Director's growth history

Chapter 4031 2718 Fangyuan sets the direction for vocational education

Fang Yuan and his party came to the Traffic Vocational School.Wang Xingbang, deputy director of the Education Bureau, Liu Liang, head of the Vocational Education Section of the Education Bureau, and the school leaders of the Traffic Vocational School warmly welcomed Fang Yuan and his party at the door.Xie Bingguo and Li Guoqiang had returned to the Education Bureau, and Fangyuan was accompanied by Zhang Yuanqing and others.

Fang Yuan visited the school.This school has become very famous a few days ago. After the incident of gang fights among students, the original school leadership was replaced, and the new leadership has only been in charge of the school for less than two months.This is Fang Yuan's first visit to the Traffic Vocational School.Under Wang Xingbang's introduction, Fang Yuan came to several practical classrooms.In some classrooms, students are operating on lathes; in some classrooms, students are dismantling cars; in some classrooms, teachers are teaching students how to use the driving computer.

Back in the school conference room, Fang Yuan listened to the report of the school leaders.After hearing the headmaster’s introduction about the school’s current difficulties in enrolling students, Fang Yuan said, “I’ll interrupt. The difficulty in enrolling students is due to the negative impact of the last brawl on the school and the overall bad environment. I think , This is shirking responsibility. The transportation industry can be said to be a gold industry. Whether you can dig gold depends on the principal’s awareness, level, and realm. Needless to say, how many cars are sold in China now in a year? 2000 million! China How many cars are sold a year now? 2000 million! If you can’t see a huge business opportunity, or if you see it but can’t grasp it, what’s the problem? The country’s emphasis on vocational education is getting stronger year by year. I Although I didn’t care about vocational education before, it doesn’t mean I don’t understand vocational education. As the deputy director of the Education Bureau, to be honest, there are too many college students and too few skilled workers. The so-called employment Difficulty, mainly for college students; and skilled workers, will there be employment difficulties? Our vocational education is precisely to train skilled workers."

The school leaders of the traffic vocational school were not convinced, but dared not refute.Director Fangyuan is standing up and talking without pain in his back. Let him be the principal and experience it. Will he also face the problem of recruiting students?

Fang Yuan said: "It is difficult to recruit students. There are objective reasons, including parents and society's prejudice against vocational education. But the most important reason is subjective. To be a principal, you must not only pay attention to stability, but also pay attention to the development of the school. Just stick to the old ways. I can’t adapt to the needs of Dongzhou’s education development under the new situation. If I were the principal of Dongzhou Transportation Vocational School, I have two ideas and I would like to share with you. First, we need to deeply understand the current market demand of the transportation industry, what aspects The employment prospects are broad, which aspects have a huge job market capacity, and which aspects of employment are sunrise industries. After thorough research, adjust and reset the majors of the school. Dongzhou does not produce cars, but Dongzhou has millions of cars, and the number of cars The sales volume is constantly increasing. How much market potential is this? Auto repair major, car care major, auto sales major, and auto decoration industry, which major does not require a large number of skilled workers? The key here is to study in the traffic vocational school for three years Is it possible to train skilled workers by learning more, or three plus two? If you don’t know anything after three or five years of study, this is because the quality of school education is too poor. Anyone else? Second, as a principal, you must learn to make good use of available resources. Wu Tie, Director of Transportation, is in charge of the city's transportation industry. Has our school consulted Director Wu for his opinions and suggestions? If Director Wu stands in the perspective of the transportation industry Let me put forward some targeted suggestions. I believe that our professional setting and the cultivation of skilled technicians will be more in line with the market. Qiao Guanyun, President of the Bank of Communications, professionally speaking, is not only the banking industry, but also closely related to transportation. Can we strengthen the cooperation with the Bank of Communications? Taking a bigger picture, is ship transportation transportation? Is airplane transportation transportation? Employees, etc., to expand the scope of our business training? It’s not that inheriting the tradition is not good, but the times are developing and the situation is changing. Compared with basic education, our vocational education should be more flexible and more in line with the market! In line with the market If there is a problem of enrollment difficulty, then the school leaders need to find the problem from themselves!"

Fangyuan's words were very serious, which not only made the cadres of the traffic vocational school feel ashamed, but also deeply inspired Wang Xingbang, Zhang Yuanqing, Liu Liang and the cadres of the traffic vocational school.

