Director's growth history

3969 Chapter 2656 Ding Xiaohua impresses Fangyuan

A soft body was attached to Fang Yuan's body without any gaps. Fang Yuan's neck was wrapped around a pair of arms, which made Fang Yuan's breathing a little awkward - this guy was hugged too tightly.Completely passive, Fang Yuan also hugged Ding Chuke gently: "Xiao Ke, let Dad see the joke!" Ding Chuke said, "I just miss you! I think about it in my heart, I think about it in my body, I think about it everywhere. I haven't seen you for a day, and I feel bad all over."

Ding Xiaohua chuckled: "Xiao Ke has tasted the sweetness and taste of being a woman. Xiao Fang, you can't let your godfather down, you can't let your sister down!"

Hey, as a father, he also has to do his job as a pimp.

There was no way, Fang Yuan could only hug Ding Chuke like this for a few minutes until Ding Chuke let go.I don't know why, but Fangyuan felt a little lustful again, and there was hardening again, pressing straight against Ding Chuke's lower abdomen.Ding Chuke's inner desire was also stimulated, and she also longed for that cute little guy who made her feel a little scared but more yearning to bring herself endless happiness again!Thinking of the first and second time last night, Ding Chuke looked forward to the second time, which was gentle and comfortable. It was as if an electric current was flowing through the brain, anesthetizing Ding Chuke's entire body and mind.

With a red face, Ding Chuke sat on the sofa next to Fangyuan, next to Fangyuan.At this moment, what Ding Chuke cares most about is the area around Fang Yuan, and her eyes always seem to wander around the area around Fang Yuan intentionally or unintentionally.This is the same as men always like to look at women's breasts, buttocks and calves with their eyes. Opposites attract, not only women attract men, but each other.

Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed, feeling sorry for her little guy's disappointment!What's wrong with it?Seeing that an old woman like Shu Weirong can be hard, and even being hugged by Ding Chuke can be hard. Could it be that I am suffering from sexual hunger?There were no such symptoms a few days ago!Due to the busyness of work, Fang Yuan has almost no mood to do such a thing, so whether it is Kong Shuanghua or Song Sisi, in fact, they basically keep empty rooms.What Fangyuan didn't expect was that the medicinal ingredients in the drink that Ding Xiaohua gave him were taking effect.

Ding Xiaohua looked at Fangyuan with a smile: "Xiao Fang, I called you here today. Apart from leaving time for you and Xiao Ke to talk, I have something important to tell you."

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, please tell me."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Your current situation in Dongzhou looks strong on the surface, but in fact it is full of dangers. Do you understand this?"

Fang Yuan said, "There are many people who hate me."

Ding Xiaohua said: "That's right. You were promoted too fast, you were too popular, and you were radiant, which made many people uncomfortable. You also hurt the vital interests of some people, such as Ming Yuyun. I heard that he was in Yu Sizhuang's wife. There are dry stocks in the company, but Yu Sizhuang went bankrupt, and Ming Yuyun's dividends were also reduced, so you can show how much Yuyun can hate you!"

Fang Yuan said, "Actually, if Ming Yuyun doesn't make trouble for me, I don't want to offend a standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee either."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Let's talk about Zhai Xinwen. Zhai Xinwen is still the head of the bureau on the surface, but in fact he doesn't care about anything in the Education Bureau. Does he hate you?"

Fang Yuan said, "Dad is right."

His thoughts turned to work, and the little guy around Fangyuan quickly returned to normal.This made Ding Chuke a little disappointed.

Ding Xiaohua said: "Now, if you are knocked down by someone, I believe that there will be too many people who want to make trouble."

Fang Yuan nodded: That is indeed the case.

Ding Xiaohua said: "You are in the same situation as I am. I am in Nass, which seems to be a holding company, but there are some unwilling guys who always want to bring me down and replace me. However, you have become my son-in-law. Those people He will be much more honest. After all, my favorite son-in-law, if he doesn’t have two knives and three brushes, he won’t be able to catch my eye.”

"son in law"?This word really stimulated Fangyuan's heart.well!What happened to me, I became the son-in-law of several people!Mr. Wang, Confucius Tian, ​​Song Dacheng, and Ding Xiaohua all regard themselves as sons-in-law, how will they get along with each other in the future!

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, the word 'son-in-law' really shouldn't be used indiscriminately!"

Ding Xiaohua said: "I didn't use it indiscriminately! I just said this in front of you and Xiaoke. In public, you are my godson."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly: "How many people are staring at this matter! This time I met my relatives, and the social perception is extremely bad. I am afraid that Secretary Wang of the Municipal Party Committee and other city leaders will have bad ideas."

Ding Xiaohua stared: "What are you afraid of? Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Just like you, the crisis is hidden around you, and the situation is very complicated, but those who hate you, why don't you dare to throw stones now? Because they I'm afraid that the egg will hit the rock, the stone will be fine, he will be finished first. So, don't be afraid! Dad tells you, today the City Federation of Industry and Commerce has a meeting, and I am the vice chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. My relatives, if anyone dares to play tricks on Fangyuan behind his back, he will make trouble with Ding Xiaohua. You must know that although I am the vice chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, my influence is no less than that of the chairman. The chairman is Fu Quansheng, the deputy director of the National People's Congress, an official who has retired from the second line That's all."

Fang Yuan sighed: Why does Ding Xiaohua seem to play cards very unruly, but in fact he is extremely calculating?

