Director's growth history

Chapter 4032 2719 Fangyuan easily resolves the crisis

In this era, there are more and more petitioners.In some people's eyes, these petitioners are troublemakers, because many petitioners do not have any legal or policy basis. The petitioners involved in the lawsuit were the losers of the final judgments of the two levels of courts, and they also persistently worked at the county, city, provincial, and central levels through the Letters and Calls Bureau; of course, some of them had grievances.If we look at it from another perspective, regardless of whether these petitioners are justified or whether they should petition, at least one thing is certain: that is, everyone has the democratic right to express their demands. Isn’t this democracy and human rights?

Just look at the 500 million people in the United States who took to the streets to protest that "1% of the rich have stolen 99% of the country's wealth." In the end, what these 500 million people faced was not a free exercise of democratic rights, but brutal suppression by the American police ;Take a look at the pro-democracy demonstrations against the high unemployment rate in London, Manchester and other big cities in the United Kingdom. In a short period of time, they were classified as riots by the British government. Sent to prison, the major prisons in the UK were overcrowded for a while; try Paris, France, where tens of thousands of immigrants from former French colonies in North Africa such as Algeria protested against white xenophobia in France (Algerians are also white, white people of Arab descent) , Demanding human rights and equality are also defined as riots. The protesting immigrants faced bullets and tear gas, and thousands of casualties...Compared with the United States, Britain, and France, except for voting rights, foreign people vote directly. China People vote directly in the elections of village directors and county-level people's congresses, and the remaining votes are represented by people's congresses at all levels. In other respects, China's democracy is no worse than that of so-called democratic countries, and it is even better. .Ordinary people can also express their demands through many channels, and they will not be suppressed or even shot to death.Some Western countries say one thing and do another, and what they say is better than what they sing. When there are protests in foreign countries, especially if this foreign country is hostile to the country, some Western countries will sing support for democracy and oppose democracy. Genocide and repression; when it is their own country's turn, some Western countries don't call for democracy or human rights, and directly define it as riots and shoot people!Some so-called democratic countries in the West protest against other countries’ cyber hackers, but they themselves are even worse than other countries’ network monitoring and communication monitoring. It’s simply: they are the biggest bandit leader, but they go around accusing others of being bandits; I am the biggest threat to all countries in the world, but I advocate the threat theory of a certain country every day; I exercise hegemony over all countries in the world every day, even including my own allies. For example, the Plaza Accord allowed Japan to forcibly occupy the wealth accumulated by Japan in the past 30 years, such as destroying Greece and Spain. It is to destroy the euro and prevent the euro from becoming a threat to the dollar's dominance of the world economy, regardless of the life and death of its so-called European allies and brothers?Not to mention, bypassing the authorization of the United Nations, attacking Iraq twice, occupying Afghanistan, and even Syria now is the result of its behind-the-scenes manipulation.This bad thing!

Today, this young female teacher bravely spoke out her heart when Fang Yuan, the temporary head of the Education Bureau, came to the experimental kindergarten.This is unimaginable in the past 20 years; but now, she dares to say that this is democracy and human rights, and this is progress.

However, at the specific moment of Fangyuan's inspection, the young female teacher raised so many questions, it was so harsh and inappropriate to Kong Lili, Xi Chunhua and others.Kong Lili could hardly bear to have a fit, but Fang Yuan patted the back of her hand gently.Kong Lili could only bear with it.With Fang Yuan around, she, the deputy director in charge, has no right to speak.But Kong Lili firmly remembered the appearance of this female teacher, and she must find out her name later, and if possible, transfer to another kindergarten.This revenge mentality has taken root in Kong Lili's heart and cannot be dispelled for a long time.

