication to Chunxiao Company over the years. Your sweat will definitely be rewarded." Great rewards. I just want to say one thing, the more loyal you are to Chunxiao Company, Chunxiao Company will never treat you badly; the harder you work at work, your income will continue to increase; if you are half-hearted about Chunxiao Company, then please get out as soon as possible! Chunxiao Company In the future, we will not raise idlers, lazy people, and mediocre people who don't want to work hard and just want to get paid!"

Not only drawing big cakes, but also warning Xiao Xiao, Fang Yuan's short words have established him as the unshakable "boss" status in Chunxiao Company, everyone is convinced!Kong Shuanghua is in the light of Fangyuan, the general manager, under the light of Fangyuan's halo, is also as bright and bright as the moon, who dares to offend Boss Fang's official wife?

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