Director's growth history

4072 Chapter 2759, competition seems to be life and death

At noon, Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua stayed in the experimental kindergarten, accompanied Fangyuan, and met with 10 kindergarten principal candidates one by one, giving each of them 10 minutes.Xie Jun chose the first one.The first one has the advantage of the first one, that is, some concepts stated first, if the second, third... later people state it again, it will no longer be fresh.But there are also disadvantages, that is, those who come later will be more impressed, and will gradually forget the people who came before.Xie Jun hopes that he can strike while the iron is hot, and deepen and consolidate Fangyuan's good impression on the basis of being praised by Fangyuan in half a class.You should know that the director of the No. [-] Teacher Kindergarten in Oujiang District has no rank, because the director of the District Education and Sports Bureau is the official grade.Xie Jun already regards Hou Yuefang as his biggest competitor, but Hou Yuefang seems to have a certain level. The Kindergarten of the Municipal Commercial Corporation is directly under the Municipal Bureau of Commerce.

But no matter who it is, as a preschool educator, the most dreamed position and the highest position in reality is of course to be the principal of Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten.As the highest institution of preschool education, Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten is equivalent to Tsinghua University in Dongzhou in the field of preschool education, and it is the real No.1.For Xie Jun, it is also a big leap and a big development from the district-owned public kindergarten to the city-owned public kindergarten.

Xie Jun was a little reserved in front of Fang Yuan, but he behaved elegantly and beautifully, and spoke calmly, which left a good impression on Fang Yuan.Such an intellectual beauty is well-maintained and looks about 30 years old. For any man, she has a pleasing feeling.Fang Yuan is no exception, not to mention that Fang Yuan has only unforgettable memories of senior beauties, and Shao Keqing is the one who has the deepest impression on her.

More importantly, Fangyuan appreciates Xie Jun's gentle personality, mellow voice, and reserved way of life.One must know that the Experimental Kindergarten is also a unit with quite complicated relationships. Just the parents of these children, which one is not supercilious?Which one doesn't have a certain amount of energy?There are very few ordinary people who can enter the city experimental kindergarten.In front of so many parents with energy and background, it is also an important skill to properly handle this complicated relationship.Therefore, some people say that only with three points of IQ and seven points of EQ can one do a good job.Obviously, Xie Jun is a female principal with a relatively good EQ.

In comparison, Hou Yuefang's professional level may be very high, but her personality is too sharp.Perhaps being a teaching deputy principal is absolutely competent, but being a principal who needs to deal with all kinds of people may be lacking.

Sure enough, Xie Jun's 10 minutes left an excellent impression on Fang Yuan.Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua were also very satisfied, and helped Xie Jun to say some words of affirmation and praise.Xie Jun is also satisfied with his performance, but still worried about Hou Yuefang.Hou Yuefang is a person who doesn't play by the rules, and Xie Jun also knows that Hou Yuefang's business level exceeds his own through recent contacts.Seeing Fang Yuan's piercing eyes, Xie Jun really wanted to say: "Director Fang, if you don't think I'm older than you, I will serve you to your satisfaction. You can do whatever you want."

It's a pity that such words can't be said, although Xie Jun deeply believes that if he has a substantial relationship with Fang Yuan, then the head of the garden will be sure.Everyone in the Dongzhou education system knew how the former principal Peng Ru became the principal. That was after Zhai Xinwen slept with him.For women with ideas and ambitions, these crooked ways will be firmly remembered in their hearts as long as they listen to them once.Although I usually don't tell others about this little secret hidden in my heart, in today's environment where chastity and chastity are as thin as paper, cheating, divorce, being a mistress, and being a lover are simply commonplace, no matter if it is a man, Or women, how many of them still have Confucian thoughts that are consistent?

The key is that Xie Jun is more determined: if he can think like this, Hou Yuefang may think like this even more.Once such subjective consciousness occupies Xie Jun's heart, it is difficult to correct and change.

Xie Jun, with a flattering, handsome smile and deep anxiety, bowed to the three leaders from the bureau and left the director's room.The second director candidate also came in.

In this way, Fang Yuan spent nearly two hours meeting with nine candidates for the principal.It should be said that if you don't see it, you don't know it, and you are shocked when you see it.One of Fangyuan's deepest feelings is: Dongzhou preschool education has hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are really many excellent talents. Unfortunately, the current employment mechanism has buried many talents.These 9 are all very good, each of them has a set of distinct ideas for running a kindergarten, and many of them are very pragmatic, even if they are innovative ideas, they are based on the reality of Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten and the reality of China and features.If the Eastern State Education Bureau did not provide a platform for such a competition, perhaps these people would always be on a lower platform, and it would be like this for a lifetime.

Fang Yuan was really moved by his love for talents: These people are all the treasures of Dongzhou Education's preschool education!Even if they can't be the principals of experimental kindergartens, they should be placed in positions that can better display their talents.

Hou Yuefang came in.Her face is brimming with confidence, and she looks very pretty, but compared with Xie Jun, she has a different style.If Xie Jun is compared to a ripe peach, then Hou Yuefang is a ripe pepper.Fangyuan has a lot of women, and she has quite a lot of experience in this area, so she can tell at a glance that Hou Yuefang is a difficult person to manage.And people who are often difficult to control are very talented people.In a country like the United States, perhaps it is only about talent and not about being a person; but in China, being a person is more important than doing things.Knowing how to be a human being will make it easier to be appreciated, promoted, and win more support and public opinion.Ability is often placed in a later position than being a person.

