Director's growth history

Chapter 4040 2727, are all fans of the authorities

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.Fang Yuan's words awakened the dreamer, and Ma Lianghe said: "Xiao Fang, you are so good! We must never forget those powerful forces that support Sheng Jiantao in the province and city! This time the game is really fierce and very intense." It's complicated, and after so long, Sheng Jiantao was able to stand out first, which just proves who is the most powerful. I won't talk to you for now, I will call you at 5 o'clock, just the two of us in the evening, and have a drink with me liquor."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Mayor Ma."

There was a knock on the door.Fang Yuan said, "Please come in."

The person who came in was Su Quanshun, the head of the financial audit section.There was a flattering smile on his face, with a flattering expression: "Director, did I bother you?"

Fang Yuan smiled and stood up: "Chief Su, sit here." Fang Yuan pointed to the sofa.

Su Quanshun was flattered.This is a special treat too!Su Quanshun said repeatedly: "Thank you, Director, thank you, Director."

Seeing Fang Yuan walk over and sit down, he turned half of his buttocks and sat down upright.

Fang Yuan looked at Su Quanshun with a smile: "Chief Su, you are very incompetent as the chief of financial audit recently!"

The sweat on Su Quanshun's forehead suddenly broke out: "Director... Director, I have done something wrong, please criticize me more. I will definitely correct it!"

Fang Yuan said: "Isn't it? According to the entire Education Bureau, who should walk closest to me? One is the director of the office, and the other should be the chief of the financial audit section. I see Zhang Yuanqing coming to my office all day long. You What about it? Except for reporting work, I rarely see you here. Do you have any objections to me?"

Su Quanshun wiped off his sweat and sent his heart back to his stomach: "Director, I know that you have a lot of work to do every day, so I don't want to disturb you when you have nothing to do."

Fang Yuan said: "Work is work, and friendship is friendship. Chief Su, even a big capitulator like Qin Hui, doesn't he have three good friends? Don't you want me to be a loner?"

Su Quanshun said: "Director, I... I did not do enough in the past. I will correct it later, okay?"

Fang Yuan said: "Sometimes, when talking about work, you can also talk about things other than work. For example, now."

Su Quanshun said: "Yes. This is my 2008 work summary, please review by the director."

Fangyuan took the neat materials that Su Quanshun handed over, and looked at them seriously.The financial audit work actually includes two parts, one is financial management, and the other is financial audit.In such a large bureau, there are seventy to eighty grassroots units alone, and the education bureau also has a large amount of public funds, all of which need to be coordinated by the financial audit department. It has great power and heavy workload. It is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.They have great power, great responsibilities, and heavy workload. On the surface, it is very difficult to create political achievements, because there are very few innovative jobs, and they spend money and audit money in a well-regulated manner in accordance with financial discipline and requirements.There is a financial budget for how much money is spent; how money is spent is usually spent according to the items listed and budgeted, but there is also a lot of autonomy.Therefore, whether it is in each department or in each grassroots unit, it is particularly important to have a good relationship with the head of the financial audit section.

Fang Yuan now has a basic understanding of corporate financial statements, and also has a superficial understanding of the organization's finances.While looking at the materials, I heard Su Quanshun say: "Director, there is a situation that I don't know whether I should report to you or not?"

Fang Yuan raised her head and said encouragingly: "Chief Su, you can speak freely in front of me. It's best to say what you want, and what you want to say!"

Su Quanshun said: "Director, it's like this. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I was in the bathroom of the hotel, and I heard Ning Zhongyuan make a phone call. The content of the phone call is very strange, and I want to report to you."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay!"

Su Quanshun repeated exactly what Ning Zhongyuan said.Fang Yuan's face darkened.Needless to say, President Kong is Kong Shuanghua.At some point, Ning Zhongyuan became Kong Shuanghua's secret agent!Good Kong Shuanghua!What a Ning Zhongyuan!No wonder Kong Shuanghua sometimes knew her whereabouts, it turned out to be the secret of Ningzhong's plaintiff!Fang Yuan felt that anger was slowly rising in his heart, and it was hard to suppress.

Su Quanshun was also a little apprehensive.Fang Yuan's complexion changed, which just showed that Fang Yuan was angry.Su Quanshun stood up: "Director, I won't disturb you for now."

Fangyuan squeezed out a smile: "Chief Su, thank you for telling me about this! You work hard! If you do things well, I will see it. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely recommend it."

This was the clearest thing Fang Yuan had ever said to Su Quanshun.Su Quanshun bowed to express his gratitude: "Thank you, Director. I will do my best, but Director Fang follows the lead."

Fang Yuan also stood up and personally sent Su Quanshun to the door.Su Quanshun said repeatedly: "Director, don't send it, don't send it." Fang Yuan said: "Chief Su, if you have anything to do, come to my office." Su Quanshun said: "Definitely come."

