Director's growth history

Chapter 3998 2685 Come to 68 is the platform

Fang Yuan has been listening quietly.During this process, Fang Yuan wanted to understand many things.In fact, paying attention to actual benefits has unconsciously penetrated into every corner and aspect of society, and even big figures like the mayor pay more attention to the actual benefits created by allocating time and energy.If the benefit is too low, or if there is no benefit, you will not consider doing it.Has such strong utilitarianism penetrated into every corner of Chinese society?Is it the same in foreign countries?If you think about how many countries put the relationship with the United States at the top of their diplomatic relations, you can understand that utilitarianism is not a phenomenon unique to China, but has gradually become an important reference for people from all over the world to communicate with each other.Those small countries in Central America, Oceania, and Africa that have established diplomatic relations with Taiwan, China, extend an olive branch to the mainland while maintaining relations with Taiwan. True feelings?I am afraid that utilitarianism should come first.

One word is worth ten years of reading.Sometimes, listening to the words in front of me and thinking of deeper and farther things, this will allow Fang Yuan to better understand the society, grasp the context of society, and see the essence of society clearly.

After listening to Song Yunsheng, Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the teaching of the mayor. People always have to do more important things first! If you ignore the more important things and do some insignificant things, then you will give up the watermelon and go pick it up." Sesame. I very much agree with the mayor's work style of prioritizing more important things."

Song Yunsheng said: "In fact, we have a common language in many aspects. Xiaofang, we are all people who do things, people who hope to do a good job, and people who hope that work can continuously create new achievements. In the pursuit of In terms of work performance, we have common goals, and the prime minister can hold a boat. As long as I think of my relationship with Zitian as a classmate, as long as I think of my relationship with Ding Xiaohua as a friend, as long as I think of how capable, practical and willing you are Comrades, everything can be floating clouds. I really hope that in the future, we will work together to develop Dongzhou well, worthy of the organization's training, worthy of the great trust of the people, and worthy of our own conscience."

Fangyuan's heart is also hesitating.He is only 28 years old!In such a complicated and chaotic situation, Fang Yuan didn't know how to deal with it.After much deliberation, Fang Yuan replied very politely: "Thank you, Director, I will definitely try my best to be a cadre like what you just said. There are many things, I am too young, I want to tell my dad what you mean , I will also discuss with my godfather Ding Xiaohua. But in any case, I will firmly support every leader who benefits the people of Dongzhou, and firmly supports the leaders who do practical and good things for the economic and social development of Dongzhou."

Song Yunsheng was calm, with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Fang Yuan: "Okay, you have principles and standpoints. Xiao Fang is a trustworthy and good comrade. Discuss with Zitian and Ding Xiaohua more, I believe you will avoid detours , to make the road of life smoother. Regarding the adjustment of the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, although it was sudden, I am quite satisfied with the candidate selected by your Education Bureau. Through this candidate, I have seen your progress. Yes Sometimes, the candidate you want to use may not necessarily be the best, but it must be the most suitable. Yao Changqing, I have written down the name."

Fang Yuan left the mayor's office just like that.The sky was getting dark slightly, but Fang Yuan's mood was extremely restless.Today is the last day of 2008, but what a thrilling day it is!I have completed an important personnel arrangement in the Dongzhou Education Bureau. Even if I leave Dongzhou Education, I have the strength to go back to the pot at any time.Moreover, the future development of Dongzhou Education will not only have competition, but also have more exciting things to look forward to.

Fang Yuan called Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, where are you?" Sun Hongjun said: "I have already returned to the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan said: "What is Secretary Wang's opinion?" Sun Hongjun said: "Secretary Wang said, I believe The decision made by the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau was carefully considered. The Municipal Party Committee will not interfere with the decision of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau.”

Fangyuan put her heart in her stomach.The secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor acquiesced to this job adjustment, which meant that no one could turn the tables.Even if Zhai Xinwen came back, facing Yao Changqing, the principal of Experimental Middle School, he might not make major adjustments.The personnel layout this time is indeed an important personnel appointment with historical significance, and it is also my first real test in the Municipal Education Bureau!

It's time to go to No. 68 Middle School.

The driver, Ning Zhongyuan, was waiting below.Fang Yuan got into the car and said to Ning Zhongyuan, "Let's go to Jingu Hotel."