Fangyuan looked at the young female teacher and said: "I came to the grassroots, I went to schools and kindergartens, just to hear the truth, to really understand the real situation of the grassroots, and to really understand the voices of the teachers. I have been a junior high school teacher, and I also As a high school teacher, I know the hard work of teachers. Regarding the treatment of kindergarten teachers, as the director of the bureau, I also want to solve it, but this is a national policy issue, and Dongzhou cannot solve it alone. When will the treatment problem be resolved? ?When the country incorporates preschool education into the same compulsory education as primary and middle schools, I believe that the treatment issues that everyone is concerned about will be solved simultaneously. Do you think this is good? I will arrange comrades from the Education Bureau to write a proposal and submit it to The Provincial Department of Education just wants to speed up the process of including preschool education into the scope of compulsory education. Of course, the Provincial Department of Education doesn’t count, and the Provincial Department of Education can write a report to the Ministry of Education and ask the Ministry of Education to study it. Is this okay?”

The young female teacher also seemed to regret that she was impulsive just now. Seeing Fang Yuan's cheerful face, she showed an embarrassed expression on her face: "Director, I was just complaining. I also know that Dongzhou City can't solve this kind of thing by itself." But I just feel unbalanced, why pay the same amount, but the income is not the same. "

Fang Yuan said: "Preschool education is very important. Kindergarten teachers are very hard. I also know. The Municipal Education Bureau will study how to continuously improve the treatment of kindergarten teachers under the current system. Director Kong, after returning to the bureau, you will take the lead. And contact the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Municipal Finance Bureau to discuss whether there is a way to properly improve the salary of preschool teachers. We must actively fight for it, and if we cannot succeed in the end, we will try our best.”

Kong Lili said, "Okay, Director."

Fang Yuan said: "I have an idea, invite the teachers of the experimental kindergarten to experience life in junior high school and senior high school in turn, each experience for a week, go to work, attend the same class, assign the same homework, and leave school together with the teachers of the junior high school and high school. This will be studied immediately, and it will be implemented tomorrow.”

Kong Lili said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "There are not many teachers in the experimental kindergarten, so let's arrange to experience it directly in Dongzhou Experimental Middle School. Dongzhou Experimental Middle School has junior high school and high school. Let the teachers experience the work and life of high school teachers. I think it will have a positive effect on the outlook on life of kindergarten teachers. This teacher who made good suggestions should be arranged in the first call."

Fang Yuan knows very well that kindergarten teachers work very hard, but compared with high school class teachers, they are much worse in terms of workload, work intensity, and working hours.Fang Yuan knew that when she was a middle and high school teacher, she got up earlier than a chicken, worked harder than a cow, and went to bed later than a cat.This is especially true for boarding high schools.These preschool teachers are ashamed to say that they are too tired!Without comparison, there is no truth!Tell her the truth ten thousand times, it is better to let her experience it for herself.I believe that after experiencing it, I will cherish my current job even more and be more satisfied with my current life.

Fang Yuan finally said: "I welcome all teachers to report the real situation. Of course, I still hope that everyone can report problems through normal channels, such as reporting your thoughts and feelings to the principal. If the principal does not If you take it seriously, you can report it upwards, and the superiors will punish the principal. The problem should be reported with justification and evidence, and whether the superior can solve it within the scope of the policy? Your thoughts and demands, the country, province and city have Is there no legal support? Regarding the problem that some teachers reported that it was difficult to find a boyfriend, I can make two promises on the spot: First, I will instruct the city education union to pay attention to the problem of female teachers, especially kindergarten female teachers, and come up with good ones. Second, I will contact the Dongzhou Garrison District to organize a military-local event. If our female teachers want to marry the People’s Liberation Army, I will build a platform for you. Of course, if you are dedicated If you want to marry a rich man or a rich man, I really can't help you. However, I also advise all female teachers that you must be fully mentally prepared to marry a rich man or a rich man. Many rich men and rich men are marrying After getting a wife, you will find many women outside. This is already a very real problem, not an isolated phenomenon. I hope the teachers can think twice about whether they can bear this."

