Director's growth history

3968 Chapter 2655, Acting also needs new excuses

The questions Ding Xiaohua asked were always extremely tricky, and the timing of his choice was just right.In fact, Fang Yuan immediately understood Ding Xiaohua's intention on this question: on the surface, he wanted to promise that there would be no other women in the future, but in fact, he wanted Fang Yuan to admit that Ding Chuke was his Fang Yuan's woman.God knows if Ding Xiaohua's phone has a recording function directly on it.For an old, treacherous guy like Ding Xiaohua, no one can guarantee that he will not record!

Fang Yuan said: "Dad, you are my godfather, and Xiao Ke is my godsister. I don't have a real sister, so this godsister is better than a real sister. I promise to care and love her for the rest of my life. When Dad is around, I will have Dad's support; After a hundred years from Dad, I will support her. I don't know if Dad is satisfied with my promise?"

Ding Xiaohua laughed loudly: "You brat! It doesn't matter if you don't agree directly, I know what you think in your heart. It doesn't matter, no matter what you think in your heart, I will treat you as a son and a son-in-law from now on. You have I don’t care how many wives and lovers I have, I just care if you treat my daughter well or not. Okay, you can stay with Shu Weirong. People always value affection. If you can put affection first, what will I do? Dad is also very happy. You can show love to others. In fact, you will be able to show love to me and Xiao Ke in the future. However, I only have one request. Come to me when you come out of Shu Weirong. I have important things to tell you."

Fang Yuan didn't want to go, but seemed to be kidnapped.Thinking of the relationship between Song Yunsheng and Ding Xiaohua, it must be such a relationship!Controlled by Ding Xiaohua in a certain way, he had to succumb to Ding Xiaohua's will.People are in the rivers and lakes and cannot help themselves. Sometimes, why do you feel that there are more and more ropes that bind you?

Fangyuan and Shu Weirong stepped into the scene of the appreciation dinner together.Guided by the warm applause of Shuai Apparel executives, Shu Weirong introduced Fang Yuan enthusiastically: "Director Fang of the Municipal Education Bureau is a special guest of Shuai Apparel. I am the elder sister of Director Fang, and Director Fang is my younger brother. My younger brother Fang has played a vital role in the great development and take-off of Handsome Clothing in the past year. Today, I invited my younger brother Fang to give my employees a vivid business management class. I, a big bastard, feel that I have learned a lot. In the evening, Brother Fang was busy with his busy schedule to attend the thank-you banquet for handsome costumes. I propose, with the warmest applause, to welcome Director Fang Yuan Fang!"

The grand launch of Fangyuan made Fangyuan dumbfounded.Those who are officials must be very careful to avoid being accused of collusion between officials and businessmen.Now, Shu Weirong introduced herself like this again.In addition, the day before yesterday, I stood in the first place among the executives of Nass, accepted the review of the provincial leaders, participated in the board of directors of Nass Group yesterday, and played the role of the company's second-in-command. If you want to take off the hat of government-business collusion, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it off.

Since you can’t take it off, put your hat on right, and put it on so that the youngsters avoid it when they need it, compromise when they need to compromise, be honest when they need to be honest, stop plundering or plotting when it’s time to stop. .

Fang Yuan was calm and composed, scanning the audience.The brilliance of the smile and the majesty of the gaze left a deep impression on everyone present!Everyone felt that although Fang Yuan was young, she was not simple.Fangyuan's powerful aura has already been felt by everyone.Everyone in the officialdom here has heard of Fang Yuan's deeds, bringing down the city health director and the deputy commander of the security area. Such deeds may not be widely spread; The legend of the state officialdom.And the current secretary-general of the municipal party committee, Ming Yuyun, the secretary-general of Ming University, is said to be in danger, and it is rumored that this is also the consequence of the secretary-general of Ming University messing with Fang Yuan.Therefore, Fangyuan now has a nickname in official circles: Xiaoyan Wang of Dongzhou.Of course, this is just a legend in low-level officialdom.In Dongzhou's education system, ever since Zhai Xinwen was made unable to gain a foothold, it has become a consensus from the government to the grassroots.Similarly, the non-educational system also respects the all-powerful Director Fang Da at a respectful distance. After seeing him, they are more than polite, and absolutely dare not challenge him.Bringing down the deputy commander of the garrison area and fighting against the current mayor is unprecedented in the history of Dongzhou official circles.Who dares to fight against such a good man?That's definitely out of his mind, and he doesn't want to be in the officialdom anymore.

