Director's growth history

Chapter 4073 2760 Fangyuan's control of the situation is a piece of cake

Hou Yuefang never imagined that Fang Yuan had sentenced her to death in her heart.Because Fang Yuan was not angry because of Kong Lili's departure, Fang Yuan's expression was as calm as before.

Fang Yuan looked as usual, this is the city, this is a characteristic that is naturally formed after being an official for a long time, that is, the maturity that many people envy.Fang Yuan said: "Principal Hou, I understand what you mean. I value talent over background. In 2008, I won 11 first prizes and 28 second prizes in the provincial high-quality course competition of various disciplines. Good explanation. It’s not whoever has a background can represent Dongzhou in the provincial class competition; but whoever has the ability and the potential to win can represent Dongzhou in the provincial class competition. I hope you will be well in the next few days Demonstrate your talent to the fullest, let the kindergarten teachers recognize it, and let the other 9 principal candidates admire or admire you."

Hou Yuefang was straightforward: "Director Fang, I think you are often envied by others, right? It's useless. It's relatively easy to be recognized by the teachers; it's very difficult to be admired or admired by the other 9 people. Can you To be hated is considered a high incense. Our Chinese tradition, if you are good, I will find a way to make you a bad name, and this is how the rumors spread. I think Director Fang must feel the same way."

Too sharp, too merciless.

Hou Yuefang said: "Besides, what's the use of getting other people's approval? I want to get Director Fang's approval the most now! I request that in the next few days, Director Fang can give me a chance to attend a class. Yes. I want to prove to Director Fang that my professional level is far superior to others, especially Xie Jun."

Fang Yuan knew that he would never have time in the next few days.Tomorrow is the city party congress. Because of the election task, the meeting has been scheduled for two and a half days.However, Fang Yuan didn't want to let Hou Yuefang down completely: "Director Hou, if I have time, I will definitely come to listen to your class."

Hou Yuefang said: "Okay, I will be Director Fang and promise me. I believe that I will not disappoint Director Fang."

Fang Yuan said, "It's been more than 10 minutes. This is the end of our conversation today, okay?"

Hou Yuefang said: "Okay, thank you Director for giving me such a long time. It is my great regret that the communication with Director Kong took up too much time, which is actually invalid time, time wasted in vain! I request Fang Director can leave your mobile phone number so that I can report to Director Fang alone."

Even Xi Chunhua understood what Hou Yuefang meant.The so-called independent reporting work, one is bribery and gifts, and the other is selling one's body.How could Fang Yuan not understand?

Fang Yuan said: "Before the official interview, neither I nor any of the judges are suitable for contacting you. You should not contact any of us. Director Hou, you must believe in your own strength and ability, and at the same time Be fully mentally prepared. After all, only 10 out of 1 people will become the principal of the experimental kindergarten, and 9 people will face temporary failure."

Hou Yuefang said: "I understand this. But what I'm most worried about is that if I don't do it, someone else will do it. Wouldn't I suffer a dark loss?"

Fang Yuan was still calm: "Director Hou, I have a promise for you: I will not see you, nor will I see the other 9 people; I will not give you the opportunity to report alone, nor will I give others the opportunity to report individually. This time, the provincial and city leaders are paying close attention to the competition for the director of the experimental kindergarten. I will not have any partiality and shoot myself in the foot. Well, it’s almost half an hour. I believe that other directors Candidates are already very dissatisfied. You go. It is your duty to take care of the students in the next few days."

Hou Yuefang said, "Okay. Thank you Director Fang for giving me half an hour."

Hou Yuefang left the director's office with some satisfaction, and the other nine candidates were paying attention quietly.Hou Yuefang showed a confident and proud expression on her face, deliberately trying to annoy other candidates, so that other candidates could not understand the details.

After Hou Yuefang left, Fang Yuan said to Xi Chunhua indifferently: "Director Xi, now you know why I must keep you?"

Xi Chunhua nodded solemnly.Whenever there is a testimony, the rumor will not fly too far.If I wasn't around, only the young director Fang Yuan and the not-so-old director Hou Yuefang were left in the director's office. It's really hard to say what happened.

Fang Yuan said: "Let's go, you go out with me, and then we will go to Director Kong."

Xi Chunhua followed Fangyuan, one behind the other, and walked out of the director's room almost side by side.Even though Fangyuan didn't have a room to look around, he knew in his heart that including the experimental kindergarten's own teaching staff, plus 10 candidates for the principal, they probably didn't sleep with the children at this time, but were in each Fangyuan's place. From an unknown corner, peeking at the door of the director's room.

Fangyuan lowered her head, talking softly with Xi Chunhua.No one else could hear this, but Xi Chunhua nodded in a serious manner, and even took out a notebook to record it in an orderly manner. It was obvious that he was talking about work.