Fangyuan's cell phone rang, it was Ding Xiaohua calling.Fang Yuan did not dare not answer: "Dad, you are looking for me." Ding Xiaohua said: "You are making a lot of noise today!" Fang Yuan said: "I made Dad laugh. We must make arrangements, otherwise I am afraid it will be too late." Ding Xiaohua said : "The style is a bit domineering, but I like it! If Xiao Ke can be as decisive as you, then I will be more at ease." Fang Yuan said: "Dad, I really learned from you and used some of your methods." Ding Xiaohua haha Laughing: "Are there any activities tonight?" Fang Yuan said: "Yes, I am also the secretary of the party branch of the 68 High School. Tonight is the New Year's Eve dinner." Ding Xiaohua said: "Today is the last day of 2008. Tomorrow is New Year, you spend New Year’s Day with your parents. Let’s bid farewell to the old one today, come to my place after the evening’s activities. Let’s celebrate the New Year today.”

Hey, this timing is just right, I can't help but admire Ding Xiaohua's head is indeed bigger than others.For ordinary people, Chinese New Year is New Year's Eve, but for a person like Fang Yuan who has a certain social status and has several women, where to spend every day is very meaningful.To a certain extent, Ding Xiaohua is fighting for the second place for his daughter!

Fang Yuan understood, and it was hard to refuse.Fang Yuan said, "I'm afraid it's too late." Ding Xiaohua said, "Before 10 p.m., is that okay?" Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Dad."

Arriving at the Jingu Hotel, Fangyuan once again received a warm welcome.Si Yushi, the general manager of Jingu Hotel, Qiu Zhengxuan, Zhang Yueyu, Fang Shujuan, the school leadership team of Dongzhou No. 68 Middle School, and Tian Qiaoqiao, the office director, all stood at the entrance of the hotel to welcome them.Surrounded by the crowd, Fang Yuan came to the banquet hall and received a standing ovation from all the faculty and staff of No. 68 Middle School.Under Qiu Zhengxuan's insistence, Fangyuan walked to the front desk and picked up the microphone: "Dear colleagues! I have always been a member of the 68 in the past!"


"Now, I'm still a member of the 68th!"

Applause broke out again.

"In the future, no matter what position I work in, I will be connected with 68 High School by blood!"

The distinctive opening remarks suddenly narrowed the distance between Fang Yuan and his original colleagues. Many people couldn't help but think back to the days when Fang Yuan worked in 68.Especially the good time when I fought side by side with everyone when I was the dean and assistant to the principal.

Fang Yuan said: "Give 68 High School to Principal Qiu, Principal Zhang, and now Principal Fang Shujuan. I am more confident in the future of 68 High School!"

Fangyuan glanced at the audience: "I think of the days when I was the dean of the No. 68 Middle School and worked with the teachers of the same grade group. It is not easy to teach the third grade of junior high school! I work overtime every day, and the teachers accompany each other with joy and sorrow. Everyone is united. The 68 Middle School has made continuous progress in all aspects. Now, Principal Qiu is here. He not only brings the advanced educational concepts and school-running ideas of the Experimental Middle School, but also takes the lead, working overtime every day until after 10 o'clock in the evening. After returning home, he set an example of diligence, dedication, firmness, perseverance, and enterprising for the cadres and teachers in the school! Open your mouth and let others do it, even if the teachers do it, they will not feel happy! Let the teachers do the work, and Principal Qiu himself First of all, I am still working, and even put in more hard work and effort than my colleagues. Where can I find such a good principal? Principal Qiu is a decent character, fair in dealing with things, and sets an example everywhere. He has won the honor with his own practical actions. Full trust and heartfelt love from the teachers! I believe that under the leadership of Principals Qiu, Zhang, and Fang, and with the joint efforts of everyone, 68 Middle School will have a better and more brilliant tomorrow!"

Qiu Zhengxuan's eyes filled with tears, and the teachers' hearts were surging.

The warm applause, I don't know if it was given to Fang Yuan or Qiu Zhengxuan.Qiu Zhengxuan looked at Fangyuan gratefully. Who wouldn't be excited that this young boss stood up for him in such a way?With such a statement, even if there were some teachers who were dissatisfied, they would be suppressed by Fang Yuan, and it was impossible to make any more waves.