Many teachers laughed.Fang Yuan's words were both kind and meaningful, and it also made many female teachers in the experimental kindergarten think seriously for the first time that after marrying a rich man, the rich man will definitely support the third, fourth, or even fifth and sixth.There are almost no monogamous millionaires and rich men.There is a Taiwanese snow cake owner who has seven wives and nine children after investing in the mainland. He is a typical representative of a multi-millionaire and big money.Fang Yuan even thought of himself. He is a successful young man, an official, and a business owner. Isn't he three wives and four concubines now?Even Song Sisi has been recognized by Fang's mother, and has truly become a woman that Fang Yuan can bring home.If you want a happy marriage, it is actually best to marry an ordinary person.Marrying an ordinary person can often help each other and work hand in hand for a lifetime.Marrying a rich man, marrying a rich man, whether you can marry a success is a big problem. Those divorced rich people who only recruit virgins in the country have attracted batches of virgins and eliminated batches of virgins. But married?Are you married?Some millionaires who have been divorced several times just use the full-page marriage advertisements in newspapers to turn those virgins who want to step into modernization with dreams of spending money and spending whatever they want into women, and then casually marry them. Find a reason to break up, and continue to meet new virgins and continue to fly to the flame.Even after going through untold hardships and marrying a rich man, can he bear the colorful flags fluttering outside of his husband after marriage?If you don't bear it, you may be thrown into the sidelines or even divorced directly; if you bear it, you will not be willing to share husbands with so many other women.This psychological barrier is not so easy to overcome.

Fang Yuan's inspection in the experimental kindergarten became smooth and calm after going through this little episode.Kong Lili accompanied Fang Yuan to inspect another kindergarten.

After returning to the Education Bureau, Fang Yuan called Zhao Zidong: "Principal Zhao, I went to No. 11 Middle School today, and saw that the overall situation of No. 11 Middle School is good. The new President Dong, with the support of Principal Jia and Principal Cao, has completed various tasks. The work can be carried out in an orderly manner. The 3rd Middle School is facing some difficulties now, which is also a test for you. If you can control the 3rd Middle School well, lead the 3rd Middle School to ride the wind and waves, and advance bravely, then Principal Zhao will be appointed in the future Take heavy responsibility. If even these people in the 3rd can’t lead well, which superior will feel relieved to entrust you with more important work?”

Zhao Zidong couldn't bear such agitation the most.Zhao Zidong said: "Director, there is no need to change anyone. I want the existing people to run the 3rd Middle School to a new level."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, I support you."

Fang Yuan called Yao Changqing again: "Principal Yao, how are you doing at work these days?"

Yao Changqing said: "Thank you for your concern, Director. It was a bit difficult, but now with the support of Principal Huang and Principal Ruan, I have confidence in the work of the school. I am very grateful to the Director. It was you who talked with Principal Huang and Principal Ruan, so that I have gone through the most difficult initial stage. I believe that the experimental middle school has a good foundation laid by you, and tomorrow will be better."

This Yao Changqing can really talk!Fang Yuan said: "Looking for you, there is one more thing. I am going to let the teachers of the experimental kindergarten go to the experimental middle school to experience life in turn. I want the kindergarten teachers to see the hard work of the high school teachers, so that they will no longer complain about being a kindergarten teacher." The teachers are so tired. Therefore, we must let the kindergarten teachers see the hardest side of the experimental middle school teachers."

Yao Changqing said: "Please rest assured, the director, I will definitely let the kindergarten teachers know the real hard work of the high school teachers."

Fang Yuan said, "Come to the Education Bureau now and contact Director Kong Lili, who is in charge of preschool education." Yao Changqing said, "Yes."

At this time, Su Jinbo called: "Director, I heard that your inspection has ended. I always wanted to call you, but I was afraid that it would affect you, so I delayed until now."

Fang Yuan was taken aback: Who revealed her whereabouts?Who is this person who told Su Jinbo his whereabouts?

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