That's right, Fang Yuan was talking about work.Fangyuan told Xi Chunhua that preschool education should be mentally prepared for major reforms.First, after the competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten, it is necessary to sum up the experience that can expand the scope of the pilot project and promote it. In 2009, each district and county will provide a kindergarten and openly compete for the principal, so that more outstanding preschool education talents will come to the fore.The second is to explore the reform of expanding high-quality preschool education resources. A good kindergarten is far from meeting the needs of the people of the city for high-quality preschool education resources.Fangyuan hoped that after thorough research, Xi Chunhua could come up with a few proposals: Dongzhou can also learn from the good experience in other places; what good practices in Dongzhou can expand the scope.All in all, the problem of insufficient quality preschool education resources must be seriously addressed.The third is to solve the current situation of excessively high fees and chaotic fees in private kindergartens, and to carry out standardized management within the city.The fees of private kindergartens are too high, which leads to expensive admission; the fees of public kindergartens are too low, which leads to overcrowding and difficulty in admission.These problems cannot be evaded by the Education Bureau, nor by the Kindergarten Office. We must come up with ways to solve them step by step.In this regard, after the plan is proposed, the Education Bureau will coordinate with the Price Bureau and the Finance Bureau to come up with a joint document, which will be distributed throughout the city and implemented as a reference.

Xi Chunhua admired this young bureau chief very much.Although a person is young, he stands tall and sees far.Although I didn't pay much attention to the work of preschool education in the past, the points I talked about today hit the time and hit the point.However, Kong Lili has been in charge of preschool education for so long, but only followed the rules to implement each document, and never put forward such vivid reform ideas, which made Xi Chunhua full of contempt for Kong Lili.Xi Chunhua sincerely despises the rumors that Kong Lili sold her body to get to the top position and even said it was true.Women, you can't all rely on this to make progress.Vice Premier Wu Yi, a woman, she did it through a career, this is a role model for women!

After talking about the request, Fang Yuan said to Xi Chunhua, "Let's go and see Director Kong."

In the reception room of the kindergarten, Fangyuan met Kong Lili, Director Kong Daju.At this moment, she has calmed down a lot.Seeing Fang Yuan walk in, Kong Lili stood up: "Director Fang, I'm sorry, I lost my composure just now."

Fangyuan stretched out his hand and shook Kong Lili's hand: "I have a deep understanding now, and I want to share it with Director Kong. Every leading cadre will be surrounded by rumors and rumors. Are there few rumors and rumors about me? I was thinking when there are rumors and rumors must be a bad thing? No! This shows that your opponents attach great importance to your existence, and it also shows that your opponents cannot come up with a more effective way to deal with you. There is no good strategy , can only rely on rumors, gossip and other indiscriminate means to attack, which is just a manifestation of incompetence. The important thing is that we must learn from experience and lessons, and do our own work well. We must use shining work performance to prove , we are working."

It was as if a window had been opened in Kong Lili's heart, and it suddenly became much brighter.

Fang Yuan said: "All of you go out for a while, and I will speak to Director Kong alone."

Xi Chunhua and others left the reception room and stood not far away.

Fang Yuan looked at Kong Lili and said, "Director Kong, through my contact with Hou Yuefang, I don't think I can trust her to manage the experimental kindergarten."

Kong Lili's eyes lit up.

Fang Yuan said: "Speaking of this now is against the principles of the organization. I just want to give Director Kong a reassurance. Let's go and return to the game. We will continue to do the work well in the next few days."

Kong Lili was obedient like an obedient daughter-in-law, and followed Fang Yuan out of the reception room.Fang Yuan felt that to subdue a woman now was as simple as playing a children's game.Fang Yuan believes that although there will be no sexual affairs between him and Kong Lili, Kong Lili will obediently listen to him in the future and become his firm support in the Education Bureau.

Si Liguo drove the car over and quickly opened the rear door.Fang Yuan said, "Today, I'll be the co-pilot. Let Director Kong and Director Xi sit in the back."

When we arrived at the Education Bureau, Xie Bingguo rushed into Fangyuan's office: "Director, I have several things to report to you."

Xie Bingguo was indeed in a hurry, the key was that if Fangyuan did not make a decision, the matter would not be able to move forward.Now, it is most necessary to hold a bureau chief's office meeting to study and decide on the work related to the winter vacation, and form a document to distribute to all districts, counties and units directly under the bureau.

At this time, Zhang Yuanqing also hurriedly entered Fangyuan's office with two documents: "Director, there is an urgent municipal party committee document to report."

Xie Bingguo is so angry!Zhang Yuanqing is now like a Fangyuan follower, stickier than chewing gum.Xie Bingguo said, "I came in first."

Zhang Yuanqing was also not polite to Xie Bingguo: "Director Xie, if some things are delayed, you and I cannot bear it."

With that said, Zhang Yuanqing placed the two documents in front of Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan glanced at the document and said to Xie Bingguo, "Director Xie, go out and wait."

Xie Bingguo gave Zhang Yuanqing a bitter look, and walked out of Fangyuan's office.

Documentation is fresh out of the oven.The first document was a notice that the city party congress was postponed to Thursday, Friday and Saturday.You must know that the convening of the Municipal Party Congress is a major event in Dongzhou's political life. Many departments have been preparing for it for a long time, and many pre-meeting materials and official documents may be printed; the most important personnel adjustment Also basically done.Therefore, in principle, it will not happen that the party congress will be postponed by one day.After all, the adjustment of the time of the party congress has probably never happened in Dongzhou's political life in the past ten years or so. This is the first time.

Fang Yuan is keenly aware of the complexity of the game behind this party congress.The game has reached the point where the meeting has to be postponed for a day, no matter how serious it is.

The second document is a document forwarded by the municipal party committee to the provincial party committee.Fang Yuan read it carefully from beginning to end, not letting go of every single word.After reading it, Fang Yuan's heart felt inexplicably heavy: Dongzhou will enter a new era of political games, and even he seems to have a lot of uncertainties.Fang Yuan's heart suddenly became a little confused.

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