Ding Xiaohua said: "Xiao Fang, even if you take 20 or [-] from others, no one will suspect you of taking bribes. You can spend Nas's money as you like; Chun Xiao's money, you can spend it as you want. You are a wealthy person." The cadres with money, even if they have tens of millions in their families, all come from legal sources.”

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, I have such a financial backing, and I won't take other people's money."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Fart! Accept what you should accept, and don't accept what you shouldn't. Only if you accept, can you accept people, only then can you accept them, and only then can they make people follow you wholeheartedly. If you don't accept, people will think that you don't treat him as a Confidant, if you don’t treat him as your own, who would want to follow you?”

Fang Yuan's heart was extremely shocked by this novel point of view: "Dad, taking bribes is subject to shuanggui and punishment."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Those officials who have been arrested must have economic problems, and they must have problems with women. But in my opinion, arresting or not arresting, shuanggui or not, is not about how much money you have embezzled and bribed, nor is it The problem of women is political strife. If the struggle needs to bring you down, use the economy and women to bring you down, so that you will never recover. At least in public opinion, the common people know that you are corrupt and accept bribes. You have taken care of many women, so I naturally think that you should be sentenced to shuanggui. However, those who are in the position, dare to guarantee that they have no financial problems or women's problems? Shit!"

Fang Yuan still couldn't accept Ding Xiaohua's new point of view.Perhaps, this point of view is not new; perhaps, what Ding Xiaohua said also has some truth.However, Fang Yuan really does not want to make financial mistakes again; as for women's issues, he must be more cautious in the future, and he can and will not move.Ding Chuke may be the last one.

For some reason, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of Wen Ruoxing.My female student, I am afraid that the love she has for Fang Yuan now is also unforgettable.What Wen Xiong said made Fang Yuan speechless.Sleeping with your arms around the photo every day, how can such an abnormal love end in a proper way?I have no intention of possessing Wen Ruoxing, but although Wen Ruoxing is only a young girl in love now, she seems to have locked her eternal love object—Comrade Fang Dayuan.

Fangyuan sighed softly.

Ding Xiaohua said: "Sigh, it is helpless. It is such a world, and sighing can't change it. 60 years, can't change the 5000-year Chinese tradition of friendship, hospitality and gifts. The history of the development of the Chinese nation is driven by corrupt officials. In the past dynasties, corrupt officials are like the sand of the Yellow River, countless; honest officials are rare, and it is good to have one or two in each dynasty. Just explain the dynasty, is Zhu Yuanzhang ruthless? Killed more than 3 corrupt officials, at most only It deterred corrupt officials, but it did nothing to change the status quo of officialdom that every official must be corrupt. In the entire Ming Dynasty, Hai Rui was probably the only official who could be called an upright official. Zhang Juzheng, the Prime Minister of Zhongxing in the Ming Dynasty, was actually a big corrupt official. The subordinates gave silver, jewels, fields, and women. Zhang Juzheng died young. According to historical records, it was Qi Jiguang, the general guarding the northern defense at that time, who presented Zhang Juzheng with two beauties from the Western Regions. Zhang Juzheng accepted it with a smile. After that, he died of excessive indulgence. And from Zhu Yuanzhang to Emperor Chongzhen, how many officials have there been in more than 260 years? The TV series "Ji Xiaolan and He Shen" portrays He Shen as a corrupt official, which can't be worse. Ji Xiaolan can't be better But what about the facts? Ji Xiaolan has raised more than 20 concubines. With his salary, how can he afford it? Ji Xiaolan does not accept filial piety money from subordinates, and does not embezzle a little money from the compilation of "Siku Quanshu". What does she eat? What to drink? Let’s talk about this Heshen, although he is a corrupt official, but he is capable! At least, his contribution to China’s territory expansion and territorial integrity surpassed that of any official in the entire Qianlong Dynasty! Why is Qianlong such a wise emperor? , Knowing that He Shen is a corrupt official, but doting He Shen all his life? Have you ever thought about this truth?"

Fang Yuan was stunned.Fangyuan had heard a thing or two about Zhang Juzheng's story; but Fangyuan realized that he had only seen the surface but not the essence of Heshen's story.Fang Yuan shook his head.

Ding Xiaohua said: "In the reign of Qianlong, more than 20 relatively large wars were launched. What is war? It is burning money, it is burning military expenses! Let those upright officials who twitter and criticize the government all day long to raise military expenses, can they raise it? ?Fart! There is no way to get the money needed to fight so many battles! In the entire Qianlong Dynasty, only He Shen could do it! It can be raised in time and sent to the front line in a small amount. This is the skill! This is the reason why Qianlong reused Heshen! Of course, not only the money for war, but also Qianlong’s living expenses, including Qianlong’s six southern tours. The expenses are all astronomical. Can other officials, especially those honest officials, get money like this bottomless pit? No! They can scold corrupt officials and criticize the government. However, talk harms the country, and hard work rejuvenates the country. Therefore, after Zhang Juzheng came to power, he drove out the Donglin Party members who could only talk and talk, because the Donglin Party members could only talk but not do anything. And the Ming Dynasty was able to rejuvenate, What Zhang Juzheng needs are officials who can do things, not officials who play tricks!"

Ding Xiaohua's point of view is diametrically opposed to the secular orthodox point of view, but it is thought-provoking and makes Fang Yuan fall into deep contemplation...

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