Director's growth history

Chapter 3997 2684 Song Yunsheng's talk is meaningful

Fangyuan talked a few words with Sun Hongjun and Yao Changqing, and then received a call from Zhang Yuanqing, director of the Municipal Education Bureau Office: "Report to the director, just now, the municipal government office called, saying that Mayor Song Yunsheng wanted to see you, and asked you to go to the city immediately. government."

Fang Yuan smiled wryly, what should come still has to come.It's not bad, I gave myself an afternoon to hand over the work, and I finally cooked raw rice and cooked rice.Even if some people are dissatisfied, it is basically impossible to change this fact.

Fang Yuan said, "That's the end of today's handover. Mayor Song Yunsheng wants to see me. I guess he is not satisfied with the sudden appointment of the new principal of the Experimental Middle School by the Municipal Education Bureau. Secretary Sun, will you accompany me there?"

Sun Hongjun was as timid as a mouse, so he dared to put his head on his head and be scolded: "Director Fang, the mayor only called you and didn't call me. It's obviously inappropriate for me to go. However, I'm going to go to the municipal committee immediately and report to Secretary Wang. Report the situation." Fang Yuan nodded: "Should!" Looking at Sun Hongjun's expression, Fang Yuan guessed: Sun Hongjun probably didn't know the news that Wang Guodong was leaving Dongzhou.Now, not only is the education situation in Dongzhou more complicated, but the political situation in Dongzhou is quite delicate and complicated.

Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun came to the municipal committee building, one turned left, the other turned right, and parted ways.Arriving at Song Yunsheng's office, Song Yunsheng's secretary warmly received Fang Yuan and welcomed Fang Yuan into the mayor's office.Song Yunsheng was reviewing official documents, and the official documents on the desk were estimated to weigh about ten catties.This is one of the most exhausting jobs a mayor has every day.Many mayors have to hold meetings, inspect, research, deploy, and meet foreign businessmen and guests, which take up a lot of time, but official documents must be reviewed, because every official document that can be placed on the mayor's desk is a major event in the city , Important matters must be decided by the mayor.Moreover, if the official document is not approved today, another ten catties will be delivered to Song Yunsheng's desk tomorrow.In fact, this has already been screened by the government office and Song Yunsheng's secretary, otherwise it would not be a matter of ten catties, it may be hundreds of catties. "People's Daily" published a selection of the speeches of the mayor of Guangzhou at the city's "two construction" work conferences. The mayor of Guangzhou basically worked until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night every day, and came back at around 7 o'clock in the morning. In the office, continuing to work is mainly to use the time before going to work and the time after get off work to review the piles of official documents.Although Dongzhou City is far from being as big as Guangzhou City, no matter how small the sparrow is, it still has all the internal organs.One can imagine the workload of a mayor.

Song Yunsheng saw Fangyuan and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down." Fangyuan sat down in a regular manner.Song Yunsheng's secretary poured Fang Yuan a cup of tea and quietly left the mayor's office.

Song Yunsheng lowered his head and continued to review the official documents.Fang Yuan looked at Song Yunsheng, there were already many gray hairs on his head.Song Yunsheng, who frowned slightly, was already immersed in the official document.Fang Yuan thought of the official documents on his desk.I didn't have time to approve official documents today, and there was a backlog of things in education.well!It would be great when officials can be freed from official documents.However, without official documents, it would be difficult for government orders to flow smoothly.Official documents are the most important means of deploying work and implementing administrative orders, even more important than meetings.Meetings are often limited by the scope of attendance, and the audience is limited, and many official documents such as resolutions, announcements, notices, etc., can be sent from the central government to provinces, ministries and commissions, cities, prefectures, county flags, townships and even villages, so that government orders From the central to the most grassroots units.Any country, including the United States, must have an effective official document system to ensure the normal and orderly progress of various affairs.

Song Yunsheng reviewed several more official documents, then stood up, and said to Fang Yuan, "I kept you waiting. Xiao Fang, I heard that you have adjusted the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School today."

Fang Yuan stood up with a very respectful attitude: "Yes, mayor."

Song Yunsheng said: "Why didn't you report such a big matter to the city government in advance? Why didn't the deputy mayor in charge know?"

Fang Yuan said: "Reporting to the mayor, the adjustment of section-level cadres is within the scope of the responsibility of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau, and we have never reported in advance before. However, we all followed the regulations and reported to the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, and the Municipal Party Committee as soon as possible. The Ministry and the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security made a report."

Song Yunsheng said: "Talk about your thoughts. Why do you want to adjust the position of the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School?"

Song Yunsheng's attitude was very gentle, not extremely vicious, nor harsh, it was entirely in a negotiating tone, an inquiring tone.