Back in the office, Fang Yuan's face became gloomy again.I still trust Ning Zhongyuan very much. After all, Ning Zhongyuan used to be a driver for a chief like Wan Daquan, and he should know the rules of how to be a driver for a leader.However, he actually betrayed himself!As for Kong Shuanghua, I have always believed that she is a model of the original wife, with a big heart, steady work, trust in her husband, and tolerance of her younger sister.I really didn't expect that she actually bribed my driver and made my driver her spy and secret agent!Fortunately, when I went to find other women a few times ago, I let Ning Zhongyuan go home.It seems that there is no big mistake in being careful!However, if Ning Zhongyuan is not used, who else can he trust?Do the EDB have these drivers?

Thinking of Wan Daquan, Fang Yuan felt that this elder brother was really good.I haven't contacted Wan Daquan for a long time, it's strange.Fang Yuan found out the new mobile phone number that Wan Daquan had left for him, dialed it, and soon heard Wan Daquan's hearty laughter: "Is it Brother Fang? I haven't heard your voice for a long time, I miss you, brother."

Fang Yuan said, "How is Big Brother now?"

Wan Daquan said: "Is it okay to be a general? However, I am used to being a principal, and now I am a deputy. It is really uncomfortable! If you want to accomplish something, there are more people pulling your legs than flies!"

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, no matter where you are, no matter what you do, there will always be constraints."

Wan Daquan said: "Mother Xipi! I still don't believe it. I can't build a strong army as a deputy? Not all superiors are blind and pretend not to see."

Fang Yuan said: "Brother's ability and courage are obvious to all; but don't be impulsive! When you encounter something, you can discuss it with Commissar Sheng and Mr. Wang!"

Wan Daquan sighed: "The provincial military region and the group army are completely different things. The requirement of the group army is to be able to fight and win the battle; but what about the provincial military region? It manages some second-line troops, and its main role is national defense mobilization and national defense education. , Conscription, mass evacuation and other auxiliary military work. Why did I not want to stay in the Dongzhou Garrison before? It is because this local army is actually a nursing home. At present, the national defense risk of our country has not decreased, but has intensified. However, since there has been no war for many years, there is an atmosphere of laziness and slackness in the army. Look at our surrounding environment! The US strategic focus has shifted to the Asia-Pacific, and it has strengthened its deployment of troops in the first and second island chains. Squeeze China. There are two ship carriers in Japan and Guam, and one in Singapore. What does the United States mean? Not only this, but the United States also wins over Taiwan’s independence faction to contain China, and encourages Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries Jump out and confront China. In Southeast Asia, Singapore has become an overseas military base for the US military, and Myanmar, our country’s ally for many years, is now being alienated by the US with the dollar and sticks. Not to mention Ah San, who is engaged in nuclear weapons The United States supports it; China’s good brother, Pakistan Railway, was sanctioned for engaging in nuclear weapons. In the west of China, the situation is even more complicated. There are more than 10 US troops stationed in Afghanistan. It can be said that this is a poisonous nail inserted in China’s back! The U.S. military, and the East Turkistan armed forces secretly supported by the U.S. military, can send troops from Afghanistan to Xinjiang at any time when something happens to our country! Not to mention, the U.S. has also established a large military base in Uzbekistan and deployed a large B2 Bombers take off from there, and can directly bomb Beijing without refueling. As for bombing Xinjiang, it is even a piece of cake. Mongolia has not stopped in recent years, and has conducted military exercises with the US military for many years. Listen It is said that the Japanese Self-Defense Force will be invited to participate this year. It can be said that the current national defense situation in our country is extremely severe. Our army must strengthen military training, strengthen the skilled use of high-tech equipment and the cooperation of multiple arms, so as to respond to various external challenges at any time. But , I am very sad. Some of our soldiers have forgotten that they are soldiers. They have forgotten that a soldier is a soldier for a day, and he must always be ready to fight. , in nightclubs, in bathing centers, you can see them at any time, even if they are wearing civilian clothes! I only hate myself for being too young! I wish I could get rid of all the scum in the army! Garbage!"

The more Wan Quan said, the more excited he became, and he was filled with righteous indignation!