Wang Xingbang said: "Director Fang's instructions have benefited me a lot! I think this can become a guiding idea for the development of vocational education in the next stage."

Liu Liang said: "Our Vocational Education Department will definitely organize various vocational schools, earnestly study and understand the spirit of Director Fang's important speech, open up school-running ideas, update school-running concepts, and make vocational education achieve new development."

Fang Yuan and others came to Dongzhou Tourism School.This is a vocational school with a certain reputation in Dongzhou City and excellent school quality. It is the school with the best enrollment and the best employment situation of graduates among vocational schools.

After listening to the report of the school leaders, Fangyuan put forward a new suggestion for the setting of the school's professional courses: it is correct to organize tourism vocational education around the tourism industry.However, we should not be able to hear about tourism itself, but should expand the professional setting to industries related to tourism, and strive to become a famous brand school that takes root in tourism and serves tourism.We should not only be satisfied with being the No. [-] vocational school in Dongzhou City, but also strive to become the No. [-] vocational school in Qingnan area, or even the entire Qingjiang Province.Great tourism, in addition to the tour guide itself, should also see the tourism industry, hotel service industry, catering industry, and tourism marketing industry.Souvenir development industry and many other related industries.Therefore, not only can directly train graduates such as tour guides, but also can train suitable staff and management personnel according to the needs of hotels, and cultivate catering management talents according to the needs of the catering industry... You can't limit yourself to tourism. Instead, around the big tourism, all tourism-related businesses can be considered to be included in the school's majors and curriculum.

Wang Xingbang and Zhang Yuanqing were surprised: what Fangyuan talked about in the tourism school was completely different from what Fangyuan talked about in the traffic vocational school, but the ideas were basically similar.Transportation schools should focus on big transportation; tourism schools should run their schools around big tourism.Yes, if you broaden your horizons and broaden your thinking, this school will become more and more active.

Wang Xingbang made up his mind to take Fangyuan's guiding opinions as the core concept in the new year's vocational education work opinions in 2009, and convey them to all vocational schools in the city, so that vocational education will have a big leap in 2009. develop!

Seeing Wang Xingbang's eager expression, Zhang Yuanqing guessed what Wang Xingbang was thinking.He smiled slightly in his heart: You want to hug Fangyuan's thighs and hold Fangyuan's stinky feet, but you don't know, I've already thought of a better way.Zhang Yuanqing touched the recording pen that had been kept in his palm all the time, and said in his heart: Whether you can flatter Fangyuan well depends entirely on you.

After inspecting the two vocational schools, Wang Xingbang and Liu Liang shook hands with Fangyuan to say goodbye.Fang Yuan took Zhang Yuanqing and others to Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten.At the entrance of the kindergarten, they were warmly welcomed by Kong Lili, the deputy director, Xi Chunhua, director of the nursery office and acting principal of the experimental kindergarten, and others.

Stepping into the city's best kindergarten, Fangyuan once again felt a problem that only the head of the government would think of: Dongzhou City, whether it is a kindergarten or a primary and secondary school, has the best quality resources, and educational resources from developed countries abroad In comparison, there may be differences in concepts and gaps, but the facilities are not inferior, and even exceed the educational resources of some developed countries including the United States and the United Kingdom.But the worst kindergartens, primary and secondary schools are a bit unbearable, probably equivalent to the level of third world countries.Why is there a fever of school choice and difficulty in choosing a garden?It is because of the serious imbalance of educational resources, the gap between kindergartens and schools, and between schools is really too big!Only by allowing education to achieve balanced development can we provide relatively fair educational resources for the common people.However, the balance cannot cut peaks and fill valleys, and we cannot let the best schools and kindergartens stop developing and wait for poor schools and kindergartens to develop.Therefore, to truly achieve equilibrium, it can only be an ideal pursued. When it can be truly realized, I am afraid it will not be achieved in 100 years!Even in the United States, the gap between Harvard University and the worst universities in the United States is not shrinking, but widening. This is actually a more serious imbalance.Harvard's influence, reputation and popularity are getting better and better. Can it pull down Harvard University and let all universities go hand in hand?The same is true for elementary and middle schools!