Hou Yuefang said bluntly: "Thank you, Director Fang, for accepting my suggestion, giving 10 minutes to each of the 10 candidates."

All of a sudden, she made this suggestion.This made Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua pause in their hearts.

Hou Yuefang said: "Because 10 minutes is too little time, I don't have any polite words. I will start to report to the leaders now on how to run Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten."

Regardless of whether Fangyuan and Kong Lili agreed or not, Hou Yuefang began to talk endlessly.She speaks very fast, but fortunately she speaks standard mandarin, so several people can understand what Hou Yuefang is saying.But including Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua, it cannot be denied that Hou Yuefang is indeed a very high-level director.Of course, many of Hou Yuefang's ideas seemed whimsical to Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua, and they were too shocking.

But Fang Yuan is different. Fang Yuan himself is also a person who is unwilling to follow the rules. In the past few years, whether it is personal career or business, he has been able to make rapid progress. Apart from background factors, another important reason is that Fang Yuan does not follow the path that ordinary people take. , but find a new way.As for Hou Yuefang's uniqueness, to a certain extent, it also suits Fang Yuan's appetite.Fangyuan felt that if Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten wanted to achieve great development and great leap forward, it needed a principal like Hou Yuefang who had the spirit of reform and innovation, rather than an "honest" person who followed the rules.Objectively speaking, Xie Jun and Hou Yuefang can be said to be the best among the 10 candidates, but in the current situation, who is more suitable for Dongzhou Experimental Kindergarten?

Hou Yuefang saw the surprise and hesitation in Fangyuan's eyes.Hou Yuefang said: "Director Fang, I know that you are a leader who loves talents. You have always been an idol I admire very much! I understand how you quickly grew from a front-line teacher to a school leader and bureau leader. The most important reason is that Your spirit of reform, innovation, and hard work. I also have these three spirits. I am determined to learn from you, take you as an example, promote advantages and eliminate disadvantages with reform, drive characteristics with innovation, and make achievements with hard work. I know This short 10 minutes is too short for you to know the real me. If you agree, I am willing to report to you alone, and I will definitely let you know a different Hou Yuefang, know a Satisfied Hou Yuefang."

Xie Jun is shy and shy, embarrassed to express some of his inner thoughts; Hou Yuefang is aggressive and generous, and doesn't take into account the feelings of the two women, Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua.But Hou Yuefang is simply too bold, she simply despises the existence of Kong Lili and Xi Chunhua, and directly hints and seduces Fangyuan in such a naked way!

Kong Lili couldn't bear it anymore: "Hou Yuefang, what are you doing? Is it to seduce the superior and achieve an ulterior purpose?"

Hou Yuefang smiled: "Director Kong, I can't do what you do? Everyone is equal!"

Kong Lili suddenly became angry from embarrassment.Hou Yuefang was literally punching Kong Lili's face naked!Kong Lili is most afraid that others will mention the matter between her and Zhai Xinwen. In the past month, it should be said that things have calmed down a bit.She never expected that a hint from Hou Yuefang would break Kong Lili's heart.

Kong Lili pointed to Hou Yuefang's nose and even said "you", but couldn't say anything.

Hou Yuefang said: "Director Kong, calm down. I haven't accused you of slandering me yet! How did I seduce my superiors? What ulterior purpose do I have? I just hope to have more time to report to Director Fang. My purpose I want to be the director of the experimental kindergarten. Among the 10 who entered the interview stage, which one does not want to be the director of the experimental kindergarten? If they don’t want to be, will they rush to compete? Then, the other 9 want to be the director of the experimental kindergarten Growing up is a legitimate act of actively pursuing progress. Why did I become an ulterior motive when I wanted to be the director of the experimental kindergarten? Director Kong, you have to be responsible for what you say!"

Kong Lili was speechless.

When Xi Chunhua was with Fangyuan and Kong Lili, how could he have a say?Although she also despises Hou Yuefang's way of life, but at this time, silence is golden, and if you talk too much, you will be wrong.Who knows what Director Fang is thinking?As for Kong Lili, Xi Chunhua also despises her.For many years, Xi Chunhua has never been promoted by selling sex, so she has been living in the post of nursery director.Kong Lili was promoted from chief of the personnel department to deputy director, and Xi Chunhua also believed that it had something to do with taking the initiative to please Zhai Xinwen and becoming Zhai Xinwen's lover.From this point of view, Xi Chunhua also despises Kong Lili, but it's just that the first level of government officials crushes people to death, so Xi Chunhua has to respect the power of the deputy director.

Kong Lili stood up, covered her mouth and ran out.She was so angry, she was so sad, she wanted to cry.

Xi Chunhua stood up and wanted to chase after Kong Lili, but Fang Yuan said softly, "Director Xi, stay here."

Xi Chunhua had no choice but to sit down.

Hou Yuefang's eyes showed a slight look of disappointment.

Fang Yuan said to Hou Yuefang: "Principal Hou, your professional ability has left a deep impression on me through today's face-to-face communication. We have to rely on our own ability to eat and gain a foothold. Your Some ideas are not applicable to me, and will only be counterproductive. If you want to get the last laugh in the competition, it depends on your work ability. The next five days will be the most critical time to test your level."

Hou Yuefang said: "Director Fang, no matter how hard I try in the next five days, you won't see it. It's useless."

Everything that Ganqing Hou Yuefang did was to show to the leaders.With these words, Fang Yuan sentenced Hou Yuefang to death.Even though she is talented, it is not a talent but a trouble to have such a woman as the head of the garden.

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