Director's growth history

4039 Chapter 2726, some people are happy and some are sad

Hearing Ren Xiaoai's seemingly simple request, Fangyuan thought of many things: In recent years, 95% of the corrupt officials punished had lovers; many of them were reported by lovers.The reasons for being reported by lovers are actually the following: Corrupt officials don’t want to continue with their lovers, and lovers are aggrieved, so they report; corrupt officials have younger and more beautiful lovers besides their lovers. The lover is dissatisfied and reports angrily; the corrupt official cannot satisfy the lover's desire for marriage and wants to get rid of the lover. The lover first reports the corrupt official to protect himself; the corrupt official cannot satisfy the lover's higher material or power requirements , Love someone to report... Treat her well, don't neglect her, it seems simple, but it can be done, it is very difficult.

Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Ai, the relationship between me and you is more of a spiritual relationship. I regard you as my good friend, a good friend for the rest of my life, isn't it good?"

Ren Xiaoai said: "Actually, I think so too. I am your woman, but I would rather be your lifelong friend. It is very difficult to find a friend who is like a bosom friend; to have a partner who is like a bosom friend , is even rarer. Fangyuan, I believe that among all your women, I am the one who can best understand your spiritual needs. This is the bosom friend! As a reporter at the state reporter station, your wishes will come true one after another!"

Isn't that too straightforward?Fang Yuan said in her heart: Save some face for me, okay?I want to improve, but I won't say it naked like you.

Fangyuan shook Ren Xiaoai's hand with a smile, without revealing his thoughts: "Xiao Ai, it's so good to meet you! It's so good to have so much resonance with you! You're going to move here, and some necessary expenses will always be paid. It is necessary. I have a bank card with more than 10 yuan in it, so you can use it first. You can use the money to buy any car you like. This will also make it easier for you to interview!"

Fangyuan found her handbag, handed the card that Shu Weirong had given to Ren Xiaoai, and told her the password.That card originally had 20 yuan, but after spending some, there should be more than 10 yuan left.

Ren Xiaoai said: "When your woman spends your money, it's only right and proper. I'm not being polite to you either. I really want to buy a car. It doesn't need to be too expensive. I can use it instead of transportation; besides, I'm not very polite to this little family now. There are a lot of ideas, and money is needed! I am not a person who spends money recklessly. I have a salary of more than 3000 yuan a month, plus the touch-up fee, which adds up to 6000 to 2000 yuan. After paying the rent, I can I have saved more than [-] yuan! But I have to scrape together the money to buy a car, and I have to scrape together the money to buy a house. I don’t know the year of the monkey. Thank you, Fangyuan!"

Fang Yuan said, "Why are you being so polite?"

Fangyuan's cell phone rang, and it was Zhang Yuanqing, the director of the office, who called: "Director, I have sent all the reporters away, and I just returned to the office. I received two important documents at the office, and I want to report them to you."

Fang Yuan said, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "One is the notice from the Municipal Party Committee that the Party Congress of Dongzhou City will be held in the Municipal People's Hall on January 1 and 13. The other is that the Municipal Party Committee forwarded the decision of the Provincial Party Committee: the Provincial Party Committee decided to appoint Comrade Sheng Jiantao as the **Member of the Standing Committee of the Dongzhou Municipal Party Committee.”

Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat, and then it was as if a stone fell to the ground.With my political operations in the past few months, Wang Chuyin was successfully promoted to the director of the Public Security Bureau, Zhou Pengyou was successfully promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ma Lianghe was successfully promoted to the Deputy Mayor.There are two big wishes in the future, one is that Sheng Jiantao will serve as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the municipal party committee; the other is that Liang Zhaopeng will serve as the deputy mayor.As for other people's tricks to get promoted, it was not in Fang Yuan's plan.Now, Sheng Jiantao's work should be almost finished.

Fang Yuan said, "I'll go back to the game right away."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Ai, there is important work in the bureau, I have to go back immediately. Do you want to stay here, or go to the reporter's station?"