Fang Yuan said: "Reporting to the mayor, the personnel adjustment is the right of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau. I am only the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and participated in this personnel adjustment work. The main reason for the adjustment of the principal of the Experimental Middle School is that my current work focus has shifted to I have left the Education Bureau. The daily work of the Education Bureau is already very busy, and I have less and less energy to manage Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. Although Dongzhou Experimental Middle School can still maintain normal operation, it is not conducive to the development of Experimental Middle School in any way. Stability and development. As for the candidates, you already know. The Education Bureau has nominated two candidates, one is the former vice principal of the Experimental Middle School and the current principal of No. 11 Middle School Zhao Zidong, and the other is the second best high school in Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School Principal Yao Changqing. No matter how many candidates we consider, these two are the most suitable. In the end, most of the party committee members of the bureau supported Yao Changqing, so Yao Changqing became the principal of the experimental middle school."

Song Yunsheng said: "I heard that Yao Changqing was the principal of No. 68 Middle School where you worked. At that time, you were the teaching director and the vice principal."

Fang Yuan said: "This is not the reason why Yao Changqing was appointed. According to the relationship, Yao Changqing and I are just superiors and subordinates. In fact, everyone in the Education Bureau knows that Yao Changqing is the direct descendant of Director Zhai Xinwen, and he is also Director Zhai's most trusted person. At the same time , Yao Changqing is still a classmate of Secretary Sun Hongjun. From the perspective of the relationship, who does the mayor think Yao Changqing is closer to?"

Song Yunsheng said: "It seems that Yao Changqing is a candidate acceptable to all parties. You also spent a lot of effort in finding candidates!"

Fang Yuan said: "I dare not take credit for this matter. The candidate was chosen by Secretary Sun Hongjun. You also know that Secretary Sun is a mature and prudent comrade who always considers stability first." Song Yunsheng nodded: "Yes, Sun Hongjun is a good comrade."

Song Yunsheng took a sip of tea and remembered something: "Xiao Fang, I heard that you recognized Ding Xiaohua as your godfather. Is that true?" Fang Yuan said, "Yes." Song Yunsheng said, "What do you think of Ding Xiaohua? Alone?" Fang Yuan said, "He is very capable, and sometimes he uses ruthless means. He has rich social experience, and there is a lot for me to learn." Song Yunsheng said, "Ding Xiaohua is a well-known entrepreneur in Dongzhou. The contribution to economic development is great. His daughter has just returned from studying in the UK, are you familiar with her?"

Fang Yuan said, "Very familiar. Now, she has also become my younger sister."

Every sentence contains deep meaning, but Fang Yuan doesn't want to interpret it.Fang Yuan felt that the question and answer with Song Yunsheng today was very truthful and grasped the main points, not giving Song Yunsheng any chance.Yao Changqing is Zhai Xinwen's direct descendant, Yao Changqing is Sun Hongjun's classmate, Yao Changqing is Sun Hongjun's nomination, these three things are enough.As for Ding Xiaohua's matter, Fang Yuan didn't want to say anything more.

Song Yunsheng said: "I have an irreversible relationship with Ding Xiaohua, and you know this. Ding Chuke called me Uncle Song, and I have always regarded Ding Chuke as my own niece."

The implied intent was all too obvious.Fang Yuan hesitated, especially when Wang Guodong was about to be transferred from Dongzhou.If Fang Yuan didn't understand the olive branch handed over like this, he would become a deadly enemy with Song Yunsheng.

Fang Yuan said: "In fact, I have always respected Mayor Song's dedication to the development of Dongzhou. Over the years, you have done many things to Dongzhou Education, Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, and myself. I keep it in mind. I also know that you and my father-in-law are college alumni. I also fully agree with your ideas on many of the ideas on how to do things. It's just..."

Song Yunsheng said: "It's just because I'm a corrupt official, right? So you don't want to get close to me, so you get close to that wimpy Wang Guodong, because Wang Guodong is a clean official, right?"

Fang Yuan was taken aback, he never imagined how Song Yunsheng would say such words on such an occasion.

Song Yunsheng stared at Fangyuan, calm and cold: "Xiao Fang, if I told you that Wang Guodong is not a pool of clear water, but also has many stains, would you believe it?"

Fang Yuan shook his head.

Song Yunsheng said: "If I told you that Wang Guodong actually had women outside of marriage, would you believe me?"

Fang Yuan shook his head.

Song Yunsheng said: "Generally speaking, Wang Guodong is an official with relatively little salary, but when the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are inspected, there will be no criminals. If I want to tell you, in fact, Wang Guodong also committed adultery with other married women. You Do you believe it?"

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

Fang Yuan replied very simply: "I don't believe it."

Song Yunsheng smiled: "Maybe Wang Guodong is really not greedy for money, at least I have no information about him accepting bribes. But don't forget, he has something more important than money, that is the official title! Who doesn't want to make progress? Man Want to make progress, women who are in the system also want to make progress. Can this person who holds the hat of an official be let go by those women who want to make progress? Therefore, whether it is active or passive, Wang Guodong is indeed real He has had sexual relations with at least two female civil servants in the system, both of whom are married, and after having sex, they have all been promoted faster than others."

Wang Guodong is the leader he most admires and respects!Fang Yuan couldn't believe that what Song Yunsheng said was true, but he also questioned that what Song Yunsheng said could not be completely false.

Song Yunsheng said: "Who doesn't know about the matter between you and Song Sisi of Dacheng Company? Doesn't Wang Guodong know? I don't know? But why does Wang Guodong acquiesce? If Wang Guodong is clean, he has never had sex with other married women relationship, he can stand on the highest point of morality, criticize you severely, and even punish you severely. But did he do it? No! Xiao Fang, haven’t you thought about the reason for this? He himself The relationship between men and women is not clean, so how can we ask other cadres?"

Fang Yuan felt that her outlook on life collapsed in an instant.Wang Guodong has always been a role model for himself to learn from, but at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly felt deeply sad: Who should I follow as an example in the future?I have been controlling my sinking in the relationship between men and women, because Wang Guodong has set a correct example for himself.But now, Wang Guodong actually has such a thing.Adultery and foster care, although there are differences in degrees, are both extramarital sex and marital infidelity, and there is only a difference of fifty steps and one hundred steps.What Song Yunsheng told Fang Yuan today was really shocking!

Song Yunsheng said: "I am an official who is not so clean economically, but I think I am still a good official who can do things and do practical things. The officialdom is as deep as the sea. Xiaofang, you are now a member of the officialdom, so naturally you don't understand. The current situation that money is difficult to do things. If you are not the mayor, I don’t know how difficult it is to be a person with a population of 500 million! Every month, I worry about money, ensuring wages, ensuring operation, ensuring people’s livelihood, ensuring development, and what I don’t need Money? Where does the money come from? Why did I engage in investment promotion and project construction when I was the mayor? Make contributions and pay taxes for Dongzhou's finances! Under the new background of the deepening of the current international financial crisis, some small and medium-sized private enterprises are struggling to operate, leading to a serious crisis of declining tax revenue. Fighting for funds, how does this Dongzhou work? Let’s talk about people’s livelihood! You are the head of the Education Bureau, how much do you get paid for a year with so many teachers in the city? Let me take Longwan District as an example. Last year’s The fiscal revenue is 33 billion, and the investment in education is 11 billion, of which 9 million is paid to teachers. This is only the situation in one district. What about the whole city? If taxes cannot be obtained, teachers will not even be paid salaries. If we stop, can education continue? The number of teachers in the city is four times that of civil servants. Besides, there are more than 4 low-income families in the city, and each person is 6 yuan a month. Individually, it is true. Not much. But when you add it up? One month is 500 million, and one year is 3000 million. No money, okay? This is why you want to make friends with entrepreneurs like Ding Xiaohua and An Dongsheng when you are a mayor The important reason: coaxing them to develop the enterprise well, so that Dongzhou can continue to pay more taxes. I will use the tax money to pay wages to those who eat finances, and ensure the normal operation of party and government agencies at all levels , to provide stable guarantees for needy families and disabled families in need of assistance in the society. Why focus on project construction? Without new projects, there will be no new tax sources, and there will be no guarantee that the ever-increasing expenditure will be supported by new fiscal revenue. And investment promotion Attracting capital, if you don’t make friends with entrepreneurs, why do people come to Dongzhou to invest? Can’t it be placed in Jinhua? Can’t it be placed in Taizhou? Can’t it be placed in Hangjiang and Ninghai? Time and energy are limited. Look at me. I have to approve so many official documents every day. I can’t finish the approval in one day. A lot of work will be delayed, slowed down, and stopped. Therefore, making friends also requires time. In the limited time I can only choose those entrepreneurs who can bring money to Dongzhou. If I spare 4 hours a day to communicate with entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurs may settle the project in Dongzhou and bring Dongzhou several dollars a year. Millions or even tens of millions or even over 2 million in taxes; if I can squeeze out 2 hours a day with ordinary people, can they bring in taxes? This is purely invalid labor! Ineffective work! Xiao Fang, you One day in the future, I may also become the mayor. At that time, I will know how difficult it is to be a family! It’s not that I hate povertyWealth, but hand in wealth to better help the poor.Through communication, let the rich take out the money, and then I can transfer the money to the poor. Can you understand the twists and turns in this? "

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