Xi Chunhua took Fangyuan on a tour, and she and Kong Lili were observing Fangyuan's expression.They didn't know that Fang Yuan had thought of balanced development from the experimental kindergarten. Seeing Fang Yuan's solemn and cold expression, both of them felt uneasy.It should be said that both Xi Chunhua and Kong Lili made careful preparations for Fang Yuan's visit to the experimental kindergarten.In particular, Kong Lili felt that her position was unstable and urgently needed to prove that she had the ability to work in charge of preschool education. The teachers in the school were thrown into a tizzy.Fortunately, the inspection time is after 15:[-], and the children are out of school.If we prepare for classroom activities and student performances, I am afraid that some teachers will collapse.

In the experimental kindergarten, teachers were arranged to prepare lessons in the office, and Fang Yuan went to meet with the teachers, and then chatted about homework.This is also a link carefully set up by Kong Lili, hoping to increase the performance of Fangyuan's affinity and flatter Fangyuan's ass.

When he came to the teacher's office, Fang Yuan saw that the teachers were preparing lessons seriously.Kong Lili said: "Director Fang of the Municipal Education Bureau has come to visit you."

The teachers all stood up, there were several middle-aged teachers, most of them were very young female teachers.Everyone applauded Fangyuan enthusiastically, and some young female teachers looked at Fangyuan with sparkling eyes!The director is too young and handsome!This is really the prince charming in the eyes of young girls!If she could marry Director Fang, wouldn't she become the first lady of the Eastern State Education Bureau?

Fang Yuan didn't know that his status in the eyes of these young unmarried female teachers was so lofty, and some young female teachers even moved to become a junior, just like the relationship between Peng Ru, the former director of the experimental kindergarten, and Zhai Xinwen, the former director. Same.The lover relationship between Peng Ru and Zhai Xinwen is now known to everyone in the experimental kindergarten.While everyone despises Peng Ru and reprimands Zhai Xinwen, some scheming female preschool teachers don't mind being the new director's lover if they have the chance.And now, the top leader of the Dongzhou Education Bureau is right in front of him. How can some female teachers not be moved?What's more, Director Fang is so handsome, so young, and more attractive than a semi-old man like Zhai Xinwen!

Only at this time did Fangyuan have a smile on his face.For acting, when it is time to be serious, you must keep a sullen face, so that the people below will take it seriously and be nervous; when it is time to laugh, you must laugh, so that you can show the affinity of a leader and show the side of the leader who is close to the people.

Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua both breathed a sigh of relief.Mother, it's really not easy to see Fang Yuan's smile!Kong Lili is a little complacent in setting up such a link for herself.

Fang Yuan said: "Today, some comrades from the Education Bureau and I came to the experimental kindergarten, mainly to understand the operation of various tasks at the end of the kindergarten, and also to see the teachers. The teachers work very hard. I have been a front-line teacher for many years. , very clear. The profession of teachers is also very noble. It is the most glorious career under the sun and the most respected profession by the society. It is said that parents are the first teachers of children, but I want to say that our preschool teachers are the truth The first enlightenment teacher in the world."

Fang Yuan's words were suddenly interrupted by a young female teacher: "Director, anyone can say beautiful words. But we put in a lot of effort, is the income proportional to the hard work we put in? It is said that we are respected by the society as teachers. , but why is the income of primary and secondary school teachers 2000 yuan higher than that of our kindergarten teachers? We are all teachers, and we should be paid equally for equal work! It makes us inferior in finding a partner and making friends. pass; as soon as I heard that the other party is a primary and secondary school teacher, I wish I could marry and go home immediately. We welcome the director to visit the kindergarten. We hope that the director can solve practical problems and practical difficulties for our kindergarten teachers. Don’t be like superficial, Let's take a look, say a few beautiful words and give some important instructions, and then we teachers will be in trouble. In order to flatter you, the principal treats every word of yours as an imperial edict, and implements it sentence by sentence , made us exhausted. We don't want such a revolving door inspection, what we want is an inspection that can really bring benefits to the development of kindergartens and preside over fair inspections for our kindergarten teachers!"

Fang Yuan did not expect that the principal of the experimental kindergarten had such a personality; but Kong Lili was at a loss: where did this guy come from?Isn't this making trouble for yourself?Kong Lili felt that the anger in her heart was about to burst out.

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