Ren Xiaoai said: "You don't have to worry about me, I'm going to stay in this house for a while, and then I'll write a manuscript on Dongzhou's education reform. I've already prepared a series of reports, and I must publicize the typical Dongzhou education. "

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, then I'm leaving."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Wait, kiss me before leaving."

Fang Yuan drove Su Quanshun's car back to the Municipal Education Bureau.Zhang Yuanqing almost followed Fangyuan's footsteps and followed the director's office.Zhang Yuanqing put the two documents in front of Fang Yuan, and quickly made tea for Fang Yuan.Zhang Yuanqing said: "There are three party representatives in the bureau, namely Secretary Sun Hongjun, you, and Director Zhai Xinwen. Please give instructions to the director." Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun is in charge of this matter. I just know the situation." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay." Zhang Yuanqing also said: "The reporters and friends had a good meal at noon, and booked a big table at the Jingu Hotel. Each received a 3 yuan retouching fee. Reporter Ni Runqing said, tonight, please pay attention "Dongzhou News Network" and "Observation" two columns."

Fang Yuan said: "Okay." Zhang Yuanqing said: "I have arranged for the office staff to record these two programs tonight or download them from the TV station and burn them into CDs. In case you don't have time to watch them, Director, you can do it later. Let's see again." Fang Yuan lamented that Zhang Yuanqing's thoughtfulness in doing things is really amazing.

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Do you want to organize all comrades in the city's education system to watch? This will help your educational philosophy and ideas be implemented and promoted throughout the city."

Fang Yuan was cautious: "Let's not do it now." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Actually, this is what Secretary Sun Hongjun meant at noon today. Secretary Sun also exchanged some ideas with the reporters at the luncheon. Generally speaking, basically you The interpretation and extension of his thoughts, without any outrageous words.”

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Yuan Qing. You go first, I still have a few things to attend to."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Director, you are busy. I'll go find Secretary Sun and report on the party congress."

Fang Yuan nodded.

Sitting on the office chair, Fang Yuan carefully read the document forwarded by the municipal party committee to the provincial party committee.Fang Yuan found Sheng Jiantao's cell phone number and dialed it directly.Busy... Dial again, the line is still busy.Come to think of it, the people who called the new Sheng Standing Committee to congratulate him are already like crucian carp in a river.

Fang Yuan smiled: Is it still necessary for me to make this call?Who is the person who contributes at the critical moment?Who is the icing on the cake?Could it be that Sheng Jiantao has countless things in his heart?Fang Yuan edited a text message: "Congratulations to Secretary Sheng for being promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee! Fang Yuan", and then sent it to Sheng Jiantao.

Soon, Sheng Jiantao called, using his mobile phone: "Xiao Fang, I received your text message. Thank you!"

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sheng is expected by everyone." Sheng Jiantao said: "Xiao Fang, I am not at all happy now, although the people who called me to congratulate me are excited. Have you noticed? I was appointed by the Provincial Party Committee as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, but someone The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was not removed at the same time. Tell me, is there something strange about it? And the timing of the appointment of the Standing Committee is also very delicate, and the Municipal Party Congress will be held in four days. People feel that there is a lot of reluctance in it, rather than logical."

Fang Yuan suddenly came to his senses.Yes, the timing of Sheng Jiantao's appointment was indeed a bit subtle, neither early nor late, just before the city's party congress was about to be held, the appointment was made suddenly.More importantly, Ming Yuyun's standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee has not been removed, and Ming Yuyun's new position has not been appointed, which shows that the province is still playing games, and Ming Yuyun's power is not as unbearable as imagined, and there must be opposition to Tian Guohua in the province , Sheng Jianbo's power.Perhaps Ming Yuyun is not one of them, but to support Ming Yuyun is to oppose Tian Guohua and Sheng Jianbo, and such a political stance will not be ambiguous.

Sheng Jiantao said: "The city's party congress is about to start. Xiaofang, you are the party representative. The support of the education system depends on you."