Fang Yuan cupped his hands and began to act: "Dear guests, friends. I have known Sister Shu Weirong for many years, and we can be regarded as good friends for many years. We usually call each other brother and sister, but in fact we are very talkative. My friend. Shu is always a courageous entrepreneur who dares to think and do. He is full of market pioneering spirit, dares to make decisions, dares to enter the market, and will persevere in doing what he believes in, which reflects the unique characteristics of Dongzhou entrepreneurs. The spirit of Dongzhou. I always admire Shu always! At the same time, with the development of handsome clothing, it has become an important taxpayer in Dongzhou and one of the enterprises that make the most contribution to Dongzhou. For such an enterprise , I believe that all aspects will give full support to solve problems for the development of the enterprise. Here, I am also honored to tell you that Shuai clothing will be more closely integrated with Dongzhou education, and the vocational education of Dongzhou education system will be closely related to Shuai Apparel has established a cooperative relationship. Students studying in higher vocational colleges and secondary vocational schools in Dongzhou will go to Shuaihou Apparel for internship. Shuai Apparel will become the first large and medium-sized enterprise to reach a school-enterprise cooperation intention with Dongzhou Education Bureau In other words, if anyone affects the participation of Dongzhou vocational education students in internships, it will be difficult for the Dongzhou Education Bureau, and it will be difficult for thousands of parents who have participated in vocational education. Regarding the official cooperation with handsome clothing, we will After further negotiations between the Vocational and Adult Education Division of the Municipal Education Bureau and Handsome Apparel, a legally binding agreement was signed."

Do I need to say anything else?Cooperating with Dongzhou Education means that the Dongzhou Education Bureau has become the protection backstage of handsome clothing, and the deeper meaning is that Fangyuan is the protection backstage of handsome clothing.If the petty officials and soldiers sitting in the audience can't even understand Fang Yuan's words, then they have been in the officialdom for more than ten years in vain.

Shu Weirong was elated.Today, Fangyuan and Fangyuan didn't discuss any school-enterprise cooperation at all. How could they expect Fangyuan to send such a big gift.Haha, in cooperation with the Education Bureau, we have found a reliable rear, and there are many more good-quality and cheap interns, which serves multiple purposes!It seems that, no matter what, 200 million is going to be given to Fangyuan, let Fangyuan watch and deal with it!He can do whatever he wants, and I, Shu Weirong, spent 200 million to buy back a safe development environment with handsome clothes.

Accompanied by Shu Weirong, Fang Yuan toasted each table one by one. Whether it was an insider of handsome clothing, or a client or government official who was invited, Fang Yuan was polite and politely clinked glasses with everyone.There will also be some people who take the initiative to hand over business cards. Fang Yuan smiled and said "thank you" and took the business cards.But Fangyuan didn't have a business card for everyone.Fang Yuan did not bring it, and of course, Fang Yuan did not want to hand over his business card on such an occasion.Not all people at any level can give business cards casually, nor can people at all levels call themselves casually.If this is the case, then I will be more than a hundred times busier than now. How can I live with this work and life?

After toasting a round of wine, Shu Weirong was satisfied.With Fangyuan accompanying her on such a trip, those who want to blackmail and have ideas about handsome clothes will definitely be honest!Who the fuck out of his mind to provoke the "Little Hades of Dongzhou"?

Fang Yuan said to Shu Weirong: "Sister Shu, I really have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Shu Weirong said: "I'll see you off." Fang Yuan said: "You stay here to entertain guests. My driver will accompany me Yes, my driver will just take me back." Shu Weirong said, "But no matter what, it will be delivered at the gate." Fang Yuan refused, so Shu Weirong delivered it to the hotel gate.Shu Weirong took out an envelope from her pocket and handed it to Fangyuan.Fang Yuan pushed back on the spot: "Sister Shu, I'm not short of money. You also know that all the money from Chunxiao Company is mine, and I can spend whatever money from Dacheng Company."

Shu Weirong said: "I know. It's just my sister's wish, you accept it." Fang Yuan said: "I won't make such a mistake, and I can't make it. If Sister Shu wants me to better protect the handsome clothes development, then don’t let me make mistakes that I shouldn’t have made. Do you understand?”

Shu Weirong said: "Understood. However, as long as you need it, I can support you in all aspects at any time! Hundreds of thousands, millions, whatever." Fang Yuan said: "Thank you. There will definitely be times when you need it in the future .”

Fangyuan refused to accept Shu Weirong's bank card, but Fangyuan believed that Shu Weirong would not hesitate when she really needed financial support in the future.This is a woman of strength, a woman of strength enough to dedicate her cousin, her daughter, even her own mouth and tongue.

Fang Yuan rushed to the Nas Hotel and came to the presidential suite.Ding Xiaohua and Ding Chuke are waiting here.Seeing Fang Yuan approaching, Ding Chuke rushed forward and threw herself into Fang Yuan's arms: "Brother, you are finally here, I miss Xiao Ke to death."

Ding Chuke's sudden attack made Fang Yuan very uncomfortable.Seeing that Ding Xiaohua's treacherous and cunning face was full of kind smiles, Fang Yuan suddenly felt terrified!With a hidden knife in his smile, is he talking about someone like Ding Xiaohua?

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