Fang Yuan also panted heavily.There are people who don't do anything!There's some scum and rubbish everywhere!China's national defense situation is indeed worrying. This American emperor is really a domineering guy!The "China Threat Theory" is preached to the outside world every day. Isn't the US imperialism the biggest threat in the world?I don't know why our country doesn't promote the "American Threat Theory" with great fanfare?It is obvious that the country that is the most threatening to the world and can attack whoever it wants is the US imperialism, not China, but why is there no voice of "American threat theory" in the world?Fang Yuan suddenly thought of a key point: English newspapers occupy the mainstream of the world, which is probably an important reason!Although Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, it is only limited to mainland China and the Chinese community, with a total of 15 billion people; while more than 40 billion people, including Chinese, are using or have a good command of English.This language aggression is also an incredible aggression!Why does the Ministry of Education force all students across the country to learn English?Why do we have to force four, six, and eight colleges?Why is the Ministry of Culture desperately importing American blockbusters?Isn't this helping the United States to carry out cultural aggression?Are some people from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture the beauties who came back to China after studying in the United States after they were successfully instigated by the United States to obtain a doctorate or a master's degree?As an ordinary employee of Dongzhou, I really don't understand this, and I can't judge it.Fangyuan just knows that when all Chinese people learn English one day in the future, they will gradually forget the Chinese language and their ancestors. What will the world be like by then?What will become of China?God only knows.Should I learn English?It's time to learn!Let professional talents learn it, and let those who grow up want to be scientists and eat translation. No one will object to this, but for the vast majority of Chinese people, including many college students, After graduating and working, there are almost zero places where English can be used.On the contrary, many Chinese people do not know how to write Chinese characters well, have many typos, and have a little allusion, but they don’t know the true meaning at all~~ Chinese people, learn Chinese well first, this is the most important thing!

Fang Yuan thought that he was now in charge of the education work in Dongzhou, would he dare to abolish English in the Dongzhou education system?Fang Yuan shook his head: English is not canceled in professional title examinations, CET-[-] and CET-[-] are not canceled in universities, English is not canceled in college entrance examinations, what can Dongzhou Education do with English?You know, now English has become an industrial chain with an annual output value of hundreds of billions of yuan, especially various English training schools, all over the streets and alleys of major cities across the country.If all kinds of English tests are canceled, it will touch the cheese of the English industry, and people will fight you desperately.

Fang Yuan said: "Brother, no matter what kind of reform you want to do, you must adapt to China's national conditions and proceed within the scope of the social system with Chinese characteristics."

Wan Daquan sighed: "Oh, obey your orders! I really want to be a soldier who protects my family and the country, but if I don't join forces with others, I will become a different kind, I will become a stumbling block for others, and I will die without mercy. The place of burial. Forget it, brother, I can carry out as many reforms as I can! If I can’t, thank you for the time being. I still have to work hard to become an official. If I can become the commander of the group army one day in the future, then my words At least within the scope of this group army, I can try to promote the construction of a modern army. It is useless to be a deputy, it is better to be a division commander!"

Fang Yuan said: "As long as it is useful to get me, I will definitely go all out!"

Wan Daquan said: "Okay! Brother, I heard that your relationship with Feng Yan has not been handled well?"

Fang Yuan said: "I can't help it. I have been misunderstood all the time, but I can't explain it clearly. I have no choice but to stop explaining."

Wan Daquan said: "After all, Feng Yan has been the old man's secretary for many years."

Fang Yuan said: "Where I can help him in the future, I will definitely help him. This also requires his hard work! The situation in the Dongzhou Garrison District now feels like Min Jian's family dominates."

Wan Daquan said: "This is what the superiors do not want to see. The situation will change, maybe now."

Fang Yuan said, "Oh? What will change?"

Wan Daquan said: "It's not the exact news, I can't tell you. I just hope that even if you look down on Feng Yan, you should treat him better, for the sake of the old man, and for my sake."

Fang Yuan said, "That's too polite."

Wan Daquan said: "Brother, call me today, what's the specific matter?"

Fang Yuan said, "I want to ask my brother, what is Ning Zhongyuan like?"

Wan Daquan pondered for a while: "Brother, don't be afraid of subordinates with shortcomings, but fear of subordinates without shortcomings! Ning Zhongyuan works hard without complaint, no matter what time the car is used, no matter how long the car is used, he has no complaints. But , he has a very distinctive feature, that is, he is willing to take a small advantage. Sometimes the gifts given to me by the grassroots have his share, if not, sometimes he will find a way to take it for himself. Go out with me For meals, the restaurant sometimes doesn’t provide him with a meal allowance. In fact, it’s only 50 yuan, and sometimes it’s 100 yuan. He must ask for it. What’s wrong with Xiao Ning? Is there something he didn’t do well? ?”

Fang Yuan said: "I trust him very much, but he betrayed me!"

Wan Daquan said: "No way! However, if he really offends you, please be cautious. Don't change your driver easily."

Fang Yuan said, "Why? Am I going to be betrayed by him forever?"

Wan Daquan said: "The driver has more secrets about the leadership, sometimes more than the secretary! If you no longer hire him as your driver, it is equivalent to cutting off his source of income! If you drive for you, how much oil and water are there? Maybe I haven't counted it. After a year, the salary will cost at least a hundred thousand! After not being with you, he will have nothing. Do you think he will take risks under such circumstances?"

Fang Yuan was taken aback: Yes, what should I do if such a situation really happens?

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