Fang Yuan said, "Understood. I will actively fight for non-educational party representatives with whom I have a good relationship."

Sheng Jiantao said: "I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I still have something to talk about later."

Fang Yuan's happy mood disappeared immediately.I am still too young, and it is difficult to see the overall situation and the essence when looking at the problem.It can be foreseen that at the city party congress, there may be an atmosphere of harmony and unity on the surface, but secretly there are many intrigues and undercurrents and shoals?

Still depressed, another call came to Fang Yuan's cell phone.It was Cen Baiqiang, Secretary of the Yanping County Party Committee.

Fang Yuan answered quickly: "Hello, Secretary Cen."

Cen Baiqiang said: "Xiao Fang, you already know the news that Sheng Jiantao was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, right?"

Fang Yuan said, "I just found out. I saw the municipal party committee forward the provincial party committee's decision."

Cen Baiqiang said: "You should have known earlier than us!"

Fang Yuan said, "I only found out after seeing the decision of the municipal party committee forwarding the provincial party committee."

Cen Baiqiang sighed: "Actually, those of us who are officials work desperately, working hard for nothing, for what? Isn't it just to have a bigger platform to display our ambitions? Xiaofang, I am The county magistrate for 5 years, the county party secretary for 2 years, and he is also a seventh-rank county magistrate with deep qualifications."

Fang Yuan understood what Cen Baiqiang meant, but there were many things that were not related to that step, so Fang Yuan definitely couldn't talk nonsense.Every time you use a favor, you will lose it, and once you use it, you will owe it to others. What's more, although Cen Baiqiang showed his favor in every possible way, Fang Yuan never regarded Cen Baiqiang as his family.What's more, there is Chi Liping standing there now, making Fang Yuan feel like a fly is stuck in his heart.

Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Cen, I believe that the leaders of the provincial and municipal party committees are paying attention to you."

Cen Baiqiang said: "Bullshit! I believed such nonsense a few years ago; now, I only believe in what can be seen and touched. Xiaofang, I have always hoped that you can come to Yanping County to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Committee and Deputy County Mayor It is an official, and the executive deputy county magistrate is actively fighting for it. However, I have not succeeded. Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the People’s Congress of Yanping County will be held. The municipal party committee has not approved you to come to Yanping County to serve. Sigh! Speaking of which, I can be regarded as Secretary Wang’s soldier, and I am very disappointed that I can’t get the support of Secretary Wang at this time!”

Fang Yuan's heart also trembled violently.Do you want to stay in the Education Bureau?It's okay to stay!Many of my own reforms will be gradually pushed forward, and each and every idea has to be turned into reality by myself.If I leave the Education Bureau now, I am afraid that many reforms will be abandoned because of people, and they will all become half-baked projects.Even if it is the most urgent competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten, I am afraid there will not be a satisfactory result.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Cen, whether it's you, me, or Secretary Wang, I'm afraid we all have unspeakable difficulties. Secretary Wang also has the difficulties of Secretary Wang! As subordinates, We must understand and support Secretary Wang more."

Cen Baiqiang said: "Yes! We must understand Secretary Wang, who the fuck will understand me!"

Cen Baiqiang hung up the phone.This is not like the performance of a county party secretary!Fang Yuan found that he seemed to be more calm than Cen Baiqiang.Fang Yuan thought about being at the first level, but not very strongly.After all, I'm not even 29 years old now, if I really become a leader, I'm afraid the situation will be even more difficult than it is now!

Another call came from the deputy mayor, Ma Lianghe.Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, do you have time tonight? Have a glass of wine with me."

Another frustrated man!A flash of inspiration flashed in Fangyuan's eyes, and he said to Ma Lianghe, "Mayor Ma, have you called Secretary Sheng Jiantao to congratulate him?"

"Call to congratulate?"

Fang Yuan said: "At any time, we should not forget that we have always supported Secretary Sheng Jiantao's strong strength and connections."

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