Qiu Zhengxuan didn't know that this was actually Fangyuan's longer-term plan.Qiu Zhengxuan is still the executive vice-principal and cannot become a full-time principal for the time being due to his age limit.If Fang Yuan can continue to serve as the deputy director of the Education Bureau until the summer vacation, Fang Yuan absolutely guarantees to make Qiu Zhengxuan a regular; but now he must build momentum, if he leaves education, no one can easily move Qiu Zhengxuan in the future. With the bad precedent of Miao Qun, 68 Most of the teachers in the school would not allow their superiors to touch Qiu Zhengxuan.

Whether it is the wisdom of Zhai Xinwen or the experience of Han Suzhen, one should be very clear about the power of public opinion.The stability of the school is an important indicator of the ability of a bureau chief.Wrong personnel arrangements sometimes really provoke violent reactions, which is not a consequence that a bureau chief can afford.Just like the candidates for the principal of the Experimental Middle School, although Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun teamed up quite suddenly, there were only three or five suitable candidates, including Zhao Zidong and Yao Changqing.Appointing Yao Changqing as the principal of the Experimental Middle School is certainly a bit of a surprise attack, but it is indeed a relatively appropriate arrangement.Not to mention that Yao Changqing is the principal of the No. 3 middle school with the second best education quality in Dongzhou. From a political point of view, he can be accepted by Zhai Xinwen and Sun Hongjun, as well as the temporary leader Fang Yuan, and can also be accepted by the municipal level. Level leadership is also accepted.

After the applause subsided, Fang Yuan pointed to Zhang Yueyu: "Principal Zhang doesn't talk much, but he is also a capable doer. To be honest, when I was the principal of the experimental middle school, there was no shortage of flattering people around me." .Flattery, hype, everyone likes to hear it. But Principal Zhang never swayed in front of me, never said a single word of flattery in front of me. Ordinarily, such a person who can't speak and act can't win the main leadership Appreciation. However, when the Education Bureau was studying the promotion of the vice principal, I still nominated Zhang Yueyu without hesitation. Why? Because Zhang Yueyu is a talent, an outstanding talent who is really hardworking, skillful, and capable. Talents are selected for education, not flattering people who can only say they can’t do it. Zhang Yueyu has been in the 68 middle school for half a year. I believe my colleagues can see clearly his level and work style. It is said that ordinary people have a steelyard in their hearts, and I believe everyone has weighed the weight of Principal Zhang, the vice principal in charge of teaching!"

Zhang Yueyu also shed tears.Scholars died for their confidants, Zhang Yueyu wished he could show all his talents and dedicate everything to Fangyuan.

The applause went to Zhang Yueyu.Zhang Yueyu stood up, bowed deeply to Fangyuan, and bowed deeply to the teachers.

Fang Yuan said: "Let's see, Principal Zhang would rather bow than say a few words of flattery!"

Zhang Yueyu shed more tears, while the teachers laughed in good faith.

Fang Yuan said: "Speaking flattery is not good, but normal communication is still necessary. After all, we live in this world, where there are sunny springs and bitterly cold winters, and we will meet polite people. , You will also encounter hob meat. Learning to express correctly and appropriately is also an important lesson in life. Principal Zhang, you practice today and say a few words of flattery to me."

Everyone laughed.

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Yueyu said, "Secretary Fang, you are a good person."

The audience burst into laughter.

Fang Yuan also smiled.This guy is so blunt to say a word of flattery.Such a talent must have a leader who knows people and is good at taking responsibility.I wonder what kind of person Zhang Yueyu will develop into in the future?It's okay for Qiu Zhengxuan to be the headmaster for him, but it's hard to say whether another person can accept such a deputy!

Fang Yuan asked Zhang Yueyu to sit down and pointed to Fang Shujuan: "The newly appointed Vice Principal Fang Shujuan is a little younger, but she is not young anymore. I remember that Vice Principal Fang should be the same age as me. I am already 26 years old. The vice-principal of No. 68 High School, vice-principal Fang was just promoted to vice-principal at the age of 28, you are not progressing so fast!"

Although Fang Yuan said these words in a joking tone, the noisy scene immediately became quiet.The cadres and teachers of the whole school can accept Fang Yuan as their vice principal at the age of 26, and they can't say they don't accept Fang Shujuan as their vice principal at the age of 28. However, many people still feel a little uncomfortable.To put it bluntly, it is envy, jealousy and hatred!How could Fang Yuan not know Fang Shujuan's current difficult situation, today she must stand up for this woman who loves her deeply, and help her tide over the